Opinion: In U.S., right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

Whoa. The next thing you know, these left wing cowards will pass a law requiring any registered republican to wear an arm band signifying that he's a "right winger" and paint a symbol on any business who is determined to have conservative "tendencies".

Who knows, maybe after a while, your pussy party will decide there needs to be a "final solution" to the "Right Wing" problem.

You people are as evil as the nazis

There is a final solution to the right wing problem - - - Education.

Final Solution...love the choice of words there, Adolf

From the linked article:

Although a variety of left wing militants and environmental extremists have carried out violent attacks for political reasons against property and individuals since 9/11, none have been linked to a lethal attack,


1. Ft Hood: Registered Democrat - Muslim

2. Columbine: Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.

3. Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff. Registered Democrat

4. Aurora, Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign;
Occupy Wall Street participant; & progressive liberal.

5. Connecticut Sandy Hook School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats, or raised by them.
Been slurping up wingnuttery RW emails I see...

Posted earlier:

1. "Nidal Hasan (the Ft. Hood shooter) lived in either Virginia (his state of residence prior to being sent to Ft. Hood) or Texas, neither of which has partisan registration. Therefore the claim that he was a "registered Democrat" is false. FALSE. "

2. To even infer Kliebold and Harris were liberal or would have voted Democrat is absurd.

3, The Virginia Tech student was a resident alien --- not eligible to vote in the US. FAIL. AGAIN.

4. (again, posted earlier: ) "The allegation that James Holmes was registered Democrat was based on a Breitbart blogger Joel B. Pollack, who found voter registration records for a DIFFERENT James Holmes who was about the same age. Alex Jones’ Infowars and other right-wing websites then dutifully repeated the lie without verifying it.

It was later determined that the Colorado Theater Shooter James Holmes was NOT registered to vote, as evidenced by this retraction: {Newly-released information on the suspect’s birthdate (which, as indicated in our initial report, was a slight mismatch), combined with new details Breitbart News has obtained about the suspect’s likely addresses, together suggest that the suspect may, in fact, not have been registered to vote.}. However, most of right-wing media continued to promote the lie without printing Breitbart sites retraction. The claim that James Holmes was a registered Democrat is FALSE." LINK

5. The autistic fucknut kid...you think was a registered Dem? ZERO proof. ZERO. Mom was a “doomsday prepper” & home schooler in a Republican-leaning city. FAIL

Common thread with connies: They're gullible idiots.
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islamist want everyone to act like they act

dems pass laws to force us all to act a certain way

The body count under (D) is HUGE, and (R) would have to start a massive world war to even dream of catching up.

huh, just noticed

islamist like to kill Americans
dems like to get Americans killed


From the linked article:

Although a variety of left wing militants and environmental extremists have carried out violent attacks for political reasons against property and individuals since 9/11, none have been linked to a lethal attack,


1. Ft Hood: Registered Democrat - Muslim

2. Columbine: Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.

3. Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff. Registered Democrat

4. Aurora, Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign;
Occupy Wall Street participant; & progressive liberal.

5. Connecticut Sandy Hook School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats, or raised by them.
Been slurping up wingnuttery RW emails I see...

Posted earlier:

1. "Nidal Hasan (the Ft. Hood shooter) lived in either Virginia (his state of residence prior to being sent to Ft. Hood) or Texas, neither of which has partisan registration. Therefore the claim that he was a "registered Democrat" is false. FALSE. "

2. To even infer Kliebold and Harris were liberal or would have voted Democrat is absurd.

3, The Virginia Tech student was a resident alien --- not eligible to vote in the US. FAIL. AGAIN.

4. (again, posted earlier: ) "The allegation that James Holmes was registered Democrat was based on a Breitbart blogger Joel B. Pollack, who found voter registration records for a DIFFERENT James Holmes who was about the same age. Alex Jones’ Infowars and other right-wing websites then dutifully repeated the lie without verifying it.

It was later determined that the Colorado Theater Shooter James Holmes was NOT registered to vote, as evidenced by this retraction: {Newly-released information on the suspect’s birthdate (which, as indicated in our initial report, was a slight mismatch), combined with new details Breitbart News has obtained about the suspect’s likely addresses, together suggest that the suspect may, in fact, not have been registered to vote.}. However, most of right-wing media continued to promote the lie without printing Breitbart sites retraction. The claim that James Holmes was a registered Democrat is FALSE." LINK

5. The autistic fucknut kid...you think was a registered Dem? ZERO proof. ZERO. Mom was a “doomsday prepper” & home schooler in a Republican-leaning city. FAIL

Common thread with connies: They're gullible idiots.

There is also the error of confusing party affiliation with a position on the political spectrum.
The author compares right wingers to Frazier Glenn Cross, a white supremacist who hated jews. I stopped reading right there. The author should be ashamed of himself, as should you for posting that article and giving the author any credence.

If not a right winger, how would you classify him? And the others pointed out in the article you choose not to read, such as:

"A similar attack to the one that Frazier Glenn Cross is accused of in Kansas occurred in August 2012 when Wade Michael Page killed six people in a shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Page was a member of a white supremacist band and associated with the Hammerskins, a white supremacist group. Page committed suicide during the attack.

"Page is not, of course, the only right wing extremist to have used lethal violence to achieve political ends. In 2009, for instance, Shawna Forde, Albert Gaxiola, and Jason Bush raided a house in Arizona, killing Raul Flores and his daughter Brisenia. The three attackers sought to use the burglary to finance their anti-immigration vigilante group, Minutemen American Defense. Forde and Bush were convicted and sentenced to death. Gaxiola was sentenced to life in prison."

He's a typical progressive.
Left wing extremists have set off bombs and killed people and right wing extremists have set off bombs and killed people.

I think it is stupid to try to paint terrorists in a "better light" because of their position on the political spectrum.
I can understand your position wry. People who advocate liberty are a bigger threats to totalitarians than terrorists they can use to argue for more power.

But we don't want to be ruled by totalitarians. We want to govern ourselves and follow our God.

Sure but no both of you are wrong.
btw - Islamic jihadists are on the right

True enough. While one had a beard and dressed in flowing robes and the other was clean shaven and wore business suits, men like the Ayatolla Khomeini and the Reverend Jerry Falwell were pretty much cut from the same cloth.

well - they both seem to demand that their entire nation bow to their god.

I'm a Christian - but one who believes in the separation of church and state.
Simply reading through this thread tells us the Leftists are Loyalist Tories and that Civil War is coming very soon. I'll know not to trust any lefties, not even my own family, when the times comes.
Also notice the timing of this article shortly after the Bundy Ranch War.

I suppose in your deranged mind the piece of shit who shot and killed three innocents because of their faith was acting under orders of the Obama Administration.



No, I meant the wording used to describe him as a "right wing terrorist" shortly after Militias stopped the Bundy Ranch Invasion by the feds.

This shooting would have happened whether the Bundy Ranch showdown occurred or not; however they are trying to lay as much shit as they can on the right-wing militias (because of Bundy Ranch) by calling this guy a right-winger when he is a life-long Democrat and KKK member.

This how the Neocon Bush Administration convinced enough people to invade Iraq. They had the MSM run stories about AL Qaeda and separate stories about Iraq side-by-side on air and in newspapers columns, so that a subconscious connection would be made between them, even there was none.

You guys are doing the same thing now with this shooting.
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Simply reading through this thread tells us the Leftists are Loyalist Tories and that Civil War is coming very soon. I'll know not to trust any lefties, not even my own family, when the times comes.
Simply reading your posts tells us you're a fruitcake akin to troubled souls who take to street corners with sandwich boards and post meaningless manifestos on telephone poles who receive little sympathy beyond, tsk. that boy just ain't right.
By the numbers

Reported arrests
Occupy Wall Street: 6,815
Tea Party: 0

Public defecation
Occupy Wall Street: Too many to count.
Tea Party: None.

Injured police officers
Occupy Wall Street: At least 6
Tea Party: None.

Sexual assaults
Occupy Wall Street: Count for yourself.OWS Exposed | Tag Archive | Sexual Assault
Tea Party: None.

Occupy Wall Street: 11
Tea Party: None


Tea Party Before and After



dimocraps are scum.

ALL of them

And let's not forget the occupy Cleveland bomb plot

Revealed: The FBI Stopped the Cleveland Bomb Plot By Infiltrating Occupy Wall Street | Video | TheBlaze.com

dimocraps are scum

They are, indeed. Eichman would be proud of liberals.

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