One State Has Officially Been Named the Most HATED State in the US

We moved to New Jersey when I was starting 10th grade and lived there three years in the military. God I hated that fucking state. Not only is it flat bu the "shore" is just long stretches of sand, with sand flies (they hurt!) horse shoe crabs (they stink) jelly fish galore. Plus they charge you by making you wear a beach pass in summer. And if you get caught with a beer you're screwed. We can drive on most beaches here.

You couldn't take a motorcycle on the Garden State Parkway. Had to go up route 9 through a bunch of little towns. People are rude as hell. Don't give a fuck drivers galore. Toll booths. Auto inspections annually that took a whole day. Property taxes are outrageous. They screwed up everything they could screw up.

And it STINKS! What the actual hell, New Jersey? I swear, I didn't take a single full breath the whole time I was there. I came to the conclusion that they call it "The Garden State" because "The Toxic Waste and Petrochemical State" wouldn't fit on a license plate.
LOL, DuPont owns NJ I believe. But south Jersey does have a lot of vegetation, threes, farmlands, flowers, etc. Very different from the industrial north. Still very flat, humid as all hell in the summer and bitterly windy cold in the winter. Spring and fall are nice but don't last long enough.

S'why I live in Arizona. The whole state's nice, all the time. Admittedly, during the summer you have to admire it from inside an air-conditioned building, but it's still really pretty. And smells good.
I wonder why? Why does Jersey get such a bad rap? New Jersey has some of the prettiest county in the US. Delaware water gap, Sandy Hook, Cape May.

Okay, the horseshoe crabs are gross, that could be a reason.

The males die after mating and stink to high heaven. Cape May isn't much to look at beach wise. I was stationed there. Have you ever been to the west coast? Northern California, Oregon and Washington would make you wet your britches if you think Cape May is nice.

I was born and raised and now reside in Northern California. Nothing can compare to our California coastlines. But when I spoke of Cape May being a nice place, I wasn't speaking of the beaches but of the town itself. I was stationed there for a year after basic training and enjoyed it immensely. The free bus trips to Atlantic City were awesome.
Pebble Beach is great too, lived there briefly. Bandon OR is unbelievable and would put that up against the CA coastline. BUT we were discussing the beach/shore/coast. Cape May has some nice older homes but the beach is nothing. I was there before AC went the casino route and I liked it better then.

They have amazing houses. My very first apartment ever was the top floor of an old Victorian in downtown Cape May.

New Jersey get's a bad rap, but there are some really nice places there...and you can never get lost. No matter where you are, you can find a sign for the garden state parkway. :D

That's because the entire state isn't much bigger than the parkway. Seriously, Arizona has counties that are bigger than New Jersey. That's not a state; it's a metropolitan area.
The people who don't have a negative opinion of New Jersey have probably never been there.

I have only been to New Jersy a few times, I don't know how anyone can tell the difference between Massachusetts, Rhode Island, connecticut and New Jersey they all seem the same... boring as hell.

I thought for sure Mississippi would have been the number one most hated state followed by California and then Alabama.

Nah. Southerners are generally pretty happy, friendly people in my experience. What passes for happy and friendly in the Northeast would be an opening declaration of war anywhere else.

California gets a pass because it has Disneyland. ;)

southerners are "happy friendly people" to white christian people.

southern cities can be very nice. i know i wouldn't go off the beaten track in certain places.

Your racism really doesn't interest me.

it isn't racism to point out others' racism.

sorry if you resemble my remarks

It's racism to project racism onto others.

Sorry your remarks reveal you.
Don't blame me just the messenger :)

One State Has Officially Been Named the Most HATED State in the US

There’s 50 states. Not every one can get as much love as the others.

YouGov made a ‘State of the States,’ in which they asked Americans how they feel about each and every state.

This research shows that New Jersey is the only state in the U.S. which people tend to have a negative opinion of. 40% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of
the Garden State while 30% have a favorable opinion of the state, which gives the state a net favorability of -10%.

For comparison, Alabama, the second least popular state, has a net favorability rating of +8%,as 39% of Americans have a favorable view of Alabama and 31% have an unfavorable opinion.

After Alabama the least popular states are Illinois (+9%), Mississippi (+9%) and Indiana (+12%).


The people who don't have a negative opinion of New Jersey have probably never been there.

there;s good and bad like almost everywhere else.

could be worse. at least it isn't mississippi

I've been to both. I prefer Mississippi. In fact, after my company sent me to deliver a load in New Jersey, I informed my manager that if he ever scheduled me to go there again, I would park the truck, mail him the keys, and take a Greyhound home, because I would quit before I ever went to New Jersey again. Even their fucking paramedics are sadistic assholes. I quit truck driving six months after that trip, and I had nightmares about it for two years afterward.

Now all I have to do is listen to the bastards talk, and I dread the days of the week that the calls are mostly NY, NJ, and Boston (don't ask me why those people all seem to make phone calls on the same days. I have no idea). I find them the most nasty, unpleasant human beings in the country, and they're not even talking to me.
Yeah....but they're nice compared to SF city council members.

Not by much, and there are more of them.
Don't blame me just the messenger :)

One State Has Officially Been Named the Most HATED State in the US

There’s 50 states. Not every one can get as much love as the others.

YouGov made a ‘State of the States,’ in which they asked Americans how they feel about each and every state.

This research shows that New Jersey is the only state in the U.S. which people tend to have a negative opinion of. 40% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of
the Garden State while 30% have a favorable opinion of the state, which gives the state a net favorability of -10%.

For comparison, Alabama, the second least popular state, has a net favorability rating of +8%,as 39% of Americans have a favorable view of Alabama and 31% have an unfavorable opinion.

After Alabama the least popular states are Illinois (+9%), Mississippi (+9%) and Indiana (+12%).


The people who don't have a negative opinion of New Jersey have probably never been there.

there;s good and bad like almost everywhere else.

could be worse. at least it isn't mississippi
Yeah - at least it isn't Mississippi, where you have more freedom, more money, less taxes, and less crime. Who would want all of that when you can have New Jersey (the armpit of America)? :cuckoo:

I've always considered New York the asshole of America, and New Jersey the festering hemorrhoid on that asshole.
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ was my home away from home for 15 years. To this day, when I hear "New Jersey", I detect a foul odor before I recall the bad memories.

New Jersey's only redeeming features are its jug handles. (No left turns against oncoming traffic). It's an incredibly safe policy other states should adopt.

Other than that, it's a cesspool. The people are the crudest, rudest, poorly bred cretins that ever oozed out of a lower primate gene pool. I've traveled the world and I've never found people anywhere to take such pride in being uncultivated, cultureless louts.


True that. I get to caption those people's phone calls to Mom in the nursing home every weekend, and I never fail to end up thinking, "If I spoke to my mother like that, she'd slap the taste out of my mouth, 80 years old or not!" And they're not even angry, that's what gets me. That's just the way they talk! What the actual hell?
"If I spoke to my mother like that, she'd slap the taste out of my mouth, 80 years old or not!" And they're not even angry, that's what gets me. That's just the way they talk! What the actual hell?

I often think that New Jersey exists only to make Walmart look classy.


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