Orchastra Teacher Announces his Transition to Captive Audience of Middle Schoolers. Then does a tour.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Good God, Y'all!

All orchestra students at Northstar Middle School were gathered in the orchestra room on June 5, the second-to-last day of the school year, along with the orchestra teacher, Jacob Puccio, a school counselor, and the district’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) director, Dang Yang, according to the complaint.

According to the lawsuit, Puccio, the orchestra teacher, informed the kids that he would be transitioning from a male to a female.

Additionally, students say that a scripted statement announcing the teacher’s gender transition was read to classes at three elementary schools and one high school in the district.

Will Democrats ever realize that these people are nothing more than exhibitionists and pedophiles? Here is exactly what the statement said, you tell me if it is appropriate for middle and elementary school age children:

Oh, wait. I can't show you the statement . . .

According to reports, a lawyer for the school district stated that the document could not be made public because an investigation was ongoing to see whether any school personnel had acted unlawfully about the June 5 statement.

Oooooh, another "ongoing investigation" that keeps the taxpayers/voters from finding out what our employees are doing? Always Democrats "investigating themselves," and seamlessly going from "we cannot show you because we are investigating" to "we already thoroughly investigated it, and it's old news. Moveon.org FFS!"
He should be terminated due to mental illness.
Yes, for the safety of the students. Students will have a hard time keeping a straight face when their teacher comes back in drag. Won't take much to set this sick individual off. No doubt that statement was accompanied by a warning from Dang Yang* to be respectful of suffer the consequences.

why did the guy need to make the announcement? does he believe the world revolves around him?
Absolutely, he thinks it does. Or if it doesn't, it needs to get with the program.

Last few days of school, are traditionally to relax. Standardized testing is over, so the academic teachers can relax, UIL Competitions are over so band, choir, art, and coaches can relax. But this self-centered asshole just haaaad to make it about himself and his drama.

Just show the kids a movie or let them play outside like the rest of the teachers. Not a movie about faggots, either. Middle school kids are not nearly as interested in that topic as the ALA would have you believe.

*Sweet Poontang!
Good God, Y'all!

All orchestra students at Northstar Middle School were gathered in the orchestra room on June 5, the second-to-last day of the school year, along with the orchestra teacher, Jacob Puccio, a school counselor, and the district’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) director, Dang Yang, according to the complaint.

According to the lawsuit, Puccio, the orchestra teacher, informed the kids that he would be transitioning from a male to a female.

Additionally, students say that a scripted statement announcing the teacher’s gender transition was read to classes at three elementary schools and one high school in the district.

Will Democrats ever realize that these people are nothing more than exhibitionists and pedophiles? Here is exactly what the statement said, you tell me if it is appropriate for middle and elementary school age children:

Oh, wait. I can't show you the statement . . .

According to reports, a lawyer for the school district stated that the document could not be made public because an investigation was ongoing to see whether any school personnel had acted unlawfully about the June 5 statement.

Oooooh, another "ongoing investigation" that keeps the taxpayers/voters from finding out what our employees are doing? Always Democrats "investigating themselves," and seamlessly going from "we cannot show you because we are investigating" to "we already thoroughly investigated it, and it's old news. Moveon.org FFS!"

There are some things students might want/need to know. Such as:

1. Teacher is taking a leave of absence for surgery/medical reasons. This will suffice: "I will be fine, and I will be back, and Mrs. Smith will be your sub." (or something like)

2. Teacher is pg, meaning appearance will change and leave is coming. See above for similar statement.

3. Name change for whatever reason. Generic statement about "life circumstances"

I do not agree with all this gender business, but had the orchestra teacher just said (or had read) something like number 3, I'm sure it could have blown over. Instead it was this:

The students were told that Puccio was transitioning from male to female and instructed students to refer to him as Ms. Puccio in the future. Faculty then gave the students the option to either listen to Puccio’s story or go into a practice room. All students remained in the orchestra room.

Puccio then explained the psychological journey that ended with him identifying as a female. The teacher “experienced childhood trauma because Puccio’s parents and friends did not accept that Puccio was the opposite sex from that assigned at birth,” the complaint recounts. “The discussion also included reference to a medical procedure Puccio was to undergo.”

The students do not exist to hear all your psychological drama. JUST. STOP.

There are some things students might want/need to know. Such as:

1. Teacher is taking a leave of absence for surgery/medical reasons. This will suffice: "I will be fine, and I will be back, and Mrs. Smith will be your sub." (or something like)

2. Teacher is pg, meaning appearance will change and leave is coming. See above for similar statement.

3. Name change for whatever reason. Generic statement about "life circumstances"

I do not agree with all this gender business, but had the orchestra teacher just said (or had read) something like number 3, I'm sure it could have blown over. Instead it was this:

The students were told that Puccio was transitioning from male to female and instructed students to refer to him as Ms. Puccio in the future. Faculty then gave the students the option to either listen to Puccio’s story or go into a practice room. All students remained in the orchestra room.
Option 3 would work, and I get that if he's going to come back in drag, it's best to prepare the students for it.

Of course all the students remained in the orchestra room. He picked the right group to spring it on. Orchestra is like the Varsity of Band. It's very competitive, and no one wants to risk losing their "chair" as they call it by offending the orchestra teacher.
Puccio then explained the psychological journey that ended with him identifying as a female. The teacher “experienced childhood trauma because Puccio’s parents and friends did not accept that Puccio was the opposite sex from that assigned at birth,” the complaint recounts. “The discussion also included reference to a medical procedure Puccio was to undergo.”
The students do not exist to hear all your psychological drama. JUST. STOP.

Yes, there is a video already posted I believe, in which a mom tell the school board "our kids are not your emotional support animals."
Option 3 would work, and I get that if he's going to come back in drag, it's best to prepare the students for it.

Of course all the students remained in the orchestra room. He picked the right group to spring it on. Orchestra is like the Varsity of Band. It's very competitive, and no one wants to risk losing their "chair" as they call it by offending the orchestra teacher.

Yes, there is a video already posted I believe, in which a mom tell the school board "our kids are not your emotional support animals."

Try this on, shall we?

"Yes, I have some issues with my menstrual period which has resulted in me having excessive bleeding every month. So I have to have my uterus removed now. Here's how the doctors will do it...."

It's ludicrous. It's revolting. But because the Left is obsessed with sex--and has made it their religion--we have all been conditioned that this is normal, and even to be "celebrated".

It's not normal. At all.
Try this on, shall we?

"Yes, I have some issues with my menstrual period which has resulted in me having excessive bleeding every month. So I have to have my uterus removed now. Here's how the doctors will do it...."

It's ludicrous. It's revolting. But because the Left is obsessed with sex--and has made it their religion--we have all been conditioned that this is normal, and even to be "celebrated".

It's not normal. At all.
I once had a junior high Texas history teacher tell a girl that he was talking to that he had to go to the doctor due to "blood in my urine." I thought it was weird that he would say that to an individual student and that he would say it loud enough for the class to hear. It was just one sentence, but I remember it more than forty-five years later because it seemed so unusual.
I once had a junior high Texas history teacher tell a girl that he was talking to that he had to go to the doctor due to "blood in my urine." I thought it was weird that he would say that to an individual student and that he would say it loud enough for the class to hear. It was just one sentence, but I remember it more than forty-five years later because it seemed so unusual.

Ew. I mean. Ew.

Vague is better.
I'll post this here, rather than start a new thread for the cowards of USMB to ignore:

EDIT: I don't know why it says "tweet is unavailable." When I click on that link, I see it. But maybe because I had it open on my browser.

If you cannot see it, the gist is that Citibank is sponsoring an all day indoor pool event for trans and non-binary people of all ages, including children. Especially children, I would say. Parents can bring their kids, but they have to wait in the changing rooms, they cannot be in the pool or poolside.


The trans movement is NOT about grooming kids . . .
So by their metric , i could announce being a dog in a mans body, run around on all fours, swim in the pool , and sniff everyone's back end........oh wait :eek:, that's Joe Biden !

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