Oregon Gov Goes Full George Wallace

There are new one's coming every day.
Welcome to America. They work hard, good family values and good food. Unlike polish/irish/English food. Thank God for Mexican food.

And they are all criminals.

I love all legal aliens and dislike all illegal aliens. America welcomes all those that legally want to live here. Just like you, I don’t mind having people immigrate, it is good for our country, it are those that come here illegally and burden America.
I came across thousands of illegals none deserve to be sent back. They were mostly hard working, gracious and had families and never once seeing them begging for money or stealing stuff. I see white born Americans begging and trashing my city on daily basis, damaging stuff, caught some stealing numerous times. Never once was a latino.

Doesn’t matter, their are legal channels to enter this country. Did you follow the US governments to live in this country? I’ve vacationed in Mexico many times and find most of them hard working, family oriented and energetic nowever, we have laws for a reason, they need to be followed, just as you and I must follow the laws.

I also have had my identity stolen, it was sold to several people that were connected to providing identity to illegal aliens. I have spent thousands of dollars, many many hours trying to straight the mess out. I have to file my taxes by mail instead of online and fours states I never lived in put liens on my property for taxes I allegedly owed. It has been a mess. Please spare me they are good people.
So you think an illegal is so sophisticated to still identity ? Lol.....and besides there are very cheap ways to protect yourself from identity theft from online potato couch obese American born and Russian hackers. Jose and Juan are too busy running between two jobs.

This is why AZ's 1070 was and is useless. Get deported? Lose your ID? Now what? Depends on who you are.

The net effect is that our small farmers are going broke while drug cartels (based in the US) are cranking out new IDs. Same with the big corporations that hire undocumented. Watch the documentary Food,Inc to see how ICE operates and how the big corp's actually advertise in Mexico and then bring more workers in.

Meanwhile, RWNJs fight every single measure that could keep track of undocumented. Except, of course - the one that's unconstitutional.

I’m going to send troops to the border and the states are going to pay for it
Easy withholding money to States.
KKKalifonria is experiencing that joy right now.
God, you guys have done a complete 180 on state’s rights.
Yes, we know you still bad for George Wallace.
You really liked him eh? Yuck.

To George Wallace's credit, he did renounce his past racism and even switched to Democrat.

I once went to a rally of his in Denver. All of his people looked like they were made with a cookie cutter - guys with buzz cuts and white shirts with narrow ties with big "geo wallace" name tags. The capitol building sits at the top of a hill so everyone who was protesting him was climbing the steps or on the grass. I saw one of his guys use his doubled up fist to hit a young girl in the stomach hard enough that she went down and then he kicked two or three times. REAL men in my group chased him away but that's time kind of people who were with him. The kkk in disguise.
Boy, this openly bisexual female governor surely do have Trumptards in a Tither! :lol:

There are new one's coming every day.
Welcome to America. They work hard, good family values and good food. Unlike polish/irish/English food. Thank God for Mexican food.

And they are all criminals.

I love all legal aliens and dislike all illegal aliens. America welcomes all those that legally want to live here. Just like you, I don’t mind having people immigrate, it is good for our country, it are those that come here illegally and burden America.
I came across thousands of illegals none deserve to be sent back. They were mostly hard working, gracious and had families and never once seeing them begging for money or stealing stuff. I see white born Americans begging and trashing my city on daily basis, damaging stuff, caught some stealing numerous times. Never once was a latino.

Doesn’t matter, their are legal channels to enter this country. Did you follow the US governments to live in this country? I’ve vacationed in Mexico many times and find most of them hard working, family oriented and energetic nowever, we have laws for a reason, they need to be followed, just as you and I must follow the laws.

I also have had my identity stolen, it was sold to several people that were connected to providing identity to illegal aliens. I have spent thousands of dollars, many many hours trying to straight the mess out. I have to file my taxes by mail instead of online and fours states I never lived in put liens on my property for taxes I allegedly owed. It has been a mess. Please spare me they are good people.
So you think an illegal is so sophisticated to still identity ? Lol.....and besides there are very cheap ways to protect yourself from identity theft from online potato couch obese American born and Russian hackers. Jose and Juan are too busy running between two jobs.

Jose and Juan may not be sophisticated enough to "still" an identity, but they're certainly sleazy enough to buy a stolen identity....dumbass.

I’m going to send troops to the border and the states are going to pay for it
Easy withholding money to States.
KKKalifonria is experiencing that joy right now.
God, you guys have done a complete 180 on state’s rights.
Yes, we know you still bad for George Wallace.
You really liked him eh? Yuck.

To George Wallace's credit, he did renounce his past racism and even switched to Democrat.

I once went to a rally of his in Denver. All of his people looked like they were made with a cookie cutter - guys with buzz cuts and white shirts with narrow ties with big "geo wallace" name tags. The capitol building sits at the top of a hill so everyone who was protesting him was climbing the steps or on the grass. I saw one of his guys use his doubled up fist to hit a young girl in the stomach hard enough that she went down and then he kicked two or three times. REAL men in my group chased him away but that's time kind of people who were with him. The kkk in disguise.
Wallace was a racist Conservative Democrat who offered to run as GOP Goldwater's VP.
Southern Democrats were Conservative and most folks in the South switched to republican after the Civil Right's Act of 1964.
Last edited:
There are new one's coming every day.
Welcome to America. They work hard, good family values and good food. Unlike polish/irish/English food. Thank God for Mexican food.

And they are all criminals.

I love all legal aliens and dislike all illegal aliens. America welcomes all those that legally want to live here. Just like you, I don’t mind having people immigrate, it is good for our country, it are those that come here illegally and burden America.
I came across thousands of illegals none deserve to be sent back. They were mostly hard working, gracious and had families and never once seeing them begging for money or stealing stuff. I see white born Americans begging and trashing my city on daily basis, damaging stuff, caught some stealing numerous times. Never once was a latino.

Doesn’t matter, their are legal channels to enter this country. Did you follow the US governments to live in this country? I’ve vacationed in Mexico many times and find most of them hard working, family oriented and energetic nowever, we have laws for a reason, they need to be followed, just as you and I must follow the laws.

I also have had my identity stolen, it was sold to several people that were connected to providing identity to illegal aliens. I have spent thousands of dollars, many many hours trying to straight the mess out. I have to file my taxes by mail instead of online and fours states I never lived in put liens on my property for taxes I allegedly owed. It has been a mess. Please spare me they are good people.
So you think an illegal is so sophisticated to still identity ? Lol.....and besides there are very cheap ways to protect yourself from identity theft from online potato couch obese American born and Russian hackers. Jose and Juan are too busy running between two jobs.

Sorry Skippy, the FBI traced down the ring, my identity was stolen and sold many times over and it is a group of illegals selling to illegals, it is quite common.

I had identity protection dumb ass, there are security breaches everywhere and it can happen to anyone.

Also, you think that illegals are dumb? What a racist comment to make.

A few years ago when our company was hiring, we interview we decided to hire if his background check cameback clean, when we did the security and background check, the social security number cameback as stolen. So when I called the guy to get it cleared up, so we could hire him, he told me he would be in and never showed up and we never heard from them again, for you to be this stupid is mind boggling.

Check out this article from USA TODAY:

Identity theft hit an all-time high in 2016

Now go educate yourSelf, you are looking rather ignorant...again.
You have to feel sorry for the Oregon governor. She's bisexual who heard that the mexicans coming here illegally were rapists and she wants some of that.
Welcome to America. They work hard, good family values and good food. Unlike polish/irish/English food. Thank God for Mexican food.

And they are all criminals.

I love all legal aliens and dislike all illegal aliens. America welcomes all those that legally want to live here. Just like you, I don’t mind having people immigrate, it is good for our country, it are those that come here illegally and burden America.
To the left illegals are the best version of slaves they can get. They do menial work for the same cost slaves did in 1860 - room and board. I take that back. Slaves were valuable property and taken care of with free healthcare. Illegals today break a bone and the left today just replace them with an able bodied person to clean their toilet. If one gets uppity they just threaten to call Homeland Security.
Most ranchers that are crying now are right wingers and not lefties.

Do you have a link? I find it’s just not ranchers that hire illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should never be employed, with no jobs, they would need to leave this country to support their families.

So you don’t support illegal aliens working in the US? You want them here and starve?
It's all over the news , they show ranchers complaining about their workers not reporting to work in fear of deportation..
Dude I'm for those who work hard to stay and be legalised...if they are already here and established a healthy life and work that means they are needed here. This country always harbored the unfortunate and the oppressed who came here to better their lives. Economy has been booming and they are doing the jobs that most Americans won't do anyway.

Great, it should be easy to show you it is all Republicans that you claim are hiring illegals aliens. Also it is against the law to hire illegal aliens, are you suggesting Americans break the law?

Clinton appointees which were Democrats were rejected because of hiring illegal aliens.

So let’s see the link.

I’m going to send troops to the border and the states are going to pay for it
Easy withholding money to States.
KKKalifonria is experiencing that joy right now.
God, you guys have done a complete 180 on state’s rights.
Yes, we know you still bad for George Wallace.
You really liked him eh? Yuck.

To George Wallace's credit, he did renounce his past racism and even switched to Democrat.

I once went to a rally of his in Denver. All of his people looked like they were made with a cookie cutter - guys with buzz cuts and white shirts with narrow ties with big "geo wallace" name tags. The capitol building sits at the top of a hill so everyone who was protesting him was climbing the steps or on the grass. I saw one of his guys use his doubled up fist to hit a young girl in the stomach hard enough that she went down and then he kicked two or three times. REAL men in my group chased him away but that's time kind of people who were with him. The kkk in disguise.

He was a Democrat when he lost in the Democratic primaries and was a racist at that time, then he ran as an independent, but was always a Democrat. Wallace was scum.
Welcome to America. They work hard, good family values and good food. Unlike polish/irish/English food. Thank God for Mexican food.

And they are all criminals.

I love all legal aliens and dislike all illegal aliens. America welcomes all those that legally want to live here. Just like you, I don’t mind having people immigrate, it is good for our country, it are those that come here illegally and burden America.
I came across thousands of illegals none deserve to be sent back. They were mostly hard working, gracious and had families and never once seeing them begging for money or stealing stuff. I see white born Americans begging and trashing my city on daily basis, damaging stuff, caught some stealing numerous times. Never once was a latino.

Doesn’t matter, their are legal channels to enter this country. Did you follow the US governments to live in this country? I’ve vacationed in Mexico many times and find most of them hard working, family oriented and energetic nowever, we have laws for a reason, they need to be followed, just as you and I must follow the laws.

I also have had my identity stolen, it was sold to several people that were connected to providing identity to illegal aliens. I have spent thousands of dollars, many many hours trying to straight the mess out. I have to file my taxes by mail instead of online and fours states I never lived in put liens on my property for taxes I allegedly owed. It has been a mess. Please spare me they are good people.
So you think an illegal is so sophisticated to still identity ? Lol.....and besides there are very cheap ways to protect yourself from identity theft from online potato couch obese American born and Russian hackers. Jose and Juan are too busy running between two jobs.

Jose and Juan may not be sophisticated enough to "still" an identity, but they're certainly sleazy enough to buy a stolen identity....dumbass.

Yep, it is a real problem, the IRS got several tax returns from me in 2015, it seems I worked a lot. Lol!
Easy withholding money to States.
KKKalifonria is experiencing that joy right now.
God, you guys have done a complete 180 on state’s rights.
Yes, we know you still bad for George Wallace.
You really liked him eh? Yuck.

To George Wallace's credit, he did renounce his past racism and even switched to Democrat.

I once went to a rally of his in Denver. All of his people looked like they were made with a cookie cutter - guys with buzz cuts and white shirts with narrow ties with big "geo wallace" name tags. The capitol building sits at the top of a hill so everyone who was protesting him was climbing the steps or on the grass. I saw one of his guys use his doubled up fist to hit a young girl in the stomach hard enough that she went down and then he kicked two or three times. REAL men in my group chased him away but that's time kind of people who were with him. The kkk in disguise.

He was a Democrat when he lost in the Democratic primaries and was a racist at that time, then he ran as an independent, but was always a Democrat. Wallace was scum.
He was just like the republicans of today.
And they are all criminals.

I love all legal aliens and dislike all illegal aliens. America welcomes all those that legally want to live here. Just like you, I don’t mind having people immigrate, it is good for our country, it are those that come here illegally and burden America.
I came across thousands of illegals none deserve to be sent back. They were mostly hard working, gracious and had families and never once seeing them begging for money or stealing stuff. I see white born Americans begging and trashing my city on daily basis, damaging stuff, caught some stealing numerous times. Never once was a latino.

Doesn’t matter, their are legal channels to enter this country. Did you follow the US governments to live in this country? I’ve vacationed in Mexico many times and find most of them hard working, family oriented and energetic nowever, we have laws for a reason, they need to be followed, just as you and I must follow the laws.

I also have had my identity stolen, it was sold to several people that were connected to providing identity to illegal aliens. I have spent thousands of dollars, many many hours trying to straight the mess out. I have to file my taxes by mail instead of online and fours states I never lived in put liens on my property for taxes I allegedly owed. It has been a mess. Please spare me they are good people.
So you think an illegal is so sophisticated to still identity ? Lol.....and besides there are very cheap ways to protect yourself from identity theft from online potato couch obese American born and Russian hackers. Jose and Juan are too busy running between two jobs.

Jose and Juan may not be sophisticated enough to "still" an identity, but they're certainly sleazy enough to buy a stolen identity....dumbass.

Yep, it is a real problem, the IRS got several tax returns from me in 2015, it seems I worked a lot. Lol!

Hopefully it'll reflect in your Social Security checks when or if you get them.
Welcome to America. They work hard, good family values and good food. Unlike polish/irish/English food. Thank God for Mexican food.

And they are all criminals.

I love all legal aliens and dislike all illegal aliens. America welcomes all those that legally want to live here. Just like you, I don’t mind having people immigrate, it is good for our country, it are those that come here illegally and burden America.
I came across thousands of illegals none deserve to be sent back. They were mostly hard working, gracious and had families and never once seeing them begging for money or stealing stuff. I see white born Americans begging and trashing my city on daily basis, damaging stuff, caught some stealing numerous times. Never once was a latino.

Doesn’t matter, their are legal channels to enter this country. Did you follow the US governments to live in this country? I’ve vacationed in Mexico many times and find most of them hard working, family oriented and energetic nowever, we have laws for a reason, they need to be followed, just as you and I must follow the laws.

I also have had my identity stolen, it was sold to several people that were connected to providing identity to illegal aliens. I have spent thousands of dollars, many many hours trying to straight the mess out. I have to file my taxes by mail instead of online and fours states I never lived in put liens on my property for taxes I allegedly owed. It has been a mess. Please spare me they are good people.
So you think an illegal is so sophisticated to still identity ? Lol.....and besides there are very cheap ways to protect yourself from identity theft from online potato couch obese American born and Russian hackers. Jose and Juan are too busy running between two jobs.

Sorry Skippy, the FBI traced down the ring, my identity was stolen and sold many times over and it is a group of illegals selling to illegals, it is quite common.

I had identity protection dumb ass, there are security breaches everywhere and it can happen to anyone.

Also, you think that illegals are dumb? What a racist comment to make.

A few years ago when our company was hiring, we interview we decided to hire if his background check cameback clean, when we did the security and background check, the social security number cameback as stolen. So when I called the guy to get it cleared up, so we could hire him, he told me he would be in and never showed up and we never heard from them again, for you to be this stupid is mind boggling.

Check out this article from USA TODAY:

Identity theft hit an all-time high in 2016

Now go educate yourSelf, you are looking rather ignorant...again.
1. You need to get a good protection and a change where you put your money. I had money stolen from my accounts and put back instantly, and I get notified any attempts immediately.

2. Identity theft is rampant amongst non illegals and has been for years, I don't see you screaming about that.

3. And so we can be clear I don't endorse identity theft by whomever.
And they are all criminals.

I love all legal aliens and dislike all illegal aliens. America welcomes all those that legally want to live here. Just like you, I don’t mind having people immigrate, it is good for our country, it are those that come here illegally and burden America.
I came across thousands of illegals none deserve to be sent back. They were mostly hard working, gracious and had families and never once seeing them begging for money or stealing stuff. I see white born Americans begging and trashing my city on daily basis, damaging stuff, caught some stealing numerous times. Never once was a latino.

Doesn’t matter, their are legal channels to enter this country. Did you follow the US governments to live in this country? I’ve vacationed in Mexico many times and find most of them hard working, family oriented and energetic nowever, we have laws for a reason, they need to be followed, just as you and I must follow the laws.

I also have had my identity stolen, it was sold to several people that were connected to providing identity to illegal aliens. I have spent thousands of dollars, many many hours trying to straight the mess out. I have to file my taxes by mail instead of online and fours states I never lived in put liens on my property for taxes I allegedly owed. It has been a mess. Please spare me they are good people.
So you think an illegal is so sophisticated to still identity ? Lol.....and besides there are very cheap ways to protect yourself from identity theft from online potato couch obese American born and Russian hackers. Jose and Juan are too busy running between two jobs.

Sorry Skippy, the FBI traced down the ring, my identity was stolen and sold many times over and it is a group of illegals selling to illegals, it is quite common.

I had identity protection dumb ass, there are security breaches everywhere and it can happen to anyone.

Also, you think that illegals are dumb? What a racist comment to make.

A few years ago when our company was hiring, we interview we decided to hire if his background check cameback clean, when we did the security and background check, the social security number cameback as stolen. So when I called the guy to get it cleared up, so we could hire him, he told me he would be in and never showed up and we never heard from them again, for you to be this stupid is mind boggling.

Check out this article from USA TODAY:

Identity theft hit an all-time high in 2016

Now go educate yourSelf, you are looking rather ignorant...again.
1. You need to get a good protection and a change where you put your money. I had money stolen from my accounts and put back instantly, and I get notified any attempts immediately.

2. Identity theft is rampant amongst non illegals and has been for years, I don't see you screaming about that.

3. And so we can be clear I don't endorse identity theft by whomever.

My money is protected, I didn’t lose a dime, my ID was used as ID for illegal immigrants to get jobs in several states. I was asked to pay taxes in several states. It is almost impossible to use my name or Social Security number to get credit now.

I have screamed against all identity theft, you are the idiot that claimed that all illegals were good people and law abiding, I just gave you an example how they hurt the average American citizen. Don’t make stupid statements that are not true. By them coming here illegally, makes them criminals, the fact they stole and sold my identity puts them as thieves. Are all illegals thieves? No, are all illegal immigrants committing crimes? Yes, every last one of them.

Come here legally and I have no issue, the fact that people make very bad choices is not my responsibility, it is those that make those choices.

Whether they are hard working, gracious, don’t beg or steal is irrelevant, they are here illegally and they have made a bad choice. The fact you keep attacking “white” people shows me you are an intolerant racist.

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