Origins Of Racism

There are two kinds of racism. There is tribalism that is based on disliking those of other races. This is often unjustified. Hostility toward Orientals and Jews angers me, because those are superior groups.

Hostility toward blacks does not anger me. What does anger me is that it is often dangerous to draw attention to black deficiencies.
There are two kinds of racism. There is tribalism that is based on disliking those of other races. This is often unjustified. Hostility toward Orientals and Jews angers me, because those are superior groups.

Hostility toward blacks does not anger me. What does anger me is that it is often dangerous to draw attention to black deficiencies.

You just exposed a third type of racism: Hostility based on trying to maintain the pretense of social superiority. This is nothing more than an attempt to gain or preserve power at other people's expense.
There are two kinds of racism. There is tribalism that is based on disliking those of other races. This is often unjustified. Hostility toward Orientals and Jews angers me, because those are superior groups.

Hostility toward blacks does not anger me. What does anger me is that it is often dangerous to draw attention to black deficiencies.

You just exposed a third type of racism: Hostility based on trying to maintain the pretense of social superiority. This is nothing more than an attempt to gain or preserve power at other people's expense.

I am neither Jewish nor Oriental, but I am pleased with their academic and economic success in the United States.

I do not think anyone should be discriminated against on the basis of race. I do not think anyone should be discriminated in favor of on the basis of race. I am opposed to affirmative action.
Racial and ethnic groups evolved in different environments and at wildly different rates. The human species overall is programmed to be afraid of difference for very good reasons. Competitors in the natural world will kill you and take your territory.

I don't think the word "evolved" is properly use here. All men are Homo Sapiens Sapiens. What you are referring to, in all likelihood, is social development or progress; not genetic mutative change that would warrant the definition of evolution. That is an important distinction. For example: why is it that newly discovered primitive tribes in the rainforest look exactly like their countrymen who started ancient civilizations? Whatever the reason for this peculiar phenomenon, it puts a hole in your premise.

The natural world extends to our world. Statistically, a white person is justified in fearing an unknown black person. We've come to a bizarre point with political correctness where it's racist to be afraid of anything different. But if you are a white woman walking around in Harlem, fear will save your life.

I think there's room to expand upon your point. Indeed, the natural world extends somewhat into our world but civilization has given men more control over it. Statistics are used to let us know how well that control is working. However, stats can be used to mislead for political gain or to indict the innocent right along with the guilty. Looking at the points you made above I can see that you have bought into the hype. Take another look at those stats, you'll find that a white woman has more to fear among her own kind than she will among blacks.

BTW: Did you know? Harlem is safer than 33.6% of the neighborhoods in New York. The crime rate in Harlem, New York is less than 7% of the cities in New York. The estimated chance of being a victim of a crime in Harlem is 1 in 45. The estimated chance of being a victim of a violent crime in Harlem is 1 in 169. The estimated chance of being a victim of a property crime in Harlem is 1 in 62.

They have done studies where they can show that the amygdala -- A very primitive part of the brain -- lights up like a Christmas tree when you see a person of another race. This is regardless of whether you admit to being racist or not. This reaction is as hard to control as the sex drive or the hunger drive.

There is also a study suggesting the amygdala may only play a part in anxiety.
Short of having grown up in a family with overt racism, where's it come from? Certain game perhaps? Chess, Go, others which use black and white pieces and 'white' goes first? :) TV commercials like ones for credit counselling where the white people are middle-class with minor problems, and the minorities in less affluent looking homes with greater problems? Fast food commercials with minority actors, sit down dining ads showing white people?

I think a lot of subtle racism exists and is much more to blame as very few of us grow up in 'redneck Nirvana.'
If racism was not an ingrained part of our society we would be much further along. Until recently Black was defined as all sorts of unsavory words while white was defined as the complete opposite. Images are pushed in the media that fuel racism. When you have people actually questioning the inferiority or superiority of a race then the only thing you can point to is propaganda and a system of deliberate racism..

Those who assert the racial superiority of whites and Orientals can point to the superiority of the societies we currently maintain, and the civilizations we have created and maintained for thousands of years.

We can also point to racial differences in mental aptitude test scores and academic performance.

Those who maintain that racial differences do not exist, that they are not important, or that "race is only a social construct" cannot construct rational arguments. They can only try to suppress the discussion.
Sorry but they cant point to shit that has any merit. Do you honestly believe Black people give any validity to a system of measure made up by white people to pretend they are superior? Come on monkey boy. You have to come with something better than this lame post if you want be credible.
There are two kinds of racism. There is tribalism that is based on disliking those of other races. This is often unjustified. Hostility toward Orientals and Jews angers me, because those are superior groups.

Hostility toward blacks does not anger me. What does anger me is that it is often dangerous to draw attention to black deficiencies.

Tribalism does not have anything to do with racism. Don't use words that you don't fully understand to make faulty points. You can be of different races and in the same tribe. The kind of faulty reasoning you exhibit is what occurs when they let you monkeys read comic books.
"Origins Of Racism"

Ignorance and fear, particularly with regard to the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and dissent – the perception common to most racists that equality for others somehow translates into 'disadvantage' for the racist, where the ignorance and fear soon manifest as hate.

Fear, plain and simple.
Maybe I just don't like ugly-ass brown people? :dunno:

Maybe you're a coward and a douchebag.
I just checked, I'm neither. I just don't like ugly brown people. :D

I just checked your stupid posts. You're both.
Give me a good reason why I shouldn't dislike brown ugly people.
There is a good chance that one will be the father of some of your descedents?
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Probably started when the world's races began judging each others achievements by their own standards. White people encounter Blacks and judge them by their standards. Asians encounter Whites and judge them by their standards, etc.

We judge blacks by the standards of civility. We think they should not commit so many crimes and have all those illegitimate children.

There's that mysterious we again! And it is stupid to confuse arrests[/b ]with the commission of crimes. Yet, you dumb bahs-turds do it repeatedly, no matter how many times the truth is given to you. But you don't stop there do you? You continue with the irrational belief that all whites who encounter blacks have angelic morals and are not crime prone themselves. Who will judge those criminals lurking amongst the whites? And who will credit the larger non criminal elements of black society?

if I were to write a thesis on the origins of racism, you would be the model used to exemplify the prototypical racist. Rational thought eludes you. There's a severe disconnect from reality in your warped mind. The seeds of racism are nurtured in yout one dimensional thinking. You then spread the germs of hate everywhere you go.
Probably started when the world's races began judging each others achievements by their own standards. White people encounter Blacks and judge them by their standards. Asians encounter Whites and judge them by their standards, etc.

We judge blacks by the standards of civility. We think they should not commit so many crimes and have all those illegitimate children.

There's that mysterious we again! And it is stupid to confuse arrests[/b ]with the commission of crimes. Yet, you dumb bahs-turds do it repeatedly, no matter how many times the truth is given to you. But you don't stop there do you? You continue with the irrational belief that all whites who encounter blacks have angelic morals and are not crime prone themselves. Who will judge those criminals lurking amongst the whites? And who will credit the larger non criminal elements of black society?

if I were to write a thesis on the origins of racism, you would be the model used to exemplify the prototypical racist. Rational thought eludes you. There's a severe disconnect from reality in your warped mind. The seeds of racism are nurtured in yout one dimensional thinking. You then spread the germs of hate everywhere you go.
Posters like Friends are just feral mongrels with one foot in the grave bitter about the changing of the world. He yearns for those days when he could say to himself, "at least I'm not a darkie". Now faced with the growing success of Black people he has been beaten down trying to keep up his illusion of superiority. If it was anymore pathetic I would cry for him. However, his moronic posts actually make me laugh.
Short of having grown up in a family with overt racism, where's it come from? Certain game perhaps? Chess, Go, others which use black and white pieces and 'white' goes first? :) TV commercials like ones for credit counselling where the white people are middle-class with minor problems, and the minorities in less affluent looking homes with greater problems? Fast food commercials with minority actors, sit down dining ads showing white people?

I think a lot of subtle racism exists and is much more to blame as very few of us grow up in 'redneck Nirvana.'
The government. It's a ruling strategy as old as the Roman Republic.

Divide and rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Tribalism does not have anything to do with racism. Don't use words that you don't fully understand to make faulty points. You can be of different races and in the same tribe. The kind of faulty reasoning you exhibit is what occurs when they let you monkeys read comic books.

How is my reasoning faulty?

Superior Negroes are exceptional. The Negro race is inferior. Superior Orientals and Ashkenazi Jews are typical of their races.
Posters like Friends are just feral mongrels with one foot in the grave bitter about the changing of the world. He yearns for those days when he could say to himself, "at least I'm not a darkie". Now faced with the growing success of Black people he has been beaten down trying to keep up his illusion of superiority. If it was anymore pathetic I would cry for him. However, his moronic posts actually make me laugh.

The "growing success of Black people" is due almost entirely to affirmative action policies which lower standards for black people and discriminate against whites and Asians.

The failure of No Child Left Behind demonstrates how bogus and gratuitous any "success of Black people" has been.

Any fair minded poster here should notice that I have not been attacking you personally. I have only been stating truths that are privately acknowledged, but often dangerous to state publicly.

You are attacking me, because you are unable to refute my arguments. You are unable to demonstrate that by the important criteria of intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy blacks on the average are equal to whites.
There's that mysterious we again! And it is stupid to confuse arrests[/b ]with the commission of crimes. Yet, you dumb bahs-turds do it repeatedly, no matter how many times the truth is given to you. But you don't stop there do you? You continue with the irrational belief that all whites who encounter blacks have angelic morals and are not crime prone themselves. Who will judge those criminals lurking amongst the whites? And who will credit the larger non criminal elements of black society?

if I were to write a thesis on the origins of racism, you would be the model used to exemplify the prototypical racist. Rational thought eludes you. There's a severe disconnect from reality in your warped mind. The seeds of racism are nurtured in yout one dimensional thinking. You then spread the germs of hate everywhere you go.

What disconnect is that?

I am aware that blacks have a rate of violent crime that is nearly eight times the white rate, that blacks have an illegitimacy rate that is nearly three times the white rate, and that however intelligence is measured there has always been a large racial gap.

I am also aware that there is nowhere in the world a black run country that whites want to move to. Blacks want to move to white run countries because black run countries are poorly run.
The origin of white racism is black dysfunction. As long as most blacks continue to perform and behave the way they do, most whites will think the Negro race is inferior, regardless of what whites say in public, and regardless of the way we behave in public toward blacks.

We will never accept you as equals until you behave and perform that way.
The origin of white racism is black dysfunction. As long as most blacks continue to perform and behave the way they do, most whites will think the Negro race is inferior, regardless of what whites say in public, and regardless of the way we behave in public toward blacks.

We will never accept you as equals until you behave and perform that way.
Where have I heard garbage like this before. . . . It sounds so familiar. . . . :eusa_think:

Tribalism does not have anything to do with racism. Don't use words that you don't fully understand to make faulty points. You can be of different races and in the same tribe. The kind of faulty reasoning you exhibit is what occurs when they let you monkeys read comic books.

How is my reasoning faulty?

Superior Negroes are exceptional. The Negro race is inferior. Superior Orientals and Ashkenazi Jews are typical of their races.
Your reasoning is faulty because your brain is inferior. For example, take a minute and look at your post. What does that have to do with my post? Face it Friends. Your mind is in decay brought on by inferior genes from your weak gene pool.
Posters like Friends are just feral mongrels with one foot in the grave bitter about the changing of the world. He yearns for those days when he could say to himself, "at least I'm not a darkie". Now faced with the growing success of Black people he has been beaten down trying to keep up his illusion of superiority. If it was anymore pathetic I would cry for him. However, his moronic posts actually make me laugh.

The "growing success of Black people" is due almost entirely to affirmative action policies which lower standards for black people and discriminate against whites and Asians.

The failure of No Child Left Behind demonstrates how bogus and gratuitous any "success of Black people" has been.

Any fair minded poster here should notice that I have not been attacking you personally. I have only been stating truths that are privately acknowledged, but often dangerous to state publicly.

You are attacking me, because you are unable to refute my arguments. You are unable to demonstrate that by the important criteria of intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy blacks on the average are equal to whites.

I'm glad you support AA which helps the success of Black people in general. Now the problem is there has been Black success without AA. How do you explain that?

Now you are crying about me calling you names? Thats funny monkey boy. Dont run to other posters to protect you. They cant stop me from calling you names. I'm attacking you because you are inbred, recessive and have the audacity to attack Black people when you have proven your brain barely functions at a level consistent with the brightest wild simians. The problem with your argument is that you cant tell me what measure to use to evaluate intelligence. Why on earth would you think I would use a system developed by whites to prove their superiority and be dumb enough to give it validity? Come on monkey. Even you should see the folly in that?

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