One word to describe Trump's political tactics, "Ropeadope"


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

We have seen Trump being attacked 24/7 since becoming President with many in the democrat party announcing they would impeach him before even taking office.

And true to form, the democrat party did not disappoint as they continue to pound on the President 24/7, from being Hitler to a Putin puppet to being a rapist.

But at the end of the day, after 8 long years of taking a beating as Trump leans against the boxing ropes for support, the only support he had, his opponent wore himself out with nothing more to show for it than bookkeeping errors, as Trump came out swinging with one or two knock out punches. Even though his opponent may have been stronger, younger, and delivered more abuse, at the end of the day his opponent got worn down and become vulnerable enough for Trump to give a few sucker punches to knock out his opponent.


Last I heard Trump has raised up to $300 million after the conviction with many never Trumpers like Romney pledging support for Trump.

Game over.
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Trump could have tried to lock up Hillary, like they are doing to him today

However, Trump would have experienced the same PR disaster as Biden is suffering today, only, Trump does not have control of the media and in large part government infrastructure like Biden has.

The result would have crushed Trump.

Trump could not even build a border wall with a Republican Congress due to all the Rhinos in office, so how on earth could have have generated support to go after Hillary?

Trump realizes that there is precious little he can accomplish in the Swamp, simply because he has no support and never will, making all the claims about Trump becoming a dictator that much more laughable.

Trump's lack of support makes retribution for what has happened to him virtually impossible.
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We have seen Trump being attacked 24/7 since becoming President with many in the democrat party announcing they would impeach him before even taking office.

And true to form, the democrat party did not disappoint as they continue to pound on the President 24/7, from being Hitler to a Putin puppet to being a rapist.

But at the end of the day, after 8 long years of taking a beating as Trump leans against the boxing ropes for support, the only support he had, his opponent wore himself out with nothing more to show for it than bookkeeping errors, as Trump came out swinging with one or two knock out punches. Even though his opponent may have been stronger, younger, and delivered more abuse, at the end of the day his opponent got worn down and become vulnerable enough for Trump to give a few sucker punches to knock out his opponent.

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Last I heard Trump has raised up to $300 million after the conviction with many never Trumpers like Romney pledging support for Trump.

Game over.
but since trump never uses 1 word when 5 will do,( and repeated mant times)

"flood the zone with bullshit"? bannon
Trump's current situation is unlike anything I can recall from my own memory (I'm 74) or my reading of history. He has been abused mercilessly by the Democrat machine and the entire non-Fox Media since the moment he declared for the Presidency in - what was it, 2015? And now the Justice Department has taken up the persecution mantle, including the respective "Justice Departments" of three or four different Democrat-dominated states. They are prosecuting him for "crimes" that have never been deemed crimes in the past, in front of openly partisan AG's, judges, and juries, with predictable results.

And the Media's take on this is, basically, Isn't it outrageous that Trump keeps complaining? There must be something wrong with him.
Every single action (impeachment, indictments) taken against Trump has been in response to his illegal acts or abuses of power. Full stop.
Like the Russian collusion taxpayers paid $30 million to investigate, after which there was such little evidence they did not even bother to impeach him over?

Your abuse of the justice system is duly noted,

Just tell Conservatives who were targeted by the IRS about all that abuse.
Boxing has rules the boxers follow. Benedict Donald and his herd of followers have glass jaws. They also use hitting below the belt as part of their overall strategy. To them it's not a classic boxing match, it's a WWE show.
Trump's current situation is unlike anything I can recall from my own memory (I'm 74) or my reading of history. He has been abused mercilessly by the Democrat machine and the entire non-Fox Media since the moment he declared for the Presidency in - what was it, 2015? And now the Justice Department has taken up the persecution mantle, including the respective "Justice Departments" of three or four different Democrat-dominated states. They are prosecuting him for "crimes" that have never been deemed crimes in the past, in front of openly partisan AG's, judges, and juries, with predictable results.

And the Media's take on this is, basically, Isn't it outrageous that Trump keeps complaining? There must be something wrong with him.
Crossing the Ruby-Red Rubicon

The same thing happened to Julius Caesar. The jealous, corrupt, and incompetent stay-at-home patricians in Rome ganged up on him. They threatened crushing prosecution on Caesar, but never got around to following through on their designs. Ruling-class histwhorians blame him for ending the Republic, but it was decadent and dying decades before that, starting with the murders of the populist Brothers Gracchi.

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