Open Minded Agnostic Atheist

You don’t find it strange that so many people have so many different takes on one book? So much disagreement. So much contradiction. Confusion. Distortion, spin, versions, interpretation, corruption through the dark ages....
No. First, people focus on different parts of the book. Second, people have a habit of seeing what they want to see. Third, people find ways of interpreting that agrees with what they already think, even if they have to find something out of context. Fourth, your own conclusions are what really matter. Finally, recognition that one's own conclusions--no matter how many agree with them--may be wrong.

I have done a lot of Bible study prompted by an experience that God absolutely IS love. did the authors of the Bible get it so wrong? I was a journalism student, and in journalism, like our court system, you don't go with hearsay, you go back to the source. Going back to the source entailed going back to original languages, as much first hand history as possible, and the oldest commentaries that could be found. Then it was about understanding what kind of Bible book I was reading. There were law books, history books, poetry, psalms, adages, biographies, science, just so stories, literature, etc. There was recognizing edits and that the history was mainly written by the winner.

People don't have the time to do this, and partly, they don't have the inclination either--not when it all boils down to faith that God is love, and loving God and one's fellow man is the ideal for which to strive. All my studying of the Bible boils down to something I learned as a mere toddler, listening to my slightly older brother learn his catechism: We were made to know, love, and serve God. The end. That is why I will never make a good novelist. My rendition of Tolkien's classics is, "An evil ring was found, so a wizard had an eagle drop into a volcano. The end."

Ask people to sum up the Bible. In ancient times a Rabbi said, "Love God, love your neighbor. The rest is just commentary."
What a messy load of self-contradictory happy talk.
I have done a lot of Bible study prompted by an experience that God absolutely IS love. did the authors of the Bible get it so wrong?
You assert here that "the authors" were "wrong" and just know its true message supports your wishes for the whole, as did (allegedly) some "Rabbi" back "In ancient times".
Second, people have a habit of seeing what they want to see. Third, people find ways of interpreting that agrees with what they already think,
Nice self-description.
sure they do -

View attachment 350412

for bing ...
Those were Christian Democrats responsible for that who were defeated by Christian Republicans. Just thought you might want to know the facts.
Those were Christian Democrats responsible for that who were defeated by Christian Republicans. Just thought you might want to know the facts.
it is a disservice to run from your christian history they were the bible belt the same then as now the political party is a convenience for them to hide behind -


as you are a perfect example. republican.

there has not been a century since the 4th those people have not been persecuting and victimizing the innocent that is in the dna of that and all three desert religions.

change your phony 10 commandments - just 10 real one's would be enough to run those types into the funny house where they belong - and you too, bing.
sure they do -

View attachment 350412

for bing ...
Those were Christian Democrats responsible for that who were defeated by Christian Republicans. Just thought you might want to know the facts.
Those were Christian Democrats responsible for that who were defeated by Christian Republicans. Just thought you might want to know the facts.
it is a disservice to run from your christian history they were the bible belt the same then as now the political party is a convenience for them to hide behind -

View attachment 350693

as you are a perfect example. republican.

there has not been a century since the 4th those people have not been persecuting and victimizing the innocent that is in the dna of that and all three desert religions.

change your phony 10 commandments - just 10 real one's would be enough to run those types into the funny house where they belong - and you too, bing.
Would you like you abolish Christianity?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood, et al,

BLUF: Before I get into my comment, I want you to know that I acknowledge (upfront) that I know of no ancient text called the desert religions bible's. Desert religions are not unique to the Middle East North African Region.

I would like to share the following excerpt:

Many biblical books evidently were the product of a long, complex literary process involving numerous authors, editors, and copyists through several generations and even centuries. Among the biblical scrolls from the Judean desert, variant literary editions are most evident for Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Jeremiah, and Psalms. The sheer variety of textual forms exhibited among the biblical DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls) suggests that the Essenes at Qumran—and likely other Jewish groups in the Second Temple period — did not assign sacred status or authority to only one textual form of certain scriptural books, but to the book or tradition as such.​

There are more than a half-dozen key codices that are extremely important in terms of biblical archeology. But again, I think most would agree that the Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were used by the Masoretes to compose what many consider to be the oldest version of the Bible. In the regard, monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam constitute the three oldest surviving major "Desert Religions" --- there were still older "oral traditions." And these oral traditions were passed down from one tribe to the next and eventually became the backbone of the faith in the God of Moses (Yahweh).

I think that many would agree that official rabbinic canon (three parts of the Tanak) are significant: the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi’im), and the Writings (Ketubim).

When I think of the Religions of Antiquity, I'm thinking of a time Neolithic Age and early Bronze Age.
.roc, is there a name for the religion referred to in the desert religions bible's - other than their particular ascribed names. they have construed into their own brand.

My understanding is that the Hebrew/Jewish People preserve the writings known as the Chumash (AKA: Pentateuch) which must be well over 2500 to 3000 years old. I think these scrolls constitute the Five Books of Moses. And when I think of the Abrahamic (Desert) Religions (Hebrew/Judaism coming before the others) I think of a time when oral traditions. There are a few "desert tribes" that still practice (almost exclusively) on oral traditions.


Most Respectfully,
Do you believe that the account of Genesis, specifically the first eleven chapters and the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were unknown until Moses recorded them?

Or do you believe these were accounts that had been passed down orally for thousands of years from generation to generation and were common knowledge so to speak?

Neither and both. See 2 Timothy 3:16.
I don’t believe that is possible.

See my post 996.

You don't think 2 Timothy 3:16 is possible?
Funny, that's what I usually say just prior to flushing nice, fluffy, uniform loaves.. Inspired by God!.. or Wow, more proof of Intelligent Design!
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood, et al,

BLUF: Before I get into my comment, I want you to know that I acknowledge (upfront) that I know of no ancient text called the desert religions bible's. Desert religions are not unique to the Middle East North African Region.

I would like to share the following excerpt:

Many biblical books evidently were the product of a long, complex literary process involving numerous authors, editors, and copyists through several generations and even centuries. Among the biblical scrolls from the Judean desert, variant literary editions are most evident for Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Jeremiah, and Psalms. The sheer variety of textual forms exhibited among the biblical DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls) suggests that the Essenes at Qumran—and likely other Jewish groups in the Second Temple period — did not assign sacred status or authority to only one textual form of certain scriptural books, but to the book or tradition as such.​

There are more than a half-dozen key codices that are extremely important in terms of biblical archeology. But again, I think most would agree that the Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were used by the Masoretes to compose what many consider to be the oldest version of the Bible. In the regard, monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam constitute the three oldest surviving major "Desert Religions" --- there were still older "oral traditions." And these oral traditions were passed down from one tribe to the next and eventually became the backbone of the faith in the God of Moses (Yahweh).

I think that many would agree that official rabbinic canon (three parts of the Tanak) are significant: the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi’im), and the Writings (Ketubim).

When I think of the Religions of Antiquity, I'm thinking of a time Neolithic Age and early Bronze Age.
.roc, is there a name for the religion referred to in the desert religions bible's - other than their particular ascribed names. they have construed into their own brand.

My understanding is that the Hebrew/Jewish People preserve the writings known as the Chumash (AKA: Pentateuch) which must be well over 2500 to 3000 years old. I think these scrolls constitute the Five Books of Moses. And when I think of the Abrahamic (Desert) Religions (Hebrew/Judaism coming before the others) I think of a time when oral traditions. There are a few "desert tribes" that still practice (almost exclusively) on oral traditions.


Most Respectfully,
Do you believe that the account of Genesis, specifically the first eleven chapters and the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were unknown until Moses recorded them?

Or do you believe these were accounts that had been passed down orally for thousands of years from generation to generation and were common knowledge so to speak?

Neither and both. See 2 Timothy 3:16.
I don’t believe that is possible.

See my post 996.

You don't think 2 Timothy 3:16 is possible?
I don’t believe neither and both.
Maybe instead of looking at turds they should be looking at the fabric of existence to see the signs of a creator.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood, et al,

BLUF: Before I get into my comment, I want you to know that I acknowledge (upfront) that I know of no ancient text called the desert religions bible's. Desert religions are not unique to the Middle East North African Region.

I would like to share the following excerpt:

Many biblical books evidently were the product of a long, complex literary process involving numerous authors, editors, and copyists through several generations and even centuries. Among the biblical scrolls from the Judean desert, variant literary editions are most evident for Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Jeremiah, and Psalms. The sheer variety of textual forms exhibited among the biblical DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls) suggests that the Essenes at Qumran—and likely other Jewish groups in the Second Temple period — did not assign sacred status or authority to only one textual form of certain scriptural books, but to the book or tradition as such.​

There are more than a half-dozen key codices that are extremely important in terms of biblical archeology. But again, I think most would agree that the Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were used by the Masoretes to compose what many consider to be the oldest version of the Bible. In the regard, monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam constitute the three oldest surviving major "Desert Religions" --- there were still older "oral traditions." And these oral traditions were passed down from one tribe to the next and eventually became the backbone of the faith in the God of Moses (Yahweh).

I think that many would agree that official rabbinic canon (three parts of the Tanak) are significant: the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi’im), and the Writings (Ketubim).

When I think of the Religions of Antiquity, I'm thinking of a time Neolithic Age and early Bronze Age.
.roc, is there a name for the religion referred to in the desert religions bible's - other than their particular ascribed names. they have construed into their own brand.

My understanding is that the Hebrew/Jewish People preserve the writings known as the Chumash (AKA: Pentateuch) which must be well over 2500 to 3000 years old. I think these scrolls constitute the Five Books of Moses. And when I think of the Abrahamic (Desert) Religions (Hebrew/Judaism coming before the others) I think of a time when oral traditions. There are a few "desert tribes" that still practice (almost exclusively) on oral traditions.


Most Respectfully,
Do you believe that the account of Genesis, specifically the first eleven chapters and the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were unknown until Moses recorded them?

Or do you believe these were accounts that had been passed down orally for thousands of years from generation to generation and were common knowledge so to speak?

Neither and both. See 2 Timothy 3:16.
I don’t believe that is possible.

See my post 996.

You don't think 2 Timothy 3:16 is possible?
I don’t believe neither and both.

OK, I was just punning. So, do you agree with 2 Timothy 3:16?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ BreezeWood, et al,

BLUF: Before I get into my comment, I want you to know that I acknowledge (upfront) that I know of no ancient text called the desert religions bible's. Desert religions are not unique to the Middle East North African Region.

I would like to share the following excerpt:

Many biblical books evidently were the product of a long, complex literary process involving numerous authors, editors, and copyists through several generations and even centuries. Among the biblical scrolls from the Judean desert, variant literary editions are most evident for Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Jeremiah, and Psalms. The sheer variety of textual forms exhibited among the biblical DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls) suggests that the Essenes at Qumran—and likely other Jewish groups in the Second Temple period — did not assign sacred status or authority to only one textual form of certain scriptural books, but to the book or tradition as such.​

There are more than a half-dozen key codices that are extremely important in terms of biblical archeology. But again, I think most would agree that the Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were used by the Masoretes to compose what many consider to be the oldest version of the Bible. In the regard, monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam constitute the three oldest surviving major "Desert Religions" --- there were still older "oral traditions." And these oral traditions were passed down from one tribe to the next and eventually became the backbone of the faith in the God of Moses (Yahweh).

I think that many would agree that official rabbinic canon (three parts of the Tanak) are significant: the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi’im), and the Writings (Ketubim).

When I think of the Religions of Antiquity, I'm thinking of a time Neolithic Age and early Bronze Age.
.roc, is there a name for the religion referred to in the desert religions bible's - other than their particular ascribed names. they have construed into their own brand.

My understanding is that the Hebrew/Jewish People preserve the writings known as the Chumash (AKA: Pentateuch) which must be well over 2500 to 3000 years old. I think these scrolls constitute the Five Books of Moses. And when I think of the Abrahamic (Desert) Religions (Hebrew/Judaism coming before the others) I think of a time when oral traditions. There are a few "desert tribes" that still practice (almost exclusively) on oral traditions.


Most Respectfully,
Do you believe that the account of Genesis, specifically the first eleven chapters and the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were unknown until Moses recorded them?

Or do you believe these were accounts that had been passed down orally for thousands of years from generation to generation and were common knowledge so to speak?

Neither and both. See 2 Timothy 3:16.
I don’t believe that is possible.

See my post 996.

You don't think 2 Timothy 3:16 is possible?
I don’t believe neither and both.

OK, I was just punning. So, do you agree with 2 Timothy 3:16?
Of course.
Maybe instead of looking at turds they should be looking at the fabric of existence to see the signs of a creator.
All signs point to turds being the fabric of both your creation and continued existence. So much so I'm confident that flushing yourself would most directly return you eternally to your desired state of ignorant bliss, enjoying intimate personal relations with your Heap Big Troll Bung Hole creator.
Maybe instead of looking at turds they should be looking at the fabric of existence to see the signs of a creator.
All signs point to turds being the fabric of both your creation and continued existence. So much so I'm confident that flushing yourself would most directly return you eternally to your desired state of ignorant bliss, enjoying intimate personal relations with your Heap Big Troll Bung Hole creator.
You seem bitter. Are you OK?
pay back can have consequences - for the perpetrators ... cry us a river
Do you suppose that's what Derek Chauvin said to Floyd George when he had his knee on Floyd's neck?

Would you like to put your knee on my neck?
I'd like to do to religion what you guys want to do to government.

I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.


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