Zone1 Opinion : Biden : corrupt. Trump, too. So who should get elected?

Donald Trump has not used his office for personal gain.

Biden has apparently used his office for personal gain.

Trump policies were almost universally good for the country and very often for the world, i.e. we had the closest thing to world peace any of us have ever experienced.

Biden not only has us back in war but North Korea, Iran, China are all saber ratting.

Trump had the closest thing to a closed border that any of us have seen and had Mexico stopping the caravans at their southern border.

Biden has allowed millions and millions of unvetted and unsupervised migrants into the country, many of them with criminal records, many of them dangerous to Americans including unprecedented drug, sex, child trafficking.

There's more but all in all it's no contest. However much you hate Trump, he did very well for America.

However much you want Biden to be a good guy and good President, he has been disastrous for America.

No contest.
You must be on crack.
Are you willing to give up your right to vote, and it count, just to get this administration out of power?

Whether is or is not, I do not want to give up the vote by the people as our method of selecting leaders, and do not wish to see the president selected on the whim of state governors or state legislatures. If you cannot vote somebody out, as the will of the people, there is no democratic representative republic. Maybe you guys should go conservative again, as the country is against your radical change for short term political gain, as once the vote no longer counts, it will never count again.
it's all over the news, Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th and possibly other events.

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
but please note : as a Dutch man, i find foreign policy more important than domestic economy issues.
All politicians are corrupt, they need to be inorder to enrich themselves at the taxpayers expense.
that doesn't mean you should reward them for that corruption by re-electing them, right?
People vote the way they do for a myriad of reasons.

If you feel it's a reward, then don't vote for him/her. If you vote based on character, then vote or don't vote for him/her. If you vote based on policies and results, then vote for him/her.

I vote based on policies, I never vote Labour (UK).
Biden is not corrupt for influence peddling. No evidence at all for that.

Trump is guilty of planning the obstruction of the electoral account and other charges.

Biden is the President. That won't change at all.
The faerie tale that biden hasn't committed influence peddling was not affirmed by his admission to extortion of a billion smackareenies in cash in less than six hours before his departure time from the Ukraine on his mission of collecting the money (through Burisma's giving millions of dollars per annum to his son's no-attend arrangements to the Burisma's board meetings) and going home to his cancel the billion-dollar deal which would extinguish sending the entire taxpayer-funded Foreign Aid Package to the Ukraine to Never-never land. IOW, he'd use his influence as Vice President of the United States of America to cancel the Ukraine's windfall that would enable them to arm themselves against Russia who was demanding they give up the self-rule after WWII and submitting themselves to Moscow's taxation with little representation. Though the video has been redone to omit details of the cash that was demanded to be delivered to Air Force Two, when the viral video initially came out telling all. Can you possibly get that?

While the initial video no longer exists on the web that I know of. Initially, there were two videos--one about Biden bragging how he got a third of the Foreign Aid Package put in cash aboard Air Force Two, There was another viral video about firing the Ukraine's top cop along with a cancelled search into Hunter Biden's qualifications for being on the Burisma Board. The two 2018 video versions are different from the single 2023 corrections to make Biden look innocent. Following the money may not support the 2023 faery tale. I'm not the only one who saw the initial two videos in which Biden bragged about taking home money on Air Force Two on one, and his demanding Top Cop to be fired or else..
The videos went viral before the single revised version made Extortionist Joe, the American Vice President a hero fighting corrupt Ukraine. Here's the condensed and rewritten-by-Biden's-cyber-defenders edition to take the onus off using the Air Force Two horror to take home cash that would confirm the extortion. It was intended to confuse people and render people who remembered the first version as liars, imho. False narratives often take years to unravel and patience to find omerta whistleblowers who will be blacklisted and harrassed by the likes of Chairwoman Maxine Waters the stalker queen and her persecution squad until the details of dastardly deeds are forgotten or for life.

it's all over the news, Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th and possibly other events.

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
but please note : as a Dutch man, i find foreign policy more important than domestic economy issues.
Biden has committed no crimes. There is no Biden crime family. This is nothing but right wing bullshit.
Biden has committed no crimes. There is no Biden crime family. This is nothing but right wing bullshit.
Our sources for the Biden Criminal associations, extortions, and of overreach on Foreign Aid packages with threats for personal cash have reached the prolific stage. You can take it or leave it, but if you swing on a routine extortionist's star with both hands, make sure you have no grease on your hands, or you will land in the criminal's inethical bullshit, and you don't want to go there, dear sir.

I care about people in a community in S. Cal area I lived in years ago.
Our sources for the Biden Criminal associations, extortions, and of overreach on Foreign Aid packages with threats for personal cash have reached the prolific stage. You can take it or leave it, but if you swing on a routine extortionist's star with both hands, make sure you have no grease on your hands, or you will land in the criminal's inethical bullshit, and you don't want to go there, dear sir.

I care about people in a community in S. Cal area I lived in years ago.

Well, I still live in So Cal and I'm telling you, you have no evidence Biden has committed any crimes!
it's all over the news, Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th and possibly other events.

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
but please note : as a Dutch man, i find foreign policy more important than domestic economy issues.
I’d vote for Haley no problem
Well, I still live in So Cal and I'm telling you, you have no evidence Biden has committed any crimes!
Do yourself a favor. Go to the library and find this book: The Enemy Within, How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America, David Horowitz, copyright 2021, Library of Congress Control Number 2020952234. I am honoring you by the belief you may not know your party's leadership very well. This book will reveal to you who you are voting for. Decide for yourself whether it's worth your time and effort to learn things you may not know about the Deep Staters who determined many years ago how expedient it would be to control the people of this free country if only they could convert us into a communist system with adversaries punished with incarceration, solitary confinement, torture, death sentences by way of controlling the department of justice, etc. Communist advocates: expedience is all. Best wishes if you decide to educate yourself about leaders you know little about who will buy you cheap if you let them. My best regards.

This is the current use of the Federal Government for a compromised Executive Branch to launder the Benjamins through various means. Dan Bongino is a former Secret Service Agent who years later became an proponent for taking away the curtain of secrecy of deep staters:
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