One simple reason why I will vote for McCain

I don't ever remember a 49% tax bracket. Please post a link to prove this.

I think that 49% number is something that is picked up off rightwing website, and then parroted as truth.

All I can say is, if this guy is paying 49%, he/she is a fool. I would suggest going to a good tax accountant, to lower your tax liablity. Given the number of deductions, tax shelters, tax credits available, no one should be paying 49%.

I think my tax burden for federal and state income tax rarely exceeds 12 to 15% of my gross income. Probably less than that, but I'd have to check. Even if you throw in sales tax, gasoline tax, and payroll tax, I seriously doubt the net tax liability is 50%.
I do actually. I have a feeling about this election. Obama has recognizable 'leadership skills'. Skills I've never seen on the national stage.


You shoulda seen Kennedy.

Say what you want about his failings (and they were many) that man was a leader.
I think that 49% number is something that is picked up off rightwing website, and then parroted as truth.

All I can say is, if this guy is paying 49%, he/she is a fool. I would suggest going to a good tax accountant, to lower your tax liablity. Given the number of deductions, tax shelters, tax credits available, no one should be paying 49%.

I think my tax burden for federal and state income tax rarely exceeds 12 to 15% of my gross income. Probably less than that, but I'd have to check. Even if you throw in sales tax, gasoline tax, and payroll tax, I seriously doubt the net tax liability is 50%.

These flying monkeys think if they lie enough it becomes the truth. Read about Obama here....

Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Issues
:lol: nice rationalization

Call it what you want... hope tastes better than fear.

And I hope I'm right.

Deep down, I'll bet a lot of the sheep voting for McCain only because he's "not Obama" hope I'm right too.

Too bad Karl Rove is so good at his job... hope tastes better than fear.

highest income tax bracket was 39% under clinton/before Bush....

NOT 49%

THOSE at 39% got their taxes reduced, thanks to the Chinese and saudi arabians loaning us the money, to 35%....

there was no 49% income tax bracket under president Clinton???
highest income tax bracket was 39% under clinton/before Bush....

NOT 49%

Nice try but the McCaininistas are entirely a faith-based group so pointing our where they're just flat out wrong won't help

Their super-power is that facts bounce off them like bullets of bbounce off Superman.

Their super-power is stupid-power, Care.

Never underestimate the power of the truly, willfully ignorant, Care.

They outnumber those of us stuck hopelessly, slavishly bound to speaking the truth rather considerably.
Nice try but the McCaininistas are entirely a faith-based group so pointing our where they're just flat out wrong won't help

Their super-power is that facts bounce off them like bullets of bbounce off Superman.

Their super-power is stupid-power, Care.

Never underestimate the power of the truly, willfully ignorant, Care.

They outnumber those of us stuck hopelessly, slavishly bound to speaking the truth rather considerably.

Keep the hope kids! Every day the ranks of those of us with a mind and the new-found economic incentive to use it are swelling!

One of the simple reasons I will vote for McCain is that I really do not feel like giving 49% of the money that I earn to the government.

Please feel free to put your thoughts out there on this subject and give one simple reason why you will be casting your vote the way that you do.


Your tax bracket will not reach 49%. Show it to me, you might actually convince me to change my vote. Otherwise retract the statement.

One reason I will vote for Obama, but not the only reason, is that during the campaign every other major political figure in the elections has eventually come round to following his lead.

Clinton did it on the Iraq pullout.

Bush also did it on the pullout.

McCain did it on calling for unity between parties, on picking a rock star running mate, and a few other things.

People follow him, even the other side follows him. They recognize his good judgement, and so do I.

Another reason that I will vote for obama is because his team is phenomenally organized and disciplined. He out-organized Clinton, he out-disciplined her too, and he tops McCain here too.

He's the leader in the field.

One reason I won't for McCain is because he can't keep Sunni and Shia straight, and that seems pretty critical if the greatest threat to us is islamofascism in the middle east. Obama doesn't confuse these groups, incidentally.
Well I know i will not be voting for Obama because he wants to pull troops out of Iraq after the war is being won. Now that troop cuts are already being discussed and the troops are going to start coming home he is going to take credit for it?:clap2:
The Democrats and Republicans hold a monopoly on elections, you'll be lucky to hear about Bob Barr on any national media outlet. He was recently on The Colbert Report, and got to go the entire hour on Glenn Beck, but you'll certainly never see him in any of the debates. In fact he probably won't even be on all 50 state ballots.

Bob Barr is an adulterer, remember in the early 90's when he was caught for licking whipped cream off the breasts of some strange woman, while he was married? Then he had the nerve to lead the witch hunt against Clinton wasting millions of dollars while we could have been focusing on Bin Laden? This guy is a typical republican re-packaged as a Libertarian. Ralph Nader would be a better choice, not an insider Republican in sheep's clothing!
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Bob Barr is an adulterer, remember in the early 90's when he was caught for licking whipped cream off the breasts of some strange woman, while he was married? Then he had the nerve to lead the witch hunt against Clinton wasting millions of dollars while we could have been focusing on Bin Laden? This guy is a typical republican re-packaged as a Libertarian. Ralph Nader would be a better choice, not an insider Republican in sheep's clothing!

Clinton is an adulterer as well. I'm not worried about scandals and other nonsense, they're of no consequence to me.

Where you do make a good point is when you say he's a Republican re-packaged as a Libertarian. However, Barr has claimed to have seen the error of his ways. He's gone from voting for Iraq, voting for the Patriot Act, and the war on drugs to denouncing all these things. He's been walking the Libertarian walk since he left the Republicans in 2006, and I believe him. So I'm not going to worry about how he felt in years past, in 2008 his stance on the issues is perfectly in sync with my own.
The reason I'm going to vote for Obama is that I believe, in the privacy of my own mind, that he outfoxed the owners of both political parties by usurping Hillary and those check books are nervous about about there own futures for the first time in 20 years.

For the first election in my 36 years of voting I am excited about an election.

Not because I'm an 'Obama zombie, it's just that this is the first election I've ever seen that was not scripted by the checkbooks that prop up both the DNC and the RNC.

This isn't about Obama, it's about change. Change I am deciding to buy into because there is already something different. This election.

I know, I know... that was more than one reason - I can't help it... I'm excited!



So... what is this "change" you think you're going to get with hussein, other than higher taxes and government fucked up health care?
One of the simple reasons I will vote for McCain is that I really do not feel like giving 49% of the money that I earn to the government.

Please feel free to put your thoughts out there on this subject and give one simple reason why you will be casting your vote the way that you do.


The fact that you think Obama can(even legally) make your taxes %49 shows me how little you really know about our government. CAN YOU PLEASE LISTEN TO WHAT HE;S SAYING AND ALSO WHAT HE REALLY CAN DO LEGALLY PLEASE - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
Bush increased taxes by the largest amount in American history by borrowing $700 billion dollars from the Chinese to fund the war in Iraq. Deficit spending is an invisible tax. Because of this Reagan and Bush are now responsible for 90% of the National Debt.

This is about the uptenth time you posted this and been debunked. Presidents don't control spending, Congress does....:cuckoo:

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