OPINION: Biden is awful, but still cut it out with the public F-bombs and respect the presidency

Are you now advocating Treason?

No state can leave the union without the permission of the other states. And the terms of that separation will include return of federal assets, and their share of the full faith and credit of the united states.

Not talking about leaving the union, I'm talking about making two entirely different countries. Yeah, I know how screwed the left would be if we could do that. But nothing would make me happier than to never have to deal with leftists and their completely stupid agendas again. Besides, if we chose our half of the country to be the Republican side and all leftists had to leave for the now west side of this country, my property value would double or triple overnight.
I wish it could happen while I am still around to enjoy the freedom.

Exactly. Think how great life and our country would be with no Democrats. They are the ones destroying the country we have now. They will in time as they work tirelessly to make whites a minority so they can have a single-party government.

But I look at it this way, we are going to lose this country to Socialist/ Communism. I'd rather save half this country than to see the end of the Great Experiment once and for all.
Not talking about leaving the union, I'm talking about making two entirely different countries. Yeah, I know how screwed the left would be if we could do that. But nothing would make me happier than to never have to deal with leftists and their completely stupid agendas again. Besides, if we chose our half of the country to be the Republican side and all leftists had to leave for the now west side of this country, my property value would double or triple overnight.
I just moved from the Left Coast to the Heartland six weeks ago and will pocket $250K when I sell my house out west and pay the loan I took to buy my new home. Can't help feeling I made it out just in the nick of time. If we could kick only about a quarter of a million people, the city dwelling leftists, out of our state, it would be heaven! We grow an immense amount of food here and have tons of property for anyone of good character who wants to move here, as long as they don't bring their leftist bullshit with them.

Fuck Joe Biden
I just moved from the Left Coast to the Heartland six weeks ago and will pocket $250K when I sell my house out west and pay the loan I took to buy my new home. Can't help feeling I made it out just in the nick of time. If we could kick only about a quarter of a million people, the city dwelling leftists, out of our state, it would be heaven! We grow an immense amount of food here and have tons of property for anyone of good character who wants to move here, as long as they don't bring their leftist bullshit with them.

The problem is look at Texas. Look at Florida. When leftists ruin their states like NY and Cali, they move to our states and begin the process all over again. They will continue to vote for the same kind of morons that ruined the last place they lived. They say Democrats are more educated and I don't know if they are or not, but they are not very bright people.

Evidence of that is how they kept Newsome over a good guy like Larry Elder. The state is going in the toilet and they support the guy who helped put it there. They not only had the opportunity to turn the state in the right direction, but also have the first minority Governor in history. They even racially insulted him by saying Elder is the face of white supremacy.

Then we have AOC. When she first got elected, nobody was paying attention. After two years of making a complete idiot out of herself and her constituents, they reelected her with virtually no competition.

It's clear Democrats are the dumbest voters in the country, so we can never have any of them around. We need two countries where none of them can ruin our country.
Conservative voters have suffered for years under Democrat control beginning with being identified as beer drinking, bible thumping gun owners, to Deplorables, to White Supremacist Racists and now concerned parents considered Domestic Terrorists.
"suffered for years"............... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

341 days of orange whining
The problem is look at Texas. Look at Florida. When leftists ruin their states like NY and Cali, they move to our states and begin the process all over again. They will continue to vote for the same kind of morons that ruined the last place they lived. They say Democrats are more educated and I don't know if they are or not, but they are not very bright people.

Evidence of that is how they kept Newsome over a good guy like Larry Elder. The state is going in the toilet and they support the guy who helped put it there. They not only had the opportunity to turn the state in the right direction, but also have the first minority Governor in history. They even racially insulted him by saying Elder is the face of white supremacy.

Then we have AOC. When she first got elected, nobody was paying attention. After two years of making a complete idiot out of herself and her constituents, they reelected her with virtually no competition.

It's clear Democrats are the dumbest voters in the country, so we can never have any of them around. We need two countries where none of them can ruin our country.
"over a good guy like Larry Elder"...........:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

341 days of orange whining
The problem is look at Texas. Look at Florida. When leftists ruin their states like NY and Cali, they move to our states and begin the process all over again. They will continue to vote for the same kind of morons that ruined the last place they lived. They say Democrats are more educated and I don't know if they are or not, but they are not very bright people.

Evidence of that is how they kept Newsome over a good guy like Larry Elder. The state is going in the toilet and they support the guy who helped put it there. They not only had the opportunity to turn the state in the right direction, but also have the first minority Governor in history. They even racially insulted him by saying Elder is the face of white supremacy.

Then we have AOC. When she first got elected, nobody was paying attention. After two years of making a complete idiot out of herself and her constituents, they reelected her with virtually no competition.

It's clear Democrats are the dumbest voters in the country, so we can never have any of them around. We need two countries where none of them can ruin our country.
Amen! I'd love to see a map that is all either bright red or bright blue. Give us ours and then get lost, and when you totally shit in your own bed, you're not getting into ours! BORDERS! Every country in the world has borders. They serve a purpose.
Her pointing out that a LOT of Trumpers ARE Deplorable??

This thread is evidence that she was right...as was Jan 6
Jan 6.
Jan 6.
Jan 6.

If they hear it on the TV, it must be true.

Deplorable. Deplorable. Jan 6. Jan 6.

Her pointing out that a LOT of Trumpers ARE Deplorable??

This thread is evidence that she was right...as was Jan 6
Hillary said Trump supporters were a basket full of deplorables. Eventhough I find liberalism repulsive, I would infringe on your right to live the way you want to.
Hillary said Trump supporters were a basket full of deplorables. Eventhough I find liberalism repulsive, I would infringe on your right to live the way you want to.
She said HALF of you were a basket of Deplorables. She was being kind
Nobody at this time. Someone is making decisions, but it isn't Joe Biden.
Donald Trump was the last legitimately elected President of the United States before the Democrat / Socialist / Communist / Workers Party coup d'état stole the election and evicted a lawfully re-elected President from the White House.

We need to take our country back from City Hall and the County Board.

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