Only a Mass Working-Class Climate Politics Can Free Us From the Climate Doom Cycle

The climate and ecological crisis is the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced. It will no doubt be the issue that will define and shape our future everyday life like no other. This is painfully clear. In the last few years, the way we see and talk about the crisis has started to shift. But since we have wasted so many decades ignoring and downplaying this escalating emergency, our societies are still in a state of denial. This is, after all, the age of communication, where what you say can easily outweigh what you do. That is how we have ended up with such a great number of major fossil-fuel-producing – and high-emitting – nations calling themselves climate leaders, despite not having any credible climate mitigation policies in place. This is the age of the great greenwashing machine.
Why would one want to support initiatives that have continual moving goal posts, and the science behind these measures is questioned? I'm inclined to believe more about COVID than global warming / global cooling / climate change [insert phrase here].
There are no black-and-white issues in life. No categorical answers. Everything is a subject for endless debate and compromise. This is one of the core principles of our current society. A society which, when it comes to sustainability, has a lot to answer for. Because that core principle is wrong. There are some issues that are black and white. There are indeed planetary and societal boundaries that must not be crossed. For instance, we think our societies can be a little bit more or a little bit less sustainable. But in the long run you cannot be a little bit sustainable – either you are sustainable or you are unsustainable. It is like walking on thin ice – either it carries your weight, or it does not. Either you make it to the shore, or you fall into the deep, dark, cold waters. And if that should happen to us, there will not be any nearby planet coming to our rescue. We are completely on our own.
Join me in this effort, join Greta Thunberg in this effort, join AOC in this effort, join Governor Newsom in this effort, and let us hold hands and instead of spending our budget for weapons of war, let us pool our resources with Russia and China to fight our common enemy: THE CLIMATE CHANGE!

Only a Mass Working-Class Climate Politics Can Free Us From the Climate Doom Cycle

While climate change is a serious problem, you do not do your case well by asking us to join a child, an ignorant idiot, and a leftist wacko politician in order to solve the problem. Climate change has happened many many times in the history of the earth and so far no actual scientific proof has been issued to show it can be stopped. Perhaps if all the folks that believe man has caused climate change were to leave the earth to show they are serious the lower population left would not have a problem.
The coming climate change can't be stopped. It inevitable that the Ice sheets will return from the poles one day thousands of years from now, returning the earth to it's more common and cold state during the Ice Age.

Deal with the weather extremes of the current epoch as they come. Adapt.
The climate and ecological crisis is the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced. It will no doubt be the issue that will define and shape our future everyday life like no other. This is painfully clear. In the last few years, the way we see and talk about the crisis has started to shift. But since we have wasted so many decades ignoring and downplaying this escalating emergency, our societies are still in a state of denial. This is, after all, the age of communication, where what you say can easily outweigh what you do. That is how we have ended up with such a great number of major fossil-fuel-producing – and high-emitting – nations calling themselves climate leaders, despite not having any credible climate mitigation policies in place. This is the age of the great greenwashing machine.
It is my genuine belief that the only way we will be able to avoid the worst consequences of this emerging existential crisis is if we create a critical mass of people who demand the changes required. For that to happen, we need to rapidly spread awareness, because the general public still lacks much of the basic knowledge that is necessary to understand the dire situation we are in. My wish is to be part of the effort to change that.
It is my genuine belief that the only way we will be able to avoid the worst consequences of this emerging existential crisis is if we create a critical mass of people who demand the changes required. For that to happen, we need to rapidly spread awareness, because the general public still lacks much of the basic knowledge that is necessary to understand the dire situation we are in. My wish is to be part of the effort to change that.
It's not an "existential crisis", you poor panicky pearl clutcher.....The climate changes all on its own, and there's no amount of masochistic indulgences you can pay that will stop it.
It's not an "existential crisis", you poor panicky pearl clutcher.....The climate changes all on its own, and there's no amount of masochistic indulgences you can pay that will stop it.
There is still time for us to avoid the worst outcomes. There is still hope, but not if we continue as we are today. To solve this problem, we first need to understand it – and to understand the fact that the problem itself is by definition a series of interconnected problems. We need to lay out the facts and tell it like it is. Science is a tool, and we all need to learn how to use it.

We also need to answer some fundamental questions. Like, what is it, exactly, we want to solve in the first place? What is our goal? Is it to lower emissions, or to be able to go on living as we are today? Is our goal to safeguard present and future living conditions, or is it to maintain a high-consumption way of life? Is there such a thing as green growth? And can we have eternal economic growth on a finite planet?

Right now, many of us are in need of hope. But what is hope? And hope for whom? Hope for those of us who have created the problem, or for those who are already suffering its consequences? And can our desire to deliver this hope get in the way of taking action and therefore risk doing more harm than good?

The richest 1 per cent of the world’s population are responsible for more than twice as much carbon pollution as the people who make up the poorest half of humanity.
Perhaps, if you are one of the 19 million US citizens or the 4 million citizens of China who belong to that top 1 per cent – along with everyone else who has a net worth of $1,055,337 or more – then hope is perhaps not what you need the most. At least not from an objective perspective.
The climate and ecological crisis is the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced. It will no doubt be the issue that will define and shape our future everyday life like no other. This is painfully clear. In the last few years, the way we see and talk about the crisis has started to shift. But since we have wasted so many decades ignoring and downplaying this escalating emergency, our societies are still in a state of denial. This is, after all, the age of communication, where what you say can easily outweigh what you do. That is how we have ended up with such a great number of major fossil-fuel-producing – and high-emitting – nations calling themselves climate leaders, despite not having any credible climate mitigation policies in place. This is the age of the great greenwashing machine.

What Climate Crisis?

Be careful now as I have a long list of evidence to post that show NO Climate Crisis exist which I have done many times already only to see it get ignored because warmist/alarmists prefer to swallow the stupid lies instead of evidence that I have provided in abundance.

Of course, we hear, some progress is being made. Some nations and regions report quite astonishing reductions in CO2 emissions – or at least in the years since the world first started negotiating the frameworks for how we manage our statistics. But how do all those reductions hold up once we include our total emissions, rather than carefully managed territorial statistics? In other words, all those emissions that we so successfully negotiated out of these figures. For instance, outsourcing factories to distant parts of the world and negotiating emissions from international aviation and shipping out of our statistics – which means that we not only manufacture our products by using cheap labour and exploiting people, we also erase the associated emissions – emissions that have, in reality, increased. Is that progress?

To stay in line with our international climate targets we need to get our individual per capita emissions down to somewhere around 1 tonne of carbon dioxide a year. In Sweden, that figure currently stands at around 9 tonnes, once you include consumption of imported goods. In the US that figure is 17 tonnes, in Canada 15.4 tonnes, in Australia 15 tonnes and in China 6.6 tonnes. When you add biogenic emissions – such as emissions from the burning of wood and vegetation – those figures will in many cases be even higher. And in forestry nations such as Sweden and Canada, significantly higher.
Here is what all that additional CO2 is doing for the Plants Biota:

Both articles are from NASA

Apr 26, 2016

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds​


From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.



Nov 23, 2020

Greening of the Earth Mitigates Surface Warming​


A new study reports that increased vegetation growth during the recent decades, known as the “Greening Earth”, has a strong cooling effect on the land due to increased efficiency of heat and water vapor transfer to the atmosphere.​

A new study published in the journal Science Advances titled “Biophysical impacts of Earth greening largely controlled by aerodynamic resistance” reports that the entire land surface would have been much warmer without the cooling effect of increased green cover during the recent decades. The study used high-quality satellite data from NASA’s MODIS sensors and NCAR’s state-of-the-art numerical earth system model.


More CO2 is GREAT for the planet!
Keeping emissions below 1 tonne per person a year will not be a problem for the majority of the world’s population, since they will only need to make modest reductions – if any – in order to live inside the planetary boundaries. In many cases, they would even be able to increase their emissions quite substantially
But the idea that countries such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland, New Zealand, Norway, and so on will be able to achieve such enormous reductions within a couple of decades without major systemic transformations is naive. And still this is what the leaders of the so-called Global North are suggesting will happen.
Keeping emissions below 1 tonne per person a year will not be a problem for the majority of the world’s population, since they will only need to make modest reductions – if any – in order to live inside the planetary boundaries. In many cases, they would even be able to increase their emissions quite substantially
But the idea that countries such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland, New Zealand, Norway, and so on will be able to achieve such enormous reductions within a couple of decades without major systemic transformations is naive. And still this is what the leaders of the so-called Global North are suggesting will happen.

It appears you are avoiding my replies because you know that what you post is misleading bullshit which begs the question:

Why are you doing it?
It appears you are avoiding my replies because you know that what you post is misleading bullshit which begs the question:

Why are you doing it?
not avoiding. you're avoiding me, it's my thread, i dictate what we talk about, if you don't like that, you can leave
Some people believe that if they were to join the climate movement now, they would be among the last. But that is very far from true. In fact, if you do decide to take action now, you would still be a pioneer
not avoiding. you're avoiding me, it's my thread, i dictate what we talk about, if you don't like that, you can leave

Ha ha ha...,

No, I didn't avoid your article which is written by a socialist loon while YOU ignored my questions and two articles from NASA that smashes your claims thus you are the one avoiding debate.

I have been reacting to your posts with facts which you ignore because you can't counter it.

This post exposes the stupid chronic we are in doom unless we allow socialists take over our country to fix a non-existing climate crisis problem.

IPCC Issues their Annual Final Climate Warning​



Here is the reality:


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