Orwell predicted the War in Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Any simple word of his prediction is fulfilled now.
Anyone who is against the war in Ukraine can be blamed as an idiot, moron, Nazi, antisemit, racist, criminal or even be imprisoned as in many communist countries in EU now
So called 'elites' completely ignore demands of peoples for peace and continue to funnel of $$$ trillions into the war.
Anyone who questions the existing order is 'an enemy of freedom and democracy'

Apparently supporters of war have failed to learn anything from history.

War is (ALWAYS) the health of the state.
And ?

There is always someone who has "predicted" anything you care to imagine if you research.
Leonardo or Nicola or George will usually get you quiz marks if you have to guess .
But only hindsight accuracy is useless . It is recognising " the future" immediately and taking correct action that is impressive and produces the winners .

And actually learning from mistakes as gipper mentioned
Apparently supporters of war have failed to learn anything from history.
War is (ALWAYS) the health of the state.

Today the world is run by satanists.
This people is completely insane and want to destroy us completely
Their have no time to learn but for destroying only
And ?

There is always someone who has "predicted" anything you care to imagine if you research.
Leonardo or Nicola or George will usually get you quiz marks if you have to guess .
But only hindsight accuracy is useless . It is recognising " the future" immediately and taking correct action that is impressive and produces the winners .

And actually learning from mistakes as gipper mentioned

Orwell wasn't a simple 'someone', but the Number One in the fight against upcoming Tyranny

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