Origins Of Racism

The origin of white racism is black dysfunction. As long as most blacks continue to perform and behave the way they do, most whites will think the Negro race is inferior, regardless of what whites say in public, and regardless of the way we behave in public toward blacks.

We will never accept you as equals until you behave and perform that way.
Where have I heard garbage like this before. . . . It sounds so familiar. . . . :eusa_think:

You heard it from people who told you what you need to hear.


A term that originated on Usenet, Godwin's Law states that as an online argument grows longer and more heated, it becomes increasingly likely that somebody will bring up Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. When such an event occurs, the person guilty of invoking Godwin's Law has effectively forfieted the argument.
Urban Dictionary Godwin s Law
I'm glad you support AA which helps the success of Black people in general. Now the problem is there has been Black success without AA. How do you explain that?

Now you are crying about me calling you names? Thats funny monkey boy. Dont run to other posters to protect you. They cant stop me from calling you names. I'm attacking you because you are inbred, recessive and have the audacity to attack Black people when you have proven your brain barely functions at a level consistent with the brightest wild simians. The problem with your argument is that you cant tell me what measure to use to evaluate intelligence. Why on earth would you think I would use a system developed by whites to prove their superiority and be dumb enough to give it validity? Come on monkey. Even you should see the folly in that?

When did I say I support affirmative action?

Those who defend affirmative action necessarily lie about it. They say it does not lower standards for blacks, but it does. They say it does not discriminate against whites, but it does.

Affirmative action elevates blacks to positions where they are incapable of performing adequately. In the process it reinforces racial prejudice. Whites see blacks who are inferior and correctly conclude that they characterize the race.

Intelligence can be defined as the ability to learn complex skills quickly.
Posters like Friends are just feral mongrels with one foot in the grave bitter about the changing of the world. He yearns for those days when he could say to himself, "at least I'm not a darkie". Now faced with the growing success of Black people he has been beaten down trying to keep up his illusion of superiority. If it was anymore pathetic I would cry for him. However, his moronic posts actually make me laugh.

The "growing success of Black people" is due almost entirely to affirmative action policies which lower standards for black people and discriminate against whites and Asians.

The failure of No Child Left Behind demonstrates how bogus and gratuitous any "success of Black people" has been.

Any fair minded poster here should notice that I have not been attacking you personally. I have only been stating truths that are privately acknowledged, but often dangerous to state publicly.

You are attacking me, because you are unable to refute my arguments. You are unable to demonstrate that by the important criteria of intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy blacks on the average are equal to whites.

I'm glad you support AA which helps the success of Black people in general. Now the problem is there has been Black success without AA. How do you explain that?

The question is, how do YOU explain that? How do you distinguish between those who need AA and those who don't? In reality, AA has given the greatest benefit to those who need it the least.

Those who "need" affirmative action do not deserve it. Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from those who deserve them, and gives them to people who do not deserve them, and who lack the ability to perform adequately.
I'm glad you support AA which helps the success of Black people in general. Now the problem is there has been Black success without AA. How do you explain that?

Now you are crying about me calling you names? Thats funny monkey boy. Dont run to other posters to protect you. They cant stop me from calling you names. I'm attacking you because you are inbred, recessive and have the audacity to attack Black people when you have proven your brain barely functions at a level consistent with the brightest wild simians. The problem with your argument is that you cant tell me what measure to use to evaluate intelligence. Why on earth would you think I would use a system developed by whites to prove their superiority and be dumb enough to give it validity? Come on monkey. Even you should see the folly in that?

When did I say I support affirmative action?

Those who defend affirmative action necessarily lie about it. They say it does not lower standards for blacks, but it does. They say it does not discriminate against whites, but it does.

Affirmative action elevates blacks to positions where they are incapable of performing adequately. In the process it reinforces racial prejudice. Whites see blacks who are inferior and correctly conclude that they characterize the race.

Intelligence can be defined as the ability to learn complex skills quickly.

I see you avoided my question and thought I wouldn't notice. No problem. Your inability to answer simple questions just lets me know you dont even believe the chimp shit coming out of your mouth.

I dont think you get the picture concerning AA. I dont care if you think it lowers standards. You're white. You cant set standards. I dont care if AA discriminates against whites. You should have thought about that before you had 350 years of white AA discriminationg against Blacks. We wont quite need 350 years to surpass you for 2 reasons. We are more intelligent and you will be bred out due to your recessive genes.
Posters like Friends are just feral mongrels with one foot in the grave bitter about the changing of the world. He yearns for those days when he could say to himself, "at least I'm not a darkie". Now faced with the growing success of Black people he has been beaten down trying to keep up his illusion of superiority. If it was anymore pathetic I would cry for him. However, his moronic posts actually make me laugh.

The "growing success of Black people" is due almost entirely to affirmative action policies which lower standards for black people and discriminate against whites and Asians.

The failure of No Child Left Behind demonstrates how bogus and gratuitous any "success of Black people" has been.

Any fair minded poster here should notice that I have not been attacking you personally. I have only been stating truths that are privately acknowledged, but often dangerous to state publicly.

You are attacking me, because you are unable to refute my arguments. You are unable to demonstrate that by the important criteria of intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy blacks on the average are equal to whites.

I'm glad you support AA which helps the success of Black people in general. Now the problem is there has been Black success without AA. How do you explain that?

The question is, how do YOU explain that? How do you distinguish between those who need AA and those who don't? In reality, AA has given the greatest benefit to those who need it the least.

Those who "need" affirmative action do not deserve it. Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from those who deserve them, and gives them to people who do not deserve them, and who lack the ability to perform adequately.

AA originally equated to Equal Opportunity outreach. For example, we had six vacancies to fill, but all of the applicants were White. We expanded our advertising to include colleges with higher Black enrollment. We ended up with a larger and more diverse pool of applicants. After interviews, we ranked 12 applicants. The top four were Black, followed by six Whites and two Blacks. The top six were given job offers.

However, when their paperwork was sent to HQ, the AA Officer ordered us to withdraw the job offers to the two Whites and give them to the remaining two Blacks. As we had determined during the interview process, they were unsuitable for these positions and ultimately let go.

This is how legitimate AA morphed into racial quotas. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
The origin of white racism is black dysfunction. As long as most blacks continue to perform and behave the way they do, most whites will think the Negro race is inferior, regardless of what whites say in public, and regardless of the way we behave in public toward blacks.

We will never accept you as equals until you behave and perform that way.
Where have I heard garbage like this before. . . . It sounds so familiar. . . . :eusa_think:

You heard it from people who told you what you need to hear.


A term that originated on Usenet, Godwin's Law states that as an online argument grows longer and more heated, it becomes increasingly likely that somebody will bring up Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. When such an event occurs, the person guilty of invoking Godwin's Law has effectively forfieted the argument.
Urban Dictionary Godwin s Law

Yes, good show. Unfortunately, you're using it wrong. You are actually arguing that some races ARE Superior to others. That IS what Hitler did you numbskull. Godwin NEVER intended for his meme to be used frivolously. I liked you better when you went by the name Warrior or Cultsmasher. At least then you were honest and genuine.

Mike Godwin's Law: from counter-memes to countering the FBI
Mike Godwin s Law from counter-memes to countering the FBI Culture
Eventually, even Glenn Greenwald had to defend his essay comparing propoganda tactics employed by the US government in its Iraq invasion to those used by the Nazis. Critics cited the law – a "distorted" version – and as the online debate gathered momentum, even Godwin himself appeared in the comments section of Greenwald's articles, explaining that his law sought to "discourage frivolous, but not substantive, Nazi analogies and comparisons". Using words delicately, in other words, means that when history is actually repeating itself, we'll be able to recognize it and then give it a name that everyone can understand.
I'm glad you support AA which helps the success of Black people in general. Now the problem is there has been Black success without AA. How do you explain that?

Now you are crying about me calling you names? Thats funny monkey boy. Dont run to other posters to protect you. They cant stop me from calling you names. I'm attacking you because you are inbred, recessive and have the audacity to attack Black people when you have proven your brain barely functions at a level consistent with the brightest wild simians. The problem with your argument is that you cant tell me what measure to use to evaluate intelligence. Why on earth would you think I would use a system developed by whites to prove their superiority and be dumb enough to give it validity? Come on monkey. Even you should see the folly in that?

When did I say I support affirmative action?

Those who defend affirmative action necessarily lie about it. They say it does not lower standards for blacks, but it does. They say it does not discriminate against whites, but it does.

Affirmative action elevates blacks to positions where they are incapable of performing adequately. In the process it reinforces racial prejudice. Whites see blacks who are inferior and correctly conclude that they characterize the race.

Intelligence can be defined as the ability to learn complex skills quickly.

I see you avoided my question and thought I wouldn't notice. No problem. Your inability to answer simple questions just lets me know you dont even believe the chimp shit coming out of your mouth.

I dont think you get the picture concerning AA. I dont care if you think it lowers standards. You're white. You cant set standards. I dont care if AA discriminates against whites. You should have thought about that before you had 350 years of white AA discriminationg against Blacks. We wont quite need 350 years to surpass you for 2 reasons. We are more intelligent and you will be bred out due to your recessive genes.
Really? Racism doesn't justify more racism. I know you don't actually believe this. Your white family would be horrified to hear you speak this way. What about your children? Why antagonize this jerk? Just because he thinks like Margaret Sanger or Hitler?
Posters like Friends are just feral mongrels with one foot in the grave bitter about the changing of the world. He yearns for those days when he could say to himself, "at least I'm not a darkie". Now faced with the growing success of Black people he has been beaten down trying to keep up his illusion of superiority. If it was anymore pathetic I would cry for him. However, his moronic posts actually make me laugh.

The "growing success of Black people" is due almost entirely to affirmative action policies which lower standards for black people and discriminate against whites and Asians.

The failure of No Child Left Behind demonstrates how bogus and gratuitous any "success of Black people" has been.

Any fair minded poster here should notice that I have not been attacking you personally. I have only been stating truths that are privately acknowledged, but often dangerous to state publicly.

You are attacking me, because you are unable to refute my arguments. You are unable to demonstrate that by the important criteria of intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy blacks on the average are equal to whites.

I'm glad you support AA which helps the success of Black people in general. Now the problem is there has been Black success without AA. How do you explain that?

The question is, how do YOU explain that? How do you distinguish between those who need AA and those who don't? In reality, AA has given the greatest benefit to those who need it the least.

Those who "need" affirmative action do not deserve it. Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from those who deserve them, and gives them to people who do not deserve them, and who lack the ability to perform adequately.

AA originally equated to Equal Opportunity outreach. For example, we had six vacancies to fill, but all of the applicants were White. We expanded our advertising to include colleges with higher Black enrollment. We ended up with a larger and more diverse pool of applicants. After interviews, we ranked 12 applicants. The top four were Black, followed by six Whites and two Blacks. The top six were given job offers.

However, when their paperwork was sent to HQ, the AA Officer ordered us to withdraw the job offers to the two Whites and give them to the remaining two Blacks. As we had determined during the interview process, they were unsuitable for these positions and ultimately let go.

This is how legitimate AA morphed into racial quotas. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Your anecdote is suspect because AA quotas went out with the Bakke decision:

"Bakke decision, formally Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, ruling in which, on June 28, 1978, the U.S. Supreme Court declared affirmative action constitutional but invalidated the use of racial quotas. "

Are you right whangers really so obsessed with race that you make up your own scenarios to justify your hate? 1978 was a long time ago and should have been plenty of time for anyone here to learn the truth about AA. You just can't let it go can you?
Posters like Friends are just feral mongrels with one foot in the grave bitter about the changing of the world. He yearns for those days when he could say to himself, "at least I'm not a darkie". Now faced with the growing success of Black people he has been beaten down trying to keep up his illusion of superiority. If it was anymore pathetic I would cry for him. However, his moronic posts actually make me laugh.

The "growing success of Black people" is due almost entirely to affirmative action policies which lower standards for black people and discriminate against whites and Asians.

The failure of No Child Left Behind demonstrates how bogus and gratuitous any "success of Black people" has been.

Any fair minded poster here should notice that I have not been attacking you personally. I have only been stating truths that are privately acknowledged, but often dangerous to state publicly.

You are attacking me, because you are unable to refute my arguments. You are unable to demonstrate that by the important criteria of intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy blacks on the average are equal to whites.

I'm glad you support AA which helps the success of Black people in general. Now the problem is there has been Black success without AA. How do you explain that?

The question is, how do YOU explain that? How do you distinguish between those who need AA and those who don't? In reality, AA has given the greatest benefit to those who need it the least.

Those who "need" affirmative action do not deserve it. Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from those who deserve them, and gives them to people who do not deserve them, and who lack the ability to perform adequately.

Don't you know anything about AA other than the myths drummed into your thick skull about it? Before AA, White women and minorities were discriminated against both in educational opportunities and employment.

Many of those White women and minorities were far more qualified than a lot of the White males they competed against. Something had to be done...the US was not efficiently tapping into the array of talent that White women and bright minorities held...including Asians and Blacks.

AA was needed by those living in regions where they were under represented in higher education and employment in certain areas.That need is governed by something called the Disparate Impact.
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I'm glad you support AA which helps the success of Black people in general. Now the problem is there has been Black success without AA. How do you explain that?

The question is, how do YOU explain that? How do you distinguish between those who need AA and those who don't? In reality, AA has given the greatest benefit to those who need it the least.

Explain what? I'm not the one trying to say all Black people have to have AA to be successful. You distinguish based on the location. If the location is predominantly white then you use AA. If Black people are already close to the correct level of representation then you really have no need for AA. I do agree that AA has given the greatest benefit to those that need it least. White women benefit from it the most.

Please define "the correct level of representation." Who should determine it and how should it be enforced?

Are you being serious or do you really not know? You dont know how to figure out percentages relative to population?

1. Yes, I am being serious.

2. At which levels would you apply racial parity? Job classification? Average salaries? Company-wide?

3. Would you use local, state or national population statistics? Would you force Blacks to take jobs in Alaska?

4. Does your superior intellect ever consider these questions?

Why would a layman need to know that? The particulars of AA have been laid out by the experts who created it. However, that information is available to anyone truly interested. Check the link in post #89 to help with your research...

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