Zone1 Opinion : Biden : corrupt. Trump, too. So who should get elected?

it's all over the news, Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th and possibly other events.

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
but please note : as a Dutch man, i find foreign policy more important than domestic economy issues.
Oh boy, you are so out of touch with reality.

Every note you've played is out in the other side of the moon.
Biden has committed no crimes. There is no Biden crime family. This is nothing but right wing bullshit.
you people in the Democratic party have become worthy of long stays in the looney house. for severe delusions. for your own good.
Do yourself a favor. Go to the library and find this book: The Enemy Within, How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America, David Horowitz, copyright 2021, Library of Congress Control Number 2020952234. I am honoring you by the belief you may not know your party's leadership very well. This book will reveal to you who you are voting for. Decide for yourself whether it's worth your time and effort to learn things you may not know about the Deep Staters who determined many years ago how expedient it would be to control the people of this free country if only they could convert us into a communist system with adversaries punished with incarceration, solitary confinement, torture, death sentences by way of controlling the department of justice, etc. Communist advocates: expedience is all. Best wishes if you decide to educate yourself about leaders you know little about who will buy you cheap if you let them. My best regards.

This is the current use of the Federal Government for a compromised Executive Branch to launder the Benjamins through various means. Dan Bongino is a former Secret Service Agent who years later became an proponent for taking away the curtain of secrecy of deep staters:

David Horowitz is a right wing POS!
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it's all over the news, Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th and possibly other events.

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
but please note : as a Dutch man, i find foreign policy more important than domestic economy issues.
Trump's demonstrated corruption and crimes
Joe Biden's imagined corruption and crimes.

Joe Biden is the best alternative, clearly.
I'm in a bar right now, so I can't really watch it. Can you give me a brief synopsis of what it's saying?
Dan Bongino is telling how the cow ate the cabbage on left-wing dirty tricksters. Dan Bongino was a Secret Service agent and made his mind up about several Presidents he defended. He couldn't stand dirty tricks, obfuscation, and outright lies. The man's a straight arrow, and as a Secret Service guy, he was a top cop. Not everybody likes cops, but my daughter chose that to be her profession, which she has now retired. I think they retire cops after 20 years of service in some states, cities, or counties.
Dan Bongino is telling how the cow ate the cabbage on left-wing dirty tricksters. Dan Bongino was a Secret Service agent and made his mind up about several Presidents he defended. He couldn't stand dirty tricks, obfuscation, and outright lies. The man's a straight arrow, and as a Secret Service guy, he was a top cop. Not everybody likes cops, but my daughter chose that to be her profession, which she has now retired. I think they retire cops after 20 years of service in some states, cities, or counties.
Okay, what does he say about Biden?
Hillary, is a closet neocon!
You think? She and her old pals in the Clinton War Room, (which she managed while he was President) and they were the authors of the hoax aka the Steele Dossier, named after a foreign country (the UK) spy they convinced to copy to ensnare President Trump as one who colluded with Russia, which was found not true by the Mueller inquiry, if you recall it. It was the one that said "they couldn't verify..." but the DNC coaxed Mueller into saying if it happened, they just couldn't find it which sent the goofenheimers in the party into a creative ecstacy to tag Trump with the "maybe" factor, as a claim to a one-in-a-million possible truth. (yeh, right.) I hope you get your computer sound working soon. Basically, our information is that using all the information they could muster and found that President Trump was in no way, shape, or form, colluding with a foreign country ( a Constitutional no-no) but devising the Steel Dossier put the accuser, Ms. Clinton in the ring of fire of colluding with a foreign country's spy to decimate President Trump, which was projectionism pure and simple. Projection in my college course called "Communications 101" is a verbal crazymaker in which the teller blames his or her opposition absolutely guilty of a crime or misstep they accused their target rival as having been guilty of doing. In a nutshell, "O what a tangled web one weaves who first practices to deceive." That would be the former first lady. Hillary Rodham Clinton and her treacherous group of malefactors who attempt to destroy someone else's reputation.
You think? She and her old pals in the Clinton War Room, (which she managed while he was President) and they were the authors of the hoax aka the Steele Dossier, named after a foreign country (the UK) spy they convinced to copy to ensnare President Trump as one who colluded with Russia, which was found not true by the Mueller inquiry, if you recall it. It was the one that said "they couldn't verify..." but the DNC coaxed Mueller into saying if it happened, they just couldn't find it which sent the goofenheimers in the party into a creative ecstacy to tag Trump with the "maybe" factor, as a claim to a one-in-a-million possible truth. (yeh, right.) I hope you get your computer sound working soon. Basically, our information is that using all the information they could muster and found that President Trump was in no way, shape, or form, colluding with a foreign country ( a Constitutional no-no) but devising the Steel Dossier put the accuser, Ms. Clinton in the ring of fire of colluding with a foreign country's spy to decimate President Trump, which was projectionism pure and simple. Projection in my college course called "Communications 101" is a verbal crazymaker in which the teller blames his or her opposition absolutely guilty of a crime or misstep they accused their target rival as having been guilty of doing. In a nutshell, "O what a tangled web one weaves who first practices to deceive." That would be the former first lady. Hillary Rodham Clinton and her treacherous group of malefactors who attempt to destroy someone else's reputation.
The Steele Dossier was not a hoax!

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