Origins Of Racism


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Short of having grown up in a family with overt racism, where's it come from? Certain game perhaps? Chess, Go, others which use black and white pieces and 'white' goes first? :) TV commercials like ones for credit counselling where the white people are middle-class with minor problems, and the minorities in less affluent looking homes with greater problems? Fast food commercials with minority actors, sit down dining ads showing white people?

I think a lot of subtle racism exists and is much more to blame as very few of us grow up in 'redneck Nirvana.'
Partially no doubt, but a multicultural society like our's, fear of other ethnicities doesn't wash as a major part of the explanation. And certainly not in the internet age.
It is the root cause of the phenomena. End of story.

Well, thinking about it, you're right. But in the sense that all the little depictions of significant differences feed into the fear at the heart of things. The actual causes though are numerous, and they all feed into fear of others as it were. As with stereotypical depictions of blacks as either: criminals or comedians or rappers. What few exceptions there are are statistically insignificant. Get those images enough and it becomes how you perceive blacks even absent real-world experiences.
Probably started when the world's races began judging each others achievements by their own standards. White people encounter Blacks and judge them by their standards. Asians encounter Whites and judge them by their standards, etc.
Racial and ethnic groups evolved in different environments and at wildly different rates. The human species overall is programmed to be afraid of difference for very good reasons. Competitors in the natural world will kill you and take your territory.

The natural world extends to our world. Statistically, a white person is justified in fearing an unknown black person. We've come to a bizarre point with political correctness where it's racist to be afraid of anything different. But if you are a white woman walking around in Harlem, fear will save your life.

They have done studies where they can show that the amygdala -- A very primitive part of the brain -- lights up like a Christmas tree when you see a person of another race. This is regardless of whether you admit to being racist or not. This reaction is as hard to control as the sex drive or the hunger drive.
Racial and ethnic groups evolved in different environments and at wildly different rates. The human species overall is programmed to be afraid of difference for very good reasons. Competitors in the natural world will kill you and take your territory.

The natural world extends to our world. Statistically, a white person is justified in fearing an unknown black person. We've come to a bizarre point with political correctness where it's racist to be afraid of anything different. But if you are a white woman walking around in Harlem, fear will save your life.

They have done studies where they can show that the amygdala -- A very primitive part of the brain -- lights up like a Christmas tree when you see a person of another race. This is regardless of whether you admit to being racist or not. This reaction is as hard to control as the sex drive or the hunger drive.
It's called being a human being. Everyone is racist, it's all about degree.
I would say it started when once race of people felt they were superior to another.

You mean racism of today in America maybe? If you ask 10 people you will get 10 different answers. Try it and see for yourself.
I dont buy the diversity argument, as it seems to me its much more of a weakness then a strength.

Conservative people are threatened and will never buy into it and hate having it shoved down their throats. I respect the honest ones more mostly because they are honest about it and unashamed of their opinions.

Liberals are very intolerant of anyone who do not agree with them. While calling for tolerance for themselves. But I do respect their intentions of moving human behavior forward in the name of civilization. Sounds good on paper, but never seems to work in real life. Mostly due to people. Kind of a bitch on that one.

Most folks are in the middle and do try. I just do not think it will ever work in America to liking of either side. Perhaps another 200-300 years of evolution. Most of us are stuck in the middle and are really tired of both sides.
Fear. Ignorance? I have been being attacked by a blacks uttering anti- white slurs, and seeing hateful black thugs that hurt innocent whites because their victims ARE white, Racism be damned. It is just an empty word, just another way to victimize whites. RACISM RACISM RACISM. Makes the boy that cried WOLF look like a saint.
Says the racist bitch who doesn't like being called out for what she really is.
As usual, Unkotare's got nothing but insults. Must really sting to have the hymn sheet you've preached from all your life ripped to shreds before your very eyes.
Racism is just another world for tribalism. All groups segregate, if not racially than by clan. A completely natural instinct built into our genetic structure to foster survival of the group. You can't stop it anymore than you can stop men from finding a piece of ass to tap.
You can't stop it anymore than you can stop men from finding a piece of ass to tap.

Yet somehow every woman in the world has found a way to stop you. Thank goodness you have Skinhead to "tap" instead.

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