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Opinions about the beheaded American?

You didn't read my dang post completely did you. I said no one knows their real ability to resist the torture. You just skipped by all that didn't you.

I stated the code of the military, which was the oath we served under. I would honor that code to the best of my ability, but again I don't and you don't really know the limits of our ability to resist..........

Perhaps next time you'll read my whole dang post.

I read and understood it. Was a general reply to people who watch too many movies and think they're tough.

Your ability to resist and hold out against torture is the same as mine and everyone else's - zero. Everyone breaks, only a matter of time.
It's War, and I'd agree that he knew the risks. Reporters are targets in the hot zones. Yet to see the ritual killing still makes me want to feed these vermin to wild hogs.

As intended. So don't let it get ya upset. Upset people make bad decisions. Have to assume emotional responses were they're intent, so deny them what they sought. Could beheaded him off-camera, they didn't, ergo they're seeking to cause fear, anger, and goade the west into making a bad tactical decision.

It's actually there way of flipping us the bird because they can't win a conventional War against us. If it is their strategy to piss off the west well then they have succeeded. Now arms are flowing from Western powers to the Kurds and smart munitions are falling on the heads of ISIL.

If their strategy was to get us to kill their buddies then it worked. Their buddies are dying via tactical strikes as a result of their BS. Not specifically on just Foley but the other incidents as well.

I don't mind some munitions falling on these vermin.
You didn't read my dang post completely did you. I said no one knows their real ability to resist the torture. You just skipped by all that didn't you.

I stated the code of the military, which was the oath we served under. I would honor that code to the best of my ability, but again I don't and you don't really know the limits of our ability to resist..........

Perhaps next time you'll read my whole dang post.

I read and understood it. Was a general reply to people who watch too many movies and think they're tough.

Your ability to resist and hold out against torture is the same as mine and everyone else's - zero. Everyone breaks, only a matter of time.

Maybe and maybe not. I really don't ever want to find out that limit. Do you? Your first post to me was directed at me without reading the rest of my post saying the same dang thing. It was a shot across my bow and I returned fire.

And that is all. Even though we actually were agreeing. Is that the case?
It's actually there way of flipping us the bird because they can't win a conventional War against us. If it is their strategy to piss off the west well then they have succeeded. Now arms are flowing from Western powers to the Kurds and smart munitions are falling on the heads of ISIL.

If their strategy was to get us to kill their buddies then it worked. Their buddies are dying via tactical strikes as a result of their BS. Not specifically on just Foley but the other incidents as well.

I don't mind some munitions falling on these vermin.

Problem I have is the rhetoric isn't unique to ISIS, it's the exact same stuff we hear about every enemy right before the war begins. They're this big terrible threat who're gonna come here and blow up middle America, nuke our cities, yada yada. I don't doubt there are badguys with guns running around in Iraq, I just question how dire it actually is.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. But where are we when we've let ourselves be fooled, manipulated, and suckered into supporting wars we can't possibly win half a dozen times?

We can't win a war of terrorism. There are no cities to capture, land to occupy, ports to level, or anything else. It's like the Israeli operation in Gaza. They're not at war with Gaza, they're at war with a bunch of people running around amongst Gazan residents. That's a tough enemy to kill. And doing so means killing non-combatants in the process. As in Iraq. And once we get serious about an air campaign trying in vain to do something about it, we're gonna get the same grief the world gives Israel but our body count is gonna be a helluva lot higher than their's.

If we're gonna wage war we need to ask ourselves what we're hoping to accomplish. "To make everythig perfect forever" is not a legitimate military goal.
It's actually there way of flipping us the bird because they can't win a conventional War against us. If it is their strategy to piss off the west well then they have succeeded. Now arms are flowing from Western powers to the Kurds and smart munitions are falling on the heads of ISIL.

If their strategy was to get us to kill their buddies then it worked. Their buddies are dying via tactical strikes as a result of their BS. Not specifically on just Foley but the other incidents as well.

I don't mind some munitions falling on these vermin.

Problem I have is the rhetoric isn't unique to ISIS, it's the exact same stuff we hear about every enemy right before the war begins. They're this big terrible threat who're gonna come here and blow up middle America, nuke our cities, yada yada. I don't doubt there are badguys with guns running around in Iraq, I just question how dire it actually is.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. But where are we when we've let ourselves be fooled, manipulated, and suckered into supporting wars we can't possibly win half a dozen times?

We can't win a war of terrorism. There are no cities to capture, land to occupy, ports to level, or anything else. It's like the Israeli operation in Gaza. They're not at war with Gaza, they're at war with a bunch of people running around amongst Gazan residents. That's a tough enemy to kill. And doing so means killing non-combatants in the process. As in Iraq. And once we get serious about an air campaign trying in vain to do something about it, we're gonna get the same grief the world gives Israel but our body count is gonna be a helluva lot higher than their's.

If we're gonna wage war we need to ask ourselves what we're hoping to accomplish. "To make everythig perfect forever" is not a legitimate military goal.

Yadda Yadda yadda. Just like you I'm tired of this BS. It's never ending, but the world cannot take a blind eye to it either. It is not in our interests for these types to eventually rule Syria or Iraq. Just like it wasn't in Egypt's interest to allow the Muslim Brotherhood to rule in Egypt. They expelled, arrested and even killed them because they didn't want the radical element to have any say so in Egypt and rightfully so.

I don't really give a rats azz about Iraq, Syria, or etc............I only care about the consequences of allowing these radical elements to rule countries who can cause problems on the global stage. Our present policy in Syria is wrong headed. I don't like Assad, but I'd rather have a dictator than ISIS in power in Syria. Our support to the rebels only prolong the War, even though some of the FSA still fights both Assad and ISIS there. It only prolongs the conflict. We would be better served, as would the world if the Syrian Army destroys the rebels and ends the civil war there.

In Iraq, the Kurds stood up in the War and deserve our support when threatened. If some air strikes help them retake and end the threat in the North then Good. We should help them defend their territory. They are not asking for us to fight the battle on the ground there. They are simply asking for air support. I agree with that position.

To the rest of the Iraq...........I'm still disgusted that nearly 100,000 Iraqi soldiers just quit and deserted when ISIS showed up. If they had decided to fight the dang problem in Iraq would be basically over. Yet they were probably just serving in the army to get a pay check and didn't really believe in their job. They need to stand up and fight before they get any respect from me.
My opinion on Radical Islam has never changed since the 70's. They are barbarian scum. This is just another example of who and what they are and have been for quite some time. There is no negotiation with this scum. They can only be wiped from the face of the earth so they can no longer infect the earth with their disease.

You can't fight them with a bunch of rules. You can't stop all the collateral damage that comes with War. Because unless you are a dumb ass, War is Hell on Earth. Right now there are Wars and violence all over the globe because of Radical Islamic sects. The disease is spreading, especially across Africa where poverty is rampant. They use the impoverished as cannon fodder for a dang bowl of rice.

Countries support this BS. And because they say the terrorist have no real Nation to claim, but are Nationless............the supporting countries never pay a price for their involvement. Until they pay a price for supporting terror there will be no change and these type of barbaric acts will continue.

To end this, we need to get brutal, and stop playing by a bunch of rules that have no place in Warfare. The only rule is to win the War, or destroy the enemy. Radical Islam is the enemy as are the nations who support it.

To the main OP. Yes I am disgusted with the ritual beheading by these heathens, as I have been disgusted over the decades by similar incidents around the globe for decades. I'm also disgusted that ISIL actually Crucified men in Northern Iraq. I'm also disgusted by those Iraqi's lined up in a ditch and shot into it. Reminding me of images of WWII. Nothing has really changed over there. It is full of Hard Lined Radicals hell bent on nothing but destruction to any who do not agree with them.

And so it continues...........

That was extremely well written.

We disagree on a lot of US policy issues, but on this issue, we are of the same mind.

Radical Islam must die. Every single last bit of it. But it will only die when Muslims themselves reject this barbarity, and I see precious little sign of them being even remotely interested in doing so, ergo, their tacit approval of radical Islam is duly noted.
Yadda Yadda yadda. Just like you I'm tired of this BS. It's never ending, but the world cannot take a blind eye to it either. It is not in our interests for these types to eventually rule Syria or Iraq. Just like it wasn't in Egypt's interest to allow the Muslim Brotherhood to rule in Egypt. They expelled, arrested and even killed them because they didn't want the radical element to have any say so in Egypt and rightfully so.

I don't really give a rats azz about Iraq, Syria, or etc............I only care about the consequences of allowing these radical elements to rule countries who can cause problems on the global stage. Our present policy in Syria is wrong headed. I don't like Assad, but I'd rather have a dictator than ISIS in power in Syria. Our support to the rebels only prolong the War, even though some of the FSA still fights both Assad and ISIS there. It only prolongs the conflict. We would be better served, as would the world if the Syrian Army destroys the rebels and ends the civil war there.

In Iraq, the Kurds stood up in the War and deserve our support when threatened. If some air strikes help them retake and end the threat in the North then Good. We should help them defend their territory. They are not asking for us to fight the battle on the ground there. They are simply asking for air support. I agree with that position.

To the rest of the Iraq...........I'm still disgusted that nearly 100,000 Iraqi soldiers just quit and deserted when ISIS showed up. If they had decided to fight the dang problem in Iraq would be basically over. Yet they were probably just serving in the army to get a pay check and didn't really believe in their job. They need to stand up and fight before they get any respect from me.

Don't see a lot of difference in which radical Muslim faction rules which Muslim country. It's like worrying about drowning when looking at the rushing river 200 feet below ya.

We've been playing slum lord in the middle east for too long. We only want their oil. Who's in charge ultimately doesn't really matter, they'll all sell us the oil regardless of other concerns. If every last man, woman, child, and animal fell over dead in the middle east I wouldn't pluck a hair to prevent it. But I"m not willing to send US servicemembers over there to prevent it either. Nor to half-ass a war that only our think tanks want.

If we wanna effect lasting change in the middle east, the solution's clear. But we're not gonna do that because then the oil'd be useless...So we half-ass it, pull our punches, factor in thousands of dead Americans for what? A new radical bad guy in charge of selling us the oil? As opposed to the previous radical bad guy who sold us the oil?
My opinion on Radical Islam has never changed since the 70's. They are barbarian scum. This is just another example of who and what they are and have been for quite some time. There is no negotiation with this scum. They can only be wiped from the face of the earth so they can no longer infect the earth with their disease.

You can't fight them with a bunch of rules. You can't stop all the collateral damage that comes with War. Because unless you are a dumb ass, War is Hell on Earth. Right now there are Wars and violence all over the globe because of Radical Islamic sects. The disease is spreading, especially across Africa where poverty is rampant. They use the impoverished as cannon fodder for a dang bowl of rice.

Countries support this BS. And because they say the terrorist have no real Nation to claim, but are Nationless............the supporting countries never pay a price for their involvement. Until they pay a price for supporting terror there will be no change and these type of barbaric acts will continue.

To end this, we need to get brutal, and stop playing by a bunch of rules that have no place in Warfare. The only rule is to win the War, or destroy the enemy. Radical Islam is the enemy as are the nations who support it.

To the main OP. Yes I am disgusted with the ritual beheading by these heathens, as I have been disgusted over the decades by similar incidents around the globe for decades. I'm also disgusted that ISIL actually Crucified men in Northern Iraq. I'm also disgusted by those Iraqi's lined up in a ditch and shot into it. Reminding me of images of WWII. Nothing has really changed over there. It is full of Hard Lined Radicals hell bent on nothing but destruction to any who do not agree with them.

And so it continues...........

That was extremely well written.

We disagree on a lot of US policy issues, but on this issue, we are of the same mind.

Radical Islam must die. Every single last bit of it. But it will only die when Muslims themselves reject this barbarity, and I see precious little sign of them being even remotely interested in doing so, ergo, their tacit approval of radical Islam is duly noted.

World policy on the situation is part of the problem. If the western world were to stand as one and say enough is enough and take a stand as one, then this could be ended or at least lessened. But all need to ante up and go full bore on the situation over there.

Which means going in and getting the job done on a scale not seen in quite a while. And making countries who support terror pay a price for their role in the whole dang thing.

It will never end by fighting under a bunch of misguided rules.
Yadda Yadda yadda. Just like you I'm tired of this BS. It's never ending, but the world cannot take a blind eye to it either. It is not in our interests for these types to eventually rule Syria or Iraq. Just like it wasn't in Egypt's interest to allow the Muslim Brotherhood to rule in Egypt. They expelled, arrested and even killed them because they didn't want the radical element to have any say so in Egypt and rightfully so.

I don't really give a rats azz about Iraq, Syria, or etc............I only care about the consequences of allowing these radical elements to rule countries who can cause problems on the global stage. Our present policy in Syria is wrong headed. I don't like Assad, but I'd rather have a dictator than ISIS in power in Syria. Our support to the rebels only prolong the War, even though some of the FSA still fights both Assad and ISIS there. It only prolongs the conflict. We would be better served, as would the world if the Syrian Army destroys the rebels and ends the civil war there.

In Iraq, the Kurds stood up in the War and deserve our support when threatened. If some air strikes help them retake and end the threat in the North then Good. We should help them defend their territory. They are not asking for us to fight the battle on the ground there. They are simply asking for air support. I agree with that position.

To the rest of the Iraq...........I'm still disgusted that nearly 100,000 Iraqi soldiers just quit and deserted when ISIS showed up. If they had decided to fight the dang problem in Iraq would be basically over. Yet they were probably just serving in the army to get a pay check and didn't really believe in their job. They need to stand up and fight before they get any respect from me.

Don't see a lot of difference in which radical Muslim faction rules which Muslim country. It's like worrying about drowning when looking at the rushing river 200 feet below ya.

We've been playing slum lord in the middle east for too long. We only want their oil. Who's in charge ultimately doesn't really matter, they'll all sell us the oil regardless of other concerns. If every last man, woman, child, and animal fell over dead in the middle east I wouldn't pluck a hair to prevent it. But I"m not willing to send US servicemembers over there to prevent it either. Nor to half-ass a war that only our think tanks want.

If we wanna effect lasting change in the middle east, the solution's clear. But we're not gonna do that because then the oil'd be useless...So we half-ass it, pull our punches, factor in thousands of dead Americans for what? A new radical bad guy in charge of selling us the oil? As opposed to the previous radical bad guy who sold us the oil?

The region is about oil. Sure, your dang skippy. Oil is an economic concern to pretty much the whole dang world. Any disruption of it's flow is a concern for the World in general. So nations will fight to maintain it's flow.

I don't want our troops there either. I don't want to have to send our young men and women to be the police of the middle east any more than you do. Tactical Air strikes in support of the kurds is acceptable to me. Boots on the ground to do the job of the Iraqi military is another story all together. They were given the equipment and training to fight, and gave up before the dang shots were even fired. I have zero respect for that.

After 9/11, my opinion was to go in hard and fast and blow the living hell out of the region..........Including Iran who fund and support terror orgs.............And then leave before the dust settled. No rebuilding, no long drawn out ground Wars.............because of the ideology of the region.

We'd have been out in less than 6 months to a year that way instead of what we have today. Heavy hits in a limited time frame, with threats of more if they don't stop the Terrorist BS.

It's my fire ant theory. If you don't control the fire ants in the yard they'll take over the yard. You know they'll come back because there is no way you can wipe them completely out. So you kill them when you see them as a matter of control.
The journalist was getting paid to stick his nose into other people's business in a foreign land and got burned for his effort.

Why should anyone be concerned?? .. :cool:

He was an American, who went to a hell hole to cover the news. It's a dangerous profession and he knew the risks, but he is still an American who was tortured and killed by a bunch of heathens.............

So, we are just saying that we'd like to destroy the animals responsible for it and soak them in pigs blood.

That's all.

I concerned about you Sunni man. I heard that your house put the bathroom facing the wrong way. It was facing Mecca.........I heard that people with big sticks were coming to set you straight, and I was concerned for your safety.

You did move the toilet, didn't you............We can't have you offending Allah that way ya know.........
The region is about oil. Sure, your dang skippy. Oil is an economic concern to pretty much the whole dang world. Any disruption of it's flow is a concern for the World in general. So nations will fight to maintain it's flow.

I don't want our troops there either. I don't want to have to send our young men and women to be the police of the middle east any more than you do. Tactical Air strikes in support of the kurds is acceptable to me. Boots on the ground to do the job of the Iraqi military is another story all together. They were given the equipment and training to fight, and gave up before the dang shots were even fired. I have zero respect for that.

After 9/11, my opinion was to go in hard and fast and blow the living hell out of the region..........Including Iran who fund and support terror orgs.............And then leave before the dust settled. No rebuilding, no long drawn out ground Wars.............because of the ideology of the region.

We'd have been out in less than 6 months to a year that way instead of what we have today. Heavy hits in a limited time frame, with threats of more if they don't stop the Terrorist BS.

It's my fire ant theory. If you don't control the fire ants in the yard they'll take over the yard. You know they'll come back because there is no way you can wipe them completely out. So you kill them when you see them as a matter of control.

Problem with using 9/11 as motivation is unless we invade or attack KSA we're attacking the wrong country. So any comparison or reference to 9/11 is just another 'cutting someone's head off on video' and designed to produce an emotional response.

Much of the reason Arabs and much of the Muslim world hate us is for our continuing intervention in the their homelands. We install the dictators who oppress and enpoverish them getting rich off oil they sell to us, while the rank and file suffer. Then we go in from time to time blowing shit up killing hudnred of thousands like in Iraq and act all surprised they have it in for us.

New idea! Quit dropping bombs on people and installing friendly dictators. Let em have it out amongst themselves, then go right on doing business as usual with whoever wins. In time, without our messing them about they'll chill and hate us less, and thus not be as big a threat anymore.

If we just keep on doing what we've been doing all we ensure happening is that the middle east continues being a lgobal powder keg which eventually IS going to involved WMDs. Real ones, not hypotheticals, and think-tank lies. Technology is always evolving. In 50 years we'll have machine and tech 50 years more miniturized, but they'll have tech 50 years more advanced than they have today. Eventally technology kinda hits a ceiling and only gets smaller. That's where we're at. But they're not hitting the dimishing returns yet and can only become more of a worry with better technology and weaponry. Better planes, better guidance systems, better missiles. Eventually they'll be a real challenge to us projected fowards in time. I'd rather they be angry with themselves than us when they get there. And the only way to achieve that is to quit fucking with them.

I concerned about you Sunni man. I heard that your house put the bathroom facing the wrong way. It was facing Mecca.........I heard that people with big sticks were coming to set you straight, and I was concerned for your safety.

You did move the toilet, didn't you............We can't have you offending Allah that way ya know.........
Thank you for your concern.

But commode orientation was at the top of the realtor's check off list before we purchased the home. .. :cool:
The region is about oil. Sure, your dang skippy. Oil is an economic concern to pretty much the whole dang world. Any disruption of it's flow is a concern for the World in general. So nations will fight to maintain it's flow.

I don't want our troops there either. I don't want to have to send our young men and women to be the police of the middle east any more than you do. Tactical Air strikes in support of the kurds is acceptable to me. Boots on the ground to do the job of the Iraqi military is another story all together. They were given the equipment and training to fight, and gave up before the dang shots were even fired. I have zero respect for that.

After 9/11, my opinion was to go in hard and fast and blow the living hell out of the region..........Including Iran who fund and support terror orgs.............And then leave before the dust settled. No rebuilding, no long drawn out ground Wars.............because of the ideology of the region.

We'd have been out in less than 6 months to a year that way instead of what we have today. Heavy hits in a limited time frame, with threats of more if they don't stop the Terrorist BS.

It's my fire ant theory. If you don't control the fire ants in the yard they'll take over the yard. You know they'll come back because there is no way you can wipe them completely out. So you kill them when you see them as a matter of control.

Problem with using 9/11 as motivation is unless we invade or attack KSA we're attacking the wrong country. So any comparison or reference to 9/11 is just another 'cutting someone's head off on video' and designed to produce an emotional response.

Much of the reason Arabs and much of the Muslim world hate us is for our continuing intervention in the their homelands. We install the dictators who oppress and enpoverish them getting rich off oil they sell to us, while the rank and file suffer. Then we go in from time to time blowing shit up killing hudnred of thousands like in Iraq and act all surprised they have it in for us.

New idea! Quit dropping bombs on people and installing friendly dictators. Let em have it out amongst themselves, then go right on doing business as usual with whoever wins. In time, without our messing them about they'll chill and hate us less, and thus not be as big a threat anymore.

If we just keep on doing what we've been doing all we ensure happening is that the middle east continues being a lgobal powder keg which eventually IS going to involved WMDs. Real ones, not hypotheticals, and think-tank lies. Technology is always evolving. In 50 years we'll have machine and tech 50 years more miniturized, but they'll have tech 50 years more advanced than they have today. Eventally technology kinda hits a ceiling and only gets smaller. That's where we're at. But they're not hitting the dimishing returns yet and can only become more of a worry with better technology and weaponry. Better planes, better guidance systems, better missiles. Eventually they'll be a real challenge to us projected fowards in time. I'd rather they be angry with themselves than us when they get there. And the only way to achieve that is to quit fucking with them.

1. Why would we attack Kuwait and/or Saudi when they are stable nations. That is a Naive post and position. They are stable and aren't butchering each other there. Your position would be to insure that they go to hell as well. 9/11 to get an emotional response. They killed Americans and we responded. OBL was in Afganistan not KSA and even his own family ditched him as being a radical. Again, a lame response.

2. They hate us. What's new. If the oil companies hadn't shown them how to get the oil out of the ground they'd still be third world countries. How they spend the money or manage their country is there business......and their problem. It is a problem with oil as it is a necessary commodity, and we are naturally going to side with those who will keep the flow going. Unless you walk to work or ride a bike it's your problem as well. Under Carter and the Shah it started, but at the same time we pushed Egypt into a lasting peace. One side went away from the Radical side and the other decided to choose Peace.

3. Quit dropping bombs and they'll play nice..........LOL

4. We should be nice to them because one day they'll use actually WMD's on us. Again, LOL. We understand that they may do so which is why we are knocking them on their asses from time to time.

The middle east is quicksand. No leader from anywhere has figured out how to deal with it. The last group that put a leash on the middle east was the Ottoman Empire, and they didn't do so by playing nice.
First I think any newman who's anywhere near those monsters is a flamming idiot. The news isn't worth a life.

Second they should start beheading those dirtbags if caught. Tit for tat.

Nothing should be off the table in dealing with those monsters.
Yes. We should be more like ISIS. Brilliant plan.

What was the line from Avatar?

We need to blast a hole into their racial memory that will never fade away.
That might apply to any Ferguson-type looters too.
To the recent posts of political nature. No one here can say that in the end they wouldn't say things that they didn't mean while being tortured and killed. These words of someone under captivity are to be disregarded, because it is done under conditions that are beyond our understanding. The words and tweets of Foley were coerced and that is all.

I also understand that if captured I will only give my name rank and serial number. I understand that oath, and would Honor that oath to the best of my ability. Yet again, no one here can know the torture bestowed to Foley or the limits of his ability to resist the torture, and finally he was a reporter and not military. So the point is mute.

To Obama and his policies. I do believe he has potentially armed these people. His policies have made this worse. Libya is in Chaos. We've had to evacuate our people from the embassies there. Economic production is at a near stand still. To top it off, the arms for the FSA have fallen to ISIS in Syria further destabilizing the region. Assad is a POS, but he is a Dictator and whether you like him or not ( I don't) he keeps a lid on the powder keg in Syria. And old Marine once told me, Some people need a boot on their neck for their own good.

Easy to say you'd only give your name, rank, and ssn sitting at our computers. Arabs know how to torture, and compared to us, are masterfully good at it. So give captives the benefit of the doubt and a pass for anything they may divuldge, sign, or do when in captivity.

You didn't read my dang post completely did you. I said no one knows their real ability to resist the torture. You just skipped by all that didn't you.

I stated the code of the military, which was the oath we served under. I would honor that code to the best of my ability, but again I don't and you don't really know the limits of our ability to resist..........

Perhaps next time you'll read my whole dang post.


once the point of total numbness is reached, no amount of torture will ever change the mind and constitution of an individual.
some will break,e.g., J. McCain: "they broke me".

also in my OPINION, THAT is why he lost the election to a muslime extremist mulatto illegal alien. :up:
Word now is that the killer was a Brit rapper...revenging the imprisonment of his father. All the more reason to kill the jihadists...and their families...and their goat.

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