Only Six People Show Up To See Hillary In Beaumont, TX, Population 117,585.

OMG! It's bad when security outnumbers the people in the gathering (not crowd) to see her! People are paying attention.
Or her followers really just don't give a shit.. voting for her anyways..doesn't matter what she says
You can't go by Texas. That's where JFK got shot, remember.
Yeah by a left wing communist. I do think it was a rather brilliant stroke on the USSR'S in making seem like it was the CIA.

The fact is the worst nightmare for the left was a communist being the one that actually did it. He in fact did it and all of Oliver stone's false were all refuted.

Plus, I do think it funny how McCarthy was vindicated after the Venona papers were revealed and the testimony of Ex KGB agents were revealed. Don't you?
I'm sure the Clinton campaign will blame it on the big snowstorm that's kicking up.
People just didn't want to take a chance traveling...I'm sure... heh hhe heh
I'm sure the Clinton campaign will blame it on the big snowstorm that's kicking up.
People just didn't want to take a chance traveling...I'm sure... heh hhe heh
If there was a storm brewing she would have cancelled in fear of as low turnout. She, I imagine, was devastated. :)
Man... I just cant hardly believe this LOL. That has to be a kick in the ass.

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