OSHA to expand COVID mandate?

I worked under those requirements for years. Piss in a cup when told to or lose my job. While I did not get injected they would also take my blood.

Maybe a lot of blue color workers are used to it, but there are a lot of office workers that are not. Maybe a majority that are younger won't care that their right to privacy is being infringed upon, but I'm guessing there are going to be millions that aren't going to be happy about it, and will put the blame squarely on good ole Joe. It won't be long until the D party starts to distance themselves from him, he's expendable, which is why he was put where he is to begin with. Old fool.
Maybe a lot of blue color workers are used to it, but there are a lot of office workers that are not. Maybe a majority that are younger won't care that their right to privacy is being infringed upon, but I'm guessing there are going to be millions that aren't going to be happy about it, and will put the blame squarely on good ole Joe. It won't be long until the D party starts to distance themselves from him, he's expendable, which is why he was put where he is to begin with. Old fool.

There is going to be a ton of people not happy about it. I wasn't happy that Congress ceded away their right to be the ones to determine if we go to war or not also but it did no good.
I'd say that's a little different than having an experimental drug that has tons of evidence of inflicting injury and death on people, forced into your body against your will.

It's been approved. It's no longer "experimental".
I worked under those requirements for years. Piss in a cup when told to or lose my job. While I did not get injected they would also take my blood.
Once again, pissing in a cup has no side effects.
It's been approved. It's no longer "experimental".

It's caused more injury and death than all other vaccines combined over decades. If this had been any normal situation, they would have been removed from the market a long time ago. Drug companies wouldn't have been shielded from law suits. If this doesn't wake people up, regardless of political affiliation, what the federal government is doing and getting away with, then nothing will and this country is done. There is no pandemic, all evidence points to this being orchestrated for power and money from the get go, it's a complete travesty.
It's caused more injury and death than all other vaccines combined over decades. If this had been any normal situation, they would have been removed from the market a long time ago. Drug companies wouldn't have been shielded from law suits. If this doesn't wake people up, regardless of political affiliation, what the federal government is doing and getting away with, then nothing will and this country is done. There is no pandemic, all evidence points to this being orchestrated for power and money from the get go, it's a complete travesty.

All perhaps true but courts are looking at it in the light of it being approved.
If enough people refuse, they'll change their tune. We have a right to organize.

You do. Whether people will and whether they can afford to will be the question. Risking not getting a pay check while all this gets fought through is something few will risk.
You do. Whether people will and whether they can afford to will be the question. Risking not getting a pay check while all this gets fought through is something few will risk.
I believe you'll see a significant labor shortage, moreso than there already is. And, it'll be all Biden's fault.
School vaccine requirements are done on the State level, not a mandate from one guy in DC.

Try again.

There is no longer a distinction. There should be but there isn't. We never organized to stop it.

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