Only 1 More State Needs to Ratify Equal Rights Amendment


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Illinois just became the 37th to back ERA

Remember that? How many weren’t even born when all that hoofraw happened? I had no idea my home state, Nevada, had approved in in 2017.

Some minor problems though, 5 states have rescinded their original ratifications.

With calls to revive the amendment growing stronger amid the #MeToo movement, Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney plans to hold a congressional hearing on the ERA next week. It will be the first since 1984.

I wonder if that means they will have to start all over.

Story @ Only 1 More State Needs to Ratify Equal Rights Amendment
Nothing wrong with how it is written.

The process may need to be revived, though.
I think there is no actual provision in the constitution to revoke a ratification vote.
DGS49, that is no required. What is required is the legislation that began the effort. What were the parameters of said legislation?
They usually have a time limit. And yes a State can decertify their ratification.
women have had MORE than equal rights from the day that they got the vote. and certainly so in divorce court. My god. you'd have to be nuts to have a kid with a US woman these days. MGTOW grows by 100's of men every day, and for good reason.
women have had MORE than equal rights from the day that they got the vote. and certainly so in divorce court. My god. you'd have to be nuts to have a kid with a US woman these days. MGTOW grows by 100's of men every day, and for good reason.

That depends on the situation. I was able to get what I wanted in the divorce, and even insisted that the papers be altered to give her half of the summer, not just 2 weeks.

Yes, there are shitty women out there. But then, being a shitty human being is not gender specific.
In these wacky polarized days between far left and the far right it is imperative that any draft of an "equal" rights amendment be thoroughly reviewed before going forward. It could be used as a tool of chaos. In addition, it is a proposed amendment from a long ago time back in herstory. Needs updating! It needs moderation! Maybe needs a different name like "The Respect Women and Love your Mother Amendment" !!!

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