
The Japan Meteorological Association (always the first one out with their analysis) is first to call 2014 as the hottest year ever. The extreme El Nino year of 1998 was beaten out by the non El Nino year of 2014. That's a portent of things to come.

And no, that doesn't look like pause. So why do people claim there's a pause?

It s official 2014 was the hottest year on record - and 10 of the warmest have been since 1998 Daily Mail Online

in other words, who cares?
The people who aren't brainwashed cult liars care.

I can see why you're running away. How can you keep lying when all the data points out your lies so clearly? Your only response is to either run from the data, or invoke the conspiracy. Either way, you end up looking like a cult liar.

Oh, constantly lying about the lack of experimental data doesn't help your case. You come across as pathologically dishonest, as well as dickless. You're an embarrassment even to your fellow cultists.
The people who aren't brainwashed cult liars care.

I can see why you're running away. How can you keep lying when all the data points out your lies so clearly? Your only response is to either run from the data, or invoke the conspiracy. Either way, you end up looking like a cult liar.

Oh, constantly lying about the lack of experimental data doesn't help your case. You come across as pathologically dishonest, as well as dickless. You're an embarrassment even to your fellow cultists.
exactly and why I ask you daily for your lab work. I care way more than you could ever care. so, got that lab work now?
It's important to keep posting what jc is working so hard to hide. That would be the data.

again I ask, what difference does it make? So what? what is your point? is there something bad there? I know it's wrong, but so what anyway! what is it you're afraid of? That darn two headed monster named moron? that's just you!!!!
No, you've been caught repeatedly lying about NASA. But then, your cult ordered you to lie, so you lied, loudly and proudly.

Why not grow a pair and stand up to your cult? Just tell them you won't lie for them any more. That you won't waste you time weeping on message boards, just to be laughed at in return.
Well once you add in the imaginary warming in the deep ocean with no explanation whatsoever as how how atmospheric CO2 is warming the Pacific Ocean 700m deep, you get THE HOTTEST YEAR EVAH!!!!
No, you've been caught repeatedly lying about NASA. But then, your cult ordered you to lie, so you lied, loudly and proudly.

Why not grow a pair and stand up to your cult? Just tell them you won't lie for them any more. That you won't waste you time weeping on message boards, just to be laughed at in return.
The people who aren't brainwashed cult liars care.

I can see why you're running away. How can you keep lying when all the data points out your lies so clearly? Your only response is to either run from the data, or invoke the conspiracy. Either way, you end up looking like a cult liar.

Oh, constantly lying about the lack of experimental data doesn't help your case. You come across as pathologically dishonest, as well as dickless. You're an embarrassment even to your fellow cultists.
The people who aren't brainwashed cult liars care.

I can see why you're running away. How can you keep lying when all the data points out your lies so clearly? Your only response is to either run from the data, or invoke the conspiracy. Either way, you end up looking like a cult liar.

Oh, constantly lying about the lack of experimental data doesn't help your case. You come across as pathologically dishonest, as well as dickless. You're an embarrassment even to your fellow cultists.

I didn't have to look up anything to give those answers. It is enough to know any physics and think through the problem for yourself.

Todd, you are a liar. You do not know enough physics to answer all those questions off the top of your head. Nor do I. But the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps do. And they all say that we will be seeing increasing heat, and increasing effects from that heat. I'll go with what they state, rather than what an ananomous poster on the internet claims.

And the CO2 does not work in the manner that you stated. If you really wish to learn how it works, it is presented in this paper from the American Institute of Physics, a far better referance than a poster on the internet.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
Boy, they all come out from under the rocks in order to back up big corporations who NEED to deny climate science in order to reap high and higher profits

thank you Old Rocks :clap2:
I didn't have to look up anything to give those answers. It is enough to know any physics and think through the problem for yourself.

Todd, you are a liar. You do not know enough physics to answer all those questions off the top of your head. Nor do I. But the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps do. And they all say that we will be seeing increasing heat, and increasing effects from that heat. I'll go with what they state, rather than what an ananomous poster on the internet claims.

And the CO2 does not work in the manner that you stated. If you really wish to learn how it works, it is presented in this paper from the American Institute of Physics, a far better referance than a poster on the internet.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The theroy you tout has been discredited as false. No need to discredit it again. regurgitating failed models and failed predictions does not make them true.

so we are to believe an anonymous nitwit with a screen name BillyBob over the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps?

Okay, you win
According to the UAH, 2014 is 'only' the third warmest year on record.


Of the last 20 years, 16 have been the warmest years on record. Note that in this list of the warmest 20 years on record, the earliest is 1980. 2015 will be a very interesting year.

You speak of climate science and the wingnuts report weather. :rofl:

always entertaining :laugh2:

headline: 2014 was the warmest year for the atmosphere while the recent trend in global warming remains statistically flat according to satellite data analysed by the University of Huntsville
I didn't have to look up anything to give those answers. It is enough to know any physics and think through the problem for yourself.

Todd, you are a liar. You do not know enough physics to answer all those questions off the top of your head. Nor do I. But the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps do. And they all say that we will be seeing increasing heat, and increasing effects from that heat. I'll go with what they state, rather than what an ananomous poster on the internet claims.

And the CO2 does not work in the manner that you stated. If you really wish to learn how it works, it is presented in this paper from the American Institute of Physics, a far better referance than a poster on the internet.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The theroy you tout has been discredited as false. No need to discredit it again. regurgitating failed models and failed predictions does not make them true.

so we are to believe an anonymous nitwit with a screen name BillyBob over the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps?

Okay, you win
so, if you want me and those who think like me to buy in, then show us the lab work from one of these companies that actually verifies the claim they stand behind. It is but a simple request to buy in. Why is that so confusing to you? Don't you have a brain? Or, are you like others on here who belong to the church of gore and just believe cause he said so. In other words, the world of stupid.
According to the UAH, 2014 is 'only' the third warmest year on record.


Of the last 20 years, 16 have been the warmest years on record. Note that in this list of the warmest 20 years on record, the earliest is 1980. 2015 will be a very interesting year.

You speak of climate science and the wingnuts report weather. :rofl:

always entertaining :laugh2:

headline: 2014 was the warmest year for the atmosphere while the recent trend in global warming remains statistically flat according to satellite data analysed by the University of Huntsville
more stupid from the church of stupid.
I didn't have to look up anything to give those answers. It is enough to know any physics and think through the problem for yourself.

Todd, you are a liar. You do not know enough physics to answer all those questions off the top of your head. Nor do I. But the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps do. And they all say that we will be seeing increasing heat, and increasing effects from that heat. I'll go with what they state, rather than what an ananomous poster on the internet claims.

And the CO2 does not work in the manner that you stated. If you really wish to learn how it works, it is presented in this paper from the American Institute of Physics, a far better referance than a poster on the internet.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The theroy you tout has been discredited as false. No need to discredit it again. regurgitating failed models and failed predictions does not make them true.

so we are to believe an anonymous nitwit with a screen name BillyBob over the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps?

Okay, you win
so, if you want me and those who think like me to buy in, then show us the lab work from one of these companies that actually verifies the claim they stand behind. It is but a simple request to buy in. Why is that so confusing to you? Don't you have a brain? Or, are you like others on here who belong to the church of gore and just believe cause he said so. In other words, the world of stupid.

"One of these companies? lab work?"
You are paid to make deniers look stupid? The Church of Web Imbeciles is on line 3 -- they need you at the altar asap
I didn't have to look up anything to give those answers. It is enough to know any physics and think through the problem for yourself.

Todd, you are a liar. You do not know enough physics to answer all those questions off the top of your head. Nor do I. But the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps do. And they all say that we will be seeing increasing heat, and increasing effects from that heat. I'll go with what they state, rather than what an ananomous poster on the internet claims.

And the CO2 does not work in the manner that you stated. If you really wish to learn how it works, it is presented in this paper from the American Institute of Physics, a far better referance than a poster on the internet.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The theroy you tout has been discredited as false. No need to discredit it again. regurgitating failed models and failed predictions does not make them true.

so we are to believe an anonymous nitwit with a screen name BillyBob over the people at MIT, Caltech, Woods Hole, and Scripps?

Okay, you win
so, if you want me and those who think like me to buy in, then show us the lab work from one of these companies that actually verifies the claim they stand behind. It is but a simple request to buy in. Why is that so confusing to you? Don't you have a brain? Or, are you like others on here who belong to the church of gore and just believe cause he said so. In other words, the world of stupid.

"One of these companies? lab work?"
You are paid to make deniers look stupid? The Church of Web Imbeciles is on line 3 -- they need you at the altar asap
so you don't have any eh? Figures, go back to your church and continue to do your stupid. You've learned really well.

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