
I didn't have to look up anything to give those answers. It is enough to know any physics and think through the problem for yourself.

Todd, you are a liar. You do not know enough physics to answer all those questions off the top of your head. Nor do I. But the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps do. And they all say that we will be seeing increasing heat, and increasing effects from that heat. I'll go with what they state, rather than what an ananomous poster on the internet claims.

And the CO2 does not work in the manner that you stated. If you really wish to learn how it works, it is presented in this paper from the American Institute of Physics, a far better referance than a poster on the internet.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The theroy you tout has been discredited as false. No need to discredit it again. regurgitating failed models and failed predictions does not make them true.

so we are to believe an anonymous nitwit with a screen name BillyBob over the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps?

Okay, you win
so, if you want me and those who think like me to buy in, then show us the lab work from one of these companies that actually verifies the claim they stand behind. It is but a simple request to buy in. Why is that so confusing to you? Don't you have a brain? Or, are you like others on here who belong to the church of gore and just believe cause he said so. In other words, the world of stupid.

"One of these companies? lab work?"
You are paid to make deniers look stupid? The Church of Web Imbeciles is on line 3 -- they need you at the altar asap
Adhom after adhom but no facts... because you disagree with the empirical evidence, that you yourself can verify, you would rather remain a moron and ignorant... Congratulations... You have succeeded!.

Tell me how you stopped natural variation. Inquiring minds want to know.
Well, the assessments are coming in from the scientists worldwide, and all are showing 2014 to be a very warm year, indeed. Now one can either go with a tin hat conspiracy theory involving most of the scientists involved in studying climate, or find some actual evidence that counters that of the scientists.
Polar ice at both ends is growing. The only two ways temps are going up is through data manipulation and recalibrated satellites.
Well, the assessments are coming in from the scientists worldwide, and all are showing 2014 to be a very warm year, indeed. Now one can either go with a tin hat conspiracy theory involving most of the scientists involved in studying climate, or find some actual evidence that counters that of the scientists.

Nope... we can play rope a dope all day long by adjusting the data upwards endlessly, just like NOAA, GISS and many other paid for shills.
According to the UAH, 2014 is 'only' the third warmest year on record.

Annual Global Temperature Anomalies, ranked

1. 1998 0.42
2. 2010 0.40
3. 2014 0.27
4. 2005 0.26
5. 2013 0.24
6. 2002 0.22
7. 2009 0.21
8. 2007 0.20
9. 2003 0.19
10. 2006 0.19
11. 2012 0.17
12. 2011 0.13
13. 2004 0.11
14. 2001 0.11
15. 1991 0.02
16. 1987 0.01
17. 1995 0.01
18. 1988 0.01
19. 1980 -0.01
20. 2008 -0.01

Of the last 20 years, 16 have been the warmest years on record. Note that in this list of the warmest 20 years on record, the earliest is 1980. 2015 will be a very interesting year.
I bet its too hard for an Old Crock to actual post the temperature.

Or, where Old Crock lives, its going to be 0.19 tomorrow, right!
The fool who tries to quote from Star Wars.
I see, so you are the fool that follows blindly. Of course, we all knew that, but it's nice you admit it.

Still waiting on the lab work!! You must indeed also enjoy failing. You do it daily on here. tsk, tsk such a fool.

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