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Operation in Gaza starts NOW! Ahmed Jahbri dead!

I live very near several VERY ETHNIC ENCLAVES-----among which are jewish enclaves and arab enclaves-----sorry folks----no one here is celebrating-------nothing is happening
- What is known for now on the Israeli side: Early this morning, Grad missiles hitting the cities of Be'er Tuvia, Kiryat Malachi. Sadly, 4 civilians are killed in that incident, at least 9 are injured. out of the 9, there are: 8 months old baby, another 2 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. among the injured there are parents of two small girls, the girls were left under state care. They are to young to understand what happened.

-In Eshkol, there were 3 inured, on of them fighting for his life. in another incident in Eshkol, 2 more people were injured, as well

- Last night in Be'er sheva, a woman was injured by rocket splinters.

- In the last minutes, Alarms in Holon, Rishon Letzion, and (non officially known) Bat Yam. The falling was in Rishon Letzion area. Non harmed.

Israel really needs to stop its war.
- What is known for now on the Israeli side: Early this morning, Grad missiles hitting the cities of Be'er Tuvia, Kiryat Malachi. Sadly, 4 civilians are killed in that incident, at least 9 are injured. out of the 9, there are: 8 months old baby, another 2 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. among the injured there are parents of two small girls, the girls were left under state care. They are to young to understand what happened.

-In Eshkol, there were 3 inured, on of them fighting for his life. in another incident in Eshkol, 2 more people were injured, as well

- Last night in Be'er sheva, a woman was injured by rocket splinters.

- In the last minutes, Alarms in Holon, Rishon Letzion, and (non officially known) Bat Yam. The falling was in Rishon Letzion area. Non harmed.

Israel really needs to stop its war.

yes, it does. But simple question. Do you believe that people in Gaza need to stop firing rockets into Israel?

If the answer is yes, then there is room to move forward, if the answer is no, then you cannot expect a unilateral cessation of hostilities.
actually, if you had a clue, you'd see it was not off topic, but indeed, a direct refutation of a claim you made. but you don't, so you don't.

No it wasn't. I claimed response to this war campaign.

Oh, so when you wrote in posts 646 and 589 that Gaza rockets which were "in response" or "responding to" you aren't trying to explain ANY rockets attacks before Israel killed Jahbri. So earlier rockets attacks on Israel were not a response to anyting. And when you claimed in #654 that there was an attack in 2005 you were talking about this war campaign also.

I see.

Yeah, these rockets are in response to attacks on Palestinian people. Including Jabari, and the five children killed, two infants.

And for some reason you are trying to defend this sick move even israeli activists are upset over.
They don't defend the palestinian people they endanger them every single day and put them in harms way every opportunity they get.
And your support for a school bus targetting terrorist is noted.
Hey, it's not my fault I raped the girl, she was wearing a red dress!

Not one word about the people doing the harm, in violation of international laws.
I will with your people the same thing you wish to mine.

Lipush, BIK, I implore you: do not let yourself forget who you are, even in this terrible time.

GOD doesn't wish His children to want harm for one another.

We were taught that, we believe in His Goodness.

For all the rest of us sitting safe at home with none of our kin under fire: Have a bit of compassion!!! These are real people being hurt and dying, beloved of someone. To reduce it all to 'this side is right: that side is wrong' is exactly what we each accuse the other of as the worst evil.

At least stop with the cheap shots and the vile "jokes"....

Thank you. For the record, I understand he speaks out of anger. They have casualties. But so do we.

And with all do respect to this anger, BIK is not in line of fire, and his life is not under any risk.

I cannot say the same thing for myself. There is no reason whatsoever that I should put up with pickering and bashing from him. I do respect him and I know he can be very nice person to talk to. But right now I am truely not under the situation in which I can put up with his accusations.

I started this thread to update, not to argue, and I'm sorry it got to this. Next time I will simply ignore those kinds of posts instead of commenting without thinking:redface:

Thank you for your reports.
- What is known for now on the Israeli side: Early this morning, Grad missiles hitting the cities of Be'er Tuvia, Kiryat Malachi. Sadly, 4 civilians are killed in that incident, at least 9 are injured. out of the 9, there are: 8 months old baby, another 2 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. among the injured there are parents of two small girls, the girls were left under state care. They are to young to understand what happened.

-In Eshkol, there were 3 inured, on of them fighting for his life. in another incident in Eshkol, 2 more people were injured, as well

- Last night in Be'er sheva, a woman was injured by rocket splinters.

- In the last minutes, Alarms in Holon, Rishon Letzion, and (non officially known) Bat Yam. The falling was in Rishon Letzion area. Non harmed.

Israel really needs to stop its war.

Israel has a long history of STOPPING being at war with muslims----the history dates back 1400 years and always resulted in rape, pillage and enslavment of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL The current effort is to avoid the issue of that rape. pillage and enslavement that SO DEIGHTS YOU---tinnie ---try to live without rape, pillage and enslavement------it really never did you any good
- What is known for now on the Israeli side: Early this morning, Grad missiles hitting the cities of Be'er Tuvia, Kiryat Malachi. Sadly, 4 civilians are killed in that incident, at least 9 are injured. out of the 9, there are: 8 months old baby, another 2 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. among the injured there are parents of two small girls, the girls were left under state care. They are to young to understand what happened.

-In Eshkol, there were 3 inured, on of them fighting for his life. in another incident in Eshkol, 2 more people were injured, as well

- Last night in Be'er sheva, a woman was injured by rocket splinters.

- In the last minutes, Alarms in Holon, Rishon Letzion, and (non officially known) Bat Yam. The falling was in Rishon Letzion area. Non harmed.

Israel really needs to stop its war.

yes, it does. But simple question. Do you believe that people in Gaza need to stop firing rockets into Israel?

If the answer is yes, then there is room to move forward, if the answer is no, then you cannot expect a unilateral cessation of hostilities.

Sweetie, it's kind of hard stoping rocket fire when Israel hit Gaza with 200 PLUS airstrikes alone in this past day. They are firing on Gaza as we speak.
Qassam rockets are nothing. You were perfectly safe and faced no danger. Most likely,

You are a disgrace.

You're standing up for criminals.

Keep your mouth shut.

Israelis are even upset with the way their Military murders people in Gaza.

Fucking coward!

A message to Israel's leaders: Don't defend me

No, Bcoz, I won't keep my mouth shut. People on here, myself included, have tried to be understanding of you, you know people in Gaza and you are under stress right now. But you have said far too many hateful and disgusting things yesterday and today, despite people cutting you plenty of slack, and I think the things you have said reveal the real anti-semitic hateful you. I know that MHunterB doesn't think this is the case, but I most certainly do. Your comments to Lipush, who, like the people you know, is in the thick of it, are disgraceful as is your support of terrorists. Maybe you should take a break, you aren't doing yourself or your cause any favours whatsoever.
because-----the islamo nazis were launching rockets before this incursion -----try to maintain REALITY
No it wasn't. I claimed response to this war campaign.

Oh, so when you wrote in posts 646 and 589 that Gaza rockets which were "in response" or "responding to" you aren't trying to explain ANY rockets attacks before Israel killed Jahbri. So earlier rockets attacks on Israel were not a response to anyting. And when you claimed in #654 that there was an attack in 2005 you were talking about this war campaign also.

I see.

Yeah, these rockets are in response to attacks on Palestinian people. Including Jabari, and the five children killed, two infants.

And for some reason you are trying to defend this sick move even israeli activists are upset over.

I don't recall defending any move. I'm asking about a claim you made. I assumed you were speaking in a broad sense, explaining rocket attacks in general, so I asked about one outside the scope of the last few days. You said 2 things -- one, that you are only talking about attacks AFTER Jahbri, and 2 that the rockets in 2005 were in response to an Israeli attack. You have yet to prove the second contention.
Thanks for pointing out what certainly appears to be a flaw in much Muslim interpretation of the Qu'ran: If all that happens is by the Will of Allah - then how is it Allah could will that the people of Mohammed be 'oppressed' by anyone else?

The classical answer is that no merely human power could oppose the Divine - and so 'The Devil makes them do it'.

That of course doesn't take into account world politics or weapons technology......

A non-theological assessment would acknowledge that the other Arab nations are fed up with the HAMAS/Hezbollah SHIT and don't want 'em anywhere near their own nations, and are quite happy to watch the Israelis tear up Gaza trying to destroy HAMAS. In fact, most of 'em are provately CHEERING the destruction even as they publicly weep copious crocodile tears over their 'poor persecuted Palestinian brethren' - whom they import as non-citizen 'guest workers' little better than slaves. Because they can.

The Syrians and Iranians are DELIGHTED - they get to see dead Jews on TV *AND* use the Gaza fighting as a massive distraction from their own oppression of their own citizens. I bet we can add Qutar, Bahrain, and a few other States to that list, too....

The Turks are snickering, because they can sneer at EVERYONE - while knowing this'll distract folks from taking them to task over the Armenian genocide while the clock runs out and the last survivors die.....

The Russians can piously express dismay, while being relieved that this distracts everyone from noticing their support of Iran/Syria: they are too short-sighted to see what they're about to reap along their southern border with all those Islamic-stans!

and israelis and jews world wide are celebrating and cheering the slaughter of innocent arab children.

you know, in all my time on the boards, i don't ever think i have seen any of the pro-palestinian/pro- human rights posters, let alone any arab or muslim, actually cyber-cheer and celebrate the deaths of israel children.

I believe that anyone who celebrates the death of anyone, child or adult, Arab, Israeli or otherwise, is not representing what Judaism teaches. And yes, by the way, take this as a direct condemnation of those rabbis and leaders who claim to speak for Judaism and denigrate any group and preach violence. Jewish leaders can be stupid and terroristic as well as anyone. We learn Lo echpotz b'mot hamet, “I do not desire [your] death” (Ezekiel 18:32) that god does not want anyone to die, just live following laws, and in the talmud we learn (Brachos 10a), yitamu chataim vilo chotim, let the sins be stopped but not sinners.


If what you say here is really what you believe, where is your condemnation of the proud and deliberate child slaughtering Jew, Netanyahu?

I will not be holding my breath for your condemnation to descend amidst us!

History has been made!

Tel aviv was hit with a rocket!

Takbeer! Allahu Akhbar!

Israel is going in with troops very soon.

Hamas is ready for these criminals!

God be with them!
Israeli bomb crater

Palestinian rocket "crater"
Israel really needs to stop its war.

yes, it does. But simple question. Do you believe that people in Gaza need to stop firing rockets into Israel?

If the answer is yes, then there is room to move forward, if the answer is no, then you cannot expect a unilateral cessation of hostilities.

Sweetie, it's kind of hard stoping rocket fire when Israel hit Gaza with 200 PLUS airstrikes alone in this past day. They are firing on Gaza as we speak.

it is hard for Israel to stop airstrikes when an average of one thousand rockets fall on Israel each year. I'm simply asking PF a question about a hypothetical and his sense of it.
Lipush, I have to tell you - sometimes it seems worse to know your loved ones are in immediate danger while you are safe far away.

I spent nine long months of my life watching CNN cover the Gulf War and knowing exactly where my husband's unit was set up - it was visible in the background cityscape where most of the reports were made. I also knew his unit had nothing but sidearms.

Those nine months were spent with me holding our son on our lap, wondering if his Dad would ever come back home to us - and in what shape. That baby was our only child, not born until we'd been married 15 years and after a miscarriage and much difficulty...... If not for him, I'd have wanted to be with my husband the man who holds my heart.

I think from that memory that in some ways it is harder for BIK now and that is why I urge compassion. I cannot see where 'too much' compassion for him now could be bad: at worst it might be a mistake? - but it's one I prefer to make.

I'm not trying to 'scold' you or anything, Lipush. Just explaining myself - although I'm sure I do it poorly : ((
Tel aviv was hit! Don't fuck with us Palestinians!

We are poor and oppressed, but our religion keeps us strong!

God bless the Mujahideen

I'm crying right now! These men are very strong people.

Their courage is amazing!

My friends in Gaza are some of these heroes.

God be with them.
and israelis and jews world wide are celebrating and cheering the slaughter of innocent arab children.

you know, in all my time on the boards, i don't ever think i have seen any of the pro-palestinian/pro- human rights posters, let alone any arab or muslim, actually cyber-cheer and celebrate the deaths of israel children.

I believe that anyone who celebrates the death of anyone, child or adult, Arab, Israeli or otherwise, is not representing what Judaism teaches. And yes, by the way, take this as a direct condemnation of those rabbis and leaders who claim to speak for Judaism and denigrate any group and preach violence. Jewish leaders can be stupid and terroristic as well as anyone. We learn Lo echpotz b'mot hamet, “I do not desire [your] death” (Ezekiel 18:32) that god does not want anyone to die, just live following laws, and in the talmud we learn (Brachos 10a), yitamu chataim vilo chotim, let the sins be stopped but not sinners.


If what you say here is really what you believe, where is your condemnation of the proud and deliberate child slaughtering Jew, Netanyahu?

I will not be holding my breath for your condemnation to descend amidst us!

I guess I don't see him the way you do. I do see others who call for slaughter so I condemn them. Have you condemned every leader who calls for death, or just the Israeli ones.

I won't hold my breath waiting for you to start.
Oh, so when you wrote in posts 646 and 589 that Gaza rockets which were "in response" or "responding to" you aren't trying to explain ANY rockets attacks before Israel killed Jahbri. So earlier rockets attacks on Israel were not a response to anyting. And when you claimed in #654 that there was an attack in 2005 you were talking about this war campaign also.

I see.

Yeah, these rockets are in response to attacks on Palestinian people. Including Jabari, and the five children killed, two infants.

And for some reason you are trying to defend this sick move even israeli activists are upset over.

I don't recall defending any move. I'm asking about a claim you made. I assumed you were speaking in a broad sense, explaining rocket attacks in general, so I asked about one outside the scope of the last few days. You said 2 things -- one, that you are only talking about attacks AFTER Jahbri, and 2 that the rockets in 2005 were in response to an Israeli attack. You have yet to prove the second contention.


Who the fuck cares about what happened in 2005?

Your questions are nothing but a diversion, to take the attention off of Israeli Jews deliberate killing of Gentile Palestinian children and defenseless civilians in Gaza, that is happening in 2012, right now!

Do you have any sense of shame over these deliberate child killings Jews are carrying out for Jewry all over the world?


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