Operation Quiet Riot.

We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways
A friend of mine had her parents cut her of their life because she voted for Biden.

Is that what you mean?
We have watched as the other side has attacked law enforcement, destroyed businesses, and burned cities. We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways. Operation Quiet Riot is a movement we need to begin right away to save our country. Here is how it could work. Find our who in your community or neighborhood is a democrat and refuse to do business with them. If they own a store do not go to that store. If they run a hotel chain, avoid it. Become like Jewish Nazi hunters and mine information on who supports the Democratic Party and bankrupt them in every way possible.

Do it quietly and surreptitiously. Make the sacrifice. Stop watching MLB, the NBA, and the NFL until they begin to fold. It has to be done to save our country. It can work. Let’s do it.
More cancel culture
We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways
A friend of mine had her parents cut her of their life because she voted for Biden.

Is that what you mean?
We have watched as the other side has attacked law enforcement, destroyed businesses, and burned cities. We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways. Operation Quiet Riot is a movement we need to begin right away to save our country. Here is how it could work. Find our who in your community or neighborhood is a democrat and refuse to do business with them. If they own a store do not go to that store. If they run a hotel chain, avoid it. Become like Jewish Nazi hunters and mine information on who supports the Democratic Party and bankrupt them in every way possible.

Do it quietly and surreptitiously. Make the sacrifice. Stop watching MLB, the NBA, and the NFL until they begin to fold. It has to be done to save our country. It can work. Let’s do it.
More cancel culture
If you haven't tried it, don't knock it. Oh, wait a minute, you have tried it!
We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways
A friend of mine had her parents cut her of their life because she voted for Biden.

Is that what you mean?
We have watched as the other side has attacked law enforcement, destroyed businesses, and burned cities. We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways. Operation Quiet Riot is a movement we need to begin right away to save our country. Here is how it could work. Find our who in your community or neighborhood is a democrat and refuse to do business with them. If they own a store do not go to that store. If they run a hotel chain, avoid it. Become like Jewish Nazi hunters and mine information on who supports the Democratic Party and bankrupt them in every way possible.

Do it quietly and surreptitiously. Make the sacrifice. Stop watching MLB, the NBA, and the NFL until they begin to fold. It has to be done to save our country. It can work. Let’s do it.
More cancel culture
If you haven't tried it, don't knock it. Oh, wait a minute, you have tried it!
And you have also..
We have watched as the other side has attacked law enforcement, destroyed businesses, and burned cities. We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways. Operation Quiet Riot is a movement we need to begin right away to save our country. Here is how it could work. Find our who in your community or neighborhood is a democrat and refuse to do business with them. If they own a store do not go to that store. If they run a hotel chain, avoid it. Become like Jewish Nazi hunters and mine information on who supports the Democratic Party and bankrupt them in every way possible.

Do it quietly and surreptitiously. Make the sacrifice. Stop watching MLB, the NBA, and the NFL until they begin to fold. It has to be done to save our country. It can work. Let’s do it.

Knock yourself out Nazi.

Pathetic. Trump lost. He let you all down. Move on with your lives and quit voting for horrible people.
We are prepared to move on. Are you and your friends prepared for indigency?

You are not prepared to move on, you are not even beginning to move on. Your "quiet riot" plan is nothing more than a means of seeking retribution for anyone that doesn't believe the same tired bullshit that your ignorant old ass has bought in to. It is basic business, not some war strategy, when you lose it is time for self reflection.

Your reaction, while completely unamerican, is quite predictable in a world filled with echo chambers and disinformation. What you, and everyone like you, needs to realize is that you were all conned. Trump is a master of the confidence game, that is all he has got. You can fool some of the people all of the time. You can fool all of the people some of the time. But you just can't fool all the people all the time. Trump's con has worn off, too many people are not fooled anymore. Your first step is to realize you have been played, your second step is to realize how you got played, and your third step should be to take actions so that you are not played again.
You are not prepared to move on, you are not even beginning to move on. Your "quiet riot" plan is nothing more than a means of seeking retribution for anyone that doesn't believe the same tired bullshit that your ignorant old ass has bought in to. It is basic business, not some war strategy, when you lose it is time for self reflection.

Your reaction, while completely unamerican, is quite predictable in a world filled with echo chambers and disinformation. What you, and everyone like you, needs to realize is that you were all conned. Trump is a master of the confidence game, that is all he has got. You can fool some of the people all of the time. You can fool all of the people some of the time. But you just can't fool all the people all the time. Trump's con has worn off, too many people are not fooled anymore. Your first step is to realize you have been played, your second step is to realize how you got played, and your third step should be to take actions so that you are not played again.

We have watched as the other side has attacked law enforcement, destroyed businesses, and burned cities. We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways. Operation Quiet Riot is a movement we need to begin right away to save our country. Here is how it could work. Find our who in your community or neighborhood is a democrat and refuse to do business with them. If they own a store do not go to that store. If they run a hotel chain, avoid it. Become like Jewish Nazi hunters and mine information on who supports the Democratic Party and bankrupt them in every way possible.

Do it quietly and surreptitiously. Make the sacrifice. Stop watching MLB, the NBA, and the NFL until they begin to fold. It has to be done to save our country. It can work. Let’s do it.

Oh, yes.

Quiet, legal, and peaceful resistance is the best way.

Boycotts have long been used by both sides.

Not a sports fan, but happy to hear that some fans are boycotting some BLM-loving teams.

And what about that restaurant chain CEO who told people that they should shine the shoes of certain folks? Surely, you can find other restaurants to patronize.

I canceled my subscription to my local paper more than a year ago. Apparently, many other people have, too, for the good news is that it is in deep financial doo-doo.

Sorry, however, I draw the line at Amazon. Even though its owner publishes the Washington Post, I really, really, really need Amazon!
Boycott of sports is doable. But memories are short for the spoiled. Purchasing products made in China is a difficult one to avoid.
We have watched as the other side has attacked law enforcement, destroyed businesses, and burned cities. We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways. Operation Quiet Riot is a movement we need to begin right away to save our country. Here is how it could work. Find our who in your community or neighborhood is a democrat and refuse to do business with them. If they own a store do not go to that store. If they run a hotel chain, avoid it. Become like Jewish Nazi hunters and mine information on who supports the Democratic Party and bankrupt them in every way possible.

Do it quietly and surreptitiously. Make the sacrifice. Stop watching MLB, the NBA, and the NFL until they begin to fold. It has to be done to save our country. It can work. Let’s do it.

Oh, yes.

Quiet, legal, and peaceful resistance is the best way.

Boycotts have long been used by both sides.

Not a sports fan, but happy to hear that some fans are boycotting some BLM-loving teams.

And what about that restaurant chain CEO who told people that they should shine the shoes of certain folks? Surely, you can find other restaurants to patronize.

I canceled my subscription to my local paper more than a year ago. Apparently, many other people have, too, for the good news is that it is in deep financial doo-doo.

Sorry, however, I draw the line at Amazon. Even though its owner publishes the Washington Post, I really, really, really need Amazon!
I dumped Comcast,Netflix and Amazon Prime. Haven’t even missed them.
We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways
A friend of mine had her parents cut her of their life because she voted for Biden.

Is that what you mean?
That's bad. Remember...they are not Democrats anymore. Have not been for a long time. If her parents are lucky, they will live out theirlives and die peacably. Your friend will not be so lucky.
That's bad. Remember...they are not Democrats anymore. Have not been for a long time. If her parents are lucky, they will live out theirlives and die peacably. Your friend will not be so lucky.
WTF are you talking about?
We have watched as the other side has attacked law enforcement, destroyed businesses, and burned cities. We are not like that, but we can exact our revenge in different ways. Operation Quiet Riot is a movement we need to begin right away to save our country. Here is how it could work. Find our who in your community or neighborhood is a democrat and refuse to do business with them. If they own a store do not go to that store. If they run a hotel chain, avoid it. Become like Jewish Nazi hunters and mine information on who supports the Democratic Party and bankrupt them in every way possible.

Do it quietly and surreptitiously. Make the sacrifice. Stop watching MLB, the NBA, and the NFL until they begin to fold. It has to be done to save our country. It can work. Let’s do it.

Oh, yes.

Quiet, legal, and peaceful resistance is the best way.

Boycotts have long been used by both sides.

Not a sports fan, but happy to hear that some fans are boycotting some BLM-loving teams.

And what about that restaurant chain CEO who told people that they should shine the shoes of certain folks? Surely, you can find other restaurants to patronize.

I canceled my subscription to my local paper more than a year ago. Apparently, many other people have, too, for the good news is that it is in deep financial doo-doo.

Sorry, however, I draw the line at Amazon. Even though its owner publishes the Washington Post, I really, really, really need Amazon!
I dumped Comcast,Netflix and Amazon Prime. Haven’t even missed them.
I Have Spectrum with Netflix and Amazon. Right now even as I type I am watching a Netflix French presentation called Capital in the 21st Century. So far I recommend it. Spoiler: it has some subtitles.

Wow, you need to watch this or read the book. Now we know what Trump was exposing by daring to call for making America great again. America has already been sold. We don't own it anymore.
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Or maybe we could approach people who don't like think like we do, communicate with them, develop an accurate understanding of their perceptions, experiences and priorities, and leverage all our ideas to create new and lasting ideas.

Ah, shucks. We can get out a guitar and play 'Kumbaya' too.

Heck with that. It's more fun to go to town on each other like we always do.
Or maybe we could approach people who don't like think like we do, communicate with them, develop an accurate understanding of their perceptions, experiences and priorities, and leverage all our ideas to create new and lasting ideas.

Ah, shucks. We can get out a guitar and play 'Kumbaya' too.

Heck with that. It's more fun to go to town on each other like we always do.
Yeah, not for me.
Or maybe we could approach people who don't like think like we do, communicate with them, develop an accurate understanding of their perceptions, experiences and priorities, and leverage all our ideas to create new and lasting ideas.

Ah, shucks. We can get out a guitar and play 'Kumbaya' too.

Heck with that. It's more fun to go to town on each other like we always do.
Yeah, not for me.

Biologically, we're hard-wired to hate those not in our group. Since we continue to divide ourselves into smaller, and smaller groups, it's safe to say that within a few years we won't be 320,000,000 Americans. We will instead be 320,000,000 separate minority groups who want the other 319,999,999 to die a horrible death.

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