Our Enemies and How They Take Advantage of the American Election Sporting Event


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
I submit that because all our politicians seem to be doing nowadays is trying to compete with each other like a sporting event in order to promote the most extreme platforms on the fringes of their "team", that their entire focus has shifted from governing and compromising finding common ground to focusing on media grandstanding and extreme covert behaviors in order to "win" "the game".

I'm not taking a side with either party on this fatal flaw and weak scale in American national security. Both sides are sporting jerseys completely objectionable to the majority in the middle bloc of voters.

So while our stupid, myopic, greedy, narcissistic leaders squabble endlessly to blindly promote agendas they're not even cognizant of the longterm ramifications of, our enemies time their strategic moves around our election cycles knowing full well that "Americans won't do this or that" while elections are pending...

Which is very dangerous for national security.

I think a boycott is in order and a message needs to be sent. Any politician who demonizes others in excess or who stands for platforms that are "out there" as far as regular people are concerned, such as gay marriage and a complete welfare state on the left or fracking and warring on the right and a complete dissolving of social safety nets [like affordable healthcare] should get the boot.

Let's make 2014 the election cycle where regular people save the country from our enemies by sending a clear and stark message to politicians that we elect them to govern and not to compete in some beauty contest or sport event.

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