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Operation in Gaza starts NOW! Ahmed Jahbri dead!

Eh? You showed a pic of Jewish people saying they will never bomb Iran and so on - ie Israeli's/Jews (as you referred to them) voicing opinions that some might think are not in Israels best interest or are not mainstream. So how do you turn that into me not seeing anything wrong with the garbage you then go on to spout about homes being 'trashed'???
I showed 3 examples of jewish people. The first 2, I completely support. They are definately not just good jews, but good people. The kind every society should have.

The ones in my 3 example, are the kind of people I'd beat the holy shit out of in bar. The kind of guys who get off being assholes. I know, because I'm an asshole to. However, I realize that is a character flaw of mine, for which I have to constantly be aware of. But when I see people who don't care (like those in my 3rd example), who think they live by a different set of rules than others, I just go ballistic!

I don't like premadonna's; I don't like hypocrites. And I certainly don't like those jews in that last example.
Ahmed Gahabri and his son both Targeted in Israeli airstrike, Gantz calls "Operation Greycloud", All events in south Are canceled, Ben Gurion and schools evacuated.

Operation Greycloud starts NOW.

Israel launches Operation - Shooting fish in a Aquarium with Jets

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6wjewGcKC0&feature=g-high-u]Israel launches Operation - Shooting fish in a Aquarium with Jets, Drones, Tanks ,Helicopters & WMDs - YouTube[/ame]
Eh? You showed a pic of Jewish people saying they will never bomb Iran and so on - ie Israeli's/Jews (as you referred to them) voicing opinions that some might think are not in Israels best interest or are not mainstream. So how do you turn that into me not seeing anything wrong with the garbage you then go on to spout about homes being 'trashed'???
I showed 3 examples of jewish people. The first 2, I completely support. They are definately not just good jews, but good people. The kind every society should have.

The ones in my 3 example, are the kind of people I'd beat the holy shit out of in bar. The kind of guys who get off being assholes. I know, because I'm an asshole to. However, I realize that is a character flaw of mine, for which I have to constantly be aware of. But when I see people who don't care (like those in my 3rd example), who think they live by a different set of rules than others, I just go ballistic!

I don't like premadonna's; I don't like hypocrites. And I certainly don't like those jews in that last example.

Ah, sorry , I didn't read to the end.
That's not a response. It always happens with an Israeli escalation near the elections.

This has been planned for a while. It's shadowy. Israel has devastating power and they murder people in a ferocious way. Palestinians have every right to respond.

Why isn't your all omnipotent allah improving the lot of his people, the pals? Why has he allowed Israel this 'devastating power' whilst denying it to the pals?

Thanks for pointing out what certainly appears to be a flaw in much Muslim interpretation of the Qu'ran: If all that happens is by the Will of Allah - then how is it Allah could will that the people of Mohammed be 'oppressed' by anyone else?

The classical answer is that no merely human power could oppose the Divine - and so 'The Devil makes them do it'.

That of course doesn't take into account world politics or weapons technology......

A non-theological assessment would acknowledge that the other Arab nations are fed up with the HAMAS/Hezbollah SHIT and don't want 'em anywhere near their own nations, and are quite happy to watch the Israelis tear up Gaza trying to destroy HAMAS. In fact, most of 'em are provately CHEERING the destruction even as they publicly weep copious crocodile tears over their 'poor persecuted Palestinian brethren' - whom they import as non-citizen 'guest workers' little better than slaves. Because they can.

The Syrians and Iranians are DELIGHTED - they get to see dead Jews on TV *AND* use the Gaza fighting as a massive distraction from their own oppression of their own citizens. I bet we can add Qutar, Bahrain, and a few other States to that list, too....

The Turks are snickering, because they can sneer at EVERYONE - while knowing this'll distract folks from taking them to task over the Armenian genocide while the clock runs out and the last survivors die.....

The Russians can piously express dismay, while being relieved that this distracts everyone from noticing their support of Iran/Syria: they are too short-sighted to see what they're about to reap along their southern border with all those Islamic-stans!
so what about god and the holocaust, hunter ji??

heard the true story about the beth din rabbis in auschwitz putting god on trial and finding him guilty as charged with abandoning his people?

after the verdict was issued, the chief beth din rabbi (he was that in real life; they all were) then siad

"we meet tomorrow for prayers as usual"...............to which god I wonder??

a jewish joke

When the rabbi got to the next life he angrily asked God why he allowed such terrible suffering in his world

God sighed

"Do you know, I wanted to ask you all exactly the same question. Why do you earth folks never listen to me and create all this suffering?"

And how you make me suffer .....................said the Lord!!!!
Lets get one thing straight, Jews are generally good people with a good culture.
Like these jews?

Are they the good ones you speak of?

What about these jews?

Or are these the good jews you're talking about?

That last bunch was pretty good, weren't they?

Muslims however suck dick and their culture is shit. Muslims fucking stink too. Those retards need to learn how to properly bathe, and for the love of God, how about using a stick of deoderant now and again?

Muslims are shit-people.
One thing is for sure, there are good jews, but you're not one of them!

Good boy:

Im not a Jew, im an atheist. Even an atheist like myself is able to recognize the difference between a good religion and a shit religion like Islam.

atheism can also be an intolerant religion
e.g. richard dawkins..........taliban standard anti-religion religion arrogant dogmatic asshole

all oranised religions are equally shit or non shit because they are run by shitty or non shitty humans
islam is no different to any of the others, imho

what you call a good religion just means cool loving people have been associated with it in your experience

maybe buddhism, which has no God in its theology at all
has a claim better than others to have been peaceful
but right now their "buddhist" priests are leading mass murder in burma against rohinga muslims
same in sri lanka against Tamil Hindus until recently

i'm a hin-Jew by the way....a jew with hindu inclinations

I liked your post a lot, sir...you live up to your id here!
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I think Lipush understood its not the right thing to do.

Yes. obviously critisizing Islam is bad

I should feel lucky. since your're behind a screen, all you can do is bash the Talmud and bring false quotes.

If I were near you, you would have probably blow me up.


No, you would blow him up!

Noone blows up people the way Israelis do!

Blowing up people well, is that what makes you a "Proud Zionist Jewess"?

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This must be one of those celebrations sealy says he's never ever seen in cyberspace?

That's not a celebration. That's a prayer. It's meant as a prayer during war.

Takbeer/alahu akbar are expressions of celebration and thanks, as I'm sure everyone here is aware.
Like I said, you are one sick puppy.

if you kill a muslim .. if you declare a war on muslims ... they will say ..Allahu Ekberr .. thats means God is The biggest , as we done in history .. ... Muslims have made wars because they were attacked... their mothers , sisters was killing ...nothing more .. so if you kill my sister i will say Allahu Ekber and i will kick your ass .. thats it... but if there is a equality , justice ... an ' ideal muslim' never hurt even a fly .. but if there is a injustice of course they will defend themself and they will make jihad.. but if you look whole islam .. islams orders to live with chirstians with non muslims ... islam order tolerance ..

You cannot evaluate whole islam by showing a ' sentence ' .. if you wanna evaluate islam you need to read whole islam not just a word or sentence... when you read just a word in a writing it can be misunderstood ..
iam talking here Pure Islam of course there are worst muslim as there are worst Jews , and Christians
but i have no hate to Jews ... becoz there is good jews sometimes i rather a non muslim than a muslim ..

i hope good Jews will condemn and stop bad ones

when Hitlers kills Jews i would be with Jews ... my religion forbids racism which is the worst thing in the world i think

fell the difference

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ5-91kUu98]Israelis Celebrate "Death to the Arabs" After the Attack on Aid Flotilla to Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
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There has never been a muslim country in which non- muslims were accorded equal rights-----to suggest muslims seek "justice" -----is ----simply a sick joke. An example of the utter depravity of islam-------the TESTIMONY of the NON MUSLIM victim of a crime perpetrated by a muslim----cannot be used against the testimony of the criminal himself UTTER FILTH AND DEPRAVITY The only way a country with a muslim majority can attain any level of decency, is by discarding the stink of shariah altogether-----but that never happens-----the filth always comes creeping back----like mold. Depraved people LONG FOR IT-------unfortunately we are seeing just such a phenomenon in Turkey----and in several other developing cess pits
There has never been a muslim country in which non- muslims were accorded equal rights-----to suggest muslims seek "justice" -----is ----simply a sick joke. An example of the utter depravity of islam-------the TESTIMONY of the NON MUSLIM victim of a crime perpetrated by a muslim----cannot be used against the testimony of the criminal himself UTTER FILTH AND DEPRAVITY The only way a country with a muslim majority can attain any level of decency, is by discarding the stink of shariah altogether-----but that never happens-----the filth always comes creeping back----like mold. Depraved people LONG FOR IT-------unfortunately we are seeing just such a phenomenon in Turkey----and in several other developing cess pits

hmm so Islam is shit .. you need to remove all of them ok i understand now..

and what about Chirstians they are bad too .. they killed Jews ..

hmm okay when 1.5 billion Muslim removed and when you have much power then Chirstians you planing to kill them .. so you will be richest in the World.. perfect plan

and you are always talking islam is shit muslims is shit.. in every topic with no relation .. for example we are talking now about a massacre hapening now .. you stick just a crap .. what is the aim for that ? Could it be to cover massacres with making people hatred ? ..

last request please dont kill me , i am muslim too , and there is lots of American Muslim , Europian Muslims , for example will you kill Therry Henry ? no please dont he is a good guy ..

and how will to stop that so muck people becoming Muslim just by searching Islam .. wwhat are you gonna do with themm... ?

nevermind ..these shits .. prabably you will talk about Armenian Genocide here , but please dont ... becoz we never could be able to talk the real topic..
i admit i am shit islam shit muslims shit .. as long as you just talk about the massacre happening now ..
even these deaths were dogs .. i would be sad.. i would be say the same things.. though for some racist people these people not even equal to an animal..
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I think Lipush understood its not the right thing to do.

Yes. obviously critisizing Islam is bad

I should feel lucky. since your're behind a screen, all you can do is bash the Talmud and bring false quotes.

If I were near you, you would have probably blow me up.


No, you would blow him up!

Noone blows up people the way Israelis do!

Blowing up people well, is that what makes you a "Proud Zionist Jewess"?


You make an interesting statement sherri----- the so-called "CHRISTIAN"
are accusing a jew of "BLOWING PEOPLE UP" ---How many people
would you estimate JEWS have "blown up"-----an interesting
factoid is in matters of PHYSICS and MATH----there are two standout
nations HINDUS AND JEWS -----but hindus and jews COMBINED do
not come close to the number of innocents murdered by the scum who
tout YOUR VERSION OF JESUS. Historically---your co-religionists
have murdered in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS-----and interestingly
enough----the depraved in your group have routinely invented libels
against jews just as you do. when there were no jews around----
the depraved in you group killed millions ---in Africa and north and south
america -----all in the name of YOUR version of that innocent jew you
named "jesus" --------and then the pre HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---the
foundation of the first second and third REICHS -----killed him

no wonder you are such a mess
Yes. obviously critisizing Islam is bad

I should feel lucky. since your're behind a screen, all you can do is bash the Talmud and bring false quotes.

If I were near you, you would have probably blow me up.


No, you would blow him up!

Noone blows up people the way Israelis do!

Blowing up people well, is that what makes you a "Proud Zionist Jewess"?


You make an interesting statement sherri----- the so-called "CHRISTIAN"
are accusing a jew of "BLOWING PEOPLE UP" ---How many people
would you estimate JEWS have "blown up"-----an interesting
factoid is in matters of PHYSICS and MATH----there are two standout
nations HINDUS AND JEWS -----but hindus and jews COMBINED do
not come close to the number of innocents murdered by the scum who
tout YOUR VERSION OF JESUS. Historically---your co-religionists
have murdered in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS-----and interestingly
enough----the depraved in your group have routinely invented libels
against jews just as you do. when there were no jews around----
the depraved in you group killed millions ---in Africa and north and south
america -----all in the name of YOUR version of that innocent jew you
named "jesus" --------and then the pre HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---the
foundation of the first second and third REICHS -----killed him

no wonder you are such a mess

History is full of war .. you could not make anyhing without war in history ...

the point is you are repeating the history shits , in this century , in this democracy , human rights century ... that is the worst
for insight into the position of christians in islamic turkey----SEE ROBERT SPENCER--------his background is TURKISH CATHOLIC
yes----babies are dying world wide------the good news is that the bombs held by islamic terrorist pigs in New Dehli were discovered before the shitty meccaist pigs could do ANOTHER MURDER FEST ON DIWALI-------as they did in that city a couple of years ago with the same type pf POISON NAIL BOMBS that the jihadist pigs of gaza so like. Children are still dying of starvation in Somalia----where it is dangerous to just try to deliver food ----because of the filth of islamic terrorism-------there were suggestions that MUSLIM COUNTRIES do the deliveries to avoid the murder of the relief workers -----but the oil rich Shaykhs in las vegas and sherri just LAUGHED
I used to live in an apartment that had cockroaches, so I killed one once. So why did more of them keep coming back? I thought killing that one would make them all leave. :dunno:

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