Zone1 Openly Gay Man Allowed to Baptize People

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
How can they be Christians let alone baptize other Christians when their beliefs don't match the Bible?

How can they be Christians let alone baptize other Christians when their beliefs don't match the Bible?

You can't be a Christian because your belief in capital punishment doesn't match the bible.

You can't be a Christian because you don't believe in welcoming the stranger.

Trumpers are, by definition, not Christians.
How can they be Christians let alone baptize other Christians when their beliefs don't match the Bible?

The Bible doesn't speak. People interpret it.
My worry is "why would any gay person want to follow a religion full of bigots who hate them?"
Get this, the Bible says Trump should be stoned to death. And the religious right voted for him. Then it says something about gay people, and the religious right HATE gay people.

How does this "match the Bible"? It doesn't, but you can cherry pick to your hearts content as a Christian.
How can they be Christians let alone baptize other Christians when their beliefs don't match the Bible?

There are very few real Christians. Satan, however has many popular churches
Again I say, the bible is rewritten to whatever those who use it for power need it to say.
Always have, always will.

The bible has been changed so many billions of times over the centuries to fit corrupt religious propaganda and power hungry monarchs, that any semblence to the real thing is a moot point. One of the reasons the Vatican refuses to allow any "outsiders" to see their archive vaults.......they'd find out the truth.

And no, I'm not admitting its real in the first place. I'm just saying its a tool used by the corrupt and greedy, just like politicians corrupting the constitution for their own personal gains.
You can't be a Christian because your belief in capital punishment doesn't match the bible.
Are you thinking of the verse where Jesus says, turn the other cheek? If someone should kill me, another innocent victim should be offered to my killer?

Could, "He who is without sin cast the first stone" in regards to murder be interpreted as "He who has not murdered should cast the stones?"

(Just wondering about your reasoning.)
You can't be a Christian because you don't believe in welcoming the stranger.
We should welcome those who break into our property? An interesting notion. If we know the person who breaks and enters, we can seek restitution, but if we don't know the person, we should welcome him?
How can they be Christians let alone baptize other Christians when their beliefs don't match the Bible?
That would be a good question to ask someone whose beliefs do not match the Bible. What else do they see in the Bible that draws them closer to God? What is it about their own shortcoming they feel should be overlooked?

Serious questions. I am very interested in some serious answers.
My worry is "why would any gay person want to follow a religion full of bigots who hate them?"
Childish assumption. Those who call themselves after Christ cannot hate others and still be in right relationship with Him. I'd say most Christians still struggle with hate and many other sins, I know that's the case in my life. The aspect of this that you are either ignorant of or willfully ignore, is that one can stand with the word of God and speak against sin - ALL SIN - and yet not hate the sinner.

Gay people are just as worthy of God's love as the rest of His creation but just as with the rest, they must repent and change course as best they are able by asking Him to help. If it is true that only those that manage to be perfect in their Christian walk will be forgiven, then the vast majority of those who call themselves Christian will never see heaven.
How can they be Christians let alone baptize other Christians when their beliefs don't match the Bible?

“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”John 8:7
You can't be a Christian because your belief in capital punishment doesn't match the bible.

You can't be a Christian because you don't believe in welcoming the stranger.

1. What makes you say that?
2. I haven't met anybody stranger than you so far.

So does God, despite what false Christians say

No, God hates homosexuality. Not homosexuals.

Again I say, the bible is rewritten to whatever those who use it for power need it to say.
Always have, always will.

The bible has been changed so many billions of times over the centuries to fit corrupt religious propaganda and power hungry monarchs, that any semblence to the real thing is a moot point. One of the reasons the Vatican refuses to allow any "outsiders" to see their archive vaults.......they'd find out the truth.

And no, I'm not admitting its real in the first place. I'm just saying its a tool used by the corrupt and greedy, just like politicians corrupting the constitution for their own personal gains.

Man, I was seriously hoping that you wouldn't find this topic because I hate the fact that I actually like you yet here I am bashing your homosexuality.
Childish assumption. Those who call themselves after Christ cannot hate others and still be in right relationship with Him. I'd say most Christians still struggle with hate and many other sins, I know that's the case in my life. The aspect of this that you are either ignorant of or willfully ignore, is that one can stand with the word of God and speak against sin - ALL SIN - and yet not hate the sinner.

Gay people are just as worthy of God's love as the rest of His creation but just as with the rest, they must repent and change course as best they are able by asking Him to help. If it is true that only those that manage to be perfect in their Christian walk will be forgiven, then the vast majority of those who call themselves Christian will never see heaven.

Is it childish? Why?
I've been to a church in Philadelphia that had quite a few gay members. However if I were gay and if I were Christian, I'd find it very, very difficult to cope with that because a lot of Christians are anti-gay.

You say that those who are Christian cannot hate others and still be in the right, and yet millions upon millions still manage to do this.
It's YOUR interpretation that this is so, it's not THEIR interpretation. You're trying to say all these people either aren't Christians or don't hate, I don't know which, and yet they say they're Christians, which is all the matters.

If a gay person says they're Christian, and a homophobic bigot says they're Christian, what's the difference?

Maybe I'm ignorant. But I don't think so. What I see is people saying they're Christians and hating on people. Do you disagree with this statement in any way?
The aspect of this that you are either ignorant of or willfully ignore, is that one can stand with the word of God and speak against sin - ALL SIN - and yet not hate the sinner
That phrase NOWHERE appears in the Bible. It is not a concept from God.

For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness;
No evil dwells with You.
The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes;
You hate all who do iniquity. Psalm 5:4-5 (NASB)
If a gay person says they're Christian, and a homophobic bigot says they're Christian, what's the difference?
A person who actually STRUGGLES with the SIN of homosexuality CAN be Christian. If that person openly (or secretly) embraces and lives that lifestyle, God is NOT with that person. That is true of fornication (sex outside of marriage), adultery and murder.

A serial killer is NOT a Christian. Neither is a person living sexual sins. This ain't rocket surgery

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