Zone1 Opinion : Biden : corrupt. Trump, too. So who should get elected?

America is on the road to 3rd world status ... obviously, Biden likes it that way but Trump can at least help delay the inevitable a while longer.
it's *not* inevitable.

but like all great empires before us, not even we can afford wars on multiple fronts at the same time for a protacted time.
so our foreign policy should become more modest, and more strict, by focussing on R&D instead of active wars.
misses Haley should support the domestic oil and gas industries! :)
the energy economy should stay diverse! :D
HAARP is real. and i believe contrails can be used to spread CO2 and methane destructive chemicals into the sky..
it's all over the news, Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th and possibly other events.

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
but please note : as a Dutch man, i find foreign policy more important than domestic economy issues.
If elected states who have violated their citizens rights will have 60 days to right their laws or their leaders will be charged with their treasonous crimes.
If elected in my first year in office I will end 1,000 of the over 2,000 government agencies.
If elected my second year in office I will give the largest tax breaks in history and cutting 500 more agencies from the Federal Government.
If elected my final two years I will keep cutting agencies till reaching 35, the number granted by the Constitution.
My second term if re-elected will be spent jailing members of the Federal Reserve and Congress for crimes against humanity.
My final act will make democrats null and void. Our national debt will be paid in full by the Federal Reserve and Congress since they won't need it where they are going. No more demorats will lead to no more crime restoring our great Republic.
it's *not* inevitable.

but like all great empires before us, not even we can afford wars on multiple fronts at the same time for a protacted time.
so our foreign policy should become more modest, and more strict, by focussing on R&D instead of active wars.
I’d rather it wasn’t inevitable .. 🤷🏼‍♂️
It doesn't count now.
No. You are wrong. You FAILED. Biden is actually in office. And, you will fail on your next attempt to overthrow a national election also. Wake up. You are either for the Constitution, The Rule of Law, and free elections where the vote determines the winner, or you are a traitor to your country, whether caught and tried or not and if you do participate, you will be caught, and you will be jailed, just like the other participants.
it's all over the news, Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th and possibly other events.

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
but please note : as a Dutch man, i find foreign policy more important than domestic economy issues.

beautiful woman with a family of course.
but beauty would certainly help smooth over international relationships just as well as Trump's slick style of foreign policy making.
If elected states who have violated their citizens rights will have 60 days to right their laws or their leaders will be charged with their treasonous crimes.
If elected in my first year in office I will end 1,000 of the over 2,000 government agencies.
If elected my second year in office I will give the largest tax breaks in history and cutting 500 more agencies from the Federal Government.
If elected my final two years I will keep cutting agencies till reaching 35, the number granted by the Constitution.
My second term if re-elected will be spent jailing members of the Federal Reserve and Congress for crimes against humanity.
My final act will make democrats null and void. Our national debt will be paid in full by the Federal Reserve and Congress since they won't need it where they are going. No more demorats will lead to no more crime restoring our great Republic.
sorry for acting like a dummie, but you forgot to mention who said that.
Wow you have it bad. Swallow both barrels and call your family doctor in the morning.
it's all over the news, Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th and possibly other events.

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
but please note : as a Dutch man, i find foreign policy more important than domestic economy issues.
Donald Trump has not used his office for personal gain.

Biden has apparently used his office for personal gain.

Trump policies were almost universally good for the country and very often for the world, i.e. we had the closest thing to world peace any of us have ever experienced.

Biden not only has us back in war but North Korea, Iran, China are all saber ratting.

Trump had the closest thing to a closed border that any of us have seen and had Mexico stopping the caravans at their southern border.

Biden has allowed millions and millions of unvetted and unsupervised migrants into the country, many of them with criminal records, many of them dangerous to Americans including unprecedented drug, sex, child trafficking.

There's more but all in all it's no contest. However much you hate Trump, he did very well for America.

However much you want Biden to be a good guy and good President, he has been disastrous for America.

No contest.
maybe not for personal monetary gain, but certainly for personal political career gains.
Consider the ego required to run for President in the first place. Who do you think has ever done that for purely altruistic reasons? At least since George Washington?

I do not judge their motives. I judge what they do when they are in office and the consequences/results of those policies/actions and/or in some case inactions. Donald J. Trump produced the best consequences and results for ALL honest Americans and for the world that I have seen in my now very long lifetime.

And of all Presidents--there have been bad ones from both major political parties--Biden has been by far the worst.
Consider the ego required to run for President in the first place. Who do you think has ever done that for purely altruistic reasons? At least since George Washington?

I do not judge their motives. I judge what they do when they are in office and the consequences/results of those policies/actions and/or in some case inactions. Donald J. Trump produced the best consequences and results for ALL honest Americans and for the world that I have seen in my now very long lifetime.

And of all Presidents--there have been bad ones from both major political parties--Biden has been by far the worst.
Trump nearly pulled off a coup.
that makes him too corrupt to rule again, imho.
it's all over the news, Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th and possibly other events.

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
but please note : as a Dutch man, i find foreign policy more important than domestic economy issues.
"Opinion : Biden : corrupt. Trump, too. So who should get elected?"

Biden disobeyed the Constitution when he extorted money from the Ukraine which is unconstitutional and when he got the Ukraine's top cop fired, which is also unconstitutional. He did it while he was the Vice President, and it didn't come to light until he bragged to the billionnaire boys' club that he got millions of dollars in cash in less than 6 hours from the Ukraine, and when he bragged about sacking the Ukraine's top cop. Vice Presidents take the same oath of office as a President, and mentioned in the oath of office is to provide for the common defense of the American people and to uphold the Constitution that he broke with. Those "millions of dollars" came from the American Taxpayers to fund a Foreign Aid Package that the Congress voted to give the Ukrainians who were under threat by the Russian communist society. So Biden basically stole around half a billion dollars from his fellow Americans' hard-earned paychecks that had a large percentage removed from their paychecks every payday of their lives. If he doesn't put a half a billion dollars of his expropriated Treasury bonanza, he should be immediately removed from his current government job, tried, and if found guilty, he needs to be impeached forthwith.

Trump's corruption was having a galpal who broke her written agreement to keep the affair secret, and instead, collected who knows how much money from Trump's rivals to have her barf the whole deal out to the leftist lockstep press masqueraded as a rape. She got good money for the affair silence agreement. That's hardly what is called rape on an agreed to night out on the town. She got wealthy twice, lied her ass off, betrayed her contract, and almost destroyed his family with her avarice. Extramarital affairs are what they are, but she should have to pay back the money she collected at the time of the one-night stand for agreeing to keep it confidential for pay plus court costs.
Trump nearly pulled off a coup.
that makes him too corrupt to rule again, imho.
You seriously need to be educated in what a coup is. And educated in the liberties guaranteed to citizens by the U.S. Constitution.
That was impressive Lady Foxfyre ..💕

You fried those weenies.. 😉
Thanks my friend, but I get so sick of the dishonest propaganda. My objective is not to fry anybody but to get accurate information out there.

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