Opinion: In U.S., right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

Looked at the article. The Kansas City KKK guy is a Democrat. Stopped right there.
Yeah, and he voted for Obama too.


He's a KKK Member and a Democrat. So was Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd.

Love how Progressives are taking branding Republicans as "the Enemy" to the next level

And this is why they want our guns, so they can declare us the "enemy' and massacre us. Long Live the Bundy Ranch Patriots and fuck Harry Reid, the real terrorist.
Idiocy is common on this forum.
You blame the right, the left, Muslims, the Chinese, blacks, Mexicans or anyone else, but no one seems to realise, ALL extremists are dangerous, regardless of their brand of stupidity.

Turn your brains on.

We need a zero-tolerance policy on rightwing extremists.

Stamp out intolerance now!!!

That IS funny.
Ok, it would be funny if it weren't true among so many of the "enlightened."

But as to the OP - a right-wing terrorist is a right-wing terrorist, no matter what flag they fly or religion that they demand EVERYONE adhere to.

And a left-wing terrorist isn't any better.
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Whoa. The next thing you know, these left wing cowards will pass a law requiring any registered republican to wear an arm band signifying that he's a "right winger" and paint a symbol on any business who is determined to have conservative "tendencies".

Who knows, maybe after a while, your pussy party will decide there needs to be a "final solution" to the "Right Wing" problem.

You people are as evil as the nazis


"Whatever"? Be honest and write what you've done: "submit" describes it perfectly.


Your post criticizing me for not posting evidence of malicious attacks by far left wing fanatics was a deflection and warranted nothing more than a "whatever".

If you believe it has never happened, I will not attempt to prove you wrong for either you are a liar or you will simply punch fake holes in what I produce.

I would say a third possibility is that you are misinformed....but you are not. I have read your posts.

SO "whatever" was the best response.

I never said "the left" had never engaged in "malicious attacks" nor committed murder. I said allegations were made suggesting the left today is as lethal as the right, and that seems untrue. If I'm wrong, "whatever" won't ever convince me. I'm old enough to remember "cin qui (sic?) and the SLA, for they robbed a bank in my neighborhood and killed a patron, murdered a Berkeley School Board President and kidnapped Patty Hurst.

At least they didn't pretend to be patriots, today's far right is both lethal and hypocritical.

Whoa. The next thing you know, these left wing cowards will pass a law requiring any registered republican to wear an arm band signifying that he's a "right winger" and paint a symbol on any business who is determined to have conservative "tendencies".

Who knows, maybe after a while, your pussy party will decide there needs to be a "final solution" to the "Right Wing" problem.

You people are as evil as the nazis

There is a final solution to the right wing problem - - - Education.
Idiocy is common on this forum.
You blame the right, the left, Muslims, the Chinese, blacks, Mexicans or anyone else, but no one seems to realise, ALL extremists are dangerous, regardless of their brand of stupidity.

Turn your brains on.

Some are lethal, others simply annoying.
The author compares right wingers to Frazier Glenn Cross, a white supremacist who hated jews. I stopped reading right there. The author should be ashamed of himself, as should you for posting that article and giving the author any credence.

If not a right winger, how would you classify him? And the others pointed out in the article you choose not to read, such as:

"A similar attack to the one that Frazier Glenn Cross is accused of in Kansas occurred in August 2012 when Wade Michael Page killed six people in a shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Page was a member of a white supremacist band and associated with the Hammerskins, a white supremacist group. Page committed suicide during the attack.

"Page is not, of course, the only right wing extremist to have used lethal violence to achieve political ends. In 2009, for instance, Shawna Forde, Albert Gaxiola, and Jason Bush raided a house in Arizona, killing Raul Flores and his daughter Brisenia. The three attackers sought to use the burglary to finance their anti-immigration vigilante group, Minutemen American Defense. Forde and Bush were convicted and sentenced to death. Gaxiola was sentenced to life in prison."

Cross hates Jews. The left hates Jews. He's a left winger. The left hates Jews and supports Palestinian terrorists.

Whoa. The next thing you know, these left wing cowards will pass a law requiring any registered republican to wear an arm band signifying that he's a "right winger" and paint a symbol on any business who is determined to have conservative "tendencies".

Who knows, maybe after a while, your pussy party will decide there needs to be a "final solution" to the "Right Wing" problem.

You people are as evil as the nazis

There is a final solution to the right wing problem - - - Education.

No, your "solution" is propaganda, brainwashing and conformity. Wake up stupid, stupid Nazi
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Whoa. The next thing you know, these left wing cowards will pass a law requiring any registered republican to wear an arm band signifying that he's a "right winger" and paint a symbol on any business who is determined to have conservative "tendencies".

Who knows, maybe after a while, your pussy party will decide there needs to be a "final solution" to the "Right Wing" problem.

You people are as evil as the nazis

There is a final solution to the right wing problem - - - Education.

Incoming Reeducation camps, it's even in DHS and Army Internment Manuals (verified through FOIA requests).

In the meantime, Wry Catcher just told us why to pull our children out of public school.

They certainly have unwavering support from the far right in the US. Just about anything can be justified if it is done to protect the second amendment or to stop the evil Federal Government.

White supremists have support from other White supremists, and no one else. The idea that opposition to federal government policies or support for the 2nd amendment equates to support for White supremists is so far out as to be the product of ignorant asses with partisan political objectives.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a left wing, racist organization, that attempts to demonize any group that disagrees with their political nonsense. They lost any credibility that they ever had, years ago.
Yeah, and he voted for Obama too.


He's a KKK Member and a Democrat. So was Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd.

Love how Progressives are taking branding Republicans as "the Enemy" to the next level

And this is why they want our guns, so they can declare us the "enemy' and massacre us. Long Live the Bundy Ranch Patriots and fuck Harry Reid, the real terrorist.

Who wants to take your guns? Only paranoids and spokespersons for the NRA and their fellow travelers believe a conspiracy to take your guns exists. You have every right to your guns until you become so paranoid you shoot innocent people to death. Then society suffers, and you will be shot dead or spend the rest of your life in a cage. But your right up to the moment you murder is sacrosanct, and that should make you happy.
Also notice the timing of this article shortly after the Bundy Ranch War.

I suppose in your deranged mind the piece of shit who shot and killed three innocents because of their faith was acting under orders of the Obama Administration.
Whoa. The next thing you know, these left wing cowards will pass a law requiring any registered republican to wear an arm band signifying that he's a "right winger" and paint a symbol on any business who is determined to have conservative "tendencies".

Who knows, maybe after a while, your pussy party will decide there needs to be a "final solution" to the "Right Wing" problem.

You people are as evil as the nazis

There is a final solution to the right wing problem - - - Education.

Incoming Reeducation camps, it's even in DHS and Army Internment Manuals (verified through FOIA requests).

In the meantime, Wry Catcher just told us why to pull our children out of public school.

I'm currently paying for my Granddaughters private education after she came home one day and told her parents that "America is an evil place and needs to be taken down". I got the bitch teacher suspended for a month (the rest of the class confirmed, to the principal, what she had said) and immediately pulled her out of the public school and enrolled her in private school.

This shit ain't happening on MY watch. Again - liberals are nazis.
There is a final solution to the right wing problem - - - Education.

Incoming Reeducation camps, it's even in DHS and Army Internment Manuals (verified through FOIA requests).

In the meantime, Wry Catcher just told us why to pull our children out of public school.

I'm currently paying for my Granddaughters private education after she came home one day and told her parents that "America is an evil place and needs to be taken down". I got the bitch teacher suspended for a month (the rest of the class confirmed, to the principal, what she had said) and immediately pulled her out of the public school and enrolled her in private school.

This shit ain't happening on MY watch. Again - liberals are nazis.

I think the teacher sounds a lot like the far-righty militia types.. Good job in eradicating that influence.

From the linked article:

Although a variety of left wing militants and environmental extremists have carried out violent attacks for political reasons against property and individuals since 9/11, none have been linked to a lethal attack,


1. Ft Hood: Registered Democrat - Muslim

2. Columbine: Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.

3. Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff. Registered Democrat

4. Aurora, Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign;
Occupy Wall Street participant; & progressive liberal.

5. Connecticut Sandy Hook School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats, or raised by them.

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