Opinion: In U.S., right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

Well, I think it's only more deadly when we make comparisons in our own back yard. It isn't new though. Domestic terrorism is domestic terrorism whether it takes the form of lynchings, guns or bombs. Promoting fear and violence is profitable. So, it gets a free pass here in the States. Further more, it is easier to unite people if they have a common enemy. This allows elected officials and others to pander to them without being held directly responsible.

Antisemitism is on the rise among some of the left. It has taken a more "acceptable" form and came through universities that accepted petrodollars. There isn't much thought behind it. I'd be more than happy to get into that except that there is a group here that seems to thrive on hate and I'm not giving it to them.

I just read an article in an Italian newspaper a few months back on a football club in Rome leaving antisemitic graffiti to torment another club before a match. It's been on the rise in Europe for a good five years. The internet was brought up then as well.

Someone is either well wrapped or they are not.
Remember this? Police kill Discovery building gunman - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News

#$%%!!! Don't go hanging that on the left wing door. Don't look at me.

I've come to the realization that I should have drank a hell of a lot more coffee before writing this post.
No, comparing the right wing to al qaeda is not thought provoking. It's just more radical nonsense from people incapable of having an opinion or discussing their views without ad hominem attacks. On top of that, you didn't even post an opinion, just linked to a news story.

My opinion is well known. The link was an opinion piece, not a "news article", per se. It offered examples of right wing violence against Americans, maybe not as 'spectacular' as the attack of 9-11, but of no difference to the victims and their loved ones. Both AQ and the right wing - as defined in the article - are violent ideologues - another commonality.

I guess one might argue AQ is more capable, smarter and better planners then the American terrorist, but that does not mean AQ is more evil, simply better organized and more competent. Killing innocents is evil, at least most of us can agree on that.

But seeing as the left wing fringers have also done the same....writing an opinion piece about just the right wing and citing it as you did is nothing more than a childish way to stir up shit.

One man's stirring up shit is another's thought provoking effort. Lots of evidence above is posted with situations where violence was carried to the extreme by right wingers; you say the left wing has done the same but post no evidence.
My opinion is well known. The link was an opinion piece, not a "news article", per se. It offered examples of right wing violence against Americans, maybe not as 'spectacular' as the attack of 9-11, but of no difference to the victims and their loved ones. Both AQ and the right wing - as defined in the article - are violent ideologues - another commonality.

I guess one might argue AQ is more capable, smarter and better planners then the American terrorist, but that does not mean AQ is more evil, simply better organized and more competent. Killing innocents is evil, at least most of us can agree on that.

But seeing as the left wing fringers have also done the same....writing an opinion piece about just the right wing and citing it as you did is nothing more than a childish way to stir up shit.

One man's stirring up shit is another's thought provoking effort. Lots of evidence above is posted with situations where violence was carried to the extreme by right wingers; you say the left wing has done the same but post no evidence.


If not a right winger, how would you classify him? And the others pointed out in the article you choose not to read, such as

Unstable,and mentally ill,how should we describe you?? Reactionary,exaggerator,shit stirrer?

Please don't suggest that the Right Wing in our country is void of "Unstable,and mentally ill" persons. It seems self evident that many of those on the fringe - left or right - have psychological problems. See how some seethe with anger whenever they feel offended by a thread or a post? Extreme ideologies seem to pull in the mentally unstable, topic well worth research.

Says the guy labeling people what a piece of work!!
But seeing as the left wing fringers have also done the same....writing an opinion piece about just the right wing and citing it as you did is nothing more than a childish way to stir up shit.

One man's stirring up shit is another's thought provoking effort. Lots of evidence above is posted with situations where violence was carried to the extreme by right wingers; you say the left wing has done the same but post no evidence.



"Whatever"? Be honest and write what you've done: "submit" describes it perfectly.
One man's stirring up shit is another's thought provoking effort. Lots of evidence above is posted with situations where violence was carried to the extreme by right wingers; you say the left wing has done the same but post no evidence.



"Whatever"? Be honest and write what you've done: "submit" describes it perfectly.


Your post criticizing me for not posting evidence of malicious attacks by far left wing fanatics was a deflection and warranted nothing more than a "whatever".

If you believe it has never happened, I will not attempt to prove you wrong for either you are a liar or you will simply punch fake holes in what I produce.

I would say a third possibility is that you are misinformed....but you are not. I have read your posts.

SO "whatever" was the best response.
I can understand your position wry. People who advocate liberty are a bigger threats to totalitarians than terrorists they can use to argue for more power.

But we don't want to be ruled by totalitarians. We want to govern ourselves and follow our God.
I knew the OP sounded familiar!

When he started out, Hitler said the Jews were dangerous to his country too.

here's the OP in it's original German

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By the numbers

Reported arrests
Occupy Wall Street: 6,815
Tea Party: 0

Public defecation
Occupy Wall Street: Too many to count.
Tea Party: None.

Injured police officers
Occupy Wall Street: At least 6
Tea Party: None.

Sexual assaults
Occupy Wall Street: Count for yourself.OWS Exposed | Tag Archive | Sexual Assault
Tea Party: None.

Occupy Wall Street: 11
Tea Party: None


Tea Party Before and After



dimocraps are scum.

ALL of them

And let's not forget the occupy Cleveland bomb plot

Revealed: The FBI Stopped the Cleveland Bomb Plot By Infiltrating Occupy Wall Street | Video | TheBlaze.com

dimocraps are scum

Dumb ass, the Occupy people never were out there threatoning Federal and other law enforcement people with military style weapons. Those assholes in Nevada that were doing that should be prosecuted for assault with a deadly and spend years in the federal pen.

The Occupy people destroyed public property and shut down businesses.

The organized Militia groups from several States is what showed up and they are legal.
They never assaulted anyone.


"Whatever"? Be honest and write what you've done: "submit" describes it perfectly.


Your post criticizing me for not posting evidence of malicious attacks by far left wing fanatics was a deflection and warranted nothing more than a "whatever".

If you believe it has never happened, I will not attempt to prove you wrong for either you are a liar or you will simply punch fake holes in what I produce.

I would say a third possibility is that you are misinformed....but you are not. I have read your posts.

SO "whatever" was the best response.
"whatever" is the post of a person who unhappy with what someone has posted but who is unable to find the proof necessary to prove that person wrong. It is the post of the loser who is trying not to look like the loser.
Feel free to post a "whatever" to this post.
I can understand your position wry. People who advocate liberty are a bigger threats to totalitarians than terrorists they can use to argue for more power.

But we don't want to be ruled by totalitarians. We want to govern ourselves and follow our God.
Some people can handle liberty and some people can't. Those who handle liberty realize that along with that liberty comes responsibility. That responsibility can take the form of following laws that have been agreed to by the majority. People waving American flags and screaming for liberty while refusing to accept the law of the land and not acting in a responsible manner. This guy in Kansas appears to be a perfect example of what I am speaking of. I am sure he will demand all his rights under the law but he damn sure feels that others do not deserve those same rights, especially Jews. The cowboy in Nevada seems to be another example. He has not paid his grazing rights in some time but he wants to be free to do exactly as he wants. "FUCK THE GOVERNMENT. I believe I have a right to do what I want to do and the government can't stop me. I believe in liberty but not in the responsibility of following the law."
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We need a zero-tolerance policy on rightwing extremists.

Stamp out intolerance now!!!
dblack, I don't believe you have gone far enough. Perhaps you should have posted "We need a zero-tolerance policy on rightwing AND leftwing extremists." While they will deny it such a policy will have a much greater effect on the right than the left.

We need a zero-tolerance policy on rightwing extremists.

Stamp out intolerance now!!!
dblack, I don't believe you have gone far enough. Perhaps you should have posted "We need a zero-tolerance policy on rightwing AND leftwing extremists." While they will deny it such a policy will have a much greater effect on the right than the left.

Hell yes! Kill 'em all. Let the "moderates" sort 'em out!

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