Open season on our elections

Trump admits he'd take info from foreign countries to help him win elections Now, did he take help, the dirt, from Russia ?? No morals No ethics The man is a walking slime bag Defends son for not calling fbi on russian meeting

Some Germans allied with other countries to defeat the Nazi's. Oh yes I did go there. :auiqs.jpg:

So you are saying trump needs to Allie with Putin to defeat Americans? Really?

No, to defeat Dem Nazi traitors.
Trump knows he can not win the 2020 election without the same kind of help he got from Russia in the 2016 election. That is why he is inviting Putin ro help him again.
Not only Russia but ANY country hoping for the downfall of America I'd lmao if China came up with something to embarrass Rump and gave it to the Dem candidate
Unlike the Steele dossier, which the Russians gave to Hillary, how would Trump use anything that wasn't factual?
Wonder why this got anyone upset? Who wouldn't want to know if Americans running for office is corrupt, rapist, killers?

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Many Democrats reacted with outrage. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., a 2020 candidate for president, tweeted in response: "It's time for Congress to begin impeachment hearings."


It's against the law.

That's why people are so upset about it. Add to that real Americans don't want any foreign influence on our elections.

Real Americans don't break the law and don't use foreign nations to win elections.

Do you realize Hillary and the DNC paid for the foreign steel dossier for dirt on Trump?
Many politicians use operation research companies to get dirt on each other.
How do politicians gather opposition research on other candidates?

Do you understand that in paying for research it is a distinction with a difference? Paying for opposition research is legal. Getting stolen information given to you by a foreign adversary is not.
Actually, it's not illegal, and paying foreigners for help with your campaign is illegal, you fucking moron.
Trump has sent an open invitation to all foreign governments to spy on his opposition and report back to him
Did you have that letter? Or a quote of the invitation??
The invitation was given by word of mouth by the AH in our WH You didn't hear the schmuck yesterday say he'd take info and not tell FBI?
How is that an invitation?

You Trump hating scum have no shame.
I bet you speak Russian. Amazing how many scum put party over country.
trump is a treasonous bastard....

So whatever you think was done you believe Trump did on his own?
But you people say he's too stupid, a dotard....

It is entirely possible for Trump to be both "dumb" and a "treasonous bastard". My money is that he is both.

I have long opined that Trump hates America because nobody respects him. The high society dames in New York snubbed his mother. Other businessmen treated him like a nobody. The banks wouldn't lend to him, and he was constantly in and out of the courts on lawsuits, and bankruptcies. Trump has long projected an image of wealth and success, but the wealth was his father's money, and his successes aren't in business or construction. They're in public relations and branding. His TV show was a success, but it was fake.

Trump blames others for his businesses losses because, like everything else, nothing is ever Dumb Donald's fault. And every single time Trump has invited the American public to let him help them get rich like him, he's lied to them and fleeced them. Trump danced away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million while the mom and pop investors who bought shares in casinos because he promised to help them get rich, lost everything.

His Trump University scam was bilking the public out of millions of dollars, some individuals lost $200,000 or more on his phony real estate investment school Another time Trump invited everyday Americans to let him help them get wealthy.

Throughout his life, Trump has been laughed at, disrespected, and the butt of jokes by comedians, and especially by the business community who saw him for the dilletente he is. The FBI and the Justice Department has been going after Trump for years. Long before he ran for office. The federal Justice Department charged Trump with criminal racial discrimination in the 1980's. He paid huge fines, and had to promise to rent to minorities. The State of New York has been going after his phony charity for years, as has the IRS. He made illegal campaign contributions using funds from his charity (that's the illegal part), to attorneys general in two states (Florida and Texas) who were considering joining in the Trump University law suits. After receiving the "donations", both AG's declined to prosecute. American banks lost so much money in his bankruptcies that he can't get loans from them any more. Deutches Banke is the ONLY bank in the world that will deal with him.

So I can see vindicitive Donnie saying to himself that he can screw over America and show all those people who laughed at him, and refused to do business with him, and treated him like he was an asshole, and make money doing it. These million dollar weekends at his golf courses, where he sells access to the President, while billing the taxpayers for every dollar he can squeeze are a prime example of Trump thumbing his nose at working people.

If you look at the Trump Presidency as act of revenge by a guy who couldn't get no respect, it all makes sense. The criminal and incompetent cabinet, destroying environmental protections, trying to bring back coal, fracturing NATO (which Putin wanted more than anything), pulling out of all of the trade deals that made America rich and the strategic alliances that made it safe.

Every problem that Trump has focused on, he's made much, much worse than when he started. The trade deficit has increased, illegal border crossings have gone from the lowest in 50 years, to the highest in 15 years. DHS has gone from holding 10,000 people on immigration charges, to 40,000 people, being fed and housed at the taxpayers' expense as a result of these policies, not to mention 6 children have died in custody, and you now have a genuine humanitarian crisis on the border.

The opiod epidemic has gotten worse. Deaths have gone from 50,000 a year to over 70,000 a year in the two years that Trump has been in power.

Trump promised better, cheaper healthcare for all before he was elected. Since he was elected, 5 million people have lost access to health care because of his policies. Everything that Trump has set out to fix, has gotten worse.

Everything Donald Trump touches dies.
Trump knows he can not win the 2020 election without the same kind of help he got from Russia in the 2016 election. That is why he is inviting Putin ro help him again.
Not only Russia but ANY country hoping for the downfall of America I'd lmao if China came up with something to embarrass Rump and gave it to the Dem candidate
Unlike the Steele dossier, which the Russians gave to Hillary, how would Trump use anything that wasn't factual?

I think President Trump is playing the libs in a well orchestrated plan here.

He knows what's in the classified documents that are being revealed, he knows what's happening with the Durham investigation, and he knew what kind of conniption the left would have when he made his statement.

I think the other shoe will drop soon enough.
Trumps words are the word of god! HIs unbelievable strength and stamina is given to us by God
Wonder why this got anyone upset? Who wouldn't want to know if Americans running for office is corrupt, rapist, killers?

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Many Democrats reacted with outrage. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., a 2020 candidate for president, tweeted in response: "It's time for Congress to begin impeachment hearings."


It's against the law.

That's why people are so upset about it. Add to that real Americans don't want any foreign influence on our elections.

Real Americans don't break the law and don't use foreign nations to win elections.

Do you realize Hillary and the DNC paid for the foreign steel dossier for dirt on Trump?
Many politicians use operation research companies to get dirt on each other.
How do politicians gather opposition research on other candidates?

Do you understand that in paying for research it is a distinction with a difference? Paying for opposition research is legal. Getting stolen information given to you by a foreign adversary is not.
Actually, it's not illegal, and paying foreigners for help with your campaign is illegal, you fucking moron.

It absolutely is illegal for a political candidate to accept ANYTHING of value from a foreign government in an election campaign.

It is not illegal to hire foreign nationals to work on your campaign, but it is illegal to hire foreign government officials to work on your campaign. The Clinton campaign did neither. The Clinton Campaign instructed their lawyers to obtain opposition research. The lawyers contacted Fusion GPS and contracted with them to provide OR on Donald Trump. Fusion GPS had previously had a similar contract from representatives of a Republican candidate, and had hired Christopher Steele to do the work, but the contract was terminated when Trump secured the Republican nomination. Fusion contracted with Steele to finish the research on Trump.

At no time did Hillary Clinton meet with Fusion GPS or Christopher Steele. All payments to Steele were made by Fusion GPS, and all payments to Fusion GPS were made by the law firm on behalf of their anonymous client.

Trump Jr. met with officials from the Russian government in Trump Tower in the hopes of being handed Russian government documents which implicated Hillary Clinton in crimes, which his father could then exploit for political gain. That's illegal.

And then Trump Jr. lied about this to Congress. That's illegal too. Why didn't the Justice Department charge Trump Jr. with these crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.
Wonder why this got anyone upset? Who wouldn't want to know if Americans running for office is corrupt, rapist, killers?

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Many Democrats reacted with outrage. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., a 2020 candidate for president, tweeted in response: "It's time for Congress to begin impeachment hearings."


It's against the law.

That's why people are so upset about it. Add to that real Americans don't want any foreign influence on our elections.

Real Americans don't break the law and don't use foreign nations to win elections.

Do you realize Hillary and the DNC paid for the foreign steel dossier for dirt on Trump?
Many politicians use operation research companies to get dirt on each other.
How do politicians gather opposition research on other candidates?

Do you understand that in paying for research it is a distinction with a difference? Paying for opposition research is legal. Getting stolen information given to you by a foreign adversary is not.
Actually, it's not illegal, and paying foreigners for help with your campaign is illegal, you fucking moron.

It absolutely is illegal for a political candidate to accept ANYTHING of value from a foreign government in an election campaign.

It is not illegal to hire foreign nationals to work on your campaign, but it is illegal to hire foreign government officials to work on your campaign. The Clinton campaign did neither. The Clinton Campaign instructed their lawyers to obtain opposition research. The lawyers contacted Fusion GPS and contracted with them to provide OR on Donald Trump. Fusion GPS had previously had a similar contract from representatives of a Republican candidate, and had hired Christopher Steele to do the work, but the contract was terminated when Trump secured the Republican nomination. Fusion contracted with Steele to finish the research on Trump.

At no time did Hillary Clinton meet with Fusion GPS or Christopher Steele. All payments to Steele were made by Fusion GPS, and all payments to Fusion GPS were made by the law firm on behalf of their anonymous client.

Trump Jr. met with officials from the Russian government in Trump Tower in the hopes of being handed Russian government documents which implicated Hillary Clinton in crimes, which his father could then exploit for political gain. That's illegal.

And then Trump Jr. lied about this to Congress. That's illegal too. Why didn't the Justice Department charge Trump Jr. with these crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.
Please spare us the details of Hillary's money laundering operation to pay off espionage agents working for the Russian government.

The election commission has already ruled that information is not considered "a thing of value" for the purposes of election law.

You're totally full of shit, as always.
Wonder why this got anyone upset? Who wouldn't want to know if Americans running for office is corrupt, rapist, killers?

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Many Democrats reacted with outrage. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., a 2020 candidate for president, tweeted in response: "It's time for Congress to begin impeachment hearings."


It's against the law.

That's why people are so upset about it. Add to that real Americans don't want any foreign influence on our elections.

Real Americans don't break the law and don't use foreign nations to win elections.

Do you realize Hillary and the DNC paid for the foreign steel dossier for dirt on Trump?
Many politicians use operation research companies to get dirt on each other.
How do politicians gather opposition research on other candidates?

Do you understand that in paying for research it is a distinction with a difference? Paying for opposition research is legal. Getting stolen information given to you by a foreign adversary is not.
Actually, it's not illegal, and paying foreigners for help with your campaign is illegal, you fucking moron.

It absolutely is illegal for a political candidate to accept ANYTHING of value from a foreign government in an election campaign.

It is not illegal to hire foreign nationals to work on your campaign, but it is illegal to hire foreign government officials to work on your campaign. The Clinton campaign did neither. The Clinton Campaign instructed their lawyers to obtain opposition research. The lawyers contacted Fusion GPS and contracted with them to provide OR on Donald Trump. Fusion GPS had previously had a similar contract from representatives of a Republican candidate, and had hired Christopher Steele to do the work, but the contract was terminated when Trump secured the Republican nomination. Fusion contracted with Steele to finish the research on Trump.

At no time did Hillary Clinton meet with Fusion GPS or Christopher Steele. All payments to Steele were made by Fusion GPS, and all payments to Fusion GPS were made by the law firm on behalf of their anonymous client.

Trump Jr. met with officials from the Russian government in Trump Tower in the hopes of being handed Russian government documents which implicated Hillary Clinton in crimes, which his father could then exploit for political gain. That's illegal.

And then Trump Jr. lied about this to Congress. That's illegal too. Why didn't the Justice Department charge Trump Jr. with these crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.

The honeypot who met with Trump Jr , Manafort and others in Trump Tower wasn't an official from the Russian Government at all. She was actually sent their by Hillary Clinton and the Deep State
It's against the law.

That's why people are so upset about it. Add to that real Americans don't want any foreign influence on our elections.

Real Americans don't break the law and don't use foreign nations to win elections.

Do you realize Hillary and the DNC paid for the foreign steel dossier for dirt on Trump?
Many politicians use operation research companies to get dirt on each other.
How do politicians gather opposition research on other candidates?

Do you understand that in paying for research it is a distinction with a difference? Paying for opposition research is legal. Getting stolen information given to you by a foreign adversary is not.
Actually, it's not illegal, and paying foreigners for help with your campaign is illegal, you fucking moron.

It absolutely is illegal for a political candidate to accept ANYTHING of value from a foreign government in an election campaign.

It is not illegal to hire foreign nationals to work on your campaign, but it is illegal to hire foreign government officials to work on your campaign. The Clinton campaign did neither. The Clinton Campaign instructed their lawyers to obtain opposition research. The lawyers contacted Fusion GPS and contracted with them to provide OR on Donald Trump. Fusion GPS had previously had a similar contract from representatives of a Republican candidate, and had hired Christopher Steele to do the work, but the contract was terminated when Trump secured the Republican nomination. Fusion contracted with Steele to finish the research on Trump.

At no time did Hillary Clinton meet with Fusion GPS or Christopher Steele. All payments to Steele were made by Fusion GPS, and all payments to Fusion GPS were made by the law firm on behalf of their anonymous client.

Trump Jr. met with officials from the Russian government in Trump Tower in the hopes of being handed Russian government documents which implicated Hillary Clinton in crimes, which his father could then exploit for political gain. That's illegal.

And then Trump Jr. lied about this to Congress. That's illegal too. Why didn't the Justice Department charge Trump Jr. with these crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.
Please spare us the details of Hillary's money laundering operation to pay off espionage agents working for the Russian government.

The election commission has already ruled that information is not considered "a thing of value" for the purposes of election law.

You're totally full of shit, as always.

You mean the election commission full of Trump appointees? In the electronic age, information is the most valuable thing of all. What did the Russians ask Paul Manafort to give them? The Republican polling data. Why do campaigns guard their information so jealously if it has no value. Why are candidates able to sell their voter information for millions of dollars? If information has no value, why was Cambridge Analytica created?
Do you realize Hillary and the DNC paid for the foreign steel dossier for dirt on Trump?
Many politicians use operation research companies to get dirt on each other.
How do politicians gather opposition research on other candidates?

Do you understand that in paying for research it is a distinction with a difference? Paying for opposition research is legal. Getting stolen information given to you by a foreign adversary is not.
Actually, it's not illegal, and paying foreigners for help with your campaign is illegal, you fucking moron.

It absolutely is illegal for a political candidate to accept ANYTHING of value from a foreign government in an election campaign.

It is not illegal to hire foreign nationals to work on your campaign, but it is illegal to hire foreign government officials to work on your campaign. The Clinton campaign did neither. The Clinton Campaign instructed their lawyers to obtain opposition research. The lawyers contacted Fusion GPS and contracted with them to provide OR on Donald Trump. Fusion GPS had previously had a similar contract from representatives of a Republican candidate, and had hired Christopher Steele to do the work, but the contract was terminated when Trump secured the Republican nomination. Fusion contracted with Steele to finish the research on Trump.

At no time did Hillary Clinton meet with Fusion GPS or Christopher Steele. All payments to Steele were made by Fusion GPS, and all payments to Fusion GPS were made by the law firm on behalf of their anonymous client.

Trump Jr. met with officials from the Russian government in Trump Tower in the hopes of being handed Russian government documents which implicated Hillary Clinton in crimes, which his father could then exploit for political gain. That's illegal.

And then Trump Jr. lied about this to Congress. That's illegal too. Why didn't the Justice Department charge Trump Jr. with these crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.
Please spare us the details of Hillary's money laundering operation to pay off espionage agents working for the Russian government.

The election commission has already ruled that information is not considered "a thing of value" for the purposes of election law.

You're totally full of shit, as always.

You mean the election commission full of Trump appointees? In the electronic age, information is the most valuable thing of all. What did the Russians ask Paul Manafort to give them? The Republican polling data. Why do campaigns guard their information so jealously if it has no value. Why are candidates able to sell their voter information for millions of dollars? If information has no value, why was Cambridge Analytica created?


Daddy Putin is calling you to tell you that you have your facts all wrong, but keep on trolling for mother Russia.....he likes it!
Do you realize Hillary and the DNC paid for the foreign steel dossier for dirt on Trump?
Many politicians use operation research companies to get dirt on each other.
How do politicians gather opposition research on other candidates?

Do you understand that in paying for research it is a distinction with a difference? Paying for opposition research is legal. Getting stolen information given to you by a foreign adversary is not.
Actually, it's not illegal, and paying foreigners for help with your campaign is illegal, you fucking moron.

It absolutely is illegal for a political candidate to accept ANYTHING of value from a foreign government in an election campaign.

It is not illegal to hire foreign nationals to work on your campaign, but it is illegal to hire foreign government officials to work on your campaign. The Clinton campaign did neither. The Clinton Campaign instructed their lawyers to obtain opposition research. The lawyers contacted Fusion GPS and contracted with them to provide OR on Donald Trump. Fusion GPS had previously had a similar contract from representatives of a Republican candidate, and had hired Christopher Steele to do the work, but the contract was terminated when Trump secured the Republican nomination. Fusion contracted with Steele to finish the research on Trump.

At no time did Hillary Clinton meet with Fusion GPS or Christopher Steele. All payments to Steele were made by Fusion GPS, and all payments to Fusion GPS were made by the law firm on behalf of their anonymous client.

Trump Jr. met with officials from the Russian government in Trump Tower in the hopes of being handed Russian government documents which implicated Hillary Clinton in crimes, which his father could then exploit for political gain. That's illegal.

And then Trump Jr. lied about this to Congress. That's illegal too. Why didn't the Justice Department charge Trump Jr. with these crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.
Please spare us the details of Hillary's money laundering operation to pay off espionage agents working for the Russian government.

The election commission has already ruled that information is not considered "a thing of value" for the purposes of election law.

You're totally full of shit, as always.

You mean the election commission full of Trump appointees? In the electronic age, information is the most valuable thing of all. What did the Russians ask Paul Manafort to give them? The Republican polling data. Why do campaigns guard their information so jealously if it has no value. Why are candidates able to sell their voter information for millions of dollars? If information has no value, why was Cambridge Analytica created?
Trump said he would turn it over to the FBI if it were evident that the info was gained illegally...but of course the hate Trump brigade isn't telling you that....
The hate Trump media is really breaking down fast....
Trump said he would turn it over to the FBI if it were evident that the info was gained illegally...but of course the hate Trump brigade isn't telling you that....
The hate Trump media is really breaking down fast....
Yes honest trump.
Do you understand that in paying for research it is a distinction with a difference? Paying for opposition research is legal. Getting stolen information given to you by a foreign adversary is not.
Actually, it's not illegal, and paying foreigners for help with your campaign is illegal, you fucking moron.

It absolutely is illegal for a political candidate to accept ANYTHING of value from a foreign government in an election campaign.

It is not illegal to hire foreign nationals to work on your campaign, but it is illegal to hire foreign government officials to work on your campaign. The Clinton campaign did neither. The Clinton Campaign instructed their lawyers to obtain opposition research. The lawyers contacted Fusion GPS and contracted with them to provide OR on Donald Trump. Fusion GPS had previously had a similar contract from representatives of a Republican candidate, and had hired Christopher Steele to do the work, but the contract was terminated when Trump secured the Republican nomination. Fusion contracted with Steele to finish the research on Trump.

At no time did Hillary Clinton meet with Fusion GPS or Christopher Steele. All payments to Steele were made by Fusion GPS, and all payments to Fusion GPS were made by the law firm on behalf of their anonymous client.

Trump Jr. met with officials from the Russian government in Trump Tower in the hopes of being handed Russian government documents which implicated Hillary Clinton in crimes, which his father could then exploit for political gain. That's illegal.

And then Trump Jr. lied about this to Congress. That's illegal too. Why didn't the Justice Department charge Trump Jr. with these crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.
Please spare us the details of Hillary's money laundering operation to pay off espionage agents working for the Russian government.

The election commission has already ruled that information is not considered "a thing of value" for the purposes of election law.

You're totally full of shit, as always.

You mean the election commission full of Trump appointees? In the electronic age, information is the most valuable thing of all. What did the Russians ask Paul Manafort to give them? The Republican polling data. Why do campaigns guard their information so jealously if it has no value. Why are candidates able to sell their voter information for millions of dollars? If information has no value, why was Cambridge Analytica created?


Daddy Putin is calling you to tell you that you have your facts all wrong, but keep on trolling for mother Russia.....he likes it!

A weakened Trump Administration plays right into Uncle Pooty's hands.
Trump said he would turn it over to the FBI if it were evident that the info was gained illegally...but of course the hate Trump brigade isn't telling you that....
The hate Trump media is really breaking down fast....
Yes honest trump.
I'm just doing what the media didn't do...telling you the whole story but I guess the truth is wasted on a TDS jackass like you....
Actually, it's not illegal, and paying foreigners for help with your campaign is illegal, you fucking moron.

It absolutely is illegal for a political candidate to accept ANYTHING of value from a foreign government in an election campaign.

It is not illegal to hire foreign nationals to work on your campaign, but it is illegal to hire foreign government officials to work on your campaign. The Clinton campaign did neither. The Clinton Campaign instructed their lawyers to obtain opposition research. The lawyers contacted Fusion GPS and contracted with them to provide OR on Donald Trump. Fusion GPS had previously had a similar contract from representatives of a Republican candidate, and had hired Christopher Steele to do the work, but the contract was terminated when Trump secured the Republican nomination. Fusion contracted with Steele to finish the research on Trump.

At no time did Hillary Clinton meet with Fusion GPS or Christopher Steele. All payments to Steele were made by Fusion GPS, and all payments to Fusion GPS were made by the law firm on behalf of their anonymous client.

Trump Jr. met with officials from the Russian government in Trump Tower in the hopes of being handed Russian government documents which implicated Hillary Clinton in crimes, which his father could then exploit for political gain. That's illegal.

And then Trump Jr. lied about this to Congress. That's illegal too. Why didn't the Justice Department charge Trump Jr. with these crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.
Please spare us the details of Hillary's money laundering operation to pay off espionage agents working for the Russian government.

The election commission has already ruled that information is not considered "a thing of value" for the purposes of election law.

You're totally full of shit, as always.

You mean the election commission full of Trump appointees? In the electronic age, information is the most valuable thing of all. What did the Russians ask Paul Manafort to give them? The Republican polling data. Why do campaigns guard their information so jealously if it has no value. Why are candidates able to sell their voter information for millions of dollars? If information has no value, why was Cambridge Analytica created?


Daddy Putin is calling you to tell you that you have your facts all wrong, but keep on trolling for mother Russia.....he likes it!

A weakened Trump Administration plays right into Uncle Pooty's hands.
Weakened?...Trump's poll numbers are rising while Joes are with it....

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