Open letter from Wharton School for business condemns Trump

Doesn't look like we are going to give Republicans the keys back.....Trump doesn't know how to drive

Frankly... I don't give a damn.

But when you have to refer to Trump and his fault's to try to defend that gigantic phony, coward, traitor now in the White House --- all that tells me is your man is totally indefensible. And that was the only point I was making... he is a joke!

I get it

Conservatives think President Obama is a phony, coward and traitor

As a liberal, I would not be happy if they supported him

If you "got it" you would be in agreement.
But since liberals have no record to stand on, only a sea of coverups (thanks media), then all they can do to campaign is tell us how bad trump is. I get it. "Vote Hilldebeest, the known criminal."

We have an excellent record to stand on....Healthcare, expanded rights for gays, economic recovery, recognition of Cuba, killing bin Laden, Iran nuclear disarmament ....everything we elected Obama to do

The fact that it enrages conservatives reveals how effective Obama has been

The fact

I will be happy t compare what Democrats have accomplished over the last eight years compared to what Republicans have accomplished

Shall we review the accomplishments of the Republican Congress?
Doesn't look like we are going to give Republicans the keys back.....Trump doesn't know how to drive

Frankly... I don't give a damn.

But when you have to refer to Trump and his fault's to try to defend that gigantic phony, coward, traitor now in the White House --- all that tells me is your man is totally indefensible. And that was the only point I was making... he is a joke!
Ummm... into his 90th month in office, the job approval rating of this "joke" is the same as Reagan's was in his 90th month. You comprehend the implications of that, right?

Yes... who gives a crap what his approval rating is? Since you and 100 million voters cannot process facts and the truth or connect any dots, I do not care what you think is acceptable. It is like asking Black Lives Matter who they approve of.
Many give a crap. That's why so many pollsters earn a living by producing such crap. And since those 100 million voters will be expressing their opinion in November, it only serves to help Hillary that a majority currently approves of the job being performed by the current leader in the White House. Coattails and all being what they are. But that's ok -- I fully appreciate why righties eagerly try to dismiss job ratings polling now that Obama is as high as their deceased idol, Reagan.
I am not sure you are getting the point.

To you, winning elections is your goal no matter what a scoundrel and criminal does when in there.

To you, if someone has a high approval rating that means they are doing the nation a great deal of good. When in fact it can be proven the vast majority of American voters are super ignorant on most subjects that deal with the economy, education, domestic crime, geo-political issues, international terrorism, and so on. It is more like when obama first one the response was "where is my free shit?"
Not just to me, but to any rational person, a president receiving a high job approval rating indicates a majority of the people think they're doing a good job. You don't like that because it contradicts your own personal opinion; but then who ever said your own personal opinion means anything?
You, are out of your mind.
Obama is nowhere near any of the Kennedys when it comes to speeches. But he is still so far ahead of Trump there is no comparison. He rambles and can't stay on subject. I watched him a few nights ago and ended up shouting at my screen "Get to it, for Pete's sake!" He starts by talking about Hillary, diverts to who says nice things about him, back to Hillary, diverts to his wealth, diverts to how many votes he got, back to Hillary, diverts to Star of David, back to Hillary! But thru it all, he never made a measurable accusation. He said Hillary is corrupt, he said she is a liar, he said she sells favors...all the usual. But he never offered examples, just speculations of his unproven wildest dreams. I don't see how anyone who wants to really hear what he has to say can have the patience to hang in there long enough to figure out where he's going with his babble. If bumper-sticker accusations that feed your anger are enough for you and make you feel better, Trump is your man!

Obama speaks at a different level at a stump speech with a bunch of one liners than he would on "Meet the Press" or "60 Minutes"

Trump has not shown that he is capable of speaking outside of platitudes and superlative boasts regardless of his audience

I always get a kick when the right, who installed Bush, brings up Obama's gaffes.

You do realize Bush has about 50 gaffes for every one of Obama's, right?

Calendars were published, filled with a different Bushism for every day of the year.

The very fact that the term, "Bushism," was coined to exemplify a moronic speech-challenged president, speaks volumes over your examples of Obama gaffes.


The difference between Obama and Bush is that they're both fucking morons

Well one struggled to get through Yale while the other graduated Harvard Law School among the top of his class with honors.

Leaving the only logical conclusion to your observation that "both fucking morons," being your own retarded perception. One of them doesn't fit that mold given his academic accolades.
Frankly... I don't give a damn.

But when you have to refer to Trump and his fault's to try to defend that gigantic phony, coward, traitor now in the White House --- all that tells me is your man is totally indefensible. And that was the only point I was making... he is a joke!

I get it

Conservatives think President Obama is a phony, coward and traitor

As a liberal, I would not be happy if they supported him

If you "got it" you would be in agreement.
But since liberals have no record to stand on, only a sea of coverups (thanks media), then all they can do to campaign is tell us how bad trump is. I get it. "Vote Hilldebeest, the known criminal."

We have an excellent record to stand on....Healthcare, expanded rights for gays, economic recovery, recognition of Cuba, killing bin Laden, Iran nuclear disarmament ....everything we elected Obama to do

The fact that it enrages conservatives reveals how effective Obama has been

The fact

I will be happy t compare what Democrats have accomplished over the last eight years compared to what Republicans have accomplished

Shall we review the accomplishments of the Republican Congress?

Dems set records, Jake!! Debt, deficits, people out of the workforce!!!

"The middle class has been buried these past 4 years." -- Biden 2012
Obama is nowhere near any of the Kennedys when it comes to speeches. But he is still so far ahead of Trump there is no comparison. He rambles and can't stay on subject. I watched him a few nights ago and ended up shouting at my screen "Get to it, for Pete's sake!" He starts by talking about Hillary, diverts to who says nice things about him, back to Hillary, diverts to his wealth, diverts to how many votes he got, back to Hillary, diverts to Star of David, back to Hillary! But thru it all, he never made a measurable accusation. He said Hillary is corrupt, he said she is a liar, he said she sells favors...all the usual. But he never offered examples, just speculations of his unproven wildest dreams. I don't see how anyone who wants to really hear what he has to say can have the patience to hang in there long enough to figure out where he's going with his babble. If bumper-sticker accusations that feed your anger are enough for you and make you feel better, Trump is your man!

Obama speaks at a different level at a stump speech with a bunch of one liners than he would on "Meet the Press" or "60 Minutes"

Trump has not shown that he is capable of speaking outside of platitudes and superlative boasts regardless of his audience

I always get a kick when the right, who installed Bush, brings up Obama's gaffes.

You do realize Bush has about 50 gaffes for every one of Obama's, right?

Calendars were published, filled with a different Bushism for every day of the year.

The very fact that the term, "Bushism," was coined to exemplify a moronic speech-challenged president, speaks volumes over your examples of Obama gaffes.


The difference between Obama and Bush is that they're both fucking morons

Well one struggled to get through Yale while the other graduated Harvard Law School among the top of his class with honors.

Leaving the only logical conclusion to your observation that "both fucking morons," being your own retarded perception. One of them doesn't fit that mold given his academic accolades.

Obama is a genuine fucking moron

Ask them both "how many states are in the USA"
As a distinguished alumni of the Wharton School of Business, how much has Trump contributed to his school?

Oh wait....we don't know
Trump refuses to release his taxes
I get it

Conservatives think President Obama is a phony, coward and traitor

As a liberal, I would not be happy if they supported him

If you "got it" you would be in agreement.
But since liberals have no record to stand on, only a sea of coverups (thanks media), then all they can do to campaign is tell us how bad trump is. I get it. "Vote Hilldebeest, the known criminal."

We have an excellent record to stand on....Healthcare, expanded rights for gays, economic recovery, recognition of Cuba, killing bin Laden, Iran nuclear disarmament ....everything we elected Obama to do

The fact that it enrages conservatives reveals how effective Obama has been

The fact

I will be happy t compare what Democrats have accomplished over the last eight years compared to what Republicans have accomplished

Shall we review the accomplishments of the Republican Congress?

Dems set records, Jake!! Debt, deficits, people out of the workforce!!!

"The middle class has been buried these past 4 years." -- Biden 2012

Some records

Labor Force Participation has been in decline for 15 years and will continue to decline while Baby Boomers continue to retire

President Obama has cut the deficit by two thirds
You, are out of your mind.
Obama is nowhere near any of the Kennedys when it comes to speeches. But he is still so far ahead of Trump there is no comparison. He rambles and can't stay on subject. I watched him a few nights ago and ended up shouting at my screen "Get to it, for Pete's sake!" He starts by talking about Hillary, diverts to who says nice things about him, back to Hillary, diverts to his wealth, diverts to how many votes he got, back to Hillary, diverts to Star of David, back to Hillary! But thru it all, he never made a measurable accusation. He said Hillary is corrupt, he said she is a liar, he said she sells favors...all the usual. But he never offered examples, just speculations of his unproven wildest dreams. I don't see how anyone who wants to really hear what he has to say can have the patience to hang in there long enough to figure out where he's going with his babble. If bumper-sticker accusations that feed your anger are enough for you and make you feel better, Trump is your man!

Obama speaks at a different level at a stump speech with a bunch of one liners than he would on "Meet the Press" or "60 Minutes"

Trump has not shown that he is capable of speaking outside of platitudes and superlative boasts regardless of his audience

I always get a kick when the right, who installed Bush, brings up Obama's gaffes.

You do realize Bush has about 50 gaffes for every one of Obama's, right?

Calendars were published, filled with a different Bushism for every day of the year.

The very fact that the term, "Bushism," was coined to exemplify a moronic speech-challenged president, speaks volumes over your examples of Obama gaffes.


It's not about gaffes. It is about watching an amateur struggle to express a cogent thought whenever he is before a camera. Pause, reflect, delay... say nothing of any value. Repeat the process time and again.

No Turk, it's a man who knows he will be parsed by professional haters, so he answers questions in a careful and measured way. Trump may be a hit in the schoolyard, but grownups know better.
Obama is nowhere near any of the Kennedys when it comes to speeches. But he is still so far ahead of Trump there is no comparison. He rambles and can't stay on subject. I watched him a few nights ago and ended up shouting at my screen "Get to it, for Pete's sake!" He starts by talking about Hillary, diverts to who says nice things about him, back to Hillary, diverts to his wealth, diverts to how many votes he got, back to Hillary, diverts to Star of David, back to Hillary! But thru it all, he never made a measurable accusation. He said Hillary is corrupt, he said she is a liar, he said she sells favors...all the usual. But he never offered examples, just speculations of his unproven wildest dreams. I don't see how anyone who wants to really hear what he has to say can have the patience to hang in there long enough to figure out where he's going with his babble. If bumper-sticker accusations that feed your anger are enough for you and make you feel better, Trump is your man!

Obama speaks at a different level at a stump speech with a bunch of one liners than he would on "Meet the Press" or "60 Minutes"

Trump has not shown that he is capable of speaking outside of platitudes and superlative boasts regardless of his audience

I always get a kick when the right, who installed Bush, brings up Obama's gaffes.

You do realize Bush has about 50 gaffes for every one of Obama's, right?

Calendars were published, filled with a different Bushism for every day of the year.

The very fact that the term, "Bushism," was coined to exemplify a moronic speech-challenged president, speaks volumes over your examples of Obama gaffes.


It's not about gaffes. It is about watching an amateur struggle to express a cogent thought whenever he is before a camera. Pause, reflect, delay... say nothing of any value. Repeat the process time and again.

No Turk, it's a man who knows he will be parsed by professional haters, so he answers questions in a careful and measured way. Trump may be a hit in the schoolyard, but grownups know better.

Well then read what all his "professional critics" (not media suck ups) have been saying for 8 years and consider their opinions, not mine.

ps -- And quit falling back on "yeah but Trump..." as your only way to try to defend Barack.
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Obama speaks at a different level at a stump speech with a bunch of one liners than he would on "Meet the Press" or "60 Minutes"

Trump has not shown that he is capable of speaking outside of platitudes and superlative boasts regardless of his audience

I always get a kick when the right, who installed Bush, brings up Obama's gaffes.

You do realize Bush has about 50 gaffes for every one of Obama's, right?

Calendars were published, filled with a different Bushism for every day of the year.

The very fact that the term, "Bushism," was coined to exemplify a moronic speech-challenged president, speaks volumes over your examples of Obama gaffes.


It's not about gaffes. It is about watching an amateur struggle to express a cogent thought whenever he is before a camera. Pause, reflect, delay... say nothing of any value. Repeat the process time and again.

No Turk, it's a man who knows he will be parsed by professional haters, so he answers questions in a careful and measured way. Trump may be a hit in the schoolyard, but grownups know better.

Well then read what all his "professional critics" (not media suck ups) have been saying for 8 years and consider their opinions, not mine.

ps -- And quit falling back on "yeah but Trump..." as your only way to try to defend Barack.

Turz, your admonition to quit falling back on 'yeah but Trump...' is well taken. I notice it when others do it about Obama, and you have shown me I am as guilty as they. Mea Culpa! As for Obama's "professional critics"...where will I find them? Heritage Foundation? Club for Growth? EIB?
If you "got it" you would be in agreement.
But since liberals have no record to stand on, only a sea of coverups (thanks media), then all they can do to campaign is tell us how bad trump is. I get it. "Vote Hilldebeest, the known criminal."

We have an excellent record to stand on....Healthcare, expanded rights for gays, economic recovery, recognition of Cuba, killing bin Laden, Iran nuclear disarmament ....everything we elected Obama to do

The fact that it enrages conservatives reveals how effective Obama has been

The fact

I will be happy t compare what Democrats have accomplished over the last eight years compared to what Republicans have accomplished

Shall we review the accomplishments of the Republican Congress?

Dems set records, Jake!! Debt, deficits, people out of the workforce!!!

"The middle class has been buried these past 4 years." -- Biden 2012

Some records

Labor Force Participation has been in decline for 15 years and will continue to decline while Baby Boomers continue to retire

President Obama has cut the deficit by two thirds

The "Brutal Sequester" cut the deficit, Obama was riding in the back of that bus

Yes, people out of work for 3 years suddenly decided to retire

We have an excellent record to stand on....Healthcare, expanded rights for gays, economic recovery, recognition of Cuba, killing bin Laden, Iran nuclear disarmament ....everything we elected Obama to do

The fact that it enrages conservatives reveals how effective Obama has been

The fact

I will be happy t compare what Democrats have accomplished over the last eight years compared to what Republicans have accomplished

Shall we review the accomplishments of the Republican Congress?

Dems set records, Jake!! Debt, deficits, people out of the workforce!!!

"The middle class has been buried these past 4 years." -- Biden 2012

Some records

Labor Force Participation has been in decline for 15 years and will continue to decline while Baby Boomers continue to retire

President Obama has cut the deficit by two thirds

The "Brutal Sequester" cut the deficit, Obama was riding in the back of that bus

Yes, people out of work for 3 years suddenly decided to retire

Not to mention when you go another $10 trillion in debt that allows some "spending money" to make things "look" better.
Obama speaks at a different level at a stump speech with a bunch of one liners than he would on "Meet the Press" or "60 Minutes"

Trump has not shown that he is capable of speaking outside of platitudes and superlative boasts regardless of his audience

I always get a kick when the right, who installed Bush, brings up Obama's gaffes.

You do realize Bush has about 50 gaffes for every one of Obama's, right?

Calendars were published, filled with a different Bushism for every day of the year.

The very fact that the term, "Bushism," was coined to exemplify a moronic speech-challenged president, speaks volumes over your examples of Obama gaffes.


The difference between Obama and Bush is that they're both fucking morons

Well one struggled to get through Yale while the other graduated Harvard Law School among the top of his class with honors.

Leaving the only logical conclusion to your observation that "both fucking morons," being your own retarded perception. One of them doesn't fit that mold given his academic accolades.

Obama is a genuine fucking moron

Ask them both "how many states are in the USA"

Obama says there are 50 states, despite his earlier gaffe of saying there are 60.

Bush? The idiot who couldn't chew a pretzel without facing death; who thinks Africa is a nation....
"We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease."—Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001
wishes our enemies the very best in attacking us...
"I'm telling you there's an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans, again. There just is. That's the reality of the world. And I wish him all the very best."—Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009
who thinks we attack ourselves when our enemies are too busy...
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."—Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004
who's rather confused about science...
"This thaw—took a while to thaw, it's going to take a while to unthaw."—Alexandria, La., Oct. 20, 2008
who's not concerned with political correctness...
"I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein."—Washington, D.C., May 25, 2004
Who thinks food is a fashion statement...
"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."—Greater Nashua, N.H., Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 27, 2000
his unique lack of self-awareness...
"See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."—Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3, 2003
who thinks Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan are geographically located somewhere between Texas and Florida...
"I've got very good relations with President Mubarak and Crown Prince Abdallah and the King of Jordan, Gulf Coast countries."—Washington, D.C., May 29, 2003
... I'm not so sure.
Smart, educated business leaders of the future don't support Trump?

Who would have thought?

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