One stimulus check enough?


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
From what I see businesses need more $$$ and people need more $$$. It's time for another round of stimulus checks perhaps. As things open up stores and such aren't going to simply fill with people as a decent percentage will continue to stay home. People need help. Does anyone know if another round of checks is on the horizon?
From what I see businesses need more $$$ and people need more $$$. It's time for another round of stimulus checks perhaps. As things open up stores and such aren't going to simply fill with people as a decent percentage will continue to stay home. People need help. Does anyone know if another round of checks is on the horizon?

Well, beings as we are probably going to see Depression era levels of unemployment this summer, I would think not only will you see another round of checks, you may see something of the likes of a Universal Income. Something that I thought I would not see in my lifetime. There are whole industries (like the cruise ship industry) that may not be the same or may never come back.

White House economist: Unemployment could hit 20% by June
I agree. Let them open up. The point is that their sales are still going to be down as many many people are going to not stop social distancing. It's going to be an ultra slow bounce back. People need $$$ and a plan for another round of checks needs to be strongly considered.
one check too many. People should prepared they will never learn to prepare if they feel the government is there to bail them out because of their own carelessness.
Cruise ship industries may never bounce back after their fiasco. People aren't going to get aboard a crowded plane anytime soon. As a society we are driving alot less now. Car prices are expected to dip, and demand for cars will dip as well. Less homes being built, the list goes on. Things are going to change after we open up. Businesses will need to ensure their online sales aspect is strong.
From what I see businesses need more $$$ and people need more $$$. It's time for another round of stimulus checks perhaps. As things open up stores and such aren't going to simply fill with people as a decent percentage will continue to stay home. People need help. Does anyone know if another round of checks is on the horizon?
Many haven't got any stimulus dollars as it is.
Hard to prepare on a job that pays $15, even $20 an hour. After food and necessities nothing to put away.
Hard to prepare on a job that pays $15, even $20 an hour. After food and necessities nothing to put away.
I put a lot away at less then that. Of course I did not have a big screen tv, a gaming system, a new car, and the latest phone.
I had old cars, small tvs. I retired a sixty and toured the U.S. for many years.
It can be done.
From what I see businesses need more $$$ and people need more $$$. It's time for another round of stimulus checks perhaps. As things open up stores and such aren't going to simply fill with people as a decent percentage will continue to stay home. People need help. Does anyone know if another round of checks is on the horizon?

No, its not time for more worthless govt covid bucks. Its time to quit cowering in fear. I have no doubt that this generation would have been smoked by the british crown in the late 1700s.
I'm still working 40 hours a week, but I'll take another $1200. I'm not a fucking retard.
Remember that 60k prediction by August? Ha, those were the days.
I personally didn't like how the stimulus was handled. People like me got free money I didn't need, people who needed it really bad didn't get enough. Big businesses got money but small businesses for the most part got the shaft.

The priority should have been getting the money to small businesses and their employees, not shotgunning bazillions to the general population and big businesses.
I personally didn't like how the stimulus was handled. People like me got free money I didn't need, people who needed it really bad didn't get enough. Big businesses got money but small businesses for the most part got the shaft.

The priority should have been getting the money to small businesses and their employees, not shotgunning bazillions to the general population and big businesses.

Agree about who got the money, donate it.
I don't get checks FROM government, I write checks TO the government. It would have been nice to get some of my own money back but no, government is still mooching off me.

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