OSHA to expand COVID mandate?

So you are good with the govt mandating gays be forced to take aids tests weekly to be employed?
I haven't made any statement about whether I'm personally for or against this; I'm just explaining what's in the mandate. Also, your example has a civil rights angle that this, which applies equally to all large-company workers, does not. AIDS is also rarely spread at work.
This is within OSHA's legal authority granted by the Occupational Safety and Health Act . There are at least 12 republicans states that will challenge the action. However, OSHA is acting under the emergency temporary standard (ETS) which gives the agency the to authority to mandate extraordinary health and safety requirements in an emergences. Certainly a health care emergency declare in January 2020 followed by a national emergency qualifies, both of which are still in effect.

Wrong, because no one can demonstrate that this regulation would have any beneficial purpose.
Since the mRNA injections are not conferring permanent immunity, then they are just a treatment, and then are not worth their risk.
I haven't made any statement about whether I'm personally for or against this; I'm just explaining what's in the mandate. Also, your example has a civil rights angle that this, which applies equally to all large-company workers, does not. AIDS is also rarely spread at work.
Are you for or against the mandate?

Try no to dodge this time.
Wrong, because no one can demonstrate that this regulation would have any beneficial purpose.
Since the mRNA injections are not conferring permanent immunity, then they are just a treatment, and then are not worth their risk.
The CDC and the FDA have more than sufficient evidence that mRNA vaccines are beneficial which include the reports of the lab trials and clinical trial overseen by the FDA, a study by the CDC that provides strong evidence that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection, a study by John Hopkins comparing the vaccinated and non-vaccinated Covid patients, multiple studies by the Kaiser Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and health agencies in over 50 countries that have given more than 1.7 billion doses. I think the courts are just a bit more likely to value the huge amount research that has been done demonstrating the value of these vaccines over your opinion and others on social media.
The CDC and the FDA have more than sufficient evidence that mRNA vaccines are beneficial which include the reports of the lab trials and clinical trial overseen by the FDA, a study by the CDC that provides strong evidence that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection, a study by John Hopkins comparing vaccinated and non-vaccinated Covid patients, multiple studies by the Kaiser Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and health agencies in over 50 countries that have given more than 1.7 billion doses. I think the courts are just a bit more likely to value the huge amount research that has done demonstrating the value of these vaccines over your opinion.
And yet vaccinated people are infecting other vaccinated people every day.

But WTF does that have to do with the fact the govt has no authority to tell Americans what their healthcare decisions have to be?
Why are their lion tamers, daredevils, astronauts, stunt drivers, etc.?
It is because OSHA gets no say in what people do voluntarily.
OSHA only prevents employers from forcing you to do something you think is too dangerous.
If the employees and employers don't want to vaccinate, there is not a single thing OSHA can legally say about it.
And you think large employers don't want to see their employees vaccinated. :cuckoo:
Any employer who does not comply with OSHA regulations can be fined up to $7,000 for every occurrence. However more damaging is violations of OSHA regulations provide grounds for law suites.
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And yet vaccinated people are infecting other vaccinated people every day.

But WTF does that have to do with the fact the govt has no authority to tell Americans what their healthcare decisions have to be?
Although those that have been vaccinated can transmit the virus if infected, the transmission rate is very low comparted to the infected non-vaccinated because those vaccinated have far less infection and thus less viral particles to transmit.

OSHA is not specifically mandating vaccinations. Employees have a choice of the vaccination, weekly tests, working for a company with less than 100 employees or not working at all. This OSHA regulation is in line with their mission. to prevent workplace illness, injury, and death which comes directly form the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Wrong, because no one can demonstrate that this regulation would have any beneficial purpose.
Since the mRNA injections are not conferring permanent immunity, then they are just a treatment, and then are not worth their risk.
Most vaccinations do not confer permeant immunity.
I don't think it's too much to say that how this pans out will be one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, topics in the '22 Midterms. If it tanks ... yeah, you might have reason to celebrate.

Your goose is cooked. Americans oppose vaccine mandates and are LESS likely to vote for Congressional candidates who back mandates.

Page 17

This is a total crap sandwich

Although those that have been vaccinated can transmit the virus if infected, the transmission rate is very low comparted to the infected non-vaccinated because those vaccinated have far less infection and thus less viral particles to transmit.

OSHA is not specifically mandating vaccinations. Employees have a choice of the vaccination, weekly tests, working for a company with less than 100 employees or not working at all. This OSHA regulation is in line with their mission. to prevent workplace illness, injury, and death which comes directly form the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

"Today, President Trump mandated that every employee who works for an employer with over 100 workers must get vaccinated or submit to weekly tests and wear a face mask"

You people would have LOST YOUR FREAKING MINDS. And I would have agreed with you
The CDC and the FDA have more than sufficient evidence that mRNA vaccines are beneficial which include the reports of the lab trials and clinical trial overseen by the FDA, a study by the CDC that provides strong evidence that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection, a study by John Hopkins comparing the vaccinated and non-vaccinated Covid patients, multiple studies by the Kaiser Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and health agencies in over 50 countries that have given more than 1.7 billion doses. I think the courts are just a bit more likely to value the huge amount research that has been done demonstrating the value of these vaccines over your opinion and others on social media.

It is also beneficial to exercise. I exercise and am sick of subsidizing Americans who do not. HEY is OSHA gonna mandate that????

HEY fascist, why not?
I haven't made any statement about whether I'm personally for or against this; I'm just explaining what's in the mandate. Also, your example has a civil rights angle that this, which applies equally to all large-company workers, does not. AIDS is also rarely spread at work.

Here's your civil rights angle: my employer has no right to my test results nor any right to my private medical information


Had Trump poured out this complete crap sandwich you all would be in the streets
These are just from the first page.

The Constitution gives Congress the right to make laws that regulate interstate commerce (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3).
Congress used that power to pass the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970 (signed by a GOP President).
That act established OSHA, and gave it the power to enact emergency measures, which this is.
Follow the path; there is the Constitutionality of this mandate.

But ...
It has to pass the inevitable court challenges, which could be:
1. "It's not an emergency."
2. "It's an undue burden on industry."
3. Something else out of left field.

I think it will pass, but these days, I underestimate nothing.
My guess is "why is it an emergency for companies over 100 but not 99" that's how a lot of these things get overturned in court. Also probably why they are already looking at enacting it for smaller companies.
It seems that corrupt, self serving, unelected bureaucracies are on the verge of taking over our government. If we whittled our government down to 1/3 the size, we would get rid of a lot of corruption and make our government somewhat manageable. We'd also save a lot of money we're currently wasting

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