One student dead in Oregon shooting

And then the RW wonders why shoppers and diners are concerned when they see demonstrators practicing their second amendment rights by shoving fire arms in the their faces. Just amazing!

I have friends and relatives who have carry permits that say this public demonstration of gun ownership does not help the cause of legitimate second amendment defenders. They are only illustrating their arrogance and ignorance.
Be sure to open a new thread for each additional dead, if any.

Maybe we need a forum for what is starting to look like a weekly occurrence.

It could be called "Current Mass Shootings," or "Weekly NRA Tally."

ARE YOU Lberals!! Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of School??
Lberals!! Are you Still Happy you got God and ten commandments out of Schools??MORE AND MORE KIDDS KILLED IN SCHOOLS ALMOST EVERY WEEK. KIDDS KILLING KIDDS IN SCHOOL WAS ALMOST UNHEARD OF WHEN GOD AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS WERE STILL THERE. Now school children pay the price and you bear the SHAME AND GUILT!!

And you point out to us how having the 10 commandments in school would help? Are they bullet proof?

Actually, kids getting killed in school has been around for a long time. The worst one in U.S. history was in the early 1900s when the 10 commandments were "still in school".

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