Only In A Democrat Kangaroo Court Can A Democrat Be A Witness, Judge, & Jurer

It's unconstitutional to apply an impeachment process to a private citizen.
Trump wasn't a private citizen when he incited violence.
Trump wasn't a private citizen when they impeached him
Trump wasn't a private citizen when they delivered the articles of impeachment to the senate for trial.
But Mitch McConnell sat on his hands to give Trump time to become a private citizen.
But that doesn't fly.

If the republican delay made the trial unconstitutional, then the republican delay would be unconstitutional.

This whole shitshow infomercial is unconstitutional!
The penalty for impeachment is removal from office. He is not in office dimwit!

Removal from office is not the only penalty of being convicted.

It's the primary one and the Constitution uses the word 'Shall' meaning that it has to be applied! It cannot be applied because he is not sitting in office. Therefore, one more reason this Shampeachment IS unconstitutional!

Once AGAIN --- read the text.

>> Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to [sic] removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. << --- Article 1 Section 3 Clause 7​

There is no such designation of "primary" or "secondary". There's no preference stated at all. What it actually says is "SHALL NOT", not "shall". That doesn't mean EITHER of them MUST happen (it's technically possible to convict on impeachment but neither remove from office nor disqualify from future office) --- rather, it's a LIMITATION. "Shall not extend further than", IOW "you can do A, you can do B, you can do A and B, but you can't do anything else'.

Shall means must. Most Constitutional experts agree on this.
Trump must be removed from office upon impeachment.
The problem is, there is NO office he has as a private citizen.
It's just this simple and UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!

Ewe dont seam too reed two gud.

It says "shall not", not "shall".

Let's read that again.

It says "shall not", not "shall".

"Shall" and "shall not" are what we call "opposites".

"Shall not extend further than ...". That's a limitation. It means impeachment has two remedies available AND ONLY TWO. And just to be clear it follows that with, as above, "but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.".

That's why impeachment is not a criminal trial. That's a separate process.

As for this:
>> Trump must be removed from office upon impeachment. <<

Again, WRONG. Nowhere anywhere does the Constitution require removal upon impeachment, or even upon the trial. Removal is one of two remedies the trial may affix, but that trial does have the choice whether to assign EITHER penalty. As I said above, it isn't required to do either.
Last edited:

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

For those whose "Civics" class dealt with how to change the muffler on a Honda, it's standard procedure for some Senator to preside in the Chamber, and standard for the President Pro Tempore or the Vice President to preside in an impeachment of other than a sitting POTUS. That standard procedure includes voting, always did, from Daniel Inouye at the impeachment of Porteus to Thomas Jefferson at the impeachment of Blount in the eighteenth century. NONE of which has a goddam thing to do with political parties.

Perhaps news travels slow to the OP's home garbage can.

Bull. Spare us the sophistry. Leahy is a partisan leftist hack. That's all.

Actually he's the President Pro Tempore as the longest-serving Senator. That's all there is to it.

As was Inouye in the Porteus impeachment. And so on.

For those of you completely oblivious to Robert's Rules of Order, all the chair does is keep order, declare the session open or adjourned, etc. Partisanship" doesn't even enter into that.

He has no vote but he is a partisan hack. Anyway, this is kabuki theatre of the ages. It's all a show based on propaganda and partisan hackery. Nothing else.

Of course he has a vote, he's a fuckin' Senator. Read your Constitution.

Speaking of which nothing about that Document is "partisan" in any way shape or form. Political parties didn't even EXIST when it was created. As for what it's based on, you have a SHITLOAD of video evidence to catch up on.

You just contradicted yourself. He is part of the jury and yes, leahy is a partisan leftist hack.

There's no contradiction. Prove me wrong.

If he's "part of the jury" then how would he not have a vote? Think about it.

One other correction, there is no "leahy". His name is Leahy. Proper names get capitalized in English. And your characterization of his politics matters not a whit as he's not your Senator.

Again, I know grammar and english [sic] well. I don't waste time on a message board using capital letters....or for that matter, proper english [sic] or grammar. If I were writing an abstract for work I would use proper grammar. Get it. Lol.

"Waste time"?

It's the same number of letters.

How are you math skills? Is "same number" beyond your pay grade?

You do not know "english". There's no such thing. Even if you use it in bowling.
It's unconstitutional to apply an impeachment process to a private citizen.
Trump wasn't a private citizen when he incited violence.
Trump wasn't a private citizen when they impeached him
Trump wasn't a private citizen when they delivered the articles of impeachment to the senate for trial.
But Mitch McConnell sat on his hands to give Trump time to become a private citizen.
But that doesn't fly.

If the republican delay made the trial unconstitutional, then the republican delay would be unconstitutional.

This whole shitshow infomercial is unconstitutional!
The penalty for impeachment is removal from office. He is not in office dimwit!

Removal from office is not the only penalty of being convicted.

It's the primary one and the Constitution uses the word 'Shall' meaning that it has to be applied! It cannot be applied because he is not sitting in office. Therefore, one more reason this Shampeachment IS unconstitutional!

Once AGAIN --- read the text.

>> Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to [sic] removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. << --- Article 1 Section 3 Clause 7​

There is no such designation of "primary" or "secondary". There's no preference stated at all. What it actually says is "SHALL NOT", not "shall". That doesn't mean EITHER of them MUST happen (it's technically possible to convict on impeachment but neither remove from office nor disqualify from future office) --- rather, it's a LIMITATION. "Shall not extend further than", IOW "you can do A, you can do B, you can do A and B, but you can't do anything else'.

Shall means must. Most Constitutional experts agree on this.
Trump must be removed from office upon impeachment.
The problem is, there is NO office he has as a private citizen.
It's just this simple and UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!

Ewe dont seam too reed two gud.

It says "shall not", not "shall".

Let's read that again.

It says "shall not", not "shall".

"Shall" and "shall not" are what we call "opposites".

"Shall not extend further than ...". That's a limitation. It means impeachment has two remedies available AND ONLY TWO. And just to be clear it follows that with, as above, "but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.".

That's why impeachment is not a criminal trial. That's a separate process.

Word salad.
I'll have honey-mustard dressing, please.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

Well damn you are never happy are you, McConnell refused witness in the last impeachment trial and we now have 99 of them that eye witnessed the breach of the capital and a judge.

Everybody knows the capital was breached you halfwit.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

It's not a court of law dummy. It's not a criminal process either. It's a political process and always has been.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

Well damn you are never happy are you, McConnell refused witness in the last impeachment trial and we now have 99 of them that eye witnessed the breach of the capital and a judge.

Everybody knows the capital was breached you halfwit.

This is a Penelope 'breaking news' flash. :boobies:
It's unconstitutional to apply an impeachment process to a private citizen.
Trump wasn't a private citizen when he incited violence.
Trump wasn't a private citizen when they impeached him
Trump wasn't a private citizen when they delivered the articles of impeachment to the senate for trial.
But Mitch McConnell sat on his hands to give Trump time to become a private citizen.
But that doesn't fly.

If the republican delay made the trial unconstitutional, then the republican delay would be unconstitutional.

This whole shitshow infomercial is unconstitutional!
The penalty for impeachment is removal from office. He is not in office dimwit!

Removal from office is not the only penalty of being convicted.

It's the primary one and the Constitution uses the word 'Shall' meaning that it has to be applied! It cannot be applied because he is not sitting in office. Therefore, one more reason this Shampeachment IS unconstitutional!

Once AGAIN --- read the text.

>> Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to [sic] removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. << --- Article 1 Section 3 Clause 7​

There is no such designation of "primary" or "secondary". There's no preference stated at all. What it actually says is "SHALL NOT", not "shall". That doesn't mean EITHER of them MUST happen (it's technically possible to convict on impeachment but neither remove from office nor disqualify from future office) --- rather, it's a LIMITATION. "Shall not extend further than", IOW "you can do A, you can do B, you can do A and B, but you can't do anything else'.

Shall means must. Most Constitutional experts agree on this.
Trump must be removed from office upon impeachment.
The problem is, there is NO office he has as a private citizen.
It's just this simple and UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!

Ewe dont seam too reed two gud.

It says "shall not", not "shall".

Let's read that again.

It says "shall not", not "shall".

"Shall" and "shall not" are what we call "opposites".

"Shall not extend further than ...". That's a limitation. It means impeachment has two remedies available AND ONLY TWO. And just to be clear it follows that with, as above, "but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.".

That's why impeachment is not a criminal trial. That's a separate process.

Word salad.
I'll have honey-mustard dressing, please.

You can have that sugary shit they gave me on my "Asian salad" for lunch today :puke:

It's not word salad at all. It's a simple correction from your alleged "shall", which you claimed, to the actual text of the Constitution, which is "shall NOT".

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

It's not a court of law dummy. It's not a criminal process either. It's a political process and always has been.

Another 'breaking news' flash....:boobies:.
Whelp, here's why we don't do that. A Senate impeachment trial is not a CRIMINAL trial. It isn't proving a crime occurred nor can it administer judicial penalty for it.
Nancy Pelosi already confessed the Impeachment is a sham, an abuse of power being carried out to protect the Democratic Partyfrpm a perceived future political threat.

The FBI has already proved that the events of 6 Jan was the result of pre-planning that did not include the knowledge or participation of the President.

The President's speech Transcripts prove he did not call for violence - just the opposite.

The reason the Democrats have had to put a Trump-hating Democrat as witness, juror, and Judge is because al the evidence - and Pelosi's confession - dstroys their case, whelp.

Absolute fucking bullshit. There is no such "confession" nor does there need to be, as the impeachment trial is ENTIRELY about Rump. Pelosi's only even mentioned in it as a specific personal target of his brownshirts.

Let's bring in witnesses!
I want witnesses NOW!!!

Cool, let's do it. Although you know, there are some 538 witnesses available, over 100 of which are right there in the room, plus an untold number of staffers and spectators. We could set records for number of witnesses in the room --- we probably already have.

But let's bring in who's not in the room, starting with Mike Pence. And then once he's safely out of the room, Rump himself. Let's do it. Hell bring in Rooty and the hair dye too. We'll have pizza delivered. Complete with a knife and fork so Rump can have some too.

Bring on all 538 and add a thousand more!
Maybe this bitch can be stretched out until the mid-term elections!

Yanno who could be that thousand more?

The Insurrectionistas. You know, the ones bashing windows and bashing cops, the ones chanting "we're here for Rump, your boss" or whatever those yahoos were yahooing, the ones broadcasting twits from Dear Leader over a bullhorn so the rabble knew what their orders were, the ones carrying Rump flags and Stop the Steel flags, the ones twitting about how they were going to pull Nancy Pelosi into little pieces, the ones who were chanting HANG MIKE PENCE, the ones who built the gallows outside...

Oh wait, they were already heard from, weren't they.

Okay, then let's add the ones who brought Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs. Ask 'em who gave them the idea that those were needed.
Whelp, here's why we don't do that. A Senate impeachment trial is not a CRIMINAL trial. It isn't proving a crime occurred nor can it administer judicial penalty for it.
Nancy Pelosi already confessed the Impeachment is a sham, an abuse of power being carried out to protect the Democratic Partyfrpm a perceived future political threat.

The FBI has already proved that the events of 6 Jan was the result of pre-planning that did not include the knowledge or participation of the President.

The President's speech Transcripts prove he did not call for violence - just the opposite.

The reason the Democrats have had to put a Trump-hating Democrat as witness, juror, and Judge is because al the evidence - and Pelosi's confession - dstroys their case, whelp.

Absolute fucking bullshit. There is no such "confession" nor does there need to be, as the impeachment trial is ENTIRELY about Rump. Pelosi's only even mentioned in it as a specific personal target of his brownshirts.

Let's bring in witnesses!
I want witnesses NOW!!!

Cool, let's do it. Although you know, there are some 538 witnesses available, over 100 of which are right there in the room, plus an untold number of staffers and spectators. We could set records for number of witnesses in the room --- we probably already have.

But let's bring in who's not in the room, starting with Mike Pence. And then once he's safely out of the room, Rump himself. Let's do it. Hell bring in Rooty and the hair dye too. We'll have pizza delivered. Complete with a knife and fork so Rump can have some too.

Bring on all 538 and add a thousand more!
Maybe this bitch can be stretched out until the mid-term elections!

Yanno who could be that thousand more?

The Insurrectionistas. You know, the ones bashing windows and bashing cops, the ones chanting "we're here for Rump" or whatever those yahoos were yahooing, the ones broadcasting twits from Dear Leader over a bullhorn so the rabble knew what their orders were, the ones carrying Rump flags and Stop the Steel flags, the ones twitting about how they were going to pull Nancy Pelosi into little pieces, the ones who were chanting HANG MIKE PENCE, the ones who built the gallows outside.

Oh wait, they were already heard from, weren't they.

Let's start with any politician whoever used the word 'fight' in a speech!
Could be an additional 500 on top of already 1,000 witnesses, at least!!
Whelp, here's why we don't do that. A Senate impeachment trial is not a CRIMINAL trial. It isn't proving a crime occurred nor can it administer judicial penalty for it.
Nancy Pelosi already confessed the Impeachment is a sham, an abuse of power being carried out to protect the Democratic Partyfrpm a perceived future political threat.

The FBI has already proved that the events of 6 Jan was the result of pre-planning that did not include the knowledge or participation of the President.

The President's speech Transcripts prove he did not call for violence - just the opposite.

The reason the Democrats have had to put a Trump-hating Democrat as witness, juror, and Judge is because al the evidence - and Pelosi's confession - dstroys their case, whelp.

Absolute fucking bullshit. There is no such "confession" nor does there need to be, as the impeachment trial is ENTIRELY about Rump. Pelosi's only even mentioned in it as a specific personal target of his brownshirts.

Let's bring in witnesses!
I want witnesses NOW!!!

Cool, let's do it. Although you know, there are some 538 witnesses available, over 100 of which are right there in the room, plus an untold number of staffers and spectators. We could set records for number of witnesses in the room --- we probably already have.

But let's bring in who's not in the room, starting with Mike Pence. And then once he's safely out of the room, Rump himself. Let's do it. Hell bring in Rooty and the hair dye too. We'll have pizza delivered. Complete with a knife and fork so Rump can have some too.

Bring on all 538 and add a thousand more!
Maybe this bitch can be stretched out until the mid-term elections!

Yanno who could be that thousand more?

The Insurrectionistas. You know, the ones bashing windows and bashing cops, the ones chanting "we're here for Rump" or whatever those yahoos were yahooing, the ones broadcasting twits from Dear Leader over a bullhorn so the rabble knew what their orders were, the ones carrying Rump flags and Stop the Steel flags, the ones twitting about how they were going to pull Nancy Pelosi into little pieces, the ones who were chanting HANG MIKE PENCE, the ones who built the gallows outside.

Oh wait, they were already heard from, weren't they.

Let's start with any politician whoever used the word 'fight' in a speech!
Could be an additional 500 on top of already 1,000 witnesses, at least!!

Unfortunately (or fortunately) "any politician whoever [sic] used the word 'fight' in a speech" is not the party under impeachment. Are they.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

For those whose "Civics" class dealt with how to change the muffler on a Honda, it's standard procedure for some Senator to preside in the Chamber, and standard for the President Pro Tempore or the Vice President to preside in an impeachment of other than a sitting POTUS. That standard procedure includes voting, always did, from Daniel Inouye at the impeachment of Porteus to Thomas Jefferson at the impeachment of Blount in the eighteenth century. NONE of which has a goddam thing to do with political parties.

Perhaps news travels slow to the OP's home garbage can.

Bull. Spare us the sophistry. Leahy is a partisan leftist hack. That's all.

Actually he's the President Pro Tempore as the longest-serving Senator. That's all there is to it.

As was Inouye in the Porteus impeachment. And so on.

For those of you completely oblivious to Robert's Rules of Order, all the chair does is keep order, declare the session open or adjourned, etc. Partisanship" doesn't even enter into that.

He has no vote but he is a partisan hack. Anyway, this is kabuki theatre of the ages. It's all a show based on propaganda and partisan hackery. Nothing else.

Of course he has a vote, he's a fuckin' Senator. Read your Constitution.

Speaking of which nothing about that Document is "partisan" in any way shape or form. Political parties didn't even EXIST when it was created. As for what it's based on, you have a SHITLOAD of video evidence to catch up on.

You just contradicted yourself. He is part of the jury and yes, leahy is a partisan leftist hack.

There's no contradiction. Prove me wrong.

If he's "part of the jury" then how would he not have a vote? Think about it.

One other correction, there is no "leahy". His name is Leahy. Proper names get capitalized in English. And your characterization of his politics matters not a whit as he's not your Senator.

Again, I know grammar and english [sic] well. I don't waste time on a message board using capital letters....or for that matter, proper english [sic] or grammar. If I were writing an abstract for work I would use proper grammar. Get it. Lol.

"Waste time"?

It's the same number of letters.

How are you math skills? Is "same number" beyond your pay grade?

You do not know "english". There's no such thing. Even if you use it in bowling.

Lol, thats funny.its an extra click on my phone or laptop.your snarky little remarks are funny too!!this is a message one cares.........i likz ta spell.
Whelp, here's why we don't do that. A Senate impeachment trial is not a CRIMINAL trial. It isn't proving a crime occurred nor can it administer judicial penalty for it.
Nancy Pelosi already confessed the Impeachment is a sham, an abuse of power being carried out to protect the Democratic Partyfrpm a perceived future political threat.

The FBI has already proved that the events of 6 Jan was the result of pre-planning that did not include the knowledge or participation of the President.

The President's speech Transcripts prove he did not call for violence - just the opposite.

The reason the Democrats have had to put a Trump-hating Democrat as witness, juror, and Judge is because al the evidence - and Pelosi's confession - dstroys their case, whelp.

Absolute fucking bullshit. There is no such "confession" nor does there need to be, as the impeachment trial is ENTIRELY about Rump. Pelosi's only even mentioned in it as a specific personal target of his brownshirts.

Let's bring in witnesses!
I want witnesses NOW!!!

Cool, let's do it. Although you know, there are some 538 witnesses available, over 100 of which are right there in the room, plus an untold number of staffers and spectators. We could set records for number of witnesses in the room --- we probably already have.

But let's bring in who's not in the room, starting with Mike Pence. And then once he's safely out of the room, Rump himself. Let's do it. Hell bring in Rooty and the hair dye too. We'll have pizza delivered. Complete with a knife and fork so Rump can have some too.

Bring on all 538 and add a thousand more!
Maybe this bitch can be stretched out until the mid-term elections!

Yanno who could be that thousand more?

The Insurrectionistas. You know, the ones bashing windows and bashing cops, the ones chanting "we're here for Rump" or whatever those yahoos were yahooing, the ones broadcasting twits from Dear Leader over a bullhorn so the rabble knew what their orders were, the ones carrying Rump flags and Stop the Steel flags, the ones twitting about how they were going to pull Nancy Pelosi into little pieces, the ones who were chanting HANG MIKE PENCE, the ones who built the gallows outside.

Oh wait, they were already heard from, weren't they.

Let's start with any politician whoever used the word 'fight' in a speech!
Could be an additional 500 on top of already 1,000 witnesses, at least!!

Unfortunately (or fortunately) "any politician whoever [sic] used the word 'fight' in a speech" is not the party under impeachment. Are they.

You win. You win absolutely nothing.
Because it's a nothing burger shampeachment to begin with!

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

For those whose "Civics" class dealt with how to change the muffler on a Honda, it's standard procedure for some Senator to preside in the Chamber, and standard for the President Pro Tempore or the Vice President to preside in an impeachment of other than a sitting POTUS. That standard procedure includes voting, always did, from Daniel Inouye at the impeachment of Porteus to Thomas Jefferson at the impeachment of Blount in the eighteenth century. NONE of which has a goddam thing to do with political parties.

Perhaps news travels slow to the OP's home garbage can.

Bull. Spare us the sophistry. Leahy is a partisan leftist hack. That's all.

Actually he's the President Pro Tempore as the longest-serving Senator. That's all there is to it.

As was Inouye in the Porteus impeachment. And so on.

For those of you completely oblivious to Robert's Rules of Order, all the chair does is keep order, declare the session open or adjourned, etc. Partisanship" doesn't even enter into that.

He has no vote but he is a partisan hack. Anyway, this is kabuki theatre of the ages. It's all a show based on propaganda and partisan hackery. Nothing else.

Of course he has a vote, he's a fuckin' Senator. Read your Constitution.

Speaking of which nothing about that Document is "partisan" in any way shape or form. Political parties didn't even EXIST when it was created. As for what it's based on, you have a SHITLOAD of video evidence to catch up on.

You just contradicted yourself. He is part of the jury and yes, leahy is a partisan leftist hack.

There's no contradiction. Prove me wrong.

If he's "part of the jury" then how would he not have a vote? Think about it.

One other correction, there is no "leahy". His name is Leahy. Proper names get capitalized in English. And your characterization of his politics matters not a whit as he's not your Senator.

Again, I know grammar and english [sic] well. I don't waste time on a message board using capital letters....or for that matter, proper english [sic] or grammar. If I were writing an abstract for work I would use proper grammar. Get it. Lol.

"Waste time"?

It's the same number of letters.

How are you math skills? Is "same number" beyond your pay grade?

You do not know "english". There's no such thing. Even if you use it in bowling.

Lol, thats funny.its an extra click on my phone or laptop.your snarky little remarks are funny too!!this is a message one cares.........i likz ta spell.

an az long asz ewe rite like that ewe'll never bee taken siriusly.
Whelp, here's why we don't do that. A Senate impeachment trial is not a CRIMINAL trial. It isn't proving a crime occurred nor can it administer judicial penalty for it.
Nancy Pelosi already confessed the Impeachment is a sham, an abuse of power being carried out to protect the Democratic Partyfrpm a perceived future political threat.

The FBI has already proved that the events of 6 Jan was the result of pre-planning that did not include the knowledge or participation of the President.

The President's speech Transcripts prove he did not call for violence - just the opposite.

The reason the Democrats have had to put a Trump-hating Democrat as witness, juror, and Judge is because al the evidence - and Pelosi's confession - dstroys their case, whelp.

Absolute fucking bullshit. There is no such "confession" nor does there need to be, as the impeachment trial is ENTIRELY about Rump. Pelosi's only even mentioned in it as a specific personal target of his brownshirts.

Let's bring in witnesses!
I want witnesses NOW!!!

Cool, let's do it. Although you know, there are some 538 witnesses available, over 100 of which are right there in the room, plus an untold number of staffers and spectators. We could set records for number of witnesses in the room --- we probably already have.

But let's bring in who's not in the room, starting with Mike Pence. And then once he's safely out of the room, Rump himself. Let's do it. Hell bring in Rooty and the hair dye too. We'll have pizza delivered. Complete with a knife and fork so Rump can have some too.

Bring on all 538 and add a thousand more!
Maybe this bitch can be stretched out until the mid-term elections!

Yanno who could be that thousand more?

The Insurrectionistas. You know, the ones bashing windows and bashing cops, the ones chanting "we're here for Rump" or whatever those yahoos were yahooing, the ones broadcasting twits from Dear Leader over a bullhorn so the rabble knew what their orders were, the ones carrying Rump flags and Stop the Steel flags, the ones twitting about how they were going to pull Nancy Pelosi into little pieces, the ones who were chanting HANG MIKE PENCE, the ones who built the gallows outside.

Oh wait, they were already heard from, weren't they.

Let's start with any politician whoever used the word 'fight' in a speech!
Could be an additional 500 on top of already 1,000 witnesses, at least!!

Unfortunately (or fortunately) "any politician whoever [sic] used the word 'fight' in a speech" is not the party under impeachment. Are they.

You win. You win absolutely nothing.
Because it's a nothing burger shampeachment to begin with!

Seeing as how a POTUS is required to preserve protect and defend the Constitution, and seeing as how the accused did the exact opposite, it's actually a whattaburger crucialpeachment. Or as so many have pointed out, if this offence isn't impeachable, NOTHING IS.
When republicans get control, they will preemptively impeach every Dem they can so that none can ever hold office.

That is the reason that people will stop voting for republicans. They want power for political revenge with no intention of helping the working class.

We saw it when they tried to repeal Obamacare hundreds of times, and when the held hearing after hearing on Benghazi for no reason other than politics.
Hey, did you see Good Old Working Class Blue Collar Lunch Box Joe help all those working class pipeline workers on his very first day as President.? Keep plugging for the little guy Joe!
Whelp, here's why we don't do that. A Senate impeachment trial is not a CRIMINAL trial. It isn't proving a crime occurred nor can it administer judicial penalty for it.
Nancy Pelosi already confessed the Impeachment is a sham, an abuse of power being carried out to protect the Democratic Partyfrpm a perceived future political threat.

The FBI has already proved that the events of 6 Jan was the result of pre-planning that did not include the knowledge or participation of the President.

The President's speech Transcripts prove he did not call for violence - just the opposite.

The reason the Democrats have had to put a Trump-hating Democrat as witness, juror, and Judge is because al the evidence - and Pelosi's confession - dstroys their case, whelp.

Absolute fucking bullshit. There is no such "confession" nor does there need to be, as the impeachment trial is ENTIRELY about Rump. Pelosi's only even mentioned in it as a specific personal target of his brownshirts.

Let's bring in witnesses!
I want witnesses NOW!!!

Cool, let's do it. Although you know, there are some 538 witnesses available, over 100 of which are right there in the room, plus an untold number of staffers and spectators. We could set records for number of witnesses in the room --- we probably already have.

But let's bring in who's not in the room, starting with Mike Pence. And then once he's safely out of the room, Rump himself. Let's do it. Hell bring in Rooty and the hair dye too. We'll have pizza delivered. Complete with a knife and fork so Rump can have some too.

Psssssstt....I know your very impressed with yourself and your knowledge of the constitution and the impeachment process but are you sure we need over 500 witnesses claiming the capital was breached? I'm no constitutional expert like yourself, but I'm pretty sure everyone agrees it was. Now again, I'm no impeachment expert like yourself, but aren't the dems trying to prove Trump was the primary reason the breached occurred? So I'm wondering why the dems are spending so much time and effort on the breach itself and not spending more time showing all the evidence proving Trump incited it? Im sure the readers of this forum would appreciate the thoughts of someone with your expertise in both the constitution and the impeachment process.
They're counting on their dumber-than-fuck base to remain impressed with a dimwitted nutsack like this:


While the rest of us wouldn't trust that slack-jawed faggot to scrape the bugs off our windshield at the carwash.....

BTW, Dominion isn't tallying the senate vote are they? Asking for a nation.
Hey, did you see Good Old Working Class Blue Collar Lunch Box Joe help all those working class pipeline workers on his very first day as President.? Keep plugging for the little guy Joe!
The railway workers will thank him.

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