One year anniversary of Mueller investigation - What we've learned

Apparently you've learned nothing in the last year. Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee. Not a Dem to be found anywhere.

everyone on Mueller's team is either a democrat or a donor to the DNC or the Hillary campaign. Mueller is part of the criminal establishment that Trump is exposing, that's what this is all about----------preserving the corrupt establishment in both parties as well as the criminals who fund them.

None of that changes the fact that Mueller , a republican, was appointed by Trump's own appointee. This was done only after and as a result of the firing of Comey by Trump. Trump brought this on himself. There was no Dem involved in any way.
that have only found collusion by the DNC.

There is no such finding, dope.
sure there is, the Congress said so.

The Congress did no such thing, liar.
Apparently you've learned nothing in the last year. Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee. Not a Dem to be found anywhere.

everyone on Mueller's team is either a democrat or a donor to the DNC or the Hillary campaign. Mueller is part of the criminal establishment that Trump is exposing, that's what this is all about----------preserving the corrupt establishment in both parties as well as the criminals who fund them.

None of that changes the fact that Mueller , a republican, was appointed by Trump's own appointee. This was done only after and as a result of the firing of Comey by Trump. Trump brought this on himself. There was no Dem involved in any way.
that have only found collusion by the DNC.

There is no such finding, dope.

Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?

That's not collusion, fool.
everyone on Mueller's team is either a democrat or a donor to the DNC or the Hillary campaign. Mueller is part of the criminal establishment that Trump is exposing, that's what this is all about----------preserving the corrupt establishment in both parties as well as the criminals who fund them.

None of that changes the fact that Mueller , a republican, was appointed by Trump's own appointee. This was done only after and as a result of the firing of Comey by Trump. Trump brought this on himself. There was no Dem involved in any way.
that have only found collusion by the DNC.

There is no such finding, dope.

Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?

That's not collusion, fool.

I didn't say it was... anyway, tell us Einstein, what exactly did the Russian government and the Trump campaign do, illegally, to throw the election?
None of that changes the fact that Mueller , a republican, was appointed by Trump's own appointee. This was done only after and as a result of the firing of Comey by Trump. Trump brought this on himself. There was no Dem involved in any way.
that have only found collusion by the DNC.

There is no such finding, dope.

Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?

That's not collusion, fool.

I didn't say it was... anyway, tell us Einstein, what exactly did the Russian government and the Trump campaign do, illegally, to throw the election?
I didn't say it was..
You did, dope.
that have only found collusion by the DNC.

There is no such finding, dope.

Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?

That's not collusion, fool.

I didn't say it was... anyway, tell us Einstein, what exactly did the Russian government and the Trump campaign do, illegally, to throw the election?
I didn't say it was..
You did, dope.

You need to go back to 1st grade... you're quoting the wrong poster shit-for-brains.
This investigation is a cover-up for the dems. Had Hillary won, none of this would even be talked about.

The investigation began in July of 2016, dope.
Well before the election.

Oh, and it started in May of 2017.

Special Counsel investigation (2017–present) - Wikipedia

No, dope. The FBI investigation started in July of 2016. Mueller took over their investigation after his appointment a year ago.

Robert Mueller takes over FBI’s Russia investigation at pivotal moment

"In a surprise move, former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel to oversee the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, including potential collusion between Russian agents and members of the Trump campaign, by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday."
There is no such finding, dope.

Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?

That's not collusion, fool.

I didn't say it was... anyway, tell us Einstein, what exactly did the Russian government and the Trump campaign do, illegally, to throw the election?
I didn't say it was..
You did, dope.

You need to go back to 1st grade... you're quoting the wrong poster shit-for-brains.
I'm quoting you, dope. Try opening the nested quotes and following the context.

that have only found collusion by the DNC.

There is no such finding, dope.

Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?
everyone on Mueller's team is either a democrat or a donor to the DNC or the Hillary campaign. Mueller is part of the criminal establishment that Trump is exposing, that's what this is all about----------preserving the corrupt establishment in both parties as well as the criminals who fund them.

None of that changes the fact that Mueller , a republican, was appointed by Trump's own appointee. This was done only after and as a result of the firing of Comey by Trump. Trump brought this on himself. There was no Dem involved in any way.
that have only found collusion by the DNC.

There is no such finding, dope.

Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?

That's not collusion, fool.
why not, it was to interfere in the election correct? what else was it for?
None of that changes the fact that Mueller , a republican, was appointed by Trump's own appointee. This was done only after and as a result of the firing of Comey by Trump. Trump brought this on himself. There was no Dem involved in any way.
that have only found collusion by the DNC.

There is no such finding, dope.

Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?

That's not collusion, fool.
why not, it was to interfere in the election correct? what else was it for?

It was opposition research, dope.
that have only found collusion by the DNC.

There is no such finding, dope.

Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?

That's not collusion, fool.
why not, it was to interfere in the election correct? what else was it for?

It was opposition research, dope.
for what purpose?
There is no such finding, dope.

Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?

That's not collusion, fool.
why not, it was to interfere in the election correct? what else was it for?

It was opposition research, dope.
for what purpose?

The same purpose as any campaign, dope.
Really? The DNC didn't pay for the Steele Dossier which was largely prepared with info provided by ex & current soviet agents?

That's not collusion, fool.
why not, it was to interfere in the election correct? what else was it for?

It was opposition research, dope.
for what purpose?

The same purpose as any campaign, dope.
they paid for it to interfere in the election. collusion with Russia. as I stated already. where else did it come from?
That's not collusion, fool.
why not, it was to interfere in the election correct? what else was it for?

It was opposition research, dope.
for what purpose?

The same purpose as any campaign, dope.
they paid for it to interfere in the election. collusion with Russia. as I stated already. where else did it come from?

No, dope.

Oppo research is not and has never been an act of election interference.
We learned this entire thing was invented by DC because they're threatened by a Washington outsider. We learned it was actually the DEMOCRATS who colluded with Russia, but they're held to a much lower standard. We learned how the investigation continues in order to save face, and the investigation continues not because there was a crime committed by Trump, but because they hope to find a crime committed by Trump. And finally, we learned that DC, the FBI, the Justice Dept., the Clintons and the Obama admin. are corrupt, and how easily our dumbed-down population can be strung along.

An awful lot of criminal hanky and panky were occurring.

Trump's shriller and shriller denials and cries of "witch hunt" indicates he knows he is being dropped in the outhouse hole.

A number of indictments, pleas, convictions, and upcoming trials reveals that, yes, by cracky, Ms. Markle, a lot of bad stuff was happening.

Deliberate interference, including deliberate lying and posturing and cross pointing, are indictable offense of obstruction of justice.
Clinton and Obama committed Treasonous acts against Trump during the Election, and after. They colluded with foreign intelligence agencies to influence our Election. They should be held accountable.
Dschrute3, your comment above is a deliberate obstruction of justice. You know Clinton and Obama did nothing of the sort. You are trying to deflect (very poorly) from the arch criminal, Trump, who colluded with foreign intelligence services to influence our Election.

The DOJ can go after everyone who obstructs and colludges. Anonymous postings are subject to criminal libel laws.

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