One question


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Why is it ok to teach your kids about God that we have no proof what so ever is real in the first place but it is somehow evil to wish to live as the other gender?

One is real and one is not....

There's no evidence for god...The best evidence is probably the fact that we don't know where the fuck things come from in the first place. Not good enough I say. Religion makes people reject science and what is right in front of their faces: Examples: Evolution, spherical earth, and much more. Some religions teach their children how to be violent and kill non-believers(islam), while others teach theirs to judge people harshly and crap on other peoples rights.

Religion= No evidence what so ever...But that is fine...

Now somehow wanting to be a "real" gender and live my life in that style is somehow taboo and needs to be wiped out. We see every day that half of our population enjoys that life style and some people of the opposite sex may even want to be that. It doesn't end up teaching children to kill, bomb or ignore science like religion...So within my mind it is far safer for children and for our society if we wish to remain free to accept the choice of gender over believing in what is possibly a myth.

It isn't that one considers themselfs the other sex as in they somehow change their x to a y or the other way around but projection and the way they wish to be seen that is the matter at hand.

In my mind extremely religious people that judge and wish to control people are far more fascist and bad for our children and society.
There is no choice of gender. Those who feel to be in the wrong body suffer from a mental illness that must be cured, not supported. What´s next? I wish so hard to be an unicorn but the health insurance (the others) won´t pay for it. Where is my fucking right!? Stupid society!
One is believing in something you can't prove. The other is believing in something demonstrably false. A rather simple, but huge difference. Your welcome.
...Aaaand that's a threadkill. NEXT!?
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I use to hate hearing this and you will hate it too but I now believe it to be true...

-If our sons were raised to be peace makers, to treat each other with respect and to be a little more feminine the world would see next to no war. It just makes sense....The problem with society be it ours or the asshole teaching his kids in the islamic state to hate is the fact that we promote the mindset of war and hatred to the next generation.

Our kids wouldn't come home in coffins with the stars and stripes on top of them. Mother and fathers wouldn't be crying....And this goes for Islamic mothers and fathers in the middle east too...We as a species just never stop and always fall back to the same ancient beliefs in god and we judge each other harshly based on that.

How am I wrong? And religion appears to play a hand in many parts of the world towards this mindset. We make our own hell by what we accept for our children be we here in America or in the middle east.

Show me where Trans people are teaching such hatred?
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The funny thing is Jesus is probably the only thing in the bible that separates Christianity in violence from Islam....At least he attempted to say that people should help their brother.

God in heaven killed people, demanded war, slaughter, slavery and killed everything on gods earth...Yet, we trans suppose to be the evil ones? lol

Is it really moral to follow the mindset of a book that wishes to kill innocent people and to destroy their lives?
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Always the lies, always the misrepresentation.
Why is it ok to teach your kids about God that we have no proof what so ever is real in the first place but it is somehow evil to wish to live as the other gender?

One is real and one is not....

There's no evidence for god...The best evidence is probably the fact that we don't know where the fuck things come from in the first place. Not good enough I say. Religion makes people reject science and what is right in front of their faces: Examples: Evolution, spherical earth, and much more. Some religions teach their children how to be violent and kill non-believers(islam), while others teach theirs to judge people harshly and crap on other peoples rights.

Religion= No evidence what so ever...But that is fine...

Now somehow wanting to be a "real" gender and live my life in that style is somehow taboo and needs to be wiped out. We see every day that half of our population enjoys that life style and some people of the opposite sex may even want to be that. It doesn't end up teaching children to kill, bomb or ignore science like religion...So within my mind it is far safer for children and for our society if we wish to remain free to accept the choice of gender over believing in what is possibly a myth.

It isn't that one considers themselfs the other sex as in they somehow change their x to a y or the other way around but projection and the way they wish to be seen that is the matter at hand.

In my mind extremely religious people that judge and wish to control people are far more fascist and bad for our children and society.
Okay, so having one's plumbing changed makes them real. Got it.
Why is it ok to teach your kids about God that we have no proof what so ever is real in the first place but it is somehow evil to wish to live as the other gender?

One is real and one is not....

There's no evidence for god...The best evidence is probably the fact that we don't know where the fuck things come from in the first place. Not good enough I say. Religion makes people reject science and what is right in front of their faces: Examples: Evolution, spherical earth, and much more. Some religions teach their children how to be violent and kill non-believers(islam), while others teach theirs to judge people harshly and crap on other peoples rights.

Religion= No evidence what so ever...But that is fine...

Now somehow wanting to be a "real" gender and live my life in that style is somehow taboo and needs to be wiped out. We see every day that half of our population enjoys that life style and some people of the opposite sex may even want to be that. It doesn't end up teaching children to kill, bomb or ignore science like religion...So within my mind it is far safer for children and for our society if we wish to remain free to accept the choice of gender over believing in what is possibly a myth.

It isn't that one considers themselfs the other sex as in they somehow change their x to a y or the other way around but projection and the way they wish to be seen that is the matter at hand.

In my mind extremely religious people that judge and wish to control people are far more fascist and bad for our children and society.
What we teach our children is none of your concern.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using mobile app
The funny thing is Jesus is probably the only thing in the bible that separates Christianity in violence from Islam....At least he attempted to say that people should help their brother.

God in heaven killed people, demanded war, slaughter, slavery and killed everything on gods earth...Yet, we trans suppose to be the evil ones? lol

Is it really moral to follow the mindset of a book that wishes to kill innocent people and to destroy their lives?
But Jesus said he came to bring the sword, not peace. And I don´t understand your nick-rename thread anymore. No I didn´t before but now what could add to this?
Why is it ok to teach your kids about God that we have no proof what so ever is real in the first place but it is somehow evil to wish to live as the other gender?

One is real and one is not....

There's no evidence for god...The best evidence is probably the fact that we don't know where the fuck things come from in the first place. Not good enough I say. Religion makes people reject science and what is right in front of their faces: Examples: Evolution, spherical earth, and much more. Some religions teach their children how to be violent and kill non-believers(islam), while others teach theirs to judge people harshly and crap on other peoples rights.

Religion= No evidence what so ever...But that is fine...

Now somehow wanting to be a "real" gender and live my life in that style is somehow taboo and needs to be wiped out. We see every day that half of our population enjoys that life style and some people of the opposite sex may even want to be that. It doesn't end up teaching children to kill, bomb or ignore science like religion...So within my mind it is far safer for children and for our society if we wish to remain free to accept the choice of gender over believing in what is possibly a myth.

It isn't that one considers themselfs the other sex as in they somehow change their x to a y or the other way around but projection and the way they wish to be seen that is the matter at hand.

In my mind extremely religious people that judge and wish to control people are far more fascist and bad for our children and society.

Actual research shows that as people grow up, they grow out of the gender dysphoria ........ that is why allowing people to mutilate themselves when they are young is crazy....

And no...religion does not make people reject science....if you look at the history of science, some of the greatest minds in science were extremely religious...seeking to find out how the world God made works......

Atheists murdered 100 million innocent men, women and children since 1917.......
Why is it ok to teach your kids about God that we have no proof what so ever is real in the first place but it is somehow evil to wish to live as the other gender?

One is real and one is not....

There's no evidence for god...The best evidence is probably the fact that we don't know where the fuck things come from in the first place. Not good enough I say. Religion makes people reject science and what is right in front of their faces: Examples: Evolution, spherical earth, and much more. Some religions teach their children how to be violent and kill non-believers(islam), while others teach theirs to judge people harshly and crap on other peoples rights.

Religion= No evidence what so ever...But that is fine...

Now somehow wanting to be a "real" gender and live my life in that style is somehow taboo and needs to be wiped out. We see every day that half of our population enjoys that life style and some people of the opposite sex may even want to be that. It doesn't end up teaching children to kill, bomb or ignore science like religion...So within my mind it is far safer for children and for our society if we wish to remain free to accept the choice of gender over believing in what is possibly a myth.

It isn't that one considers themselfs the other sex as in they somehow change their x to a y or the other way around but projection and the way they wish to be seen that is the matter at hand.

In my mind extremely religious people that judge and wish to control people are far more fascist and bad for our children and society.

Here you go...someone who knows what they are talking about...

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

Dr. McHugh, the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, made his remarks in a recent commentary in the Wall Street Journal, where he explained that transgender surgery is not the solution for people who suffer a “disorder of ‘assumption’” – the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.

He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people.

Dr. McHugh further noted studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over time, 70%-80% “spontaneously lost those feelings.”
Why is it ok to teach your kids about God that we have no proof what so ever is real in the first place but it is somehow evil to wish to live as the other gender?

One is real and one is not....

There's no evidence for god...The best evidence is probably the fact that we don't know where the fuck things come from in the first place. Not good enough I say. Religion makes people reject science and what is right in front of their faces: Examples: Evolution, spherical earth, and much more. Some religions teach their children how to be violent and kill non-believers(islam), while others teach theirs to judge people harshly and crap on other peoples rights.

Religion= No evidence what so ever...But that is fine...

Now somehow wanting to be a "real" gender and live my life in that style is somehow taboo and needs to be wiped out. We see every day that half of our population enjoys that life style and some people of the opposite sex may even want to be that. It doesn't end up teaching children to kill, bomb or ignore science like religion...So within my mind it is far safer for children and for our society if we wish to remain free to accept the choice of gender over believing in what is possibly a myth.

It isn't that one considers themselfs the other sex as in they somehow change their x to a y or the other way around but projection and the way they wish to be seen that is the matter at hand.

In my mind extremely religious people that judge and wish to control people are far more fascist and bad for our children and society.
Why is it ok to teach your kids about God that we have no proof what so ever is real in the first place but it is somehow evil to wish to live as the other gender?

One is real and one is not....

There's no evidence for god...The best evidence is probably the fact that we don't know where the fuck things come from in the first place. Not good enough I say. Religion makes people reject science and what is right in front of their faces: Examples: Evolution, spherical earth, and much more. Some religions teach their children how to be violent and kill non-believers(islam), while others teach theirs to judge people harshly and crap on other peoples rights.

Religion= No evidence what so ever...But that is fine...

Now somehow wanting to be a "real" gender and live my life in that style is somehow taboo and needs to be wiped out. We see every day that half of our population enjoys that life style and some people of the opposite sex may even want to be that. It doesn't end up teaching children to kill, bomb or ignore science like religion...So within my mind it is far safer for children and for our society if we wish to remain free to accept the choice of gender over believing in what is possibly a myth.

It isn't that one considers themselfs the other sex as in they somehow change their x to a y or the other way around but projection and the way they wish to be seen that is the matter at hand.

In my mind extremely religious people that judge and wish to control people are far more fascist and bad for our children and society.
What we teach our children is none of your concern.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using mobile app
Why is it ok to teach your kids about God that we have no proof what so ever is real in the first place but it is somehow evil to wish to live as the other gender?

One is real and one is not....

There's no evidence for god...The best evidence is probably the fact that we don't know where the fuck things come from in the first place. Not good enough I say. Religion makes people reject science and what is right in front of their faces: Examples: Evolution, spherical earth, and much more. Some religions teach their children how to be violent and kill non-believers(islam), while others teach theirs to judge people harshly and crap on other peoples rights.

Religion= No evidence what so ever...But that is fine...

Now somehow wanting to be a "real" gender and live my life in that style is somehow taboo and needs to be wiped out. We see every day that half of our population enjoys that life style and some people of the opposite sex may even want to be that. It doesn't end up teaching children to kill, bomb or ignore science like religion...So within my mind it is far safer for children and for our society if we wish to remain free to accept the choice of gender over believing in what is possibly a myth.

It isn't that one considers themselfs the other sex as in they somehow change their x to a y or the other way around but projection and the way they wish to be seen that is the matter at hand.

In my mind extremely religious people that judge and wish to control people are far more fascist and bad for our children and society.
Matthew..were you born a man but want to be a woman...or vice versa?
Your posts confuse me. I get it that you are unhappy, but can you clarify why you are? And, why do you care what anyone else thinks if you are a transgender..IF you are. Or want to be?

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