Our Allies Consider Biden Adm The Most Disastrous Adm In United States Since 1956.

What does that have to do with Biden intentionally causing the death of thousands of Afghans and Americans because he didn't feel up to the job?
Outta the park, Mr. Mudwhistle. I see that the opposition isn't very happy about your series of home runs with the bases loaded a lot. <giggle>
Our allies are spelling out we have known since Jan.
This is the worst president and worst administration that they can remember and that he is doing immense damage on the world's stage:

Wait. They got a guy from the right wing Heritage Foundation who says America is in a death spiral and inside your pointy head this translated to "Our allies consider the Biden admin the most disastrous admin in US since 1956"?


Our allies are worried that they can't trust Biden. Nothing he says can be trusted.
This is something that happens when you lie to your allies and stab them in the back.
Biden stabbed the Afghan government in the back after lying to them for months.....because he didn't want anyone to know that he was actually working with the Taliban and Iran to undermine Kabul.
The British and the French probably understand that Biden will do the same with them in order to help the Chinese and the Russians.
Total BS.
Total BS.
Nope. 100% accurate.
Obama booted out every decent senior officer and replaced them with unqualified yes-men.
Trump made this clear when he stepped into the Oval Office.
Trump said basically that none of those generals deserved their stars.
They no longer knew how to win wars.
And they stabbed him in the back rather than amend their ways.
They chose to undermine him and they did everything they could to make sure they undercut him whenever the opportunity presented itself. This is why Gen Miley talked smack about Trump just before he left office.
Our generals are a bunch of incompetents.
So....enter Walk-Away Joe ByeDumb.
The entire world can see this better than our own people do.
Nobody respects us anymore because of the woke bull shit that has taken over our military and our intel agencies.
Our government is crapola on a stick thanks to Obama/Biden.
Biden is the perfect president for this clownshow.
He's an absolute idiot being controlled by idiot communists.

Nope. 100% accurate.
Obama booted out every decent senior officer and replaced them with unqualified yes-men.
Trump made this clear when he stepped into the Oval Office.
Trump said basically that none of those generals deserved their stars.
They no longer knew how to win wars.
And they stabbed him in the back rather than amend their ways.
They chose to undermine him and they did everything they could to make sure they undercut him whenever the opportunity presented itself. This is why Gen Miley talked smack about Trump just before he left office.
Our generals are a bunch of incompetents.
So....enter Walk-Away Joe ByeDumb.
The entire world can see this better than our own people do.
Nobody respects us anymore because of the woke bull shit that has taken over our military and our intel agencies.
Our government is crapola on a stick thanks to Obama/Biden.
Biden is the perfect president for this clownshow.
He's an absolute idiot being controlled by idiot communists.

Actually we should have done it 19 1/2 years ago

but we didnt

now the world situation has changed with iran and china threatening war and afghan has become a handy place for US forces to be


First, China isn't really a threat because they are claiming some barren islands in the South China sea.

Secondly, Iran has already expanded it's influence into Syria, Iraq and Yemen because we weakened the governments there.

First, China isn't really a threat because they are claiming some barren islands in the South China sea.

Secondly, Iran has already expanded it's influence into Syria, Iraq and Yemen because we weakened the governments there.

You have an excellent grasp of the situation.
Nope. 100% accurate.
Obama booted out every decent senior officer and replaced them with unqualified yes-men.
Trump made this clear when he stepped into the Oval Office.
Trump said basically that none of those generals deserved their stars.
They no longer knew how to win wars.
And they stabbed him in the back rather than amend their ways.
They chose to undermine him and they did everything they could to make sure they undercut him whenever the opportunity presented itself. This is why Gen Miley talked smack about Trump just before he left office.
Our generals are a bunch of incompetents.
So....enter Walk-Away Joe ByeDumb.
The entire world can see this better than our own people do.
Nobody respects us anymore because of the woke bull shit that has taken over our military and our intel agencies.
Our government is crapola on a stick thanks to Obama/Biden.
Biden is the perfect president for this clownshow.
He's an absolute idiot being controlled by idiot communists.

You are mistaken, Trump was the one who wanted to be like the communist leaders. He respected all kinds of despicable leaders and appeared to want to be like them.
First, China isn't really a threat because they are claiming some barren islands in the South China sea.
You can be that uninformed

china builds the islands so that they can claim all the water around the island as chinese territory

if successful that gives them unlimited mineral rights, fishing rights and they can prohibit navigation in international waters
Biden had the balls to get us OUT of Bush's bloody occupation.

Good for him.
Biden had the balls to get us OUT of Bush's bloody occupation.

Good for him.
Are you directing those words of lib wisdom to anyone in particular?

if not then I will note that your most hated enemy Donald Trump pointed senile old joe in that direction first

sure, all three of you are wrong, but at least you are mistaken together
Our allies are spelling out we have known since Jan.
This is the worst president and worst administration that they can remember and that he is doing immense damage on the world's stage:

You are a loon. Nobody over here could tell you who was the Pres in 1956. And nobody gives a shit either.
Worst since the last one is more accurate.
You can be that uninformed

china builds the islands so that they can claim all the water around the island as chinese territory

if successful that gives them unlimited mineral rights, fishing rights and they can prohibit navigation in international waters

You mean. Gasp .. Something called the South CHINA Sea might actually be claimed by China. What's next, will they claim the East CHINA Sea, too?


Oh, my that would be terrible.

Hey, they might to for the NORTH China sea next.
Our allies are spelling out we have known since Jan.
This is the worst president and worst administration that they can remember and that he is doing immense damage on the world's stage:

Total nonsense. Of course to you our "allies" are N Korea, Russia, Turkey, the Taliban and Hitler's ghost. That is how you Trumpoid traitors see it.

In reality our allies are the DEMOCRATIC nations of the world, all of them superior to the USA, since they are all demosocialist while we languish in backwards Reaganomics corporate hegemonic fascist neo-feudalism.

You Trumpoids are not allies of the USA, freedom, democracy or the Constitution. You are our ENEMIES and don't think we don't know this very well.

You're going down, traitor.
You mean. Gasp .. Something called the South CHINA Sea might actually be claimed by China. What's next, will they claim the East CHINA Sea, too?

View attachment 535234

Oh, my that would be terrible.

Hey, they might to for the NORTH China sea next.
The concern is not absurd as you try to make it.

China is trampling on the sovereignty of multiple SE Asian nations with this crap. You might want to ask Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc., what they think of this.
You mean. Gasp .. Something called the South CHINA Sea might actually be claimed by China
I cant believe I’m having this conversation

do you also believe the Gulf of Mexico belongs to Mexico?

china is claiming waters that belong to neighboring countries or are international waters belonging to everyone
You are a loon. Nobody over here could tell you who was the Pres in 1956. And nobody gives a shit either.
Worst since the last one is more accurate.
I'm sure not everyone in the UK is as ignorant as you are.

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