One skin color is evil and One skin color is helpless


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2018
In many schools across the country, it is being taught that white people are evil and black people are helpless. I talked to a poster on this board about Ben Shapiro's keys to staying out of poverty, and he said it was nearly impossible for him to graduate from high school or to get married. Why? If gay people can get married, why can't black people get married before they have kids? Why can't a black person graduate with a D average? If we threw the left a bone and said that society is fundamentally unjust( even though everyone is identical under the law), why is it a white person's fault if a black person drops out of school or has kids without being married? This does not seem like a helpful doctrine for minorities, and I wonder why it is being pushed?
There is plenty of opportunity in America.
If a person finishes school, stays out of trouble and builds a career, they will succeed.
The most famous and wealthy Black people in the world are here in America.
The Corrupt Democrat Politicians need people to be poor and dependent.
In many schools across the country, it is being taught that white people are evil and black people are helpless. I talked to a poster on this board about Ben Shapiro's keys to staying out of poverty, and he said it was nearly impossible for him to graduate from high school or to get married. Why? If gay people can get married, why can't black people get married before they have kids? Why can't a black person graduate with a D average? If we threw the left a bone and said that society is fundamentally unjust( even though everyone is identical under the law), why is it a white person's fault if a black person drops out of school or has kids without being married? This does not seem like a helpful doctrine for minorities, and I wonder why it is being pushed?
the MSM teaches that crap EVERYDAY--for years
--here's just one TRUTH--of many:
whites are five times the population of blacks
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514
Of course, I do NOT know the answers to the OP's questions.

But I DO know this: People have been asking those questions for 400 years (ever since 1619, when British colonists brought over the first people from that continent).

It is now 2020.

In 2120, when the there will be relatively very few Caucasians in this country, people will be asking the same questions. The only difference is that another ethnicity will be considered the "evil" one.

We are still discussing it.

When Caucasians become a small min

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