Our first admendment rights are all but gone


This isn't a constitutional issue, it's a cultural issue.

A bunch of narcissists taking it on themselves to play judge and jury.

They're not forced to try to punish people for what they say, and to intimidate people.

They choose to.


No a woman with a bone to pick possibly did something illegal and taped sterling. What happened after was pure free market reaction.

Naturally you dont see this.

And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.

The free market has spoken

they just loved the free market when it affected the Dixie chicks... they hate it when it affects racists and gun wielding thugs

Not quite right. I don't support what he said, it did bring the NBA into disrepute, and they had the right to punish him for that. However, they went too far. The penalty did not fit the crime. The commissioner did not act for justice, he acted to placate Blacks and brain dead liberal/socialists. A vain attempt to show there is no racism in the NBA.

Nevertheless, the NBA is a private organization and they have the right to do what they do. That does not mean that what they do is anymove above criticism than the remarks of the man they punished.
Oh good Lord. Of COURSE money isn't evil. It will still be going into Sterlings pockets. Do you people NOT look past your noses!?!?

not if he is forced to sell the team. What would really burn him is if he was offered what he paid, which is 15 million. I mean thats still a lot, but its not 600 million that the team is worth.

The NBA has no authority to force the sale, Sterling only needs to hire someone to manage the team for him.

well that entirely depends on his contract now doesnt it? If there is a clause about "image" ( i dont have the right words here) then yes they can force it.

No he cant hire anyone, He is banned from any business the clippers do.
Well had you googled you could have followed this really simple story.
Sterling says comments.
Sponsors pull out
NBA bans him and now is going to peruse having him sell the team, Since they have certain clauses in the contract Sterling had to adhere too.
Sponsors comeback because Sterling is not there....Im going to assume the ban means he gets zero cash.

Good grief. You posted the words but you miss the point.

no i got the point. This is pure free market reaction to something negative.
You have nothing
He was banned because sponsors pulled out?
The NBA is a private enterprise. They can lock anyone out that they want. It's all about the money. The money was flowing away from Donald Sterling and the NBA had to cut him loose or go down with him. The free market has spoken. There's no criminal prosecution so it doesn't have anything to do with the First Amendment. It's just like an employee getting fired for not being a good employee.

It's just Capitalism.

This isn't a constitutional issue, it's a cultural issue.

A bunch of narcissists taking it on themselves to play judge and jury.

They're not forced to try to punish people for what they say, and to intimidate people.

They choose to.


No a woman with a bone to pick possibly did something illegal and taped sterling. What happened after was pure free market reaction.

Naturally you dont see this.

And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.


tough shit. Lets say you like to shit on sidewalks. Naturally people wont like this and will shun you for shitting on sidewalks. Some behavior is not ok, and society as a whole can decide if that's not cool. Saying " you can't bring Black people to the games" is something society wont stand for.

Tough shit, grow up, act like an adult and stop crying you can't do whatever you want.
No a woman with a bone to pick possibly did something illegal and taped sterling. What happened after was pure free market reaction.

Naturally you dont see this.

And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.


tough shit. Lets say you like to shit on sidewalks. Naturally people wont like this and will shun you for shitting on sidewalks. Some behavior is not ok, and society as a whole can decide if that's not cool. Saying " you can't bring Black people to the games" is something society wont stand for.

Tough shit, grow up, act like an adult and stop crying you can't do whatever you want.

"Tough shit".

Thanks for the confirmation.

As if I needed it.

Good grief. You posted the words but you miss the point.

no i got the point. This is pure free market reaction to something negative.
You have nothing
He was banned because sponsors pulled out?

he was banned because he said racist comments and the players threatened a boycott.

is this story too complicated for you?

Should we move onto something like " bunnies like to hop" ?
they just loved the free market when it affected the Dixie chicks... they hate it when it affects racists and gun wielding thugs

They, jillian?

Typically, it's us who have to explain the obvious to leftists, not that they ever acknowledge the truth of it . . . until instances like this when it suits them!

Then somehow they rediscover the essence of unabridgible civil liberties!


It's a boy! Have a cigar! :lol:

It's leftists who are predominantly hostile to the realities of free expression. Just ask anyone who goes to college nowadays. Well, don't ask leftists. They think political correctness is normal. Hell, just look at any public institution of education from the ground up. Leftist PC claptrap . . . or else . . . is the bane of free speech in this country virtually anywhere you go.

And why do leftists incessantly impose their "morality" in violation of the prerogatives of free-association and property in the private sector?

Homosexuals have the right to make Christians participate in their weddings, for example, and make expressions contrary to their beliefs? Isn't that right, jillian?

Yeah! It's okay to make them Christians second-class citizens. Right, jillian?

Gonna put crosses on their sleeves next, jillian?

You are Jewish, aren't you. Don't you know better, what happens when the government condones one group violating the civil liberties of another?

The monstrous hypocrisy and depraved tyranny of the left knows no bounds.

Don't give me that they crap. Suppression-Oppression is lefty's middle name.
im sure you said something in this rant, but who gives a shit.

LOL! Now it's a girl! No cigar! Lefty suddenly went all deaf and stupid again.

This isn't a constitutional issue, it's a cultural issue.

A bunch of narcissists taking it on themselves to play judge and jury.

They're not forced to try to punish people for what they say, and to intimidate people.

They choose to.


No a woman with a bone to pick possibly did something illegal and taped sterling. What happened after was pure free market reaction.

Naturally you dont see this.

And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.


Yes, we should ignore his behavior...and with our silence, condone it.
And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.


tough shit. Lets say you like to shit on sidewalks. Naturally people wont like this and will shun you for shitting on sidewalks. Some behavior is not ok, and society as a whole can decide if that's not cool. Saying " you can't bring Black people to the games" is something society wont stand for.

Tough shit, grow up, act like an adult and stop crying you can't do whatever you want.

"Tough shit".

Thanks for the confirmation.

As if I needed it.


here is a better one. You are 5 years old and over hear someone say the word shit. You go home and start saying the word in front of your mother. Your mother says stop it or you are grounded. So you are out in public getting food and you say shit. Your mother says you are grounded.
Now here is fork in the road. Down one side is your argument. I should be able to say shit and nothing of consequence should happen to me".
The other side you get grounded for two weeks because you decided to say shit again.

So you get grounded and what is your argument? Mom!!! you cant ground me because its socially unexceptionable to say shit out in public.

You literally have the argument of a 5 year old. In fact thats how i am going to respond to your posts...." But mom!"
No a woman with a bone to pick possibly did something illegal and taped sterling. What happened after was pure free market reaction.

Naturally you dont see this.

And naturally you don't see that our current culture intimidates people to react in certain ways. Anyone who doesn't feign horror and disgust is suspect, anyone who doesn't demand retribution is complicit.

Actually, I'm sure you do see it, which is the goal in the first place.


Yes, we should ignore his behavior...and with our silence, condone it.

Funny, you're being awfully "silent" about Kerry's remarks toward Israel, aren't you? Hypocrite.
no i got the point. This is pure free market reaction to something negative.
You have nothing
He was banned because sponsors pulled out?

he was banned because he said racist comments and the players threatened a boycott.

is this story too complicated for you?

Should we move onto something like " bunnies like to hop" ?

Everyone is right, you really are stupid.

Now the free market reaction is players threat to boycott? Idiot
He was banned because sponsors pulled out?

he was banned because he said racist comments and the players threatened a boycott.

is this story too complicated for you?

Should we move onto something like " bunnies like to hop" ?

Everyone is right, you really are stupid.

Now the free market reaction is players threat to boycott? Idiot

boycott, sponsors pull support, People stop attending games...Yes thats free market dipshit.

You people love to advocate for free market till it actually happens. Then you cry like a baby when it does.
What's the NBA going to do if this guy refuses to sell the team?

Even if this guy puts scrubs on the court and loses every single game, he's going to make money since the NBA has revenue sharing. He could go out and give contracts to homeless players for $1,000.00 a week, lose every game, no fans in the stands except for the opposing teams fans, and this guy will make money.

Yes, there are consequences for saying stupid things, but there may also be consequences to consequences as well.
What's the NBA going to do if this guy refuses to sell the team?

Even if this guy puts scrubs on the court and loses every single game, he's going to make money since the NBA has revenue sharing. He could go out and give contracts to homeless players for $1,000.00 a week, lose every game, no fans in the stands except for the opposing teams fans, and this guy will make money.

Yes, there are consequences for saying stupid things, but there may also be consequences to consequences as well.


When Sterling first bought the team - they were little more than scrubs. They floundered for the next 15-20 years. Attendance was the worst in the NBA. They were miserable.

Sterling stood by the team and built it into a contender. He can now, just as easily make sure that it goes in the other direction, which is what I expect him to do. An NBA team is NOT an entity unto itself. If the owner won't support it - it will flounder into mediocrity.

This "parity" crap is an illusion. That's why only multi-millionaires and billionaires can be involved in owning professional sports teams.

That's why the NAACP is already talking about "forgiveness". They WANT Sterlings big checks.
This thought has been going through my mind lately. The man does indeed have free speech rights, but, he also isn't immune from the consequences of his remarks. The NBA just let the hammer down on Mr. Sterling for it. Good for them.
Hmmm, was there any type of physical or extensive mental harm that came to people due to his foolish remarks that were made, and next can it be proven in a court of law that extensive mental or physical damage and/or harm came to anyone in specific when he made his remarks ? Yes people can say what they want to say under their first amendment rights of course, but the issue explodes when it harms people either directly be it in a physical or extensive mental way or maybe not right? This should determin as to whether or not a person is legal to bring punishment or not against the person who said certain things and/or says certain things that would have caused this type of damage.

Now the question is, (did what this Sterling fellow say), directly harm someone physically or mentally, and can it be proven that his comments did this to someone when he made them ?

If not, then wouldn't it be that he is expected to make a sincere apology to all for whom he may have offended indirectly and/or directly by his idiotic words in which he had spoken ? Everyone are adults in this I'm thinking right, and they are all understanding of the idiocy in which the man had spoken from and with, but did it harm them physically or mentally at all when they heard him speak these words that he has spoken ? Now for those whom had found themselves in the line of fire (they figured), and this by his words spoken or if they had injected themselves into the line of fire due his words spoken, can they site mental or physical trama from this event in a court of law ? Are there many making themselves victims of his words spoken, even if his foolishness wasn't targetting them in specific ?
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I do not agree with one ounce of what that LA clipper owner said. But he said it in his own home .. Our freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I hope you liberals are happy

WHAT does this have to do with the First Amendment?

Hint: read my signature.

He knew he was being recorded. He requested she record him because he forgets things.

And, your thread title?

Our first admendment rights are all but gone

EXACTLY what First Amendment rights are "gone" or even threatened?

And, fox/alex jones shit doesn't count.


Post FACTS that PROVE "our first admendment rights are all but gone".

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