O'reilly's accusers collected $13 million.!!! It's all about the money

I wouldn't pay shit for an allegation. Admittance of guilt, IMO.
Of course, if I was rich, I might pay them just to STFU. Who knows.

Powerful men can get away with everything and anything, just say they were after money.
Sure they can. They are also targets for conspiracy.

The next stars of the bimbo machine are waiting in the wings, script in hand only needing the name of the man they will target.

That's how it works. Make a groundless accusation and with support of the media cartels you get millions.

Except that the facts prove that everything you've just said is a lie.

Starting in 2002, a number of women made accusations against O'Reilly, and Fox Network paid them off. As a condition of their settlement none of the women could talk publically about their accusations or their settlements. So there was no media involved, and they still got millions.

It was only after yet another accuser discovered the truth about all of the past payouts, and publicized O'Reilly's history, that the public even became aware of these settlements. This is EXACTLY what happened with Roger Ailes as well. Rupert Murdoch tolerated this behaviour for years, but old Rupert is getting up there and his sons are taking over, and while they may be less tolerant of these payouts than their father, there are other factors involved.

The are two reasons that O'Reilly was fired: He lost over 70 sponsors and advertizers didn't want their brand associated with a sexual predator; and more importantly, the Murdochs are trying to buy the Skye News Channel in Great Britain, and they don't need another scandal with the regulatory approval looming. The Brits haven't forgotten the Daily Mail phone hacking scandal and the Murdoch's involvement in that. If they want a smooth approval process, they have to at least pretend not to be running toxic work places for female employees.

So the idea that a new generation of "bimbos" is waiting in the wings is a total lie. But thanks for proving my point about how when white men are involved, you always blame the victim.
Who's taking oreily's place? Dana Pernio was on last night. I hope she's not the permanent replacement
When 1 in 3 women reports being sexually assaulted in their lives, these claims are dismissed by men as feminist hysteria.


No - the claims are dismissed as gold-digging.

Again, you're lying. These aren't women charging men, suing men or otherwise seeking money from men. These are the numbers which consistently come up when women are surveyed about sexual assault.

And every single time these numbers come up - assholes like you make a comment like "these claims are dismissed as gold-digging". Which tells me you think all women are liars. Not that the opinion of a racist, misogynist, nazi idiot such as yourself carries much weight in the real world, even if he is a white guy.

My daughter (now aged 27) refused to ride public transit alone as a teenager, because she was so frequently groped on crowded streetcares or subways. She tried wearing baggy clothes and that didn't stop it. When she complained the guys would say "She's crazy. I never laid a hand on her.

Her best friend had her drink spiked with roofies at a friend's birthday party. She doesn't remember what happened, but the doctors said she was by raped and sodomonized by whoever drugged her. She was 13 and a virgin.

Very very few incidients of sexual assault are ever reported. If women went to the police every time some stranger grabbed their ass or groped their breasts, we'd be called alarmists or liars, but it happens. And all too often we're asked "What were you wearing?".

I had a guy grope me in our apartment building elevator, which I never reported. I have never forgotten the look in his eyes when he did it - a truly disturbed man. It was frightening, but I fought him off. A few years later, I saw his picture in the newspaper. He was arrested as a serial rapist - the notorious Balcony Rapist, who terrorized victims in downtown Toronto in the 1980's.

I'll bet every woman on this board has a story of being sexually assaulted or groped, and probably when she was very young. Once women get old enough to know how to deal with them, these assaults diminish in frequency, but young inexperienced girls are huge targets for pervs. The elevator incident wasn't the only time something like this happened to me. The first time was when I was 11 and a customer of my parents restaurant tried to kiss me in at the park.

Japanese schoolgirls are so routined molested on public transit there is now a huge information campaign to protect then, and it was started by the girls themselves, who said even people on the trains knew it was happening and did nothing to help them.

This is endemic. Worldwide. And your attitude is why men continue to get away with it.
Again, you're lying. These aren't women charging men, suing men or otherwise seeking money from men. These are the numbers which consistently come up when women are surveyed about sexual assault.

And every single time these numbers come up - assholes like you make a comment like "these claims are dismissed as gold-digging". Which tells me you think all women are liars. Not that the opinion of a racist, misogynist, nazi idiot such as yourself carries much weight in the real world, even if he is a white guy.

My daughter (now aged 27) refused to ride public transit alone as a teenager, because she was so frequently groped on crowded streetcares or subways. She tried wearing baggy clothes and that didn't stop it. When she complained the guys would say "She's crazy. I never laid a hand on her.

Her best friend had her drink spiked with roofies at a friend's birthday party. She doesn't remember what happened, but the doctors said she was by raped and sodomonized by whoever drugged her. She was 13 and a virgin.

Very very few incidients of sexual assault are ever reported. If women went to the police every time some stranger grabbed their ass or groped their breasts, we'd be called alarmists or liars, but it happens. And all too often we're asked "What were you wearing?".

I had a guy grope me in our apartment building elevator, which I never reported. I have never forgotten the look in his eyes when he did it - a truly disturbed man. It was frightening, but I fought him off. A few years later, I saw his picture in the newspaper. He was arrested as a serial rapist - the notorious Balcony Rapist, who terrorized victims in downtown Toronto in the 1980's.

I'll bet every woman on this board has a story of being sexually assaulted or groped, and probably when she was very young. Once women get old enough to know how to deal with them, these assaults diminish in frequency, but young inexperienced girls are huge targets for pervs. The elevator incident wasn't the only time something like this happened to me. The first time was when I was 11 and a customer of my parents restaurant tried to kiss me in at the park.

Japanese schoolgirls are so routined molested on public transit there is now a huge information campaign to protect then, and it was started by the girls themselves, who said even people on the trains knew it was happening and did nothing to help them.

This is endemic. Worldwide. And your attitude is why men continue to get away with it.

No one believes you. Too many women have been caught lying about assault. If it was as common as you claim they why don't all women carry a gun or pepper spray.? THINK , hate-queen
Again, you're lying. These aren't women charging men, suing men or otherwise seeking money from men. These are the numbers which consistently come up when women are surveyed about sexual assault.

And every single time these numbers come up - assholes like you make a comment like "these claims are dismissed as gold-digging". Which tells me you think all women are liars. Not that the opinion of a racist, misogynist, nazi idiot such as yourself carries much weight in the real world, even if he is a white guy.

My daughter (now aged 27) refused to ride public transit alone as a teenager, because she was so frequently groped on crowded streetcares or subways. She tried wearing baggy clothes and that didn't stop it. When she complained the guys would say "She's crazy. I never laid a hand on her.

Her best friend had her drink spiked with roofies at a friend's birthday party. She doesn't remember what happened, but the doctors said she was by raped and sodomonized by whoever drugged her. She was 13 and a virgin.

Very very few incidients of sexual assault are ever reported. If women went to the police every time some stranger grabbed their ass or groped their breasts, we'd be called alarmists or liars, but it happens. And all too often we're asked "What were you wearing?".

I had a guy grope me in our apartment building elevator, which I never reported. I have never forgotten the look in his eyes when he did it - a truly disturbed man. It was frightening, but I fought him off. A few years later, I saw his picture in the newspaper. He was arrested as a serial rapist - the notorious Balcony Rapist, who terrorized victims in downtown Toronto in the 1980's.

I'll bet every woman on this board has a story of being sexually assaulted or groped, and probably when she was very young. Once women get old enough to know how to deal with them, these assaults diminish in frequency, but young inexperienced girls are huge targets for pervs. The elevator incident wasn't the only time something like this happened to me. The first time was when I was 11 and a customer of my parents restaurant tried to kiss me in at the park.

Japanese schoolgirls are so routined molested on public transit there is now a huge information campaign to protect then, and it was started by the girls themselves, who said even people on the trains knew it was happening and did nothing to help them.

This is endemic. Worldwide. And your attitude is why men continue to get away with it.

No one believes you. Too many women have been caught lying about assault. If it was as common as you claim they why don't all women carry a gun or pepper spray.? THINK , hate-queen

Because pepper spray is illegal as is carrying a gun, everywhere but the US. And because MEN should be more RESPONSIBLE and stop MOLESTING WOMEN. Canadian women are carrying bear repellant, which I'm told by those who use it is very effective and isn't illegal. You do have to go to a reservation to find it, though.

Are you seriously suggesting that when a woman is groped on a crowded subway, she should take out a gun and shoot the guy? We also have laws which provide that the level of force you can use to defend yourself has to be reasonable, and shooting someone because he grabbed your ass, strikes me as "unreasonable".

How about we teach men to keep their hands to themselves? Is that TOO much to ask?
If the man has nothing to be ashamed of, I hope that he slaps those who started this with a character defamation lawsuit.

God bless you always!!!

No one believes you. Too many women have been caught lying about assault. If it was as common as you claim they why don't all women carry a gun or pepper spray.? THINK , hate-queen

Because pepper spray is illegal as is carrying a gun, everywhere but the US.

So why don't women in the US carry a gun or pepper spray?? Fact is rape and assault and harassment are way way over-accused and women know it. They make up the charges to get money out of men.

I do lots of hiking in the mountains and i am always coming across young attractive women miles from any road hiking all by themselves.They wouldn't do that if they thought all men were rapists or even if 1% of men were rapists. THINK
If the man has nothing to be ashamed of, I hope that he slaps those who started this with a character defamation lawsuit.

God bless you always!!!


O'Reilly is a public figure and it would be very hard for him to win. 60 years ago the Supreme Court violated the constitution and wrote a law. Their law says that says public figures must show deliberate lying to win a libel suit.
^^^ That is sad. To me, his public status shouldn't mean a thing when he is still just another person like the rest of us.

God bless you and him always!!!


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