Only In A Democrat Kangaroo Court Can A Democrat Be A Witness, Judge, & Jurer

In this nation at this time there are two sets of rules and two rules of law. One applies to republicans (especially to Deplorables) and the other to democrats.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.


Just because the criminal Trump managed to get himself impeached again doesn't warrant attacking the impeachment process.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.


Just because the criminal Trump managed to get himself impeached again doesn't warrant attacking the impeachment process.

It's unconstitutional to apply an impeachment process to a private citizen.
Just because the criminal Trump managed to get himself impeached again doesn't warrant attacking the impeachment process.

You keep ignoring the fact that before the Articles of Impeachment were drafted Nancy Pelosi adcmitted publicly to the world that the intent of this latestcriminal abuse of power / the Constitution is to protect the Democrat Party by eliminating Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond.

Your continuing to do so is an admission that this Impeachment is an illegal, Un-Constitutional abuse of power and the Constituion itself in an attempt to benfit the Democrat party, not protect the country in any way.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

For those whose "Civics" class dealt with how to change the muffler on a Honda, it's standard procedure for some Senator to preside in the Chamber, and standard for the President Pro Tempore or the Vice President to preside in an impeachment of other than a sitting POTUS. That standard procedure includes voting, always did, from Daniel Inouye at the impeachment of Porteus to Thomas Jefferson at the impeachment of Blount in the eighteenth century. NONE of which has a goddam thing to do with political parties.

Perhaps news travels slow to the OP's home garbage can.

The fact that you are attempting to defend the Democrats running a kangaroo Court with a Trump-hating Democrat as witness, judge, and juror only proves my point. The Un-Constitutionality and ridiculousness of this whole thing is why Roberts wants no part in it.

It's a sham. Onlysnowflakes can and will try to defend such a joke.

If your teacher ever succeeds in teaching you how to read, you'll notice that not only does the quoted post have no need to "defend" jack friggety, being a simple Cliff's Notes primer for the uninterested on How The Senate Works, but you'll also discover --- oh happy day - discovery --- that I specifically pointed out that it has NOTHING to do with political parties anyway.

I posted a simple outline of how the Senate routinely works. Go find a flaw in any of what I put down. And when you realize you can't do it, that's your cue to come back and kiss my ass. Think you can handle that? I know that'll take you a while so imma go ahead and have a bowl of chili.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.


Just because the criminal Trump managed to get himself impeached again doesn't warrant attacking the impeachment process.

It's unconstitutional to apply an impeachment process to a private citizen.

That isn't provided in the Constitution, correct. It's moot in this case though, as Rump was impeached while he was in office. Both times.
Just because the criminal Trump managed to get himself impeached again doesn't warrant attacking the impeachment process.

You keep ignoring the fact that before the Articles of Impeachment were drafted Nancy Pelosi adcmitted [sic] publicly to the world that the intent of this latestcriminal [sic] abuse of power / the Constitution is to protect the Democrat [sic] Party by eliminating Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond.

Your continuing to do so is an admission that this Impeachment is an illegal, Un-Constitutional abuse of power and the Constituion [sic] itself in an attempt to benfit [sic] the Democrat [sic] party, not protect the country in any way.

Linkie Winkie?

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.


Just because the criminal Trump managed to get himself impeached again doesn't warrant attacking the impeachment process.

It's unconstitutional to apply an impeachment process to a private citizen.

That isn't provided in the Constitution, correct. It's moot in this case though, as Rump was impeached while he was in office. Both times.

Half an impeachment does not a TOTAL impeachment make! Idiot.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

For those whose "Civics" class dealt with how to change the muffler on a Honda, it's standard procedure for some Senator to preside in the Chamber, and standard for the President Pro Tempore or the Vice President to preside in an impeachment of other than a sitting POTUS. That standard procedure includes voting, always did, from Daniel Inouye at the impeachment of Porteus to Thomas Jefferson at the impeachment of Blount in the eighteenth century. NONE of which has a goddam thing to do with political parties.

Perhaps news travels slow to the OP's home garbage can.

The fact that you are attempting to defend the Democrats running a kangaroo Court with a Trump-hating Democrat as witness, judge, and juror only proves my point. The Un-Constitutionality and ridiculousness of this whole thing is why Roberts wants no part in it.

It's a sham. Onlysnowflakes can and will try to defend such a joke.

If your teacher ever succeeds in teaching you how to read, you'll notice that not only does the quoted post have no need to "defend" jack friggety, being a simple Cliff's Notes primer for the uninterested on How The Senate Works, but you'll also discover --- oh happy day - discovery --- that I specifically pointed out that it has NOTHING to do with political parties anyway.

I posted a simple outline of how the Senate routinely works. Go find a flaw in any of what I put down. And when you realize you can't do it, that's your cue to come back and kiss my ass. Think you can handle that? I know that'll take you a while so imma go ahead and have a bowl of chili.
Well hell, why don't we just allow plaintiffs serve as witnesses, jury members, and Judges in ever trial in the US?! What a gerat fu@king idea, snowflake!

It's the fairest plan Democrat TDS-suffering twats can come up with tho finally overcome 4 years of failure and finallyexact their revenge.


Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

When republicans get control, they will preemptively impeach every Dem they can so that none can ever hold office.
"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

If McConnell didn't drag his feet, they would have tried Trump while he was still president. Republicans can't object that Trump is now a private citizen, when it was their delays that caused Trumps change of status.

He's worse than Lyle and Erik Menendez asking for leniency, because they're orphans.
In this nation at this time there are two sets of rules and two rules of law. One applies to republicans (especially to Deplorables) and the other to democrats.

I can agree to the former but not the latter, One applies to the haves and the other applies to the have nots.
It's unconstitutional to apply an impeachment process to a private citizen.
Trump wasn't a private citizen when he incited violence.
Trump wasn't a private citizen when they impeached him
Trump wasn't a private citizen when they delivered the articles of impeachment to the senate for trial.
But Mitch McConnell sat on his hands to give Trump time to become a private citizen.
But that doesn't fly.

If the republican delay made the trial unconstitutional, then the republican delay would be unconstitutional.
When republicans get control, they will preemptively impeach every Dem they can so that none can ever hold office.

That is the reason that people will stop voting for republicans. They want power for political revenge with no intention of helping the working class.

We saw it when they tried to repeal Obamacare hundreds of times, and when the held hearing after hearing on Benghazi for no reason other than politics.
It's unconstitutional to apply an impeachment process to a private citizen.
Trump wasn't a private citizen when he incited violence.
Trump wasn't a private citizen when they impeached him
Trump wasn't a private citizen when they delivered the articles of impeachment to the senate for trial.
But Mitch McConnell sat on his hands to give Trump time to become a private citizen.
But that doesn't fly.

If the republican delay made the trial unconstitutional, then the republican delay would be unconstitutional.

This whole shitshow infomercial is unconstitutional!
The penalty for impeachment is removal from office. He is not in office dimwit!
"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."
Leahy cannot overturn the vote of the Senate.

In a real jury trial, the judge can over ride the decision.

Can a Judge Overturn a Jury Verdict?
Fairfax Injury Lawyer Brien Roche Addresses Can A Judge Overturn A Jury Verdict

Brien Roche
In any trial the judge is the ultimate decision maker and has the power to overturn a jury verdict if there is insufficient evidence to support that verdict or if the decision granted inadequate compensatory damages. The term used to describe this action is judgement notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV) or judgement of acquittal in a criminal case.
Well hell, why don't we just allow plaintiffs serve as witnesses, jury members, and Judges in ever trial in the US?! What a gerat fu@king idea, snowflake!

If you don't like it, then amend the constitution.

Or suggest that everybody witness to what happened on 1-6 recuse themselves from the jury.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

For those whose "Civics" class dealt with how to change the muffler on a Honda, it's standard procedure for some Senator to preside in the Chamber, and standard for the President Pro Tempore or the Vice President to preside in an impeachment of other than a sitting POTUS. That standard procedure includes voting, always did, from Daniel Inouye at the impeachment of Porteus to Thomas Jefferson at the impeachment of Blount in the eighteenth century. NONE of which has a goddam thing to do with political parties.

Perhaps news travels slow to the OP's home garbage can.

Bull. Spare us the sophistry. Leahy is a partisan leftist hack. That's all.

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