One State Has Officially Been Named the Most HATED State in the US

How does an "unfavorable" rating translate to "the most hated"? The "research" is based on some obscure on line survey sponsored by some "international" entity called "you-gov" based in the freaking U.K. I would hardly scream "it's official" over this junk.
How does an "unfavorable" rating translate to "the most hated"? The "research" is based on some obscure on line survey sponsored by some "international" entity called "you-gov" based in the freaking U.K. I would hardly scream "it's official" over this junk.

If you have ever been anywhere, with out a doubt Mississippi is a big shit hole of a state, Nothing bunch of inbred rednecks and poor ass blacks.

But it is kind of funny people would pick New Jersey worse in this poll.

Will they probably couldn't understand you down is MS. I don't like NJ but MS is well....scary behind. Talk about slow. WOW.
The article says that people were asked how they feel about each and every state. This poll has about as much meaning as a poll asking if you prefer blonds, brunettes or redheads.

Well we all know you can't pump your own gas in New Jersey or have a gun in your trunk passing through.

Plus the city of Camden...enough said.

NJ isn't the only state where gun carry laws of other states aren't recognized. And lots of states have Camden-like cities. Whatever, enough said, go with how you feel. This is a feeling poll.
Reading is optional in Mississippi. Don't not need to read down their.

Read down their what?

Spent 2 years in Meridian, 3 in Gulfport.

Met a lot of fine people, that put up with me despite my yankee accent.

Flew thru NJ twice.

Will NOT take that route again.

Granted this was over 30 years ago, but I was towing my car behind a U-haul and they would not let me on the Jersey Turnpike, so I had to slog my way down US 1. That is a stupid, ridiculous rule! The constant back and forth in the stop and go traffic cause the straps to loosen and my car slid forward off the tow dolly onto the frame in Jersey City. The tires were on the ground so it would not move. It was 104 degrees and I had no AC in the U-haul. I called U-haul for help and nobody in Jersey apparently owns a map because they sent a tow truck from the other end of the state and he took two hours for him to get there and to get my car lifted back into place so I could be on my way. I have hated that state ever since.
NJ is a beautiful state

Hundred miles of beautiful beaches, mountains, Delaware water gap, pine barrens, well maintained state park system, soectacular views of NYC
Will they probably couldn't understand you down is MS. I don't like NJ but MS is well....scary behind. Talk about slow. WOW.

They understood me fine, had no problems with the locals in either city.

NJ, at least at the airport, had the snottiest, rudest, assholes I've ever had to put up with.
NJ is a beautiful state

Hundred miles of beautiful beaches, mountains, Delaware water gap, pine barrens, well maintained state park system, soectacular views of NYC

"Hundred miles of beautiful beaches, mountains, pine barrens, well maintained state park system, spectacular views"

So do a lot of other coastal states.
NJ is a beautiful state

Hundred miles of beautiful beaches, mountains, Delaware water gap, pine barrens, well maintained state park system, soectacular views of NYC

So do a lot of other coastal states.

I am currently in a shithole called El Paso TX for the next two weeks

There is nothing in the entire state of Texas that compares to NJ
NJ is a beautiful state

Hundred miles of beautiful beaches, mountains, Delaware water gap, pine barrens, well maintained state park system, soectacular views of NYC

So do a lot of other coastal states.

I am currently in a shithole called El Paso TX for the next two weeks

There is nothing in the entire state of Texas that compares to NJ

There is nothing in the entire state of Texas that compares to NJ

I agree.

I'd rather spend a month in Texas than a day in NJ
I found MS folk nice, just a little ethics lacking which explains a lot.
Don't blame me just the messenger :)

One State Has Officially Been Named the Most HATED State in the US

There’s 50 states. Not every one can get as much love as the others.

YouGov made a ‘State of the States,’ in which they asked Americans how they feel about each and every state.

This research shows that New Jersey is the only state in the U.S. which people tend to have a negative opinion of. 40% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of
the Garden State while 30% have a favorable opinion of the state, which gives the state a net favorability of -10%.

For comparison, Alabama, the second least popular state, has a net favorability rating of +8%,as 39% of Americans have a favorable view of Alabama and 31% have an unfavorable opinion.

After Alabama the least popular states are Illinois (+9%), Mississippi (+9%) and Indiana (+12%).


The people who don't have a negative opinion of New Jersey have probably never been there.

there;s good and bad like almost everywhere else.

could be worse. at least it isn't mississippi

I've been to both. I prefer Mississippi. In fact, after my company sent me to deliver a load in New Jersey, I informed my manager that if he ever scheduled me to go there again, I would park the truck, mail him the keys, and take a Greyhound home, because I would quit before I ever went to New Jersey again. Even their fucking paramedics are sadistic assholes. I quit truck driving six months after that trip, and I had nightmares about it for two years afterward.

Now all I have to do is listen to the bastards talk, and I dread the days of the week that the calls are mostly NY, NJ, and Boston (don't ask me why those people all seem to make phone calls on the same days. I have no idea). I find them the most nasty, unpleasant human beings in the country, and they're not even talking to me.

Interesting --- that's pretty much what I say when a client sends me to Florida. "Why?" I ask. "What'd I do?"
Reading is optional in Mississippi. Don't not need to read down their.

Read down their what?

Spent 2 years in Meridian, 3 in Gulfport.

Met a lot of fine people, that put up with me despite my yankee accent.

Flew thru NJ twice.

Will NOT take that route again.

Biloxi is nice with it's white sandy beaches, but drive up 61 I swear I feel like I am in a third world country
NJ is a beautiful state

Hundred miles of beautiful beaches, mountains, Delaware water gap, pine barrens, well maintained state park system, soectacular views of NYC

So do a lot of other coastal states.

I am currently in a shithole called El Paso TX for the next two weeks

There is nothing in the entire state of Texas that compares to NJ

If New Jersey is so great, why are the Jets and Giants to embarrassed to tell the nation the truth?

And call themselves the New Jersey Jets and the New Jersey Giants.....
Reading is optional in Mississippi. Don't not need to read down their.

Read down their what?

Spent 2 years in Meridian, 3 in Gulfport.

Met a lot of fine people, that put up with me despite my yankee accent.

Flew thru NJ twice.

Will NOT take that route again.

Biloxi is nice with it's white sandy beaches, but drive up 61 I swear I feel like I am in a third world country
NJ is a beautiful state

Hundred miles of beautiful beaches, mountains, Delaware water gap, pine barrens, well maintained state park system, soectacular views of NYC

So do a lot of other coastal states.

I am currently in a shithole called El Paso TX for the next two weeks

There is nothing in the entire state of Texas that compares to NJ

If New Jersey is so great, why are the Jets and Giants to embarrassed to tell the nation the truth?

And call themselves the New Jersey Jets and the New Jersey Giants.....

Statue of Liberty is in NJ too

Reading is optional in Mississippi. Don't not need to read down their.

Read down their what?

Spent 2 years in Meridian, 3 in Gulfport.

Met a lot of fine people, that put up with me despite my yankee accent.

Flew thru NJ twice.

Will NOT take that route again.

Biloxi is nice with it's white sandy beaches, but drive up 61 I swear I feel like I am in a third world country
NJ is a beautiful state

Hundred miles of beautiful beaches, mountains, Delaware water gap, pine barrens, well maintained state park system, soectacular views of NYC

So do a lot of other coastal states.

I am currently in a shithole called El Paso TX for the next two weeks

There is nothing in the entire state of Texas that compares to NJ

If New Jersey is so great, why are the Jets and Giants to embarrassed to tell the nation the truth?

And call themselves the New Jersey Jets and the New Jersey Giants.....

Statue of Liberty is in NJ too


Hey RW NASCAR give up on building that new track? Been a while since I heard about it.
I swear I didn't get my copy of the rule book. It seems that it is a rule that someone MUST post a thread about how we can divide this nation in some way every fucking day.

Which is the most hated state?
Which states would you sell if you could?
How would America look if we split land between libs and cons?
Which side would win a new civil war?

Hey assholes.......give it a fucking rest!

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