'One shot at the queen': FBI, AG intensify focus on Clinton email probe

How's that indictment coming along?

which one? the first 9 hearings or now?

You keep bringing up "hearings", like they result in an indictment....

Any idiot knows the information used to bring an indictment is the result of a law-enforcement investigation, and THAT started when the FBI got ahold of her server (which her idiot IT people forgot to wipe)...

The FBI should be interviewing Hillary and making a decision pretty soon now, and from the information coming out, Hillary and the Democrats probably won't like what the FBI has to say...

Unfortunately.....a lack of indictment will simply reinforce the level to which the United States has fallen.
How's that indictment coming along?

which one? the first 9 hearings or now?

You keep bringing up "hearings", like they result in an indictment....

Any idiot knows the information used to bring an indictment is the result of a law-enforcement investigation, and THAT started when the FBI got ahold of her server (which her idiot IT people forgot to wipe)...

The FBI should be interviewing Hillary and making a decision pretty soon now, and from the information coming out, Hillary and the Democrats probably won't like what the FBI has to say...

Unfortunately.....a lack of indictment will simply reinforce the level to which the United States has fallen.

when certain citizens are considered to be above the law, we no longer have a country, we have a dictatorship.
Unfortunately.....a lack of indictment will simply reinforce the level to which the United States has fallen.

The Government has to have their strategy and evidence, and as with any trial - they have to guess at what the defense will argue and their strategy.

Thinking ahead - planning ahead.

The State Department turned their investigation over to the FBI, something like 3 days ago.

In my opinion, to prevent any disagreement, conflict of interest and retaliation.......It should have always been an FBI Investigation.

The United States has not fallen. Not because of this. Washington, DC may have fallen Chic - but not the United States.

There are also about a half of dozen committees in Washington, DC that should be all over this. Have you heard of any on the news? I have not.....all I hear is Federal Bureau of Investigation. Someone is playing the FBI as a panzy and the "fall guy" by not doing their job and dropping it all on the FBI. If the FBI fails, or there is a arrest and trial but no conviction....it is soley the FBIs fault, no politicians name is on the deal.

Politicians need to step away from the bar stool - put down the shot glass and start doing their damn jobs.

Again I ask - Why has Hillary Clintons security clearance not been revoked? Why does she still get classified briefings, IF SHE IS A SECURITY RISK?

Something does not add up. Someone is lying, or Hillary Clinton is "getting by with murder".

The "Hillary Investigation" should be coming from all directions. It is not....Why? I wont answer that.

Ulterior movies - underlying cause ! "O"

Shadow 355
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?
Trump or Cruz will assign an AG that will jail her.

that is what really scares the Clintons and the dems. They know she is guilty and are scared shitless of what may happen when she loses.

If she is "scared shitless" she is doing a good job of hiding it.

Shadow 355
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?
Trump or Cruz will assign an AG that will jail her.

that is what really scares the Clintons and the dems. They know she is guilty and are scared shitless of what may happen when she loses.

If she is "scared shitless" she is doing a good job of hiding it.

Shadow 355

yes, she is, the Clintons are very good at that. But I think she thinks she is exempt from the law and will not be prosecuted ever for anything.
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?
Trump or Cruz will assign an AG that will jail her.

that is what really scares the Clintons and the dems. They know she is guilty and are scared shitless of what may happen when she loses.

If she is "scared shitless" she is doing a good job of hiding it.

Shadow 355

yes, she is, the Clintons are very good at that. But I think she thinks she is exempt from the law and will not be prosecuted ever for anything.
I still trust Judgement Day. No one escapes it.
How's that indictment coming along?

which one? the first 9 hearings or now?

You keep bringing up "hearings", like they result in an indictment....

Any idiot knows the information used to bring an indictment is the result of a law-enforcement investigation, and THAT started when the FBI got ahold of her server (which her idiot IT people forgot to wipe)...

The FBI should be interviewing Hillary and making a decision pretty soon now, and from the information coming out, Hillary and the Democrats probably won't like what the FBI has to say...

if I were you Bert, I'd study up before you start calling other people idiots ....

Federal laws, or statutes, are created by the United States Congress to safeguard the citizens of this country. Some criminal acts are federal offenses only and must be prosecuted in U.S. District Court. Other criminal acts are offenses under both federal and state law; so, in those cases, federal and county attorneys must decide if the offender should be tried in U.S. District Court or state court.

you idiot.

if Gowdy had reason, he would have had Hillary in Federal Court so fast RWs wouldn't have had time to rub one off ...

The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to prosecute criminals.
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?
Trump or Cruz will assign an AG that will jail her.

that is what really scares the Clintons and the dems. They know she is guilty and are scared shitless of what may happen when she loses.

If she is "scared shitless" she is doing a good job of hiding it.

Shadow 355

yes, she is, the Clintons are very good at that. But I think she thinks she is exempt from the law and will not be prosecuted ever for anything.
I still trust Judgement Day. No one escapes it.

Biblically, yes

Politically.....sadly, not so.
Case in point....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.
Bill's wife may be on the same path.
How's that indictment coming along?

which one? the first 9 hearings or now?

You keep bringing up "hearings", like they result in an indictment....

Any idiot knows the information used to bring an indictment is the result of a law-enforcement investigation, and THAT started when the FBI got ahold of her server (which her idiot IT people forgot to wipe)...

The FBI should be interviewing Hillary and making a decision pretty soon now, and from the information coming out, Hillary and the Democrats probably won't like what the FBI has to say...

if I were you Bert, I'd study up before you start calling other people idiots ....

Federal laws, or statutes, are created by the United States Congress to safeguard the citizens of this country. Some criminal acts are federal offenses only and must be prosecuted in U.S. District Court. Other criminal acts are offenses under both federal and state law; so, in those cases, federal and county attorneys must decide if the offender should be tried in U.S. District Court or state court.

you idiot.

if Gowdy had reason, he would have had Hillary in Federal Court so fast RWs wouldn't have had time to rub one off ...

The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to prosecute criminals.

....except for treason.

And counterfeiting?
How's that indictment coming along?

which one? the first 9 hearings or now?

You keep bringing up "hearings", like they result in an indictment....

Any idiot knows the information used to bring an indictment is the result of a law-enforcement investigation, and THAT started when the FBI got ahold of her server (which her idiot IT people forgot to wipe)...

The FBI should be interviewing Hillary and making a decision pretty soon now, and from the information coming out, Hillary and the Democrats probably won't like what the FBI has to say...

if I were you Bert, I'd study up before you start calling other people idiots ....

Federal laws, or statutes, are created by the United States Congress to safeguard the citizens of this country. Some criminal acts are federal offenses only and must be prosecuted in U.S. District Court. Other criminal acts are offenses under both federal and state law; so, in those cases, federal and county attorneys must decide if the offender should be tried in U.S. District Court or state court.

you idiot.

if Gowdy had reason, he would have had Hillary in Federal Court so fast RWs wouldn't have had time to rub one off ...

The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to prosecute criminals.

....except for treason.

And counterfeiting?

The federal government has no authority to print money, so not even the second one.
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?
Trump or Cruz will assign an AG that will jail her.

that is what really scares the Clintons and the dems. They know she is guilty and are scared shitless of what may happen when she loses.

If she is "scared shitless" she is doing a good job of hiding it.

Shadow 355

yes, she is, the Clintons are very good at that. But I think she thinks she is exempt from the law and will not be prosecuted ever for anything.
which one? the first 9 hearings or now?

You keep bringing up "hearings", like they result in an indictment....

Any idiot knows the information used to bring an indictment is the result of a law-enforcement investigation, and THAT started when the FBI got ahold of her server (which her idiot IT people forgot to wipe)...

The FBI should be interviewing Hillary and making a decision pretty soon now, and from the information coming out, Hillary and the Democrats probably won't like what the FBI has to say...

if I were you Bert, I'd study up before you start calling other people idiots ....

Federal laws, or statutes, are created by the United States Congress to safeguard the citizens of this country. Some criminal acts are federal offenses only and must be prosecuted in U.S. District Court. Other criminal acts are offenses under both federal and state law; so, in those cases, federal and county attorneys must decide if the offender should be tried in U.S. District Court or state court.

you idiot.

if Gowdy had reason, he would have had Hillary in Federal Court so fast RWs wouldn't have had time to rub one off ...

The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to prosecute criminals.

....except for treason.

And counterfeiting?

The federal government has no authority to print money, so not even the second one.

Article Three, section three
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The Constitution contains only two sections dealing with monetary issues. Section 8 permits Congress to coin money and to regulate its value. Section 10 denies states the right to coin or to print their own money. The framers clearly intended a national monetary system based on coin and for the power to regulate that system to rest only with the federal government.
I wonder what wingers will do when they don't charge her with anything. Should someone set up a suicide help hotline?
Trump or Cruz will assign an AG that will jail her.

that is what really scares the Clintons and the dems. They know she is guilty and are scared shitless of what may happen when she loses.

If she is "scared shitless" she is doing a good job of hiding it.

Shadow 355

yes, she is, the Clintons are very good at that. But I think she thinks she is exempt from the law and will not be prosecuted ever for anything.
You keep bringing up "hearings", like they result in an indictment....

Any idiot knows the information used to bring an indictment is the result of a law-enforcement investigation, and THAT started when the FBI got ahold of her server (which her idiot IT people forgot to wipe)...

The FBI should be interviewing Hillary and making a decision pretty soon now, and from the information coming out, Hillary and the Democrats probably won't like what the FBI has to say...

if I were you Bert, I'd study up before you start calling other people idiots ....

Federal laws, or statutes, are created by the United States Congress to safeguard the citizens of this country. Some criminal acts are federal offenses only and must be prosecuted in U.S. District Court. Other criminal acts are offenses under both federal and state law; so, in those cases, federal and county attorneys must decide if the offender should be tried in U.S. District Court or state court.

you idiot.

if Gowdy had reason, he would have had Hillary in Federal Court so fast RWs wouldn't have had time to rub one off ...

The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to prosecute criminals.

....except for treason.

And counterfeiting?

The federal government has no authority to print money, so not even the second one.

Article Three, section three
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The Constitution contains only two sections dealing with monetary issues. Section 8 permits Congress to coin money and to regulate its value. Section 10 denies states the right to coin or to print their own money. The framers clearly intended a national monetary system based on coin and for the power to regulate that system to rest only with the federal government.

The Constitution does not prohibit private banks from printing their own currency, and that's the system we had until the Civil War.
Trump or Cruz will assign an AG that will jail her.

that is what really scares the Clintons and the dems. They know she is guilty and are scared shitless of what may happen when she loses.

If she is "scared shitless" she is doing a good job of hiding it.

Shadow 355

yes, she is, the Clintons are very good at that. But I think she thinks she is exempt from the law and will not be prosecuted ever for anything.
if I were you Bert, I'd study up before you start calling other people idiots ....

Federal laws, or statutes, are created by the United States Congress to safeguard the citizens of this country. Some criminal acts are federal offenses only and must be prosecuted in U.S. District Court. Other criminal acts are offenses under both federal and state law; so, in those cases, federal and county attorneys must decide if the offender should be tried in U.S. District Court or state court.

you idiot.

if Gowdy had reason, he would have had Hillary in Federal Court so fast RWs wouldn't have had time to rub one off ...

The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to prosecute criminals.

....except for treason.

And counterfeiting?

The federal government has no authority to print money, so not even the second one.

Article Three, section three
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The Constitution contains only two sections dealing with monetary issues. Section 8 permits Congress to coin money and to regulate its value. Section 10 denies states the right to coin or to print their own money. The framers clearly intended a national monetary system based on coin and for the power to regulate that system to rest only with the federal government.

The Constitution does not prohibit private banks from printing their own currency, and that's the system we had until the Civil War.

But no longer.
Trump or Cruz will assign an AG that will jail her.

that is what really scares the Clintons and the dems. They know she is guilty and are scared shitless of what may happen when she loses.

If she is "scared shitless" she is doing a good job of hiding it.

Shadow 355

yes, she is, the Clintons are very good at that. But I think she thinks she is exempt from the law and will not be prosecuted ever for anything.
if I were you Bert, I'd study up before you start calling other people idiots ....

Federal laws, or statutes, are created by the United States Congress to safeguard the citizens of this country. Some criminal acts are federal offenses only and must be prosecuted in U.S. District Court. Other criminal acts are offenses under both federal and state law; so, in those cases, federal and county attorneys must decide if the offender should be tried in U.S. District Court or state court.

you idiot.

if Gowdy had reason, he would have had Hillary in Federal Court so fast RWs wouldn't have had time to rub one off ...

The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to prosecute criminals.

....except for treason.

And counterfeiting?

The federal government has no authority to print money, so not even the second one.

Article Three, section three
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The Constitution contains only two sections dealing with monetary issues. Section 8 permits Congress to coin money and to regulate its value. Section 10 denies states the right to coin or to print their own money. The framers clearly intended a national monetary system based on coin and for the power to regulate that system to rest only with the federal government.

The Constitution does not prohibit private banks from printing their own currency, and that's the system we had until the Civil War.

do you think we are going back to that? My great grandfather owned land and a store, he paid his workers with money that he coined that was only good at his store.
that is what really scares the Clintons and the dems. They know she is guilty and are scared shitless of what may happen when she loses.

If she is "scared shitless" she is doing a good job of hiding it.

Shadow 355

yes, she is, the Clintons are very good at that. But I think she thinks she is exempt from the law and will not be prosecuted ever for anything.
The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to prosecute criminals.

....except for treason.

And counterfeiting?

The federal government has no authority to print money, so not even the second one.

Article Three, section three
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The Constitution contains only two sections dealing with monetary issues. Section 8 permits Congress to coin money and to regulate its value. Section 10 denies states the right to coin or to print their own money. The framers clearly intended a national monetary system based on coin and for the power to regulate that system to rest only with the federal government.

The Constitution does not prohibit private banks from printing their own currency, and that's the system we had until the Civil War.

do you think we are going back to that? My great grandfather owned land and a store, he paid his workers with money that he coined that was only good at his store.

I doubt individual proprietors will issue their own currency. With the current mobility of the population, no one would put up with it.

What could happen is that if the government stopped making private currencies illegal then companies like VISA and Mastercard could issue currencies that were backed up by the reserves of thousands of banks. Credit cards are practically a form of money these days, and it wouldn't take much to have accounts that were backed by gold that you could draw on with a debit card. Or you could go to an ATM and get VISA or Mastercard bank notes.

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