Our embassies are under attack, what do we do about it?


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
The Libyan ambassador and others were killed, it should be obvious to all that it ain't safe to be in the ME with all the turmoil going on. Do we close all embassies in the region, stop all aid to Egypt and Libya and every other ME country that does not honor the concepts of diplomacy? Or just send a strongly worded letter to the respective leaders of those countries?

Every action or decision carries repercussions, whatever we do or don't do means something going forward. Doing little or nothing about the attacks sends as much of a message as closing embassies. Not only to those countries involved but to every other country, friend or enemy. So, what can we do, and what should we do?

What are the long term implications if we cut off all aid and leave, for all concerned? If we left, will we see several more theocracies spring up, multiple Irans all over the place? My understanding is that Quadaffi had a large arsenal of shoulder fired missile launchers, which may have fallen into Al Queda hands or those who are decidely unfriendly to us. I'm not at sure sure our embassy personnel in the region are all that safe, do we keep them in harm's way? If we leave our embassies open, this sort of thing is going to happen again and again.

Not many options here, and none of them look good.
I think the first thing we need to do is get on our knees and talk to our God. We need to get all the wrong things out of our life and then seek His Counsel.

These are acts of war. But we cant afford another war. Yet we also cant let them push us around.

I dont have the wisdom for this one. I doubt the President does either, though Ive been praying for him. I hope Mitt Romney does when he gets into office though.
The Libyan ambassador and others were killed, it should be obvious to all that it ain't safe to be in the ME with all the turmoil going on. Do we close all embassies in the region, stop all aid to Egypt and Libya and every other ME country that does not honor the concepts of diplomacy? Or just send a strongly worded letter to the respective leaders of those countries?
We need to stop funding the groups creating all the turmoil.

Every action or decision carries repercussions, whatever we do or don't do means something going forward. Doing little or nothing about the attacks sends as much of a message as closing embassies. Not only to those countries involved but to every other country, friend or enemy. So, what can we do, and what should we do?
Stop supporting groups tied to al Qaeda. From what I understand, sending arms and military shipments to known terrorist groups, is a crime.

What are the long term implications if we cut off all aid and leave, for all concerned? If we left, will we see several more theocracies spring up, multiple Irans all over the place? My understanding is that Quadaffi had a large arsenal of shoulder fired missile launchers, which may have fallen into Al Queda hands or those who are decidely unfriendly to us. I'm not at sure sure our embassy personnel in the region are all that safe, do we keep them in harm's way? If we leave our embassies open, this sort of thing is going to happen again and again.
If arms have fallen into al Qaeda hands, it's because we sold it to them.
Hopefully we have a response planned at all. That's not a given with this Admin.

This is an act of war. For us to ignore it would be a fatal mistake.
Let's start with a FORMAL PUBLIC apology from the govts of Libya and Egypt for the incidence and a promise that security for our embassies will be a higher priority..

I can work from there. Give them 24 hours to compose a sincere apology. If none arrives -- then move to Plan B which would be embargoes of aid and expelling a few of their diplomats.. I don't even want to think about Plan C -- but the C in C should have one of those as well.

I don't think Obama/Clinton are thinking along those lines. They need to go bye-bye before they buy us a bigger badder war in the ME...
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Our embassies are under attack. What do we do about it?

Close the embassy.
Stop sending any sort of aid there.

Or this President can give a speech then go and appear on all the talk shows and yuk it up.
This whole issue is nothing more than the "frog and the scorpian".

"Republican's want less government, for the
same reasons criminals want less cops!"

What if the government is criminal?
So, what can we do, and what should we do?

What are the long term implications if we cut off all aid and leave, for all concerned? If we left, will we see several more theocracies spring up, multiple Irans all over the place? My understanding is that Quadaffi had a large arsenal of shoulder fired missile launchers, which may have fallen into Al Queda hands or those who are decidely unfriendly to us. I'm not at sure sure our embassy personnel in the region are all that safe, do we keep them in harm's way? If we leave our embassies open, this sort of thing is going to happen again and again.

Not many options here, and none of them look good.

I see quite a bit we can do. It won't be as emotionally satisfying as bombing the hell out of somebody, but it can promote long run American interests.

1. QUIETLY step up embassy and consular security in the region and upgrade our quick response military readiness.

2. Increase visible drone patrols over Libya.

3. Review our efforts to support the Libyan, Egyptian and other government's intelligence gathering and counter-terrorism capacity.

4. Avoid saber-rattling and any comment beyond "We will relentless seek out the perpetrators so they can be brought to justice."

Words don't mean much in these situations and impotent bluster only backfires. Better we keep our mouths shut. The next public comment (however far in the future it may be) should be the results of a combined special forces operation, a targeted missle strike, or a CIA operations branch mission.

Any Embassy we cannot secure should be evacuated. Were these two Embassies even on alert before the shit hit the fan? What preemptive measures were taken, if any? Who leaked info to the Insurgents in the first place? Who can even be trusted? Is our Administration more interested in cover-up and diversion than getting to the root of the problem? Are they confusing Romney with the real Threat, The Real Enemy? Are that that shallow and that ignorant? .... Trick Question, don't answer that. Should we retaliate? I would ask, against Who? Innocents? No. Why compound the problem. What Universe is the State Department even living in, apologizing for Free Speech, out of Sinc with the Administration. That has been a pattern for far too long. Makes one wonder whose interests they represent, besides the UN's, anyway.
So, what can we do, and what should we do?

What are the long term implications if we cut off all aid and leave, for all concerned? If we left, will we see several more theocracies spring up, multiple Irans all over the place? My understanding is that Quadaffi had a large arsenal of shoulder fired missile launchers, which may have fallen into Al Queda hands or those who are decidely unfriendly to us. I'm not at sure sure our embassy personnel in the region are all that safe, do we keep them in harm's way? If we leave our embassies open, this sort of thing is going to happen again and again.

Not many options here, and none of them look good.

I see quite a bit we can do. It won't be as emotionally satisfying as bombing the hell out of somebody, but it can promote long run American interests.

1. QUIETLY step up embassy and consular security in the region and upgrade our quick response military readiness.

2. Increase visible drone patrols over Libya.

3. Review our efforts to support the Libyan, Egyptian and other government's intelligence gathering and counter-terrorism capacity.

4. Avoid saber-rattling and any comment beyond "We will relentless seek out the perpetrators so they can be brought to justice."

Words don't mean much in these situations and impotent bluster only backfires. Better we keep our mouths shut. The next public comment (however far in the future it may be) should be the results of a combined special forces operation, a targeted missle strike, or a CIA operations branch mission.


Why bomb? You think the Instigators are standing around wearing Kick Me signs? Haven't we had enough with collateral damage.
Any Embassy we cannot secure should be evacuated. Were these two Embassies even on alert before the shit hit the fan? What preemptive measures were taken, if any? Who leaked info to the Insurgents in the first place? Who can even be trusted? Is our Administration more interested in cover-up and diversion than getting to the root of the problem? Are they confusing Romney with the real Threat, The Real Enemy? Are that that shallow and that ignorant? .... Trick Question, don't answer that. Should we retaliate? I would ask, against Who? Innocents? No. Why compound the problem. What Universe is the State Department even living in, apologizing for Free Speech, out of Sinc with the Administration. That has been a pattern for far too long. Makes one wonder whose interests they represent, besides the UN's, anyway.

Seems to me it is the host nation's responsibility to ensure adequate security for every embassy in it's country. If they do not do so, we should make them pay for it. Cut off aid, apply sanctions, pull out our embassy, doesn't have to be a military response. But I think a response is required, we gotta do something more than a strongly worded condemnation.
Shoulder fired missiles? So what they are really old and useless.....some militants in gaza have a few now...
An attack on an embassy by a group of malcontents is not an Act of War.

To call it an Act of War is idiotic. :cuckoo:
An attack on an embassy by a group of malcontents is not an Act of War.

To call it an Act of War is idiotic. :cuckoo:

An attack on the property of another nation, and murder of it's citizens, is clearly an act of war. How can it be anything but an act of war?

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