Open Minded Agnostic Atheist

Show me the peer reviewed scientific research on this theory/hypothesis.
He posted a link to an essay by an old hippie for backup on another thread. Don't hold your breath ;)

He also used to go nuts arguing that the Earth was only about 6,000 years old and that carbon dating, dinosaur fossils and so forth were all horribly wrong or fake.
Same questions to you.

Which one do you dispute and why? Do you dispute that space and time were created from nothing? Do you dispute that energy cannot be eternal without reaching thermal equilibrium? Do you dispute that the presence of energy creates space and time?

Because I would really really like to know what basis you have for disputing any of these consequences of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Do you have a scientific background that allows you to speak intelligently about the consequences of the SLoT? Because I'd like to know what peer reviewed papers you have that disprove the SLoT.
Look you stupid twat. The first thing I look up and see is this

What is nothing? Empty space? The absence of something? Scientists are hard-pressed to define the concept.

So if scientists are hard pressed to define the concept, what makes you think you are an expert on it?
First of all, that has nothing to do with what I am saying. We know that their description of nothing doesn’t contain the energy existing in this universe. Secondly, it has nothing to do with the thermodynamic reality that energy cannot exist eternally without equilibrating. To say nothing of the fact that the presence of energy creates space time. All of which tells us that the cause of the universe is something that is beyond energy and matter as we know it. And lastly, we know that the same laws that describe the evolution of space and time also describe how space and time could be created from nothing without violating the law of conservation.

So here I am having lots of reasons to believe as I do and you having zero reasons to believe as you do and you are calling me a twat? Really?
The things you know that are facts have nothing to do with proving anything about a god.

cause of the universe is something that is beyond energy and matter as we know it.

Yes. It's something we don't understand. Not a god. At least not he one that visits you.
Sure they are. Where’s your open mindedness you have been touting?

You have no reason to believe God doesn’t exist and I just gave you reasons why you should believe God does exist.
Last edited:
Maybe instead of looking at turds they should be looking at the fabric of existence to see the signs of a creator.
all that amazing stuff you see in nature are not signs of a creator. our ignorant ancestors thought so but the more we learned the more we realized this world wasn't made for us.

I know you think there must be but there doesn't have to be a god.

So you guys had to make up a book that said god visited you because before that lie you didn't have enough to start an organized religion. You had to lie and say he visited. Then spent centuries cramming that like down our throats until we were brainwashed as a society same way in the middle east.

Then you say you've seen god? Yea, like he visits assholes like you. LOL
How do you know?
Because it's ridiculous. It's like my friends when we were growing up said they saw ghosts. Sure they did.

But I know they weren't lying. You aren't lying either. You're delusional.
What is ridiculous? That consciousness without form created existence from nothing? Why is that ridiculous? How do you know consciousness without form didn't create existence?

I thought you said you were open minded, right?
Show me the peer reviewed scientific research on this theory/hypothesis.

Sure it's possible.
Which part? That space and time were created from nothing? Or that energy cannot be eternal without reaching thermal equilibrium? Or that the presence of energy creates space and time?

Which one do you dispute and why?
I don't know all I know is the stuff you argue about does not prove a god exists. I could ask you abut dark matter and space time continuoms and flux capacitors and your inability to answer my questiions doesn't prove I'm right.

Were space and time really created from nothing? Do you even know what that means? Because I can tell you it doesn't mean what you think it means. Your tiny brain can't fathom the truth and it's clear you make shit up in your head.

So tell me about thermal dynamics and how there can be a realm you call heaven based on any of the dumb shit you say.
I believe it actually does prove God created space and time. How else do you think a universe that was wired to produce beings that know and create popped into existence from nothing 14 billion years ago?

The SLoT precludes an infinite acting universe and it precludes energy being an eternal source for the creating the universe. So matter and energy being created from nothing without violating the FLoT is the only way the universe could have been created. Red shift, cosmic background radiation and Friedman's solutions to Einstein's field equations confirm that 14 billion years ago all of the energy in the universe occupied a tiny space and began to expand and cool until such time that beings that know and create were able to study what was created and conclude that the universe was created from nothing. So you don't find it odd that a universe that was wired to create beings that know and create popped into existence from nothing?

But hey if you want to explain "abut dark matter and space time continuoms and flux capacitors" and how they informed your opinion that there is no God, I am all ears.

As for questions I haven't answered, what do you want to know?

As for heaven, I have no idea about that. I just believe that the universe was created by consciousness without form.

The answer is we don't know.
No. You don’t know. You have no reason to believe God doesn’t exist and I just gave you reasons why you should believe God does exist.
Last edited:
Show me the peer reviewed scientific research on this theory/hypothesis.
He posted a link to an essay by an old hippie for backup on another thread. Don't hold your breath ;)

He also used to go nuts arguing that the Earth was only about 6,000 years old and that carbon dating, dinosaur fossils and so forth were all horribly wrong or fake.
Same questions to you.

Which one do you dispute and why? Do you dispute that space and time were created from nothing? Do you dispute that energy cannot be eternal without reaching thermal equilibrium? Do you dispute that the presence of energy creates space and time?

Because I would really really like to know what basis you have for disputing any of these consequences of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Do you have a scientific background that allows you to speak intelligently about the consequences of the SLoT? Because I'd like to know what peer reviewed papers you have that disprove the SLoT.

Lets say we agree with you. What are you saying that proves?
That the logical conclusion is that mind, rather than being a late outgrowth of the evolution of space and time, is the source or matrix of the material world such that the universe evolved to create beings that know and create.
The other logical conclusion is that everything alive dies eventually. So god is an impossibility.
Actually... If, as claimed by humanism, man were born only to be happy, he would not be born to die.
Hollie, I know you've been involved in (rebutting) "creation science" nonsense here. I gather I've got ding confused with some other nuisance peddling that nonsense here like crazy for a while. Any idea who that was? Fort Fun was around too. If ding wasn't the main culprit he was largely supporting the idiot, I'm sure.

May have been "LittleNipper" prior to changing his name.
It's James Bond, and no, I didn't support him. He probably likes me less than you do.

But please do correct me if you can. Please do show us your science prowess. I'd like to see it.

If your science knowledge proved god existed then why are so many scientists atheists?

I don't think your logic is proving what you think it proves. If it did wouldn't a lot more people make these arguments?

Can you provide a link to anyone else who supports such thinking? Because I'll admit you are talking over my head with all this space time stuff. All I know is I've never heard a real scientists say what you are saying.

And I thought you were a rich businessman. TOday you are saying you were a scientist?

Something isn't jiving here. Especially when you didn't believe I got a stimulus check. Didn't you get one? Mine was only $950 because I am upper class. How much did you get?
Maybe instead of looking at turds they should be looking at the fabric of existence to see the signs of a creator.
all that amazing stuff you see in nature are not signs of a creator. our ignorant ancestors thought so but the more we learned the more we realized this world wasn't made for us.

I know you think there must be but there doesn't have to be a god.

So you guys had to make up a book that said god visited you because before that lie you didn't have enough to start an organized religion. You had to lie and say he visited. Then spent centuries cramming that like down our throats until we were brainwashed as a society same way in the middle east.

Then you say you've seen god? Yea, like he visits assholes like you. LOL
How do you know?
Because it's ridiculous. It's like my friends when we were growing up said they saw ghosts. Sure they did.

But I know they weren't lying. You aren't lying either. You're delusional.
What is ridiculous? That consciousness without form created existence from nothing? Why is that ridiculous? How do you know consciousness without form didn't create existence?

I thought you said you were open minded, right?
Show me the peer reviewed scientific research on this theory/hypothesis.

Sure it's possible.
Which part? That space and time were created from nothing? Or that energy cannot be eternal without reaching thermal equilibrium? Or that the presence of energy creates space and time?

Which one do you dispute and why?
I don't know all I know is the stuff you argue about does not prove a god exists. I could ask you abut dark matter and space time continuoms and flux capacitors and your inability to answer my questiions doesn't prove I'm right.

Were space and time really created from nothing? Do you even know what that means? Because I can tell you it doesn't mean what you think it means. Your tiny brain can't fathom the truth and it's clear you make shit up in your head.

So tell me about thermal dynamics and how there can be a realm you call heaven based on any of the dumb shit you say.
I believe it actually does prove God created space and time. How else do you think a universe that was wired to produce beings that know and create popped into existence from nothing 14 billion years ago?

The SLoT precludes an infinite acting universe and it precludes energy being an eternal source for the creating the universe. So matter and energy being created from nothing without violating the FLoT is the only way the universe could have been created. Red shift, cosmic background radiation and Friedman's solutions to Einstein's field equations confirm that 14 billion years ago all of the energy in the universe occupied a tiny space and began to expand and cool until such time that beings that know and create were able to study what was created and conclude that the universe was created from nothing. So you don't find it odd that a universe that was wired to create beings that know and create popped into existence from nothing?

But hey if you want to explain "abut dark matter and space time continuoms and flux capacitors" and how they informed your opinion that there is no God, I am all ears.

As for questions I haven't answered, what do you want to know?

As for heaven, I have no idea about that. I just believe that the universe was created by consciousness without form.

The answer is we don't know.
No. You don’t know. You have no reason to believe God doesn’t exist and I just gave you reasons why you should believe God does exist.
YOur arguments didn't move or convince me.
Show me the peer reviewed scientific research on this theory/hypothesis.
He posted a link to an essay by an old hippie for backup on another thread. Don't hold your breath ;)

He also used to go nuts arguing that the Earth was only about 6,000 years old and that carbon dating, dinosaur fossils and so forth were all horribly wrong or fake.
Same questions to you.

Which one do you dispute and why? Do you dispute that space and time were created from nothing? Do you dispute that energy cannot be eternal without reaching thermal equilibrium? Do you dispute that the presence of energy creates space and time?

Because I would really really like to know what basis you have for disputing any of these consequences of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Do you have a scientific background that allows you to speak intelligently about the consequences of the SLoT? Because I'd like to know what peer reviewed papers you have that disprove the SLoT.
Look you stupid twat. The first thing I look up and see is this

What is nothing? Empty space? The absence of something? Scientists are hard-pressed to define the concept.

So if scientists are hard pressed to define the concept, what makes you think you are an expert on it?
First of all, that has nothing to do with what I am saying. We know that their description of nothing doesn’t contain the energy existing in this universe. Secondly, it has nothing to do with the thermodynamic reality that energy cannot exist eternally without equilibrating. To say nothing of the fact that the presence of energy creates space time. All of which tells us that the cause of the universe is something that is beyond energy and matter as we know it. And lastly, we know that the same laws that describe the evolution of space and time also describe how space and time could be created from nothing without violating the law of conservation.

So here I am having lots of reasons to believe as I do and you having zero reasons to believe as you do and you are calling me a twat? Really?
The things you know that are facts have nothing to do with proving anything about a god.

cause of the universe is something that is beyond energy and matter as we know it.

Yes. It's something we don't understand. Not a god. At least not he one that visits you.
Sure they are. Where’s your open mindedness you have been touting?

You have no reason to believe God doesn’t exist and I just gave you reasons why you should believe God does exist.
Which of your comments suggest a god exists?

energy cannot exist eternally without equilibrating.

the presence of energy creates space time.

the cause of the universe is something that is beyond energy and matter as we know it.

the same laws that describe the evolution of space and time also describe how space and time could be created from nothing without violating the law of conservation.
"Did you know that the matter in your body is billions of years old? According to most astrophysicists, all the matter found in the universe today -- including the matter in people, plants, animals, the earth, stars, and galaxies -- was created at the very first moment of time, thought to be about 13 billion years ago.
Um, define "matter"? This is a great example of the annoyingly stupid, self-contradictory sort of blather I'm sure students are still being plagued with today. Is iron matter? Copper? Created "at the very first moment of time"? Get the fuck out of here! Not even close. Small wonder gullible dolts like dingbat here just lap it all up and regurgitate it without question. According to the actual "status quo physics" theory, 380,000 years passed before what we consider "matter" even began to form as anything differentiable from energy.
Show me the peer reviewed scientific research on this theory/hypothesis.
He posted a link to an essay by an old hippie for backup on another thread. Don't hold your breath ;)

He also used to go nuts arguing that the Earth was only about 6,000 years old and that carbon dating, dinosaur fossils and so forth were all horribly wrong or fake.
Same questions to you.

Which one do you dispute and why? Do you dispute that space and time were created from nothing? Do you dispute that energy cannot be eternal without reaching thermal equilibrium? Do you dispute that the presence of energy creates space and time?

Because I would really really like to know what basis you have for disputing any of these consequences of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Do you have a scientific background that allows you to speak intelligently about the consequences of the SLoT? Because I'd like to know what peer reviewed papers you have that disprove the SLoT.

Lets say we agree with you. What are you saying that proves?
That the logical conclusion is that mind, rather than being a late outgrowth of the evolution of space and time, is the source or matrix of the material world such that the universe evolved to create beings that know and create.
The other logical conclusion is that everything alive dies eventually. So god is an impossibility.
Actually... If, as claimed by humanism, man were born only to be happy, he would not be born to die.
Maybe humanists are wrong. Born only to be happy?

What else are we born for?
Hollie, I know you've been involved in (rebutting) "creation science" nonsense here. I gather I've got ding confused with some other nuisance peddling that nonsense here like crazy for a while. Any idea who that was? Fort Fun was around too. If ding wasn't the main culprit he was largely supporting the idiot, I'm sure.

May have been "LittleNipper" prior to changing his name.
It's James Bond, and no, I didn't support him. He probably likes me less than you do.

But please do correct me if you can. Please do show us your science prowess. I'd like to see it.

If your science knowledge proved god existed then why are so many scientists atheists?

I don't think your logic is proving what you think it proves. If it did wouldn't a lot more people make these arguments?

Can you provide a link to anyone else who supports such thinking? Because I'll admit you are talking over my head with all this space time stuff. All I know is I've never heard a real scientists say what you are saying.

And I thought you were a rich businessman. TOday you are saying you were a scientist?

Something isn't jiving here. Especially when you didn't believe I got a stimulus check. Didn't you get one? Mine was only $950 because I am upper class. How much did you get?
It's not that I didn't believe you got a stimulus check, it's that I was surprised you got one considering how much you brag about being upper class. The upper class didn't get free money. They paid for the free money. I didn't qualify for any government cheese like you did.

As for the scientists who are atheists, I don't know what that distribution looks like. I also don't know that they have looked at it like I have. So I wouldn't put much stock in that. But putting that aside, are you seriously saying that you believe what others believe? Can't you think for yourself.

At the end of the day, you have no reasons to believe God doesn't exist and you just rejected reasons to believe God does exist, so your claim that you are open minded is BS. Just like your claim that you are upper class is BS.

As for my claim that I am a scientist... I've been a practicing engineer for 36 years. Engineering is the commercial application of science, so us engineers are pretty good at understanding and applying science.
Show me the peer reviewed scientific research on this theory/hypothesis.
He posted a link to an essay by an old hippie for backup on another thread. Don't hold your breath ;)

He also used to go nuts arguing that the Earth was only about 6,000 years old and that carbon dating, dinosaur fossils and so forth were all horribly wrong or fake.
Same questions to you.

Which one do you dispute and why? Do you dispute that space and time were created from nothing? Do you dispute that energy cannot be eternal without reaching thermal equilibrium? Do you dispute that the presence of energy creates space and time?

Because I would really really like to know what basis you have for disputing any of these consequences of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Do you have a scientific background that allows you to speak intelligently about the consequences of the SLoT? Because I'd like to know what peer reviewed papers you have that disprove the SLoT.

Lets say we agree with you. What are you saying that proves?
That the logical conclusion is that mind, rather than being a late outgrowth of the evolution of space and time, is the source or matrix of the material world such that the universe evolved to create beings that know and create.
The other logical conclusion is that everything alive dies eventually. So god is an impossibility.
Actually... If, as claimed by humanism, man were born only to be happy, he would not be born to die.
Maybe humanists are wrong. Born only to be happy?

What else are we born for?
To be fruitful, to create and to pass it on.
"Did you know that the matter in your body is billions of years old? According to most astrophysicists, all the matter found in the universe today -- including the matter in people, plants, animals, the earth, stars, and galaxies -- was created at the very first moment of time, thought to be about 13 billion years ago.
Um, define "matter"? This is a great example of the annoyingly stupid, self-contradictory sort of blather I'm sure students are still being plagued with today. Is iron matter? Copper? Created "at the very first moment of time"? Get the fuck out of here! Not even close. Small wonder gullible dolts like dingbat here just lap it all up and regurgitate it without question. According to the actual "status quo physics" theory, 380,000 years passed before what we consider "matter" even began to form as anything differentiable from energy.
Way to argue with CERN :thup:
Maybe instead of looking at turds they should be looking at the fabric of existence to see the signs of a creator.
all that amazing stuff you see in nature are not signs of a creator. our ignorant ancestors thought so but the more we learned the more we realized this world wasn't made for us.

I know you think there must be but there doesn't have to be a god.

So you guys had to make up a book that said god visited you because before that lie you didn't have enough to start an organized religion. You had to lie and say he visited. Then spent centuries cramming that like down our throats until we were brainwashed as a society same way in the middle east.

Then you say you've seen god? Yea, like he visits assholes like you. LOL
How do you know?
Because it's ridiculous. It's like my friends when we were growing up said they saw ghosts. Sure they did.

But I know they weren't lying. You aren't lying either. You're delusional.
What is ridiculous? That consciousness without form created existence from nothing? Why is that ridiculous? How do you know consciousness without form didn't create existence?

I thought you said you were open minded, right?
Show me the peer reviewed scientific research on this theory/hypothesis.

Sure it's possible.
Which part? That space and time were created from nothing? Or that energy cannot be eternal without reaching thermal equilibrium? Or that the presence of energy creates space and time?

Which one do you dispute and why?
I don't know all I know is the stuff you argue about does not prove a god exists. I could ask you abut dark matter and space time continuoms and flux capacitors and your inability to answer my questiions doesn't prove I'm right.

Were space and time really created from nothing? Do you even know what that means? Because I can tell you it doesn't mean what you think it means. Your tiny brain can't fathom the truth and it's clear you make shit up in your head.

So tell me about thermal dynamics and how there can be a realm you call heaven based on any of the dumb shit you say.
I believe it actually does prove God created space and time. How else do you think a universe that was wired to produce beings that know and create popped into existence from nothing 14 billion years ago?

The SLoT precludes an infinite acting universe and it precludes energy being an eternal source for the creating the universe. So matter and energy being created from nothing without violating the FLoT is the only way the universe could have been created. Red shift, cosmic background radiation and Friedman's solutions to Einstein's field equations confirm that 14 billion years ago all of the energy in the universe occupied a tiny space and began to expand and cool until such time that beings that know and create were able to study what was created and conclude that the universe was created from nothing. So you don't find it odd that a universe that was wired to create beings that know and create popped into existence from nothing?

But hey if you want to explain "abut dark matter and space time continuoms and flux capacitors" and how they informed your opinion that there is no God, I am all ears.

As for questions I haven't answered, what do you want to know?

As for heaven, I have no idea about that. I just believe that the universe was created by consciousness without form.

The answer is we don't know.
No. You don’t know. You have no reason to believe God doesn’t exist and I just gave you reasons why you should believe God does exist.
YOur arguments didn't move or convince me.
And yet you can't explain why you disagree with them. So you literally have no reason to reject them.
Show me the peer reviewed scientific research on this theory/hypothesis.
He posted a link to an essay by an old hippie for backup on another thread. Don't hold your breath ;)

He also used to go nuts arguing that the Earth was only about 6,000 years old and that carbon dating, dinosaur fossils and so forth were all horribly wrong or fake.
Same questions to you.

Which one do you dispute and why? Do you dispute that space and time were created from nothing? Do you dispute that energy cannot be eternal without reaching thermal equilibrium? Do you dispute that the presence of energy creates space and time?

Because I would really really like to know what basis you have for disputing any of these consequences of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Do you have a scientific background that allows you to speak intelligently about the consequences of the SLoT? Because I'd like to know what peer reviewed papers you have that disprove the SLoT.
Look you stupid twat. The first thing I look up and see is this

What is nothing? Empty space? The absence of something? Scientists are hard-pressed to define the concept.

So if scientists are hard pressed to define the concept, what makes you think you are an expert on it?
First of all, that has nothing to do with what I am saying. We know that their description of nothing doesn’t contain the energy existing in this universe. Secondly, it has nothing to do with the thermodynamic reality that energy cannot exist eternally without equilibrating. To say nothing of the fact that the presence of energy creates space time. All of which tells us that the cause of the universe is something that is beyond energy and matter as we know it. And lastly, we know that the same laws that describe the evolution of space and time also describe how space and time could be created from nothing without violating the law of conservation.

So here I am having lots of reasons to believe as I do and you having zero reasons to believe as you do and you are calling me a twat? Really?
The things you know that are facts have nothing to do with proving anything about a god.

cause of the universe is something that is beyond energy and matter as we know it.

Yes. It's something we don't understand. Not a god. At least not he one that visits you.
Sure they are. Where’s your open mindedness you have been touting?

You have no reason to believe God doesn’t exist and I just gave you reasons why you should believe God does exist.
Which of your comments suggest a god exists?

energy cannot exist eternally without equilibrating.

the presence of energy creates space time.

the cause of the universe is something that is beyond energy and matter as we know it.

the same laws that describe the evolution of space and time also describe how space and time could be created from nothing without violating the law of conservation.
You already asked this. And I already answered this. See?

How else do you think a universe that was wired to produce beings that know and create popped into existence from nothing 14 billion years ago?
The SLoT precludes an infinite acting universe and it precludes energy being an eternal source for the creating the universe. So matter and energy being created from nothing without violating the FLoT is the only way the universe could have been created. Red shift, cosmic background radiation and Friedman's solutions to Einstein's field equations confirm that 14 billion years ago all of the energy in the universe occupied a tiny space and began to expand and cool until such time that beings that know and create were able to study what was created and conclude that the universe was created from nothing. So you don't find it odd that a universe that was wired to create beings that know and create popped into existence from nothing?

There's the reason you have been searching with your open mind, SB.
"Did you know that the matter in your body is billions of years old? According to most astrophysicists, all the matter found in the universe today -- including the matter in people, plants, animals, the earth, stars, and galaxies -- was created at the very first moment of time, thought to be about 13 billion years ago.
Um, define "matter"? This is a great example of the annoyingly stupid, self-contradictory sort of blather I'm sure students are still being plagued with today. Is iron matter? Copper? Created "at the very first moment of time"? Get the fuck out of here! Not even close. Small wonder gullible dolts like dingbat here just lap it all up and regurgitate it without question. According to the actual "status quo physics" theory, 380,000 years passed before what we consider "matter" even began to form as anything differentiable from energy.
Way to argue with CERN :thup:
Way to respond with nothing. CERN remains a playground for clueless, spoiled brats. No help for you there.
"Did you know that the matter in your body is billions of years old? According to most astrophysicists, all the matter found in the universe today -- including the matter in people, plants, animals, the earth, stars, and galaxies -- was created at the very first moment of time, thought to be about 13 billion years ago.
Um, define "matter"? This is a great example of the annoyingly stupid, self-contradictory sort of blather I'm sure students are still being plagued with today. Is iron matter? Copper? Created "at the very first moment of time"? Get the fuck out of here! Not even close. Small wonder gullible dolts like dingbat here just lap it all up and regurgitate it without question. According to the actual "status quo physics" theory, 380,000 years passed before what we consider "matter" even began to form as anything differentiable from energy.
Way to argue with CERN :thup:
Way to respond with nothing. CERN remains a playground for clueless, spoiled brats. No help for you there.
Says an anonymous poster on a forum with zero scientific credentials.
"Did you know that the matter in your body is billions of years old? According to most astrophysicists, all the matter found in the universe today -- including the matter in people, plants, animals, the earth, stars, and galaxies -- was created at the very first moment of time, thought to be about 13 billion years ago.
Um, define "matter"? This is a great example of the annoyingly stupid, self-contradictory sort of blather I'm sure students are still being plagued with today. Is iron matter? Copper? Created "at the very first moment of time"? Get the fuck out of here! Not even close. Small wonder gullible dolts like dingbat here just lap it all up and regurgitate it without question. According to the actual "status quo physics" theory, 380,000 years passed before what we consider "matter" even began to form as anything differentiable from energy.
Way to argue with CERN :thup:
Way to respond with nothing. CERN remains a playground for clueless, spoiled brats. No help for you there.
Says an anonymous poster on a forum with zero scientific credentials.
Oh, stop flogging yourself like that.
"Did you know that the matter in your body is billions of years old? According to most astrophysicists, all the matter found in the universe today -- including the matter in people, plants, animals, the earth, stars, and galaxies -- was created at the very first moment of time, thought to be about 13 billion years ago.
Um, define "matter"? This is a great example of the annoyingly stupid, self-contradictory sort of blather I'm sure students are still being plagued with today. Is iron matter? Copper? Created "at the very first moment of time"? Get the fuck out of here! Not even close. Small wonder gullible dolts like dingbat here just lap it all up and regurgitate it without question. According to the actual "status quo physics" theory, 380,000 years passed before what we consider "matter" even began to form as anything differentiable from energy.
Way to argue with CERN :thup:
Way to respond with nothing. CERN remains a playground for clueless, spoiled brats. No help for you there.
Says an anonymous poster on a forum with zero scientific credentials.
Oh, stop flogging yourself like that.
I can pay for my kid's medicines. ;)
"Did you know that the matter in your body is billions of years old? According to most astrophysicists, all the matter found in the universe today -- including the matter in people, plants, animals, the earth, stars, and galaxies -- was created at the very first moment of time, thought to be about 13 billion years ago.
Um, define "matter"? This is a great example of the annoyingly stupid, self-contradictory sort of blather I'm sure students are still being plagued with today. Is iron matter? Copper? Created "at the very first moment of time"? Get the fuck out of here! Not even close. Small wonder gullible dolts like dingbat here just lap it all up and regurgitate it without question. According to the actual "status quo physics" theory, 380,000 years passed before what we consider "matter" even began to form as anything differentiable from energy.
Way to argue with CERN :thup:
Way to respond with nothing. CERN remains a playground for clueless, spoiled brats. No help for you there.
Says an anonymous poster on a forum with zero scientific credentials.
Oh, stop flogging yourself like that.
I can pay for my kid's medicines. ;)
My kids are responsible adults, unlike you ;)
"Did you know that the matter in your body is billions of years old? According to most astrophysicists, all the matter found in the universe today -- including the matter in people, plants, animals, the earth, stars, and galaxies -- was created at the very first moment of time, thought to be about 13 billion years ago.
Um, define "matter"? This is a great example of the annoyingly stupid, self-contradictory sort of blather I'm sure students are still being plagued with today. Is iron matter? Copper? Created "at the very first moment of time"? Get the fuck out of here! Not even close. Small wonder gullible dolts like dingbat here just lap it all up and regurgitate it without question. According to the actual "status quo physics" theory, 380,000 years passed before what we consider "matter" even began to form as anything differentiable from energy.
Way to argue with CERN :thup:
Way to respond with nothing. CERN remains a playground for clueless, spoiled brats. No help for you there.
Says an anonymous poster on a forum with zero scientific credentials.
Oh, stop flogging yourself like that.
I can pay for my kid's medicines. ;)
My kids are responsible adults, unlike you ;)
uh huh.

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