One year anniversary of Mueller investigation - What we've learned

Certainly more than your goofy conjecture.

Post up your proof that Mueller was involved in an attempt to influence the 2016 election, liar.

well we all know that comey and lynch were involved in it, it is common knowledge that comey and Mueller are good friends and share a hatred of Trump and a love of the Clintons, so draw a logical conclusion from what we all know. but you cant do that, can you? because to do so would destroy everything that the left wing liars have pumped into your little head.

The only logical conclusion that can be drawn is that you are a liar and a loon.

Post your proof, liar.

Ask the NY times and Wash post, two left wing rags, even they are writing about the comey/Mueller/Clinton/Obama criminality

I'm asking you, liar.

and I have asked you many times to tell me how many 2016 votes in which states were changed as a result of Russian activity.

I am quoting left wing media, as are you. So in which case are they lying?

You're quoting yourself, liar.

You've posted nothing but your goofy conjectures.
Hutch Starsky has hooked Redfish and playing him like a pro angler.

Redfish has showcased the Russo-Trump agenda in spades.

Mueller MAGA!!!!
Hutch Starsky has hooked Redfish and playing him like a pro angler.

Redfish has showcased the Russo-Trump agenda in spades.

Mueller MAGA!!!!
Seems like a regular routine for Redfish to get caught being dishonest, distorting facts, using "alternate facts", never being able to back up his claims and always resorting to insults and name calling.
why should he testify under oath? there is nothing to testify about. Why wasn't Hillary put under oath when she lied about classified data on her private server?

Clinton testified under oath for eleven hours on national television.

she was never under oath, idiot. Never, because the FBI and DOJ knew she would lie and were trying to save her fat corrupt ass.


tell us when she testified under oath about the classified data on her illegal server. the Benghazi testimony had nothing to do with her illegal use of a private server for government communications and the illegal destruction of government property (30000 emails)

tell us when she testified under oath about the classified data on her illegal server.

Why do you idiots feel the need to lie about something we all lived through?

You don't remember this?

G.O.P. Seeks Criminal Inquiry of Hillary Clinton’s Testimony to Congress

WASHINGTON — Republican leaders asked the Justice Department on Monday to open a criminal investigation into whether Hillary Clinton lied to Congress in testimony last fall about her private email server, opening a new front in their long-running attacks on the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

The Republican request, five days after the department closed a yearlong investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s handling of classified information in the emails, threatens to shadow her through the campaign and perhaps even into the White House if she is elected.

In a letter Monday evening, House Republicans asked the Justice Department to determine whether Mrs. Clinton had “committed perjury and made false statements” during her appearance in October before a special House panel on the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

The letter was signed by Representatives Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah, who leads the Oversight Committee, and Robert W. Goodlatte, Republican of Virginia, who leads the Judiciary Committee.
I don’t see email scandal there
Fishy is absolutely wrong. Clinton did not lie, Clapper did not lie, Comey did not lie. DOJ will do its job regardless of the President now willfully obstructing the investigation. What is wrong with you, Redfish?

Clinton lies:

" I never sent or received classified data on my personal server"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"there was no stand down order in Benghazi"

The lies of Comey and Clapper have been well documented, even by left wing media like NY times and Wash Post.

Trump has not obstructed Heir Mewler's investigation in any way. Mewler and his team of democrat operatives have wasted a year and millions of dollars on this partisan failed witch hunt. But the good thing is that it has inadvertently uncovered the corruption and illegality within the FBI and DOJ and their illegal collaboration with the Clinton campaign. so keep it up Mewler, complete the destruction of the dem party, the Clinton crime family, and the Obama cabal.
Those are fake news statements. They are lies. The intent is to further an Russo-Trump alt right agenda. It will fail.

exactly what is that agenda? tell us what Trump and Putin are planning.

the only Russia connection with the 2016 election involved the Clinton campaign paying for a Russia dossier of lies about Trump and then the FBI lying to a FISA judge in order to spy on the Trump campaign.

I am really interested in hearing what Trump and Putin are plotting to do to the world, please share that information with us, IDIOT.
They have no idea but know something happened. Yet Clinton didn’t! Too funny. Clinton = evidence crime left= nothing to see and trump Russia = absolutely nothing and left = guilty as fking hell. LMMFAO
well we all know that comey and lynch were involved in it, it is common knowledge that comey and Mueller are good friends and share a hatred of Trump and a love of the Clintons, so draw a logical conclusion from what we all know. but you cant do that, can you? because to do so would destroy everything that the left wing liars have pumped into your little head.

The only logical conclusion that can be drawn is that you are a liar and a loon.

Post your proof, liar.

Ask the NY times and Wash post, two left wing rags, even they are writing about the comey/Mueller/Clinton/Obama criminality

I'm asking you, liar.

and I have asked you many times to tell me how many 2016 votes in which states were changed as a result of Russian activity.

I am quoting left wing media, as are you. So in which case are they lying?

You're quoting yourself, liar.

You've posted nothing but your goofy conjectures.

I am quoting the liberal media, if you think its goofy, blame them.

one more chance, which 2016 votes were changed as a result of Russian activity, how many and where?
Hutch Starsky has hooked Redfish and playing him like a pro angler.

Redfish has showcased the Russo-Trump agenda in spades.

Mueller MAGA!!!!
Seems like a regular routine for Redfish to get caught being dishonest, distorting facts, using "alternate facts", never being able to back up his claims and always resorting to insults and name calling.

since jakey cant tell us about this evil agenda, maybe you can, what exactly are Trump and Putin planning for the world?
Hutch Starsky has hooked Redfish and playing him like a pro angler.

Redfish has showcased the Russo-Trump agenda in spades.

Mueller MAGA!!!!
Seems like a regular routine for Redfish to get caught being dishonest, distorting facts, using "alternate facts", never being able to back up his claims and always resorting to insults and name calling.

since jakey cant tell us about this evil agenda, maybe you can, what exactly are Trump and Putin planning for the world?
and why did trump kill two hundred russians and increase sanctions? I'd say putin got fked. ain't that what the left wants?
What we have learned is he has nothing and plans to keep on searching for at least two more years and possibly six
Grand Inquisitor For Life
Hutch Starsky has hooked Redfish and playing him like a pro angler.

Redfish has showcased the Russo-Trump agenda in spades.

Mueller MAGA!!!!
Seems like a regular routine for Redfish to get caught being dishonest, distorting facts, using "alternate facts", never being able to back up his claims and always resorting to insults and name calling.
since jakey cant tell us about this evil agenda, maybe you can, what exactly are Trump and Putin planning for the world?
Camp described fishy well, so we will leave it there for now.
Heir Mewler has found nothing at all in over a year

Unlike Team "GrabAss", the Special prosecutor doesn't leak, so you're lying again. You know nothing of the sort.

How much longer?

As long as it takes. When will President "Senile" testify under oath? That might speed things up a bit, don't cha think?

why should he testify under oath? there is nothing to testify about. Why wasn't Hillary put under oath when she lied about classified data on her private server?
The president testifying will speed up the investigation. There have been 19 indictments of people that surround Trump or have connections with his campaign on over 100 charges and over half being incidental to the investigation. Since Trump is the central figure in the investigation, it only makes sense that his statements be under oath and not on twitter and that Mueller's questions be answered by the top dog.

Trump is no stranger to testifying under oath. However, his performance in the past has been far from stellar. Under oath, he answers questions exactly as if he were being interviewed by reporters, with long disconnect and often irrelevant comments. That just won't fly in a court room environment.

Of course, it's clear why Trump is very unlikely to appear before the grand jury or even submit to an interview by Mueller. Trump can not resist the temptation to boast and brag, exaggerating, and twisting the truth. This would surely end up in a charge of perjury.

Mueller has all the time in the world to complete the investigation. Trump doesn't. The midterms are just around the corner and he has already started campaigning for 2020. His continual attacks on Mueller without results makes him look weak and ineffective, something he can't afford. Probably what hurts Trump the most is Mueller refusing to engage him. That makes Trump look as silly as Don Quixote fighting windmills.

Mueller is one of the criminals who tried to influence our 2016 election, and now he and the deep state are trying to remove a constitutionally elected president, this is terrible for this nation. When the intelligence services start taking sides and trying to influence an election, we are on the road to becoming no better than a banana republic.
What you're saying is speculation. The truth will come out, not in Trump tweets but with the report of the Mueller investigation and eventually the grand jury transcripts and summaries of interviews after all prosecutions. Trump is clearly preparing for the worst by opening an investigation of the FBI as a distraction which has been the go to tactic from day one.

There is virtually no chance that Trump will be removed from office unless there is compelling evidence of his guilt.
Assuming every democrat would be in favor of impeachment it would require 4 Republicans on the judiciary committee to agree with Democrats, and 25 Republicans in the House, then 19 in the Senate.

Unless the democrats win both the House and Senate by good margin, the chance of a Trump impeachment is pretty low.
Unlike Team "GrabAss", the Special prosecutor doesn't leak, so you're lying again. You know nothing of the sort.

As long as it takes. When will President "Senile" testify under oath? That might speed things up a bit, don't cha think?

why should he testify under oath? there is nothing to testify about. Why wasn't Hillary put under oath when she lied about classified data on her private server?
The president testifying will speed up the investigation. There have been 19 indictments of people that surround Trump or have connections with his campaign on over 100 charges and over half being incidental to the investigation. Since Trump is the central figure in the investigation, it only makes sense that his statements be under oath and not on twitter and that Mueller's questions be answered by the top dog.

Trump is no stranger to testifying under oath. However, his performance in the past has been far from stellar. Under oath, he answers questions exactly as if he were being interviewed by reporters, with long disconnect and often irrelevant comments. That just won't fly in a court room environment.

Of course, it's clear why Trump is very unlikely to appear before the grand jury or even submit to an interview by Mueller. Trump can not resist the temptation to boast and brag, exaggerating, and twisting the truth. This would surely end up in a charge of perjury.

Mueller has all the time in the world to complete the investigation. Trump doesn't. The midterms are just around the corner and he has already started campaigning for 2020. His continual attacks on Mueller without results makes him look weak and ineffective, something he can't afford. Probably what hurts Trump the most is Mueller refusing to engage him. That makes Trump look as silly as Don Quixote fighting windmills.

Mueller is one of the criminals who tried to influence our 2016 election, and now he and the deep state are trying to remove a constitutionally elected president, this is terrible for this nation. When the intelligence services start taking sides and trying to influence an election, we are on the road to becoming no better than a banana republic.
Mueller is one of the criminals who tried to influence our 2016 election,

Explain how you reached that wacky conclusion. :cuckoo:

Comey and Mueller are good friends and political suck buddies, what more do you need?
Comey and Mueller are former Department of Justice colleagues, and they had a working relationship. Comey's attorney says they are not "best friends", and government ethics experts say the relationship doesn't rise to the level of an illegal conflict in relation to the investigation in any case. The story was first published by Breitbart in June 2017. Need I say more?
The only logical conclusion that can be drawn is that you are a liar and a loon.

Post your proof, liar.

Ask the NY times and Wash post, two left wing rags, even they are writing about the comey/Mueller/Clinton/Obama criminality

I'm asking you, liar.

and I have asked you many times to tell me how many 2016 votes in which states were changed as a result of Russian activity.

I am quoting left wing media, as are you. So in which case are they lying?

You're quoting yourself, liar.

You've posted nothing but your goofy conjectures.

I am quoting the liberal media, if you think its goofy, blame them.

one more chance, which 2016 votes were changed as a result of Russian activity, how many and where?

Post it up, liar.
Clinton testified under oath for eleven hours on national television.

she was never under oath, idiot. Never, because the FBI and DOJ knew she would lie and were trying to save her fat corrupt ass.


tell us when she testified under oath about the classified data on her illegal server. the Benghazi testimony had nothing to do with her illegal use of a private server for government communications and the illegal destruction of government property (30000 emails)

tell us when she testified under oath about the classified data on her illegal server.

Why do you idiots feel the need to lie about something we all lived through?

You don't remember this?

G.O.P. Seeks Criminal Inquiry of Hillary Clinton’s Testimony to Congress

WASHINGTON — Republican leaders asked the Justice Department on Monday to open a criminal investigation into whether Hillary Clinton lied to Congress in testimony last fall about her private email server, opening a new front in their long-running attacks on the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

The Republican request, five days after the department closed a yearlong investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s handling of classified information in the emails, threatens to shadow her through the campaign and perhaps even into the White House if she is elected.

In a letter Monday evening, House Republicans asked the Justice Department to determine whether Mrs. Clinton had “committed perjury and made false statements” during her appearance in October before a special House panel on the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

The letter was signed by Representatives Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah, who leads the Oversight Committee, and Robert W. Goodlatte, Republican of Virginia, who leads the Judiciary Committee.
I don’t see email scandal there

Because you're functionally illiterate.
Unlike Team "GrabAss", the Special prosecutor doesn't leak, so you're lying again. You know nothing of the sort.

As long as it takes. When will President "Senile" testify under oath? That might speed things up a bit, don't cha think?

why should he testify under oath? there is nothing to testify about. Why wasn't Hillary put under oath when she lied about classified data on her private server?

Clinton testified under oath for eleven hours on national television.

she was never under oath, idiot. Never, because the FBI and DOJ knew she would lie and were trying to save her fat corrupt ass.


tell us when she testified under oath about the classified data on her illegal server. the Benghazi testimony had nothing to do with her illegal use of a private server for government communications and the illegal destruction of government property (30000 emails)

Please cite the federal law that prohibited her or any previous Sec. of State from using a private email account or private server.
she was never under oath, idiot. Never, because the FBI and DOJ knew she would lie and were trying to save her fat corrupt ass.


tell us when she testified under oath about the classified data on her illegal server. the Benghazi testimony had nothing to do with her illegal use of a private server for government communications and the illegal destruction of government property (30000 emails)

tell us when she testified under oath about the classified data on her illegal server.

Why do you idiots feel the need to lie about something we all lived through?

You don't remember this?

G.O.P. Seeks Criminal Inquiry of Hillary Clinton’s Testimony to Congress

WASHINGTON — Republican leaders asked the Justice Department on Monday to open a criminal investigation into whether Hillary Clinton lied to Congress in testimony last fall about her private email server, opening a new front in their long-running attacks on the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

The Republican request, five days after the department closed a yearlong investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s handling of classified information in the emails, threatens to shadow her through the campaign and perhaps even into the White House if she is elected.

In a letter Monday evening, House Republicans asked the Justice Department to determine whether Mrs. Clinton had “committed perjury and made false statements” during her appearance in October before a special House panel on the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

The letter was signed by Representatives Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah, who leads the Oversight Committee, and Robert W. Goodlatte, Republican of Virginia, who leads the Judiciary Committee.
I don’t see email scandal there

Because you're functionally illiterate.
And I still don't see email scandal there.
Heir Mewler has found nothing at all in over a year

Unlike Team "GrabAss", the Special prosecutor doesn't leak, so you're lying again. You know nothing of the sort.

How much longer?

As long as it takes. When will President "Senile" testify under oath? That might speed things up a bit, don't cha think?

why should he testify under oath? there is nothing to testify about. Why wasn't Hillary put under oath when she lied about classified data on her private server?
The president testifying will speed up the investigation. There have been 19 indictments of people that surround Trump or have connections with his campaign on over 100 charges and over half being incidental to the investigation. Since Trump is the central figure in the investigation, it only makes sense that his statements be under oath and not on twitter and that Mueller's questions be answered by the top dog.

Trump is no stranger to testifying under oath. However, his performance in the past has been far from stellar. Under oath, he answers questions exactly as if he were being interviewed by reporters, with long disconnect and often irrelevant comments. That just won't fly in a court room environment.

Of course, it's clear why Trump is very unlikely to appear before the grand jury or even submit to an interview by Mueller. Trump can not resist the temptation to boast and brag, exaggerating, and twisting the truth. This would surely end up in a charge of perjury.

Mueller has all the time in the world to complete the investigation. Trump doesn't. The midterms are just around the corner and he has already started campaigning for 2020. His continual attacks on Mueller without results makes him look weak and ineffective, something he can't afford. Probably what hurts Trump the most is Mueller refusing to engage him. That makes Trump look as silly as Don Quixote fighting windmills.

Mueller is one of the criminals who tried to influence our 2016 election, and now he and the deep state are trying to remove a constitutionally elected president, this is terrible for this nation. When the intelligence services start taking sides and trying to influence an election, we are on the road to becoming no better than a banana republic.
What you're saying is speculation. The truth will come out, not in Trump tweets but with the report of the Mueller investigation and eventually the grand jury transcripts and summaries of interviews after all prosecutions. Trump is clearly preparing for the worst by opening an investigation of the FBI as a distraction which has been the go to tactic from day one.

There is virtually no chance that Trump will be removed from office unless there is compelling evidence of his guilt.
Assuming every democrat would be in favor of impeachment it would require 4 Republicans on the judiciary committee to agree with Democrats, and 25 Republicans in the House, then 19 in the Senate.

Unless the democrats win both the House and Senate by good margin, the chance of a Trump impeachment is pretty low.

And here's how Mueller works.
Heir Mewler has found nothing at all in over a year

Unlike Team "GrabAss", the Special prosecutor doesn't leak, so you're lying again. You know nothing of the sort.

How much longer?

As long as it takes. When will President "Senile" testify under oath? That might speed things up a bit, don't cha think?

why should he testify under oath? there is nothing to testify about. Why wasn't Hillary put under oath when she lied about classified data on her private server?
The president testifying will speed up the investigation. There have been 19 indictments of people that surround Trump or have connections with his campaign on over 100 charges and over half being incidental to the investigation. Since Trump is the central figure in the investigation, it only makes sense that his statements be under oath and not on twitter and that Mueller's questions be answered by the top dog.

Trump is no stranger to testifying under oath. However, his performance in the past has been far from stellar. Under oath, he answers questions exactly as if he were being interviewed by reporters, with long disconnect and often irrelevant comments. That just won't fly in a court room environment.

Of course, it's clear why Trump is very unlikely to appear before the grand jury or even submit to an interview by Mueller. Trump can not resist the temptation to boast and brag, exaggerating, and twisting the truth. This would surely end up in a charge of perjury.

Mueller has all the time in the world to complete the investigation. Trump doesn't. The midterms are just around the corner and he has already started campaigning for 2020. His continual attacks on Mueller without results makes him look weak and ineffective, something he can't afford. Probably what hurts Trump the most is Mueller refusing to engage him. That makes Trump look as silly as Don Quixote fighting windmills.

Mueller is one of the criminals who tried to influence our 2016 election, and now he and the deep state are trying to remove a constitutionally elected president, this is terrible for this nation. When the intelligence services start taking sides and trying to influence an election, we are on the road to becoming no better than a banana republic.
What you're saying is speculation. The truth will come out, not in Trump tweets but with the report of the Mueller investigation and eventually the grand jury transcripts and summaries of interviews after all prosecutions. Trump is clearly preparing for the worst by opening an investigation of the FBI as a distraction which has been the go to tactic from day one.

There is virtually no chance that Trump will be removed from office unless there is compelling evidence of his guilt.
Assuming every democrat would be in favor of impeachment it would require 4 Republicans on the judiciary committee to agree with Democrats, and 25 Republicans in the House, then 19 in the Senate.

Unless the democrats win both the House and Senate by good margin, the chance of a Trump impeachment is pretty low.

all true, but what really sucks is that this is all about Hillary losing. the dems and their complicit media cannot get over the FACT that the American people chose trump over crooked Hillary. THAT my friend, is what this is all about.

as to impeachment, beating the other party's candidate is not grounds for impeachment. If such were ever to happen there would be a civil war in this country, and remember, we have the guns and the police and the military on our side.
why should he testify under oath? there is nothing to testify about. Why wasn't Hillary put under oath when she lied about classified data on her private server?

Clinton testified under oath for eleven hours on national television.

she was never under oath, idiot. Never, because the FBI and DOJ knew she would lie and were trying to save her fat corrupt ass.


tell us when she testified under oath about the classified data on her illegal server. the Benghazi testimony had nothing to do with her illegal use of a private server for government communications and the illegal destruction of government property (30000 emails)

Please cite the federal law that prohibited her or any previous Sec. of State from using a private email account or private server.

there are laws regarding the holding and transmission of classified data. there is nothing wrong with having a private server, but it is a violation of federal law to send or receive classified data on it. It is also illegal to use a personal email system for federal government communications, and to destroy government records. Hillary is guilty of all three.
Ask the NY times and Wash post, two left wing rags, even they are writing about the comey/Mueller/Clinton/Obama criminality

I'm asking you, liar.

and I have asked you many times to tell me how many 2016 votes in which states were changed as a result of Russian activity.

I am quoting left wing media, as are you. So in which case are they lying?

You're quoting yourself, liar.

You've posted nothing but your goofy conjectures.

I am quoting the liberal media, if you think its goofy, blame them.

one more chance, which 2016 votes were changed as a result of Russian activity, how many and where?

Post it up, liar.

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