Originalism, which Amy Coney Barrett espouses, simply means the words of the Constitution are the law.

Please quote the part of the Constitution that says "If you have X number of people together, the individual right to exercise your freedom of religion is denied".

I'll await your dumbass spin..................
I'm going with OKtexas that the 1st amendment is an individual right.
I accept your concession you can't quote the part of the Constitution that backs up your lies.

I'm shocked! :iyfyus.jpg:
Are you saying unions should have their income taxed like they are corporations? If not, why not?

They don't make a profit, so like Trump they wouldn't pay taxes anyway. That provision only allows them to carry money past the fiscal year.
They don't make a profit??????????????????????

They produce nothing and take in millions, Idiot
I went over it. Citizens united gave corporations the rights normally held for individuals. Such as contributing to political candidates.
Um, Unions have been contributing to candidates for decades, you blithering nincompoop.
Only from funds contributed separately from union dues.
Unions FORCE working folks to pay dues, which they take and donate to Dimwingers without asking members if that is what they want.

Corporations donate to politicians. If their investors don't like where they donate their money they are free to take their money elsewhere to invest. Unions offer no such option.
Are you saying unions should have their income taxed like they are corporations? If not, why not?

They don't make a profit, so like Trump they wouldn't pay taxes anyway. That provision only allows them to carry money past the fiscal year.
They don't make a profit??????????????????????

They produce nothing and take in millions, Idiot
Union dues may be used to support a wide variety of programs or activities, including paying the salaries and benefits of union leaders and staff; union governance; legal representation; legislative lobbying; pension, health, welfare and safety funds and the union strike fund.
Are you saying unions should have their income taxed like they are corporations? If not, why not?

They don't make a profit, so like Trump they wouldn't pay taxes anyway. That provision only allows them to carry money past the fiscal year.
They don't make a profit??????????????????????

They produce nothing and take in millions, Idiot
Union dues may be used to support a wide variety of programs or activities, including paying the salaries and benefits of union leaders and staff; union governance; legal representation; legislative lobbying; pension, health, welfare and safety funds and the union strike fund.
Sounds like profits they are using to me....................

You lose again, Halfwit.

Um, Unions have been contributing to candidates for decades, you blithering nincompoop.
Unions FORCE working folks to pay dues, which they take and donate to Dimwingers without asking members if that is what they want.
.Mar 4, 2005
Makes it illegal for labor organizations to make contributions to, or expenditures on behalf of, a political candidate or committee from union dues

Using Union Dues for Political Purposes
www.cga.ct.gov › rpt
Um, Unions have been contributing to candidates for decades, you blithering nincompoop.
Unions FORCE working folks to pay dues, which they take and donate to Dimwingers without asking members if that is what they want.
.Mar 4, 2005
Makes it illegal for labor organizations to make contributions to, or expenditures on behalf of, a political candidate or committee from union dues
Using Union Dues for Political Purposes
www.cga.ct.gov › rpt
Not sure why you think a useless South Carolina law has any bearing on the discussion, Simpleton.
They don't make a profit??????????????????????

They produce nothing and take in millions, Idiot
Union dues may be used to support a wide variety of programs or activities, including paying the salaries and benefits of union leaders and staff; union governance; legal representation; legislative lobbying; pension, health, welfare and safety funds and the union strike fund.
Sounds like profits they are using to me....................

You lose again, Halfwit.

They also sound like the US Government. Which you are now classifying as a profit making business.
They don't make a profit??????????????????????

They produce nothing and take in millions, Idiot
Union dues may be used to support a wide variety of programs or activities, including paying the salaries and benefits of union leaders and staff; union governance; legal representation; legislative lobbying; pension, health, welfare and safety funds and the union strike fund.
Sounds like profits they are using to me....................

You lose again, Halfwit.

They also sound like the US Government. Which you are now classifying as a profit making business.

Once again you have nothing to diminish the fact you were caught in yet another lie.

Keep digging, Simpleton. :dig:
Not sure how your post has any bearing on the lie you were caught in.
Revisit US V Miler. It said that bank records were not "personal" records, and had no 4th amendment protections.

No it said a banks compliance with a duly issued subpoena didn't violate the 4th Amendment rights of the individual. Learn how to read.

Adhering to "originalism" would result in this woman not being where she is in life.

She would have been relegated to a life in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant.
Um, Unions have been contributing to candidates for decades, you blithering nincompoop.
Unions FORCE working folks to pay dues, which they take and donate to Dimwingers without asking members if that is what they want.
.Mar 4, 2005
Makes it illegal for labor organizations to make contributions to, or expenditures on behalf of, a political candidate or committee from union dues
Using Union Dues for Political Purposes
www.cga.ct.gov › rpt
Not sure why you think a useless South Carolina law has any bearing on the discussion, Simpleton.
The Supreme Court decision called the Communication Workers of America v. Beck acknowledged that unions do not have the right to use for political purposes the dues of workers or non-members who object to those political activities.
Adhering to "originalism" would result in this woman not being where she is in life.

She would have been relegated to a life in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant.
Fake News. Neither Constitution Nor Law prevents the Notorious ACB from being the wonderful successful woman she is. And she is GOING TO THE SUPREME COURT!


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