O'reilly's accusers collected $13 million.!!! It's all about the money

Tough, TN: Bill O earned what he received. That you do not respect women is obvious, so I can leave that with you.
Yep, TN, we know what you are when it comes to women.

You are right there with Bill 0, Trump, and Bill Clinton and Michael Weiner.
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Well he's NOT a good person. If he was, he wouldn't be demanding sexual favours from women, and getting sued by these women, over and over and over. He's a sexist pig.

Notice how all of these pigs stick together. Trump, Ailes, O'Reilly. Yeah, they're all "good people". The ones who treat women as disposable. These guys are such hugh pigs, that if they weren't rich, they would NEVER get laid.
LOL! Swallow it all hook line and sinker.

I see the usual Trumpbots are lining up to support sexual harassment, and to blame the victims. In the thread about the sexual assault of the white child by Somali children everyone said how terrible it was that this child had to endure the assault, and I said that if white boys were involved, the right wingers would be blaming the victim and saying "Boys will be boys", and here you all are.
and to blame the victims
Usually done by partisans to fit an agenda. It isn't just "trumpbots" You leftists do that shit ALL THE TIME

When it comes to sexual assault, harassment and other sex crimes, the men are NEVER at fault, if they're white. If they're black, they should be hanged for touching a white woman, or a child, but if they're white, no way. The woman asked for it, consented, or she's lying.

When dozens of women tell the same story over and over, they're not lying. More victims are coming forward now.

Nobody's "trying to take down Fox", Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, and others at Fox did this to themselves. How many threads here have talked about all of the hot blond babes at Fox, how they all wear their skirts short, etc., etc. That's a choice that Fox made to lure in viewers. It speaks of controlling the women

Women, left to their own devices, don't wear short tight skirts. They're very uncomfortable, especially for sitting. They wear a variety of clothing. The short tight skirts were practically a uniform at Fox. It's packaged sexism. It also "bimbo-izes" the women. Shows them to be more frivolous and less important than the men in suits. They're not really commentators or stars, they're just eye candy.

I can accept some of your argument, I can't however accept your assertion that there isn't a crosshairs on Fox news. Without Fox News, Clinton would be in the Whitehouse today, this is almost certainty. They exposed the negative Clinton stories that other networks avoided or, avoided until it was clear that Fox and other networks were running with the story. Even a CNN reporter acknowledges that there are some "far left" groups who were working hard to have O'Reilly fired from his job, though they didn't go so far as to suggest it was exclusively the efforts of these groups.

Now, if you are going to tell me with a straight face that there aren't a number of major Clinton supporters who would go to great lengths to punish anyone who helped him succeed, we can understand more clearly your character.

I state again, that I cannot defend someone against allegations, after all, none of us knows the truth unless there is some evidence leaked to the world (a lack of such information, in and of itself is odd, isn't it?). He certainly seems like an ornery and authoritarian type personality so I could imagine him not being a choir boy. I would be remiss to simply accept allegations against people, especially in such a politically charged climate against a clearly politically controversial figure.

The fact that he made so many payoffs and surely had some high powered lawyers on his side to fight these allegations doesn't bode well in regards to convincing me of his innocence, but, without facts it's anyones guess as to the extent and if the punishment fit the crime.
there was nothing wrong with "grab em by the pussy"
typical man talk. Being ignorant of men is OK, though. A lot of men are ignorant of women.
Well, unfortunately, with our illustrious POTUS, it wasn't just talk.
Hey, that's what a pussy is for.
Know what we mean?
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Fox News Dumps O’Reilly, Factoring in $13 Million of Sexual Harassment Allegations

april 19 2017 Right-wing sex creep Bill O’Reilly shook hands with the Pope Wednesday while on vacation at the Vatican. Too bad the Holy Father didn’t have time to hear his confession: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”

A few hours later, in one of those ironies too fake for fiction, Fox News Channel (through 21st Century Fox) fired O’Reilly amid a growing sexual harassment scandal. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch and his sons—who run Fox—can ghost-write O’Reilly’s next book: “Killing O’Reilly’s Career.”

At least O’Reilly still has friends in other high places.
“He’s a person I know well, he’s a good person,” amateur President Donald Trump said earlier this month of O’Reilly. “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

Trump spoke in defense of his pal after revelations by the New York Times that five women had settled with either Fox or O’Reilly for a combined $13 million after sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly in the 20-plus years that O’Reilly has hosted The O’Reilly Factor.

Well he's NOT a good person. If he was, he wouldn't be demanding sexual favours from women, and getting sued by these women, over and over and over. He's a sexist pig.

Notice how all of these pigs stick together. Trump, Ailes, O'Reilly. Yeah, they're all "good people". The ones who treat women as disposable. These guys are such huge pigs, that if they weren't rich, they would NEVER get laid.
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Fox News Dumps O’Reilly, Factoring in $13 Million of Sexual Harassment Allegations

april 19 2017 Right-wing sex creep Bill O’Reilly shook hands with the Pope Wednesday while on vacation at the Vatican. Too bad the Holy Father didn’t have time to hear his confession: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”

A few hours later, in one of those ironies too fake for fiction, Fox News Channel (through 21st Century Fox) fired O’Reilly amid a growing sexual harassment scandal. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch and his sons—who run Fox—can ghost-write O’Reilly’s next book: “Killing O’Reilly’s Career.”

At least O’Reilly still has friends in other high places.
“He’s a person I know well, he’s a good person,” amateur President Donald Trump said earlier this month of O’Reilly. “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

Trump spoke in defense of his pal after revelations by the New York Times that five women had settled with either Fox or O’Reilly for a combined $13 million after sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly in the 20-plus years that O’Reilly has hosted The O’Reilly Factor.

Well he's NOT a good person. If he was, he wouldn't be demanding sexual favours from women, and getting sued by these women, over and over and over. He's a sexist pig.

Notice how all of these pigs stick together. Trump, Ailes, O'Reilly. Yeah, they're all "good people". The ones who treat women as disposable. These guys are such huge pigs, that if they weren't rich, they would NEVER get laid.
Get off your high horse. You know you voted for Clinton. Democrats adore him!

No, I didn't. And I'm not a Democrat either.

There is one big difference between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. In every one of the accounts of Bill Clinton's women, when they said "No", Bill stopped. He didn't persist, and he respected their wishes. Paula Jones originally sued because someone wrote an article and said she gave Bill a blow job and she didn't. There is absolutely no question that Bill Clinton is a hound dog with no sexual morals whatsoever. However, he does seem to understand that "No" means "No".

In the accounts Trump's pussy grabbing, the women all recounted that he had NOT stopped when they rejected his advances, and in some cases tried to force himself on the women. Those who were in working relationships with Trump at the time of the assaults, then endeavoured to never be alone with him thereafter, he was THAT persistent.

Anita Broaddrick is the only woman who has ever claimed Bill Clinton raped her and she is not creditable in that she has changed her story more than once. At the time of the event, she was married to one man and having an affair with a second man. When she went home with a bite on her lip, she told people she had been raped, but never reported the rape, and was a frequent Clinton Campaign volunteer thereafter. If someone raped me, I wouldn't be supporting them for dog catcher, let alone governor of the state.

In the Paula Jones case, Broaddrick swore an Affidavit, under oath, that Clinton had never raped her, and she asked that people stop harassing her about this. Ken Starr had the FBI haul her in for questioning and threaten to charge her with perjury, and then offered her immunity from prosecution if she recanted her Affidavit. So which time did she lie - the first time to cover up her one night stand with Clinton? In her Affidavit when she said Bill Clinton did not rape her? or when Ken Starr threatened to have her arrested if she didn't recant? I honestly don't know, but my money is pretty much on Bill Clinton did not rape her, because the two times she said he raped her, there was something in it for her, and the time she said he didn't, she had NOTHING to gain by saying it, and could safely do so because both the marriage and the affair were long since over with.
All I know is Clinton never lied under oath. I saw it on youtube but it had to be fake.
The next stars of the bimbo machine are waiting in the wings, script in hand only needing the name of the man they will target.
It has been an open secret for years that a girly with bleach-blonde hair and silicon tiddies can get air time as a Fox Fox by giving head on demand and flashing her steaming beaver for the camera through those clever glass-topped desks.

Roger, Bill, Sean and the other masters of the Fox universe were constantly besieged by hot twats gasping, "Oh, let me fellate you" and "Please hump my throbbing pussy, you big virile stud!"

The system worked for everybody -- an homage to healthy American heterosexuality.

Know what we mean?

Yes, we know. You are a depraved idiot.
there was nothing wrong with "grab em by the pussy"
typical man talk. Being ignorant of men is OK, though. A lot of men are ignorant of women.
Well, unfortunately, with our illustrious POTUS, it wasn't just talk.
Hey, that's what a pussy is for.
Know what we mean?
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Fox News Dumps O’Reilly, Factoring in $13 Million of Sexual Harassment Allegations

april 19 2017 Right-wing sex creep Bill O’Reilly shook hands with the Pope Wednesday while on vacation at the Vatican. Too bad the Holy Father didn’t have time to hear his confession: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”

A few hours later, in one of those ironies too fake for fiction, Fox News Channel (through 21st Century Fox) fired O’Reilly amid a growing sexual harassment scandal. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch and his sons—who run Fox—can ghost-write O’Reilly’s next book: “Killing O’Reilly’s Career.”

At least O’Reilly still has friends in other high places.
“He’s a person I know well, he’s a good person,” amateur President Donald Trump said earlier this month of O’Reilly. “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

Trump spoke in defense of his pal after revelations by the New York Times that five women had settled with either Fox or O’Reilly for a combined $13 million after sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly in the 20-plus years that O’Reilly has hosted The O’Reilly Factor.

Well he's NOT a good person. If he was, he wouldn't be demanding sexual favours from women, and getting sued by these women, over and over and over. He's a sexist pig.

Notice how all of these pigs stick together. Trump, Ailes, O'Reilly. Yeah, they're all "good people". The ones who treat women as disposable. These guys are such huge pigs, that if they weren't rich, they would NEVER get laid.
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Fox News Dumps O’Reilly, Factoring in $13 Million of Sexual Harassment Allegations

april 19 2017 Right-wing sex creep Bill O’Reilly shook hands with the Pope Wednesday while on vacation at the Vatican. Too bad the Holy Father didn’t have time to hear his confession: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”

A few hours later, in one of those ironies too fake for fiction, Fox News Channel (through 21st Century Fox) fired O’Reilly amid a growing sexual harassment scandal. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch and his sons—who run Fox—can ghost-write O’Reilly’s next book: “Killing O’Reilly’s Career.”

At least O’Reilly still has friends in other high places.
“He’s a person I know well, he’s a good person,” amateur President Donald Trump said earlier this month of O’Reilly. “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

Trump spoke in defense of his pal after revelations by the New York Times that five women had settled with either Fox or O’Reilly for a combined $13 million after sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly in the 20-plus years that O’Reilly has hosted The O’Reilly Factor.

Well he's NOT a good person. If he was, he wouldn't be demanding sexual favours from women, and getting sued by these women, over and over and over. He's a sexist pig.

Notice how all of these pigs stick together. Trump, Ailes, O'Reilly. Yeah, they're all "good people". The ones who treat women as disposable. These guys are such huge pigs, that if they weren't rich, they would NEVER get laid.
Get off your high horse. You know you voted for Clinton. Democrats adore him!

No, I didn't. And I'm not a Democrat either.

There is one big difference between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. In every one of the accounts of Bill Clinton's women, when they said "No", Bill stopped. He didn't persist, and he respected their wishes. Paula Jones originally sued because someone wrote an article and said she gave Bill a blow job and she didn't. There is absolutely no question that Bill Clinton is a hound dog with no sexual morals whatsoever. However, he does seem to understand that "No" means "No".

In the accounts Trump's pussy grabbing, the women all recounted that he had NOT stopped when they rejected his advances, and in some cases tried to force himself on the women. Those who were in working relationships with Trump at the time of the assaults, then endeavoured to never be alone with him thereafter, he was THAT persistent.

Anita Broaddrick is the only woman who has ever claimed Bill Clinton raped her and she is not creditable in that she has changed her story more than once. At the time of the event, she was married to one man and having an affair with a second man. When she went home with a bite on her lip, she told people she had been raped, but never reported the rape, and was a frequent Clinton Campaign volunteer thereafter. If someone raped me, I wouldn't be supporting them for dog catcher, let alone governor of the state.

In the Paula Jones case, Broaddrick swore an Affidavit, under oath, that Clinton had never raped her, and she asked that people stop harassing her about this. Ken Starr had the FBI haul her in for questioning and threaten to charge her with perjury, and then offered her immunity from prosecution if she recanted her Affidavit. So which time did she lie - the first time to cover up her one night stand with Clinton? In her Affidavit when she said Bill Clinton did not rape her? or when Ken Starr threatened to have her arrested if she didn't recant? I honestly don't know, but my money is pretty much on Bill Clinton did not rape her, because the two times she said he raped her, there was something in it for her, and the time she said he didn't, she had NOTHING to gain by saying it, and could safely do so because both the marriage and the affair were long since over with.
Horse shit!
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Fox News Dumps O’Reilly, Factoring in $13 Million of Sexual Harassment Allegations

april 19 2017 Right-wing sex creep Bill O’Reilly shook hands with the Pope Wednesday while on vacation at the Vatican. Too bad the Holy Father didn’t have time to hear his confession: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”

A few hours later, in one of those ironies too fake for fiction, Fox News Channel (through 21st Century Fox) fired O’Reilly amid a growing sexual harassment scandal. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch and his sons—who run Fox—can ghost-write O’Reilly’s next book: “Killing O’Reilly’s Career.”

At least O’Reilly still has friends in other high places.
“He’s a person I know well, he’s a good person,” amateur President Donald Trump said earlier this month of O’Reilly. “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

Trump spoke in defense of his pal after revelations by the New York Times that five women had settled with either Fox or O’Reilly for a combined $13 million after sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly in the 20-plus years that O’Reilly has hosted The O’Reilly Factor.
Unless it is Billl Clinton then you freakin morons run screaming through the streets " OMG OPG OMG Clinton got head in the Oval Office OMG OMG OMG"
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Fox News Dumps O’Reilly, Factoring in $13 Million of Sexual Harassment Allegations

april 19 2017 Right-wing sex creep Bill O’Reilly shook hands with the Pope Wednesday while on vacation at the Vatican. Too bad the Holy Father didn’t have time to hear his confession: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”

A few hours later, in one of those ironies too fake for fiction, Fox News Channel (through 21st Century Fox) fired O’Reilly amid a growing sexual harassment scandal. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch and his sons—who run Fox—can ghost-write O’Reilly’s next book: “Killing O’Reilly’s Career.”

At least O’Reilly still has friends in other high places.
“He’s a person I know well, he’s a good person,” amateur President Donald Trump said earlier this month of O’Reilly. “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

Trump spoke in defense of his pal after revelations by the New York Times that five women had settled with either Fox or O’Reilly for a combined $13 million after sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly in the 20-plus years that O’Reilly has hosted The O’Reilly Factor.

Well he's NOT a good person. If he was, he wouldn't be demanding sexual favours from women, and getting sued by these women, over and over and over. He's a sexist pig.

Notice how all of these pigs stick together. Trump, Ailes, O'Reilly. Yeah, they're all "good people". The ones who treat women as disposable. These guys are such huge pigs, that if they weren't rich, they would NEVER get laid.
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Fox News Dumps O’Reilly, Factoring in $13 Million of Sexual Harassment Allegations

april 19 2017 Right-wing sex creep Bill O’Reilly shook hands with the Pope Wednesday while on vacation at the Vatican. Too bad the Holy Father didn’t have time to hear his confession: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”

A few hours later, in one of those ironies too fake for fiction, Fox News Channel (through 21st Century Fox) fired O’Reilly amid a growing sexual harassment scandal. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch and his sons—who run Fox—can ghost-write O’Reilly’s next book: “Killing O’Reilly’s Career.”

At least O’Reilly still has friends in other high places.
“He’s a person I know well, he’s a good person,” amateur President Donald Trump said earlier this month of O’Reilly. “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

Trump spoke in defense of his pal after revelations by the New York Times that five women had settled with either Fox or O’Reilly for a combined $13 million after sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly in the 20-plus years that O’Reilly has hosted The O’Reilly Factor.

Well he's NOT a good person. If he was, he wouldn't be demanding sexual favours from women, and getting sued by these women, over and over and over. He's a sexist pig.

Notice how all of these pigs stick together. Trump, Ailes, O'Reilly. Yeah, they're all "good people". The ones who treat women as disposable. These guys are such huge pigs, that if they weren't rich, they would NEVER get laid.
Get off your high horse. You know you voted for Clinton. Democrats adore him!

I had no idea Canadians vote in U.S. presidential elections.
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Fox News Dumps O’Reilly, Factoring in $13 Million of Sexual Harassment Allegations

april 19 2017 Right-wing sex creep Bill O’Reilly shook hands with the Pope Wednesday while on vacation at the Vatican. Too bad the Holy Father didn’t have time to hear his confession: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”

A few hours later, in one of those ironies too fake for fiction, Fox News Channel (through 21st Century Fox) fired O’Reilly amid a growing sexual harassment scandal. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch and his sons—who run Fox—can ghost-write O’Reilly’s next book: “Killing O’Reilly’s Career.”

At least O’Reilly still has friends in other high places.
“He’s a person I know well, he’s a good person,” amateur President Donald Trump said earlier this month of O’Reilly. “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

Trump spoke in defense of his pal after revelations by the New York Times that five women had settled with either Fox or O’Reilly for a combined $13 million after sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly in the 20-plus years that O’Reilly has hosted The O’Reilly Factor.

Well he's NOT a good person. If he was, he wouldn't be demanding sexual favours from women, and getting sued by these women, over and over and over. He's a sexist pig.

Notice how all of these pigs stick together. Trump, Ailes, O'Reilly. Yeah, they're all "good people". The ones who treat women as disposable. These guys are such huge pigs, that if they weren't rich, they would NEVER get laid.
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Fox News Dumps O’Reilly, Factoring in $13 Million of Sexual Harassment Allegations

april 19 2017 Right-wing sex creep Bill O’Reilly shook hands with the Pope Wednesday while on vacation at the Vatican. Too bad the Holy Father didn’t have time to hear his confession: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”

A few hours later, in one of those ironies too fake for fiction, Fox News Channel (through 21st Century Fox) fired O’Reilly amid a growing sexual harassment scandal. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch and his sons—who run Fox—can ghost-write O’Reilly’s next book: “Killing O’Reilly’s Career.”

At least O’Reilly still has friends in other high places.
“He’s a person I know well, he’s a good person,” amateur President Donald Trump said earlier this month of O’Reilly. “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

Trump spoke in defense of his pal after revelations by the New York Times that five women had settled with either Fox or O’Reilly for a combined $13 million after sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly in the 20-plus years that O’Reilly has hosted The O’Reilly Factor.

Well he's NOT a good person. If he was, he wouldn't be demanding sexual favours from women, and getting sued by these women, over and over and over. He's a sexist pig.

Notice how all of these pigs stick together. Trump, Ailes, O'Reilly. Yeah, they're all "good people". The ones who treat women as disposable. These guys are such huge pigs, that if they weren't rich, they would NEVER get laid.
Get off your high horse. You know you voted for Clinton. Democrats adore him!

I had no idea Canadians vote in U.S. presidential elections.
I had no idea she was Canadian! I will file her complaints appropriately.
The next stars of the bimbo machine are waiting in the wings, script in hand only needing the name of the man they will target.

That's how it works. Make a groundless accusation and with support of the media cartels you get millions.
The next stars of the bimbo machine are waiting in the wings, script in hand only needing the name of the man they will target.

Ah yes, as always when a WHITE man is accused - blame the victims. White men never abuse their positions of power for sex. White men never rape women, the women are always drunk, or dressed like sluts or they consented and then regretted it.

When women complain about cat calls, they're frigid lesbians. When they complain about being groped on public transit, they're drama queens. When 1 in 3 women reports being sexually assaulted in their lives, these claims are dismissed by men as feminist hysteria.

Boys will be boys, if they're white. If not white, and they assault a white woman, they're animals who should be locked up and the keys thrown away.
It's like rape. Women invent a charge of harrassment and collect a fortune.

Fox News Dumps O’Reilly, Factoring in $13 Million of Sexual Harassment Allegations

april 19 2017 Right-wing sex creep Bill O’Reilly shook hands with the Pope Wednesday while on vacation at the Vatican. Too bad the Holy Father didn’t have time to hear his confession: “Bless me, father, for I have sinned…”

A few hours later, in one of those ironies too fake for fiction, Fox News Channel (through 21st Century Fox) fired O’Reilly amid a growing sexual harassment scandal. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch and his sons—who run Fox—can ghost-write O’Reilly’s next book: “Killing O’Reilly’s Career.”

At least O’Reilly still has friends in other high places.
“He’s a person I know well, he’s a good person,” amateur President Donald Trump said earlier this month of O’Reilly. “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

Trump spoke in defense of his pal after revelations by the New York Times that five women had settled with either Fox or O’Reilly for a combined $13 million after sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly in the 20-plus years that O’Reilly has hosted The O’Reilly Factor.

Its Monkey see monkey do too. First one monkey does something, then a second, then a third and the monkeys doing or saying the same thing increase exponentially.

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