Only 51% of Americans see Muslims the same way they see others

Can Americans separate terrorism from Muslims? Yes, says poll

Only 51% of Americans see Muslims the same as others, meaning 49%, or basically half, see Muslims as bad.

It's only taken 14 years of the right pounding the message home so they can put the fear of god and violence into American's bones for this to happen.

It's a sad situation.

to be fair, you're correct about the drumbeat. but current circumstances make even people of good will fearful and uncomfortable.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... dey's sneaky, like the Chinese...

... dat's why dey call `em furiners...

... gotta keep yer eye on `em...

... Trust but Verify...

... don't let `em outta yer sight.
People often divide into two teams.

Yeah, those who see a few bad people and vilify the whole community, oh, unless it's the KKK doing the bad things, and those who don't.

You've described one particularly prolific dialectical situation.

It's not always about the pc and the un pc. In Australia we had two car brands. Some men are really serious about being a ford guy or a holden guy.
Can Americans separate terrorism from Muslims? Yes, says poll

Only 51% of Americans see Muslims the same as others, meaning 49%, or basically half, see Muslims as bad.

It's only taken 14 years of the right pounding the message home so they can put the fear of god and violence into American's bones for this to happen.

It's a sad situation.

to be fair, you're correct about the drumbeat. but current circumstances make even people of good will fearful and uncomfortable.

Current circumstances, made by the right, which make people of good will fearful and willing to accept, er... the right's rather nationalistic approach more palatable to people who are fearful.

So the right cause a situation which causes fear, and the right benefit from this fear because they claim to be the only ones who will fix the situation they caused. And people vote for this shit?
People often divide into two teams.

Yeah, those who see a few bad people and vilify the whole community, oh, unless it's the KKK doing the bad things, and those who don't.

You've described one particularly prolific dialectical situation.

It's not always about the pc and the un pc. In Australia we had two car brands. Some men are really serious about being a ford guy or a holden guy.

Sure they are. But then they're not exactly the brightest, are they? Voting for the same rubbish time in and time out without thinking about it.

I knew a 'Nam veteran, he was a Pepsi man. He could get Coca Cola free from the tap as he worked in a Supermarket. But he bought Coca Cola instead. He was on food stamps, had two kids to bring up.

He also wasn't very smart.
You would be a fool not to view Muslims with suspicion, after what they have done. That means many on the left are fools, including the fool in the WH.

Leftism gets a lot of people killed.
Can Americans separate terrorism from Muslims? Yes, says poll

Only 51% of Americans see Muslims the same as others, meaning 49%, or basically half, see Muslims as bad.

It's only taken 14 years of the right pounding the message home so they can put the fear of god and violence into American's bones for this to happen.

It's a sad situation.

to be fair, you're correct about the drumbeat. but current circumstances make even people of good will fearful and uncomfortable.

Current circumstances, made by the right, which make people of good will fearful and willing to accept, er... the right's rather nationalistic approach more palatable to people who are fearful.

So the right cause a situation which causes fear, and the right benefit from this fear because they claim to be the only ones who will fix the situation they caused. And people vote for this shit?

you know, the right certainly created the fertile environment to speed things up. but this was always going to happen. in the 80's i remember my mid east politics professor saying "the biggest problem of the 21st century is going to be jihadis". he was right and the reasons he gave for it were correct. so it's not like the seeds weren't there. we were already using bin laden to fight our proxy war... there were already issues in iran, etc. etc. while i think baby bush and the neoconwackjobs did everything wrong and left a vacuum the twas easily filled by terrorists, i'm not willing to let the terrorists off the hook for their actions.
You would be a fool not to view Muslims with suspicion, after what they have done. That means many on the left are fools, including the fool in the WH.

Leftism gets a lot of people killed.

Oh, and what happened with white people in WW2? Oh, concentration camps, genocide, all of that stuff. Many of them were Christians at that. Damn, wouldn't trust a white Christian.

Oh, and the invasion of Iraq, Christians for the most part, untrustworthy bastards them.

We can make this claim for MOST GROUPS in the world. Men, for example. Who would trust men? Almost all wars are started by fucking power hungry men.
You would be a fool not to view Muslims with suspicion, after what they have done. That means many on the left are fools, including the fool in the WH.

Leftism gets a lot of people killed.

Muslims in the ME would be fools not to view the US with suspicion. Our meddling is the root cause of all of this.
Can Americans separate terrorism from Muslims? Yes, says poll

Only 51% of Americans see Muslims the same as others, meaning 49%, or basically half, see Muslims as bad.

It's only taken 14 years of the right pounding the message home so they can put the fear of god and violence into American's bones for this to happen.

It's a sad situation.

to be fair, you're correct about the drumbeat. but current circumstances make even people of good will fearful and uncomfortable.

Current circumstances, made by the right, which make people of good will fearful and willing to accept, er... the right's rather nationalistic approach more palatable to people who are fearful.

So the right cause a situation which causes fear, and the right benefit from this fear because they claim to be the only ones who will fix the situation they caused. And people vote for this shit?

you know, the right certainly created the fertile environment to speed things up. but this was always going to happen. in the 80's i remember my mid east politics professor saying "the biggest problem of the 21st century is going to be jihadis". he was right and the reasons he gave for it were correct. so it's not like the seeds weren't there. we were already using bin laden to fight our proxy war... there were already issues in iran, etc. etc. while i think baby bush and the neoconwackjobs did everything wrong and left a vacuum the twas easily filled by terrorists, i'm not willing to let the terrorists off the hook for their actions.

No, I disagree it was always going to happen.

Maybe you professor was just saying stuff. Maybe your professor saw what the US was doing in Muslim countries. Did your professor take into account the impact of the internet too?

It's easy to say something, and it's easy to remember stuff that came true. That doesn't mean it was always going to happen because your professor predicted something.

No, I didn't say to let terrorists off the hook for their actions. Perhaps let the NON-TERRORISTS off the hook, perhaps not let the bastards like Bush who caused the problem off the hook either.
It's a sad situation.

yes it is, when we have alleged Americans committed to spreading :bsflag: about muslimes being good people, you dumbfuck liberfools feeeeeel you can appease them .., we patriots BELIEVE they need to be sent back to their islamic state of choice or KILLED!! to protect Americas children.!! :up:
You would be a fool not to view Muslims with suspicion, after what they have done. That means many on the left are fools, including the fool in the WH.

Leftism gets a lot of people killed.

Oh, and what happened with white people in WW2? Oh, concentration camps, genocide, all of that stuff. Many of them were Christians at that. Damn, wouldn't trust a white Christian.

Oh, and the invasion of Iraq, Christians for the most part, untrustworthy bastards them.

We can make this claim for MOST GROUPS in the world. Men, for example. Who would trust men? Almost all wars are started by fucking power hungry men.
So viewing adherents of a religion that has a long history of killing innocents, means we should imprison them. Leftism...its crazy.
You would be a fool not to view Muslims with suspicion, after what they have done. That means many on the left are fools, including the fool in the WH.

Leftism gets a lot of people killed.

Muslims in the ME would be fools not to view the US with suspicion. Our meddling is the root cause of all of this.
Agreed. So let's not bring them here if our political class, including your dear leader, continue meddling in the ME.
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Voting for the same rubbish time in and time out without thinking about it.

you mean like the last two presidential elections, where people went to the polls to elect a fucking illegal alien muslime mulatto who was an expert at lying.., in fact one of the very best liars world wide. :up:

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